State v. Albert Holston ( 1997 )

    JUNE SESSION, 1997
    ALBERT HOLSTON,           )   C.C.A. NO. 02C01-9609-CR-00298
    Appellant,          )
    )   HON. W. FRED AXLEY
    STATE OF TENNESSEE,       )   JUDGE                         July 28, 1997
    Cecil Crowson, Jr.
    Appellee.           )   (Post-Conviction)           Appellate C ourt Clerk
    66 Monroe, Suite 804          Attorney General and Reporter
    Memphis, TN 38103
    Assistant Attorney General
    450 James Robertson Parkway
    Nashville, TN 37243-4351
    District Attorney General
    Assistant District Attorney General
    Criminal Justice Complex, Suite 301
    201 Poplar Street
    Memphis, TN 38103
    OPINION FILED ________________________
    The Petitioner, Albert Holston, appeals as of right pursuant to Rule 3 of the
    Tennessee Rules of Appellate Procedure from the trial court’s denial of his
    petition for post-conviction relief. He filed a petition for post-conviction relief on
    July 12, 1996. On July 30, 1996, the trial court dismissed the petition without
    conducting an evidentiary hearing, finding that it was barred by the statute of
    limitations.1 W e affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    On April 30, 1992, the Petitioner was convicted by a Shelby County jury of
    aggravated rape and was sentenced to eighteen years imprisonment. A panel
    of this Court affirmed his conviction on Septem ber 15, 1993. See State v. Albert
    B. Holston, C.C.A. No. 02C01-9210-CR-00247, Shelby County (Tenn. Crim.
    App., Jackson, Sept. 15, 1993). It appears from the record that the Petitioner did
    not seek perm ission to appeal to our supreme court.
    On July 12, 1996, the Petitioner filed a petition for post-conviction relief
    which is the subject of the case sub judice. In the petition, he argued that his trial
    counsel rendered ineffective assistance both prior to trial and at trial. He also
    argued that the trial court’s intimidating demeanor contributed to his counsel’s
    deficient representation, thereby violating his due process rights. The trial court
    found that the petition was barred by the statute of limitations and dismissed it
    without conducting an evidentiary hearing. It is from the trial court’s order of
    See Tenn . Code A nn. §§ 40-30-2 02 and -20 6(b) (Supp. 199 6).
    dismissal that the Petitioner appeals, raising the following four issues for our
    1) That the trial court erred in finding that his petition for post-
    conviction relief was barred by the statute of limitations;
    2) that the one-year statute of limitations violates due process;
    3) that the one-year statute of limitations violates the Tennessee
    Constitution’s prohibition against the retrospective impairment of
    contractual obligations; and,
    4) that the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act’s provision
    eliminating tolling of the statute of limitations is in contravention of
    Tennessee case law and violates due process.
    The Petitioner first contends that the trial court erred in finding that his
    petition for post-conviction relief was barred by the statute of limitations. At the
    time the Petitioner’s convictions became final, the statute of limitations applicable
    to post-conviction proceedings was three years. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-102
    (repealed 1995).     The three-year statute of limitations was subsequently
    shortened to one year by the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act, which took
    effect on May 10, 1995. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-201 et seq. (Supp. 1996).
    At the time the new Act took effect, the previous three-year statute of limitations
    had not expired for the Petitioner.
    Of course, the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act governs this petition
    and all petitions filed after May 10, 1995. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-201 et
    seq. (Supp. 1996). This Act provides, in pertinent part, that “notwithstanding any
    other provision of this part to the contrary, any person having ground for relief
    recognized under this part shall have at least one (1) year from May 10, 1995, to
    file a petition or a motion to reopen a petition under this part.” Compiler’s Notes
    to Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-201 (Supp. 1996) (referring to Acts 1995, ch. 207,
    § 3). Because the previous three-year statute of limitations had not expired for
    the Petitioner at the time the new Act took effect, his right to petition for post-
    conviction relief survived under the new Act. See Betsy Jane Pendergrast v.
