State of Tennessee v. Rubalddi Espinoza Yoc ( 2015 )

    Assigned on Briefs February 11, 2015
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for Bedford County
    No. 17749     Forest A. Durard, Jr., Judge
    No. M2014-01031-CCA-R3-CD – Filed February 25, 2015
    Defendant, Rubalddi Espinoza Yoc, was convicted by a jury of one count of possession
    with intent to sell 0.5 grams or more of a Schedule II controlled substance and one count
    of delivery of 0.5 grams or more of a Schedule II controlled substance. The trial court
    merged the two counts and sentenced Defendant to nine years‟ incarceration as a Range I,
    standard offender, with all but one year suspended on probation. On appeal, Defendant
    challenges the sufficiency of the evidence. Based upon our review of the record and legal
    authorities, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Circuit Court Affirmed
    TIMOTHY L. EASTER, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which THOMAS T.
    WOODALL, P.J., and ROBERT L. HOLLOWAY, JR., J., joined.
    Donna Orr Hargrove, District Public Defender, and Andrew Jackson Dearing III,
    Assistant Public Defender, Shelbyville, Tennessee, for the appellant, Rubalddi Espinoza
    Herbert H. Slatery III, Attorney General and Reporter; Tracy L. Alcock, Assistant
    Attorney General; Robert Carter, District Attorney General; and Michael Randles,
    Assistant District Attorney General, for the appellee, State of Tennessee.
    Factual Background
    Defendant was indicted by the Bedford County Grand Jury on October 28, 2013,
    for one count of possession with intent to sell 0.5 grams or more of a Schedule II
    controlled substance and one count of delivery of 0.5 grams or more of a Schedule II
    controlled substance. A jury trial was held on February 12, 2014, at which the following
    proof was adduced:
    Lieutenant Shane Daugherty of the 17th Judicial District Drug Task Force was
    contacted by Gregorio Alcarez Soto, a paid confidential informant. Mr. Soto informed
    the Drug Task Force that Defendant was looking to sell an ounce of cocaine. Mr. Soto
    had been a confidential informant for the Drug Task Force on several cases in Nashville
    and Smyrna and had performed reliably in the past. Mr. Soto arranged for Agent Chris
    Smith, an undercover officer, to purchase the cocaine from Defendant in Shelbyville for
    $1,400. The Drug Task Force intended to arrest Defendant immediately after Agent
    Smith gave the signal that the transaction had been completed in what is known as a
    On May 1, 2013, Mr. Soto drove Defendant to the specified location—a Kroger
    parking lot—around 2:30 p.m. Agent Smith was already in the parking lot, wearing
    street clothes and an audio recording device. Other officers were also positioned
    throughout the parking lot in undercover vehicles. The recording device transmitted to a
    receiver in Lieutenant Daugherty‟s vehicle so that he could hear the transaction in real
    time. There was also a camera in Lieutenant Daugherty‟s vehicle to film the arrest;
    however, the camera was not in a position to film the transaction.
    Lieutenant Daugherty observed Mr. Soto‟s vehicle pull into the parking lot with
    Defendant in the front passenger seat. Agent Smith‟s car was backed into a parking
    space, and Mr. Soto pulled into the adjacent parking space so that Defendant‟s door was
    next to Agent Smith‟s door. Lieutenant Daugherty observed Agent Smith exit his vehicle
    and approach the passenger side door where Defendant was sitting. Defendant‟s window
    was open. Agent Smith showed a “flash roll”—a wad of money used to assure a
    potential drug dealer that the buyer is not intending to rip him off—then put the money
    back in his pocket. Lieutenant Daugherty observed Agent Smith reach his hands through
    Defendant‟s window. Then Agent Smith gave the visual and audio signals that the
    transaction was complete, and the Drug Task Force officers moved their cars to block
    Defendant from potentially attempting to flee. Both Mr. Soto and Agent Smith were
    arrested along with Defendant so as not to reveal their undercover identity; they were
    later released once Defendant had been taken into custody and removed from the scene.
    Lieutenant Daugherty searched the passenger side of Mr. Soto‟s vehicle where
    Defendant had been sitting. He discovered a plastic shopping bag with cocaine tied in a
    corner on the passenger side floorboard next to a caulk gun. Although Lieutenant
    Daugherty had searched Mr. Soto‟s vehicle on several prior occasions, he had never
    before observed a caulk gun or any kind of construction tool or equipment inside Mr.
    Soto‟s car. The cocaine appeared to be approximately one ounce, which Lieutenant
    Daugherty explained was an amount typical of a “mid-level dealer.” Lieutenant
    Daugherty turned the cocaine over to Agent Smith, and it was eventually sent to the
    Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (“TBI”) for testing.
