Dennis v. Comm'r , 2011 Tax Ct. Summary LEXIS 131 ( 2011 )

  •                   T.C. Summary Opinion 2011-134
    DENISE DIANA DENNIS, Petitioner v.
    Docket No. 22198-09S.              Filed December 5, 2011.
    Denise Diana Dennis, pro se.
    Joline M. Wang, for respondent.
    WELLS, Judge:   This case was heard pursuant to the
    provisions of section 7463 of the Internal Revenue Code in effect
    when the petition was filed.1   Pursuant to section 7463(b), the
    decision to be entered is not reviewable by any other court, and
    Unless otherwise indicated, section references are to the
    Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in effect for the year at issue,
    and Rule references are to the Tax Court Rules of Practice and
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    this opinion shall not be treated as precedent for any other
    case.   Respondent determined a deficiency of $11,396 in
    petitioner’s 2007 Federal income tax and an accuracy-related
    penalty of $2,279 pursuant to section 6662(a).    The issues we
    must decide are:   (1) Whether proceeds from the settlement of a
    racial discrimination lawsuit under the Missouri Human Rights
    Act, alleging emotional distress, are excludable from gross
    income; (2) whether petitioner failed to report wages of $3,510;
    and (3) whether petitioner is liable for the accuracy-related
    penalty pursuant to section 6662(a).
    Some of the facts and certain exhibits have been stipulated.
    The parties’ stipulations of facts are incorporated in this
    opinion by reference and are found accordingly.    At the time she
    filed her petition, petitioner was a resident of Missouri.
    Petitioner was employed at Grandview Care Center, Inc.
    (Grandview), from approximately August 2005 until she resigned in
    December 2005.   During that time, she suffered racial harassment
    from Grandview’s residents, who spoke to her using racial
    epithets.   Although she complained to her supervisors, the
    situation did not improve; and she eventually resigned because
    her work environment was so unpleasant.   After resigning,
    petitioner filed a lawsuit against Grandview under the Missouri
    Human Rights Act, claiming damages for “loss of self-esteem,
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    humiliation, emotional distress and mental anguish and pain, and
    related compensatory damages.”    Petitioner suffered no physical
    injuries as a result of the harassment.    During June 2007,
    Grandview entered into a confidential settlement agreement and
    release (settlement) with petitioner.    Pursuant to the
    settlement, Grandview paid petitioner $82,500.    Of that amount,
    $3,674.24 constituted legal expenses, $35,471.59 was for
    attorney’s fees, and petitioner received a check for $43,354.17.
    On July 10, 2007, petitioner signed a document from her
    attorneys titled “Settlement Distribution - Tax Consequences”,
    which stated, among other things:
    Counsel has informed client that there are complicated
    issues surrounding the taxability of employment
    discrimination awards and/or settlements. Counsel has
    further informed Client [sic] that payment for non-physical
    injuries are generally taxable * * *.
    *       *       *         *       *       *       *
    Counsel informed Client [sic] that the law is unsettled as
    to whether emotional damages in non-physical injury cases
    are taxable. Counsel informed client about the decision in
    Murphy v. Internal Revenue Service 
    460 F.3d 79
    holding that such damages are not always taxable. Counsel
    has urged client to obtain professional tax advice and
    provide a copy of the attached case to the tax professional
    to determine what, if any, impact it has on the resolution
    of the issue of the tax consequences associated with this
    settlement. Counsel has informed Client [sic] that there
    has been an appeal of that case and the case may be
    overturned and/or may not be followed by the Courts in
    Missouri * * *.
    The case mentioned in that document, Murphy v. IRS, 
    460 F.3d 79
    (D.C. Cir. 2006), was later vacated by the Court of Appeals for
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    the District of Columbia Circuit on December 22, 2006, Murphy v.
    IRS, 99 AFTR 2d 2007-396, 2007-1 USTC par. 50,228 (D.C. Cir.
    2006).   The Court of Appeals subsequently heard additional
    arguments before issuing another decision on July 3, 2007, in
    which it held that the taxpayer’s compensatory award for
    emotional distress was taxable.   Murphy v. IRS, 
    493 F.3d 170
    (D.C. Cir. 2007).   However, petitioner was not aware of those
    Petitioner received a Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income,
    reporting her income from the settlement.   Petitioner spoke with
    several tax return preparers about her 2007 tax return.    She
    first spoke with someone at Jackson Hewitt, to whom she gave a
    copy of her Form 1099.   The tax return preparer at Jackson Hewitt