    State, C.C.A. No. 01C01-9607-CC-00289, Rutherford County (Tenn. Crim. App.,
    Nashville, May 16, 1997); cf. Doyle Carter v. State, C.C.A. No. 01C01-9511-CC-
    00398, Davidson County (Tenn. Crim. App., Nashville, Feb. 12, 1997); Eric C.
    Pendleton v. State, C.C.A. No. 01C01-9604-CR-00158, Davidson County (Tenn.
    Crim. App., Nashville, Feb. 12, 1997); W allace Butler v. Ricky Bell, Warden,
    C.C.A. No. 02C01-9510-CC-00297, Fayette County (Tenn. Crim. App., Jackson,
    Nov. 19, 1996); Johnny L. Butler v. State, C.C.A. No. 02C01-9509-CR-00289,
    Shelby County (Tenn. Crim. App., Jackson, Dec. 2, 1996).
    As a result, the Petitioner had one year from the effective date of the new
    Act, May 10, 1995, to file for post-conviction relief. See Compiler’s Notes to
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-201 (Supp. 1996) (referring to Acts 1995, ch. 207, § 3);
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-202(a) (Supp. 1996). He filed his petition for post-
    conviction relief on July 12, 1996, a few weeks after the expiration of the one-year
    period.      The Petitioner has not alleged that his claims fit within one of the
    enumerated exceptions to the one-year statute of limitations. See Tenn. Code
    Ann. § 40-30-202(b),(c) (Supp. 1996). Accordingly, we conclude that the trial
    court correctly found that the petition was barred by the statute of limitations.2
    As his second issue, the Petitioner argues in the alternative that if the trial
    court correctly dismissed the petition as having been time-barred, the new Act’s
    The Petitioner also argues that the trial court erred in failing to enter a preliminary order and
    to direc t the district attorn ey gen eral to resp ond to the petition. See Te nn. C ode Ann . §§ 40-30 -207 , -
    208. Because the petition clearly shows that it was filed after the expiration of the one-year statute of
    lim itations, we be lieve that the trial court properly dism issed the petition upon preliminary
    con sideration. See Tenn . Code A nn. § 40-30-20 6(b).
    one-year statute of limitations violates due process guarantees. See U.S. Const.
    amend. XIV, § 1; Tenn. Const. art. I, § 8. The State, on the other hand, argues
    that it was within the legislature’s power to enact the one-year statute of
    limitations and that the statute does not violate due process because it provides
    a reasonable period of time in which post-conviction claims can be asserted.
    It is well-established that the identification of the precise dictates of due
    process requires consideration of both the governmental interests involved and
    the private interests affected by the official action. Burford v. State, 
    845 S.W.2d 204
    , 207 (Tenn. 1992) (citing Fusari v. Steinberg, 
    419 U.S. 379
    , 389, 
    95 S. Ct. 533
    , 539, 
    42 L. Ed. 2d 521
    , 529 (1975)).            With regard to post-conviction
    proceedings, the private interest at stake is a prisoner’s opportunity to attack his
    or her conviction and incarceration on the grounds that he or she was deprived
    of a constitutional right during the conviction process. 
    Id. The governmental interest
    represented by the statute of limitations is the prevention of the litigation
    of stale and groundless claims, with the accom panying cost. 
    Id. Furthermore, although freedom
    from bodily restraint and punishment by the
    State without due process of law is a fundamental right, it is clear that states have
    no constitutional duty to provide post-conviction relief procedures. 
    Id. (citations omitted). Thus,
    as our supreme court held in Burford, the opportunity to
    collaterally assert constitutional violations which occurred during the conviction
    process is not a fundamental right entitled to heightened due process protection.
    Id. -5- It is
    also clear that the State has a legitimate interest in preventing the
    litigation of stale or fraudulent claims. 
    Id. at 208 (citing
    Jimenez v. W einberger,
    417 U.S. 628
    , 636, 
    94 S. Ct. 2496
    , 2501, 
    41 L. Ed. 2d 363
    , 370 (1974)). The State
    may therefore erect reasonable procedural requirements for triggering the right
    to an adjudication, such as statutes of limitations, and may terminate a claim for
    failure to comply with a reasonable procedural rule without violating due process
    Id. (citing Logan v.