    Mr. Soto had known Defendant for approximately two months prior to the drug
    transaction. He met Defendant at a Mexican restaurant in Smyrna where Mr. Soto
    worked. Mr. Soto learned that Defendant sold cocaine, so he told Defendant that he
    knew of a buyer in Shelbyville who wanted to buy an ounce of cocaine. Defendant told
    Mr. Soto that he planned to sell an ounce of cocaine in Shelbyville and that he intended to
    return to sell more drugs in the future. The Drug Task Force paid Mr. Soto to provide
    information concerning drug dealers, so Mr. Soto called Lieutenant Daugherty and
    arranged for an undercover officer to buy cocaine from Defendant in Shelbyville.
    Mr. Soto picked up Defendant, who did not have a car, at a trailer park in Smyrna
    and drove him to Shelbyville. When Defendant got into Mr. Soto‟s car, Defendant was
    carrying a caulk gun. Defendant explained to Mr. Soto that the caulk gun was a good
    place to hide drugs. Defendant opened the caulk gun and showed Mr. Soto the cocaine
    that was hidden inside.
    Mr. Soto called Lieutenant Daugherty and informed him that they were en route to
    Shelbyville, and the Lieutenant told Mr. Soto to bring Defendant to the parking lot of the
    Kroger gas station. Upon arriving, Mr. Soto saw the undercover officer, Agent Smith,
    sitting in a parked Mustang convertible. Mr. Soto pulled his car in to the parking space
    next to Agent Smith‟s car so that Defendant‟s passenger side door was closest to Agent
    Smith‟s driver side door.
    Agent Smith stepped out of his car and approached Defendant‟s window. Agent
    Smith showed Defendant some cash and spoke to Defendant. Defendant gave Agent
    Smith the cocaine. Agent Smith weighed the cocaine with a digital scale placed on
    Defendant‟s lap and determined that it was just under an ounce. Defendant gave the
    cocaine and the scales back to Agent Smith. Then several police officers approached the
    car, arrested Defendant, and pretended to arrest Mr. Soto and Agent Smith. Once
    Defendant was taken away from the scene, the handcuffs were removed from Mr. Soto
    and he was allowed to drive home.
    Agent Christopher Smith was employed by the 17th Judicial District Drug Task
    Force in May 2013.1 He had worked with Mr. Soto on several prior undercover
    operations. Agent Smith planned to pose as a cocaine dealer looking to find a new source
    to buy cocaine. He wore a recording device underneath his street clothes in order to
    record the transaction and transmit it to Lieutenant Daugherty in real time. Agent Smith
    At the time of trial, Agent Smith was employed with the Winchester Police Department.
    planned to give both a visual and audio signal once the transaction reached a certain point
    so that the other officers would move in and make the arrest.
    Agent Smith observed Mr. Soto drive his van, with Defendant in the passenger
    seat, into the parking lot and park in the designated location next to Agent Smith‟s car.
    Agent Smith approached the rolled-down passenger side window and said, “Que pasa,
    amigo?” meaning, “What‟s up, friend?” Agent Smith showed Defendant his flash roll of
    money and said, “This is what I have; what do you have?” Defendant pulled out the
    cocaine from under his left leg and handed it to Agent Smith. The cocaine was tied in a
    white plastic shopping bag. Agent Smith looked at the cocaine and felt it. Then he
    pulled out a digital scale and weighed the cocaine inside the vehicle, on Defendant‟s leg.
    The digital scale showed that the cocaine weighed 22.4 grams. Agent Smith told
    Defendant that the cocaine was short of an ounce and asked if he had any more.
    Defendant told Agent Smith that he did not have any more. At that point, Agent Smith
    gave the audio and visual signals for the other officers to approach and arrest Defendant.
    Once he observed the other officers approaching, Agent Smith threw the cocaine and
    scales down in Defendant‟s lap and attempted to run off. Agent Smith explained that a
    real dealer would not want to be caught with the drugs in his possession. The other
    officers arrested Defendant and pretended to arrest Mr. Soto and Agent Smith.
    Agent Denotria Patterson, a forensic chemist at the TBI Crime Lab, analyzed the
    white-powdery substance that was taken into evidence. She determined that the
    substance was cocaine and that it weighed 28.33 grams—less than a tenth of a gram short
    of an ounce.
    Defendant told the jury that he is a construction worker who has lived in Smyrna
    for eight to nine years. He met Mr. Soto at a restaurant in April of 2013. Defendant
    asked Mr. Soto if he could help him find a job. Mr. Soto informed him of a job in
    Shelbyville to seal a chimney for $100. On May 1, 2013, Mr. Soto picked up Defendant
    to transport him to Shelbyville for the job. Defendant brought a caulking gun so that he
    could seal the chimney. Defendant claimed that he never discussed drugs or drug dealing
    with Mr. Soto.