    asked her about the lawsuit.   Petitioner told her:   “Well, I am
    not supposed to disclose, but it is emotional distress.”    The tax
    return preparer at Jackson Hewitt was unsure about the tax
    consequences of the settlement, so she called someone.    However,
    that person apparently did not know either, and Jackson Hewitt
    never gave petitioner an answer about the tax consequences.
    Petitioner then left Jackson Hewitt because she did not think the
    people there knew what they were doing.
    Petitioner called another tax return preparer and inquired
    on the phone about whether the proceeds of a settlement from a
    lawsuit seeking damages for emotional distress were taxable.     She
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    could not remember whom she had called, but she remembered that
    the office was at 47th and Troost.      The person with whom
    petitioner spoke on the phone told her that the proceeds of the
    settlement were not taxable.
    Next, petitioner sought advice from Jarods Accounting
    Services.    However, petitioner did not give the tax return
    preparer at that firm a copy of her Form 1099 because she could
    not find it.    She told the tax return preparer that she had
    received a confidential settlement but did not ask the preparer
    about the tax consequences of the settlement.      The tax return
    preparer did not ask petitioner for the Form 1099, and she
    omitted from petitioner’s return the income from the settlement.
    During 2007, petitioner received $3,510 in wages from a
    woman named Barbara Biederman (Ms. Biederman) for whom petitioner
    provided caretaking services.    However, petitioner did not report
    those wages on her return because she had not received a Form W-
    2, Wage and Tax Statement.    Petitioner called Ms. Biederman once
    to inquire about the Form W-2 and was told it would be mailed to
    her.    Petitioner believed that Ms. Biederman was withholding
    income tax from her wages, but Ms. Biederman actually withheld
    only Social Security and Medicare taxes.      Petitioner did not
    report the wages she received from Ms. Biederman on her 2007 tax
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    Respondent mailed petitioner a notice of deficiency for her
    2007 tax year on July 20, 2009.    In the notice of deficiency,
    respondent determined that petitioner’s income should be
    increased to reflect wages of $3,510 received from Ms. Biederman
    and other income of $82,500 from the settlement.     Respondent
    allowed petitioner a deduction of $39,146 for her attorney’s fees
    and legal expenses.    Petitioner timely filed her petition with
    this Court.
    As a general rule, the Commissioner’s determinations set
    forth in a notice of deficiency are presumed correct, and the
    taxpayer bears the burden of proving otherwise.     Rule 142(a);
    Welch v. Helvering, 
    290 U.S. 111
    , 115 (1933).
    Gross income generally includes all income from whatever
    source derived.   Sec. 61(a).   The definition of gross income is
    broad in scope, while exclusions from income are narrowly
    construed.    Commissioner v. Schleier, 
    515 U.S. 323
    , 328 (1995).
    Damages (other than punitive) received on account of personal
    physical injuries or physical sickness may generally be excluded
    from gross income.    Sec. 104(a)(2).   For the damages to be
    excluded under this provision, the underlying cause of action
    must be based in tort or tort-type rights and the proceeds must
    be damages received on account of personal physical injury or
    sickness.    Commissioner v. Schleier, supra at 337.   Emotional
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    distress is not treated as a personal physical injury or physical
    sickness except for damages not in excess of the amount paid for
    medical care attributable to emotional distress.   Sec. 104(a)
    (flush language).
    Petitioner has cited Murphy v. IRS, 
    460 F.3d 79
    (D.C. Cir.
    2006), to argue that the proceeds of her settlement compensating
    her for emotional distress should be exempt from income.
    However, as noted above, the Murphy decision petitioner cites was
    later vacated by the Court of Appeals.   Accordingly, we reject
    petitioner’s argument that her income from the settlement was
    We next consider whether petitioner owes income tax on the
    wages of $3,510 she received from Ms. Biederman.   Petitioner did
    not dispute that she failed to report her wages from Ms.
    Biederman on her tax return.   However, she contended that Ms.
    Biederman had told her that her Federal income tax was being
    withheld from her wages.   Respondent determined that petitioner’s
    Federal income tax had not been withheld.   Because petitioner
    bears the burden of proof and offered no evidence to the
    contrary, we conclude that no income tax had been withheld from
    the wages petitioner received from Ms. Biederman and that
    petitioner failed to pay income tax on those wages.
    Finally, we consider whether petitioner is liable for the