    Zimmerman Brush Co., 
    455 U.S. 422
    , 437, 
    102 S. Ct. 1148
    , 1158, 
    71 L. Ed. 2d 265
    , 279 (1982)). Before a state may terminate a claim
    for failure to comply with procedural requirements such as statutes of limitations,
    however, due process requires that potential litigants be provided an opportunity
    for the presentation of claims at a meaningful time and in a meaningful manner.
    Id. As was the
    case in Burford, when our supreme court considered the
    constitutionality of the three-year statute of limitations, the question before us is
    “whether the State’s policy reflected in the statute affords a fair and reasonable
    opportunity for ... bringing ... suit.” 
    Id. (quoting Pickett v.
    Brown, 638 S.W .2d 369,
    376 (Tenn. 1982), rev’d on equal protection grounds, 
    462 U.S. 1
    103 S. Ct. 2199
    76 L. Ed. 2d 372
    (1983)). The test is whether the time period provides a petitioner
    a reasonable opportunity to have the claimed issue heard and determined. 
    Id. (citing Michel v.
    350 U.S. 91
    , 93, 
    76 S. Ct. 158
    , 160, 
    100 L. Ed. 2d 83
    89 (1955)). Having considered the private and governmental interests at stake,
    we conclude that the one-year statute of limitations contained in Tennessee Code
    Annotated section 40-30-202 provides a reasonable opportunity for the
    presentation of post-conviction claims.         Cf. Burford, 845 S.W .2d at 208.
    Accordingly, we believe that the one-year statute of limitations on petitions for
    post-conviction relief does not violate the due process guarantees of the United
    States and Tennessee Constitutions.
    Moreover, we do not believe that the application of the one-year statute of
    limitations in the present case violated this Petitioner’s due process rights. As we
    stated above, the Petitioner’s conviction became final on September 15, 1993.
    At that time, the previous three-year statute of limitations applied to the Petitioner,
    meaning that he would ordinarily have had until September 15, 1996 to file for
    post-conviction relief. The new Post-Conviction Procedure Act took effect on May
    10, 1995, and governed all petitions filed after that date, including the Petitioner’s,
    which was filed on July 12, 1996. The new Act had the effect of shortening the
    statutory period applicable to the Petitioner from September of 1996 to May of
    1996. The Petitioner’s claims regarding his trial counsel’s representation and the
    trial court’s demeanor were readily apparent as of the conclusion of his trial and
    direct appeal. We can only conclude that the application of the one-year statute
    of limitations did not violate the Petitioner’s due process rights. The Petitioner’s
    second issue therefore lacks merit.
    As his third issue, the Petitioner contends that the one-year statute of
    limitations impairs contractual obligations in violation Article I, section 20 of the
    Tennessee Constitution.        That constitutional provision provides that “no
    retrospective law, or law impairing the obligations of contracts, shall be made.”
    Tenn. Const. art. I, § 20. The provision has been interpreted to mean that “no
    retrospective law which impairs the obligation of contracts, or any other law which
    impairs their obligation, shall be m ade.” Hamilton County v. Gerlach, 
    176 Tenn. 288
    , 140 S.W .2d 1084, 1085 (1940) (citations omitted). The Petitioner claims
    that the passage of a law constitutes “a contract between the Legislature and its
    constituency.” He asserts that the passage of the previous three-year statute of
    limitations on petitions for post-conviction relief3 conferred on prisoners the right
    to challenge their convictions within a three-year period. The Petitioner argues
    that the subsequent passage of the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act with its
    one-year statute of limitations, thereby curtailing the previous three-year period,
    was tantamount to an impairment of a contract.