    Defendant claimed that Mr. Soto told him that he needed to make a stop and then
    pulled into the Kroger parking lot. Mr. Soto rolled down the passenger side window.
    Mr. Soto handed him the package of cocaine and told him to pass it to the undercover
    officer. Defendant stated that he did not remember seeing Agent Smith show him money.
    He claimed that he did not know it was a drug deal, did not know what was in the
    package, and that the package in evidence was a different package. When Agent Smith
    placed the scales on Defendant‟s leg, Defendant said he did not look at it. Defendant
    claimed that his voice is not on the recording of the transaction because the undercover
    officer was talking to Mr. Soto. Defendant insisted that he was not a drug dealer.
    The jury convicted Defendant as charged of one count of possession with intent to
    sell 0.5 grams or more of a Schedule II controlled substance and one count of delivery of
    0.5 grams or more of a Schedule II controlled substance. At a sentencing hearing on
    April 21, 2014, the trial court merged the two counts and sentenced Defendant to nine
    years‟ incarceration as a Range I, standard offender. The trial court ordered Defendant to
    serve 365 days in confinement, day for day, with the remainder of the sentence to be
    served on probation.
    Defendant filed a timely motion for new trial. The trial court held a hearing and
    denied the motion on May 19, 2014. Defendant filed a timely notice of appeal.
    On appeal, Defendant argues that the evidence is insufficient to sustain his
    convictions. When a defendant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence, this Court is
    obliged to review that claim according to certain well-settled principles. The relevant
    question the reviewing court must answer is whether any rational trier of fact could have
    found the accused guilty of every element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. See
    Tenn. R. App. P. 13(e); Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319 (1979). The jury‟s verdict
    replaces the presumption of innocence with one of guilt; therefore, the burden is shifted
    onto the defendant to show that the evidence introduced at trial was insufficient to
    support such a verdict. State v. Reid, 
    91 S.W.3d 247
    , 277 (Tenn. 2002). The prosecution
    is entitled to the “strongest legitimate view of the evidence and to all reasonable and
    legitimate inferences that may be drawn therefrom.” State v. Goodwin, 
    143 S.W.3d 771
    775 (Tenn. 2004) (quoting State v. Smith, 
    24 S.W.3d 274
    , 279 (Tenn. 2000)). It is not the
    role of this Court to reweigh or reevaluate the evidence, nor to substitute our own
    inferences for those drawn from the evidence by the trier of fact. 
    Reid, 91 S.W.3d at 277
    Questions concerning the “credibility of the witnesses, the weight to be given their
    testimony, and the reconciliation of conflicts in the proof are matters entrusted to the jury
    as the trier of fact.” State v. Wagner, 
    382 S.W.3d 289
    , 297 (Tenn. 2012) (quoting State v.
    245 S.W.3d 331
    , 335 (Tenn. 2008)). “A guilty verdict by the jury, approved
    by the trial court, accredits the testimony of the witnesses for the State and resolves all
    conflicts in favor of the prosecution‟s theory.” 
    Reid, 91 S.W.3d at 277
    (quoting State v.
    958 S.W.2d 651
    , 659 (Tenn. 1997)). The standard of review is the same whether
    the conviction is based upon direct evidence, circumstantial evidence, or a combination
    of the two. State v. Dorantes, 
    331 S.W.3d 370
    , 379 (Tenn. 2011); State v. Hanson, 
    279 S.W.3d 265
    , 275 (Tenn. 2009).
    Tennessee Code Annotated section 39-17-417(a) designates it an offense “to
    knowingly . . . [d]eliver a controlled substance . . . or [p]ossess a controlled substance
    with intent to . . . deliver or sell the controlled substance.” If the controlled substance is
    cocaine, and the amount is 0.5 grams or more, the offense is a Class B felony. T.C.A. §
    39-17-417(c)(1). The term “possession” encompasses both actual and constructive
    possession. State v. Cooper, 
    736 S.W.2d 125
    , 129 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1987). In order for
    a person to “constructively possess” a drug, that person must have “the power and
    intention at a given time to exercise dominion and control over . . . [the drugs] either
    directly or through others.” 
    Id. (quoting State
    v. Williams, 
    623 S.W.2d 121
    , 125 (Tenn.
    Crim. App. 1981)). The mere presence of a person in an area where drugs are discovered
    is not, alone, sufficient to support a finding that the person possessed the drugs. 
    Id. Defendant argues
    that the proof regarding his participation in the drug transaction
    was circumstantial and that there was no “„web of proof woven around‟ the defendant
    sufficient to exclude, beyond a reasonable doubt, all other possibilities [s]ave that the
    defendant committed the acts.” Defendant‟s argument is incorrect in two respects. First,
    the evidence in this case consisted primarily of direct evidence, also referred to as
    testimonial evidence, of