    accuracy-related penalty pursuant to section 6662(a).   Generally,
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    the Commissioner bears the burden of production with respect to
    any penalty, including the accuracy-related penalty.    Sec.
    7491(c); Higbee v. Commissioner, 
    116 T.C. 438
    , 446 (2001).     To
    meet that burden, the Commissioner must come forward with
    sufficient evidence indicating that it is appropriate to impose
    the relevant penalty.   Higbee v. Commissioner, supra at 446.       The
    Commissioner has the burden of production only; the ultimate
    burden of proving that the penalty is not applicable remains on
    the taxpayer.   
    Id. Subsection (a)
    of section 6662 imposes an accuracy-related
    penalty of 20 percent of any underpayment that is attributable to
    causes specified in subsection (b), including a “substantial
    understatement” of income tax.     Section 6664(c)(1) provides that
    the accuracy-related penalty shall not apply to any portion of an
    underpayment if it is shown that there was reasonable cause for
    the taxpayer’s position with respect to that portion and that the
    taxpayer acted in good faith with respect to that portion.     The
    determination of whether the taxpayer acted with reasonable cause
    and in good faith is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into
    account the relevant facts and circumstances.    Sec.
    1.6664-4(b)(1), Income Tax Regs.    “Circumstances that may
    indicate reasonable cause and good faith include an honest
    misunderstanding of fact or law that is reasonable in light of
    all of the facts and circumstances, including the experience,
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    knowledge, and education of the taxpayer.”    
    Id. Generally, the
    most important factor is the extent of the taxpayer’s efforts to
    assess the proper tax liability.   
    Id. An honest
    of fact or law that is reasonable in the light of the experience,
    knowledge, and education of the taxpayer may indicate reasonable
    cause and good faith.   Remy v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1997-72.
    Petitioner is obviously unfamiliar with tax law.    She was
    advised by the attorneys who handled her lawsuit that she should
    seek professional advice regarding the tax treatment of her
    income from the settlement.   By advising her of the Court of
    Appeals’ holding in Murphy v. IRS, 
    460 F.3d 79
    (D.C. Cir. 2006),
    those attorneys also provided her with a reason to believe that
    the income from the settlement might not be taxable.2    Petitioner
    consulted three different tax preparation services, and none of
    them advised her that the income from the settlement was taxable.
    On the basis of petitioner’s background, education, and actions
    seeking advice on a complex tax issue, we conclude that
    petitioner had reasonable cause for her position and acted in
    good faith on her belief, although mistaken, when she failed to
    As noted above, by the time petitioner signed the
    “Settlement Distribution - Tax Consequences” document prepared by
    her attorneys on July 10, 2007, the decision in Murphy v. IRS,
    460 F.3d 79
    (D.C. Cir. 2006), had been vacated by Murphy v. IRS,
    99 AFTR 2d 2007-396, 2007-1 USTC par. 50,228 (D.C. Cir. 2006)
    (vacated Dec. 22, 2006), and the Court of Appeals had decided
    Murphy v. IRS, 
    493 F.3d 170
    (D.C. Cir. 2007) (decided July 3,
    2007). Accordingly, the information provided to petitioner by
    her attorneys was inaccurate even when she signed the document.
    - 10 -
    report her income from the settlement.     Consequently, we hold
    that petitioner is not liable for the accuracy-related penalty on
    the portion of her underpayment attributable to income from the
    Petitioner contends that she acted reasonably in not
    reporting her income from Ms. Biederman because she did not
    receive a Form W-2 and mistakenly believed that Ms. Biederman had
    already withheld her Federal income tax.     However, it was not
    necessary that petitioner receive a Form W-2 in order for her to
    know that she had received compensation for her services for Ms.
    Biederman.    See, e.g., Brunsman v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.
    2003-291.     It was not reasonable for petitioner to simply omit
    that compensation on her tax return.     Accordingly, petitioner is
    not excused from liability for the accuracy-related penalty on
    the income she received from Ms. Biederman.
    In reaching these holdings, we have considered all the
    parties’ arguments, and, to the extent not addressed herein, we
    conclude that they are moot, irrelevant, or without merit.
    To reflect the foregoing,
    Decision will be entered
    under Rule 155.

Document Info

Docket Number: Docket No. 22198-09S.

Citation Numbers: 2011 T.C. Summary Opinion 134, 2011 Tax Ct. Summary LEXIS 131

Filed Date: 12/5/2011

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/18/2021