    In our view, the Petitioner is once again arguing that the one-year statute
    of limitations does not provide sufficient time in which to file for post-conviction
    relief. As we explained during our discussion of the second issue on appeal, we
    believe that the one-year statute of limitations does provide a reasonable time
    period for the filing of post-conviction petitions. Furthermore, although the new
    Act shortens the previous statute of limitations, it does provide those prisoners
    who were still within the prior three-year statutory period, such as the Petitioner
    in the case at bar, a reasonable opportunity to file for post-conviction relief after
    the effective date of the new one-year statutory period. See Compiler’s Notes to
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-201 (Supp. 1996) (referring to Acts 1995, ch. 207, § 3);
    cf. Pacific Eastern Corp. v. Gulf Lite Holding Co., 902 S.W .2d 946, 956 (Tenn.
    App. 1995) (citations omitted). Accordingly, this issue lacks merit.
    The Petitioner’s fourth and final contention on appeal is another challenge
    to the constitutionality of the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act. The Petitioner
    focuses on language in the new Act which provides that the one-year “statute of
    limitations shall not be tolled for any reason, including any tolling or saving
    See Tenn . Code A nn. § 40-30-10 2 (repealed 199 5).
    provision otherwise available at law or equity.” Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-202(a)
    (Supp. 1996). He argues that the elimination of tolling in the new Act is in direct
    contravention of a decision rendered by our supreme court, W atkins v. State, 903
    S.W .2d 302 (Tenn. 1995), and is therefore violative of due process.
    In W atkins, our supreme court held that the tolling provision codified at
    Tennessee Code Annotated section 28-1-106 was applicable to post-conviction
    proceedings governed by the previous Post-Conviction Procedure Act. See
    W atkins, 903 S.W .2d at 305; T enn. Code Ann. § 40-30-101 et seq. (repealed
    1995). That tolling provision reads as follows:
    Persons under disability on accrual of right. -- If the
    person entitled to commence an action is, at the time the cause of
    action accrued, either within the age of eighteen (18) years, or of
    unsound mind, such person, or his representatives and privies, as
    the case may be, may commence the action, after the removal of
    such disability, within the time of limitation for the particular cause
    of action, unless it exceed three (3) years, and in that case within
    three (3) years from the removal of such disability.
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 28-1-106 (1980). W atkins involved a petitioner who was
    mentally incompetent for a period of time during the running of the previous
    three-year statute of limitations on post-conviction petitions.      W 
    atkins, 903 S.W.2d at 303
    . A panel of this Court has applied the W atkins reasoning to a
    case involving a petitioner who filed for post-conviction relief more than three
    years after his conviction had become final but within three years of his turning
    eighteen years of age, holding that the previous three-year statute of limitations
    was tolled while the petitioner was a minor. State v. David W ayne Britt, C.C.A.
    No. 02C01-9410-CC-00234, Hardeman County (Tenn. Crim. App., Jackson, July
    26, 1995).
    For purposes of the case sub judice, even if we were to conclude that the
    language of Tennessee Code Annotated section 40-30-202(a) eliminated the
    tolling provision codified at Tennessee Code Annotated section 28-1-106 and that
    the elimination of the tolling provision violated due process guarantees, we do not
    believe that the Petitioner would be entitled to seek post-conviction relief. The
    Petitioner does not allege that he was a minor or mentally incompetent during the
    running of the one-year statute of limitations applicable to his case. Furthermore,
    the new Post-Conviction Procedure Act does contain a severability clause. 1995
    Tenn. Pub. Acts ch. 207, § 2. As a result, if we concluded that the elimination of
    the tolling provision was unconstitutional, the otherwise constitutional one-year
    statute of limitations could apparently be given effect without that language and
    would, therefore, continue to apply to the Petitioner. Because the Petitioner has
    not alleged that he was a minor or mentally incompetent during the running of the
    statute of limitations, the tolling provision codified at Tennessee Code Annotated
    section 28-1-106 has no application in the present case and would not alter the
    statutory period for the Petitioner. Accordingly, we can only conclude that the
    fourth contention is without merit.
    For the reasons set forth in the discussion above, we conclude that the trial
    court did not err in dismissing the petition for post-conviction relief. We also
    conclude that the Petitioner’s challenges to the constitutionality of the one-year
    statute of limitations on petitions for post-conviction relief lack merit.    The
    judgment of the trial court is therefore affirmed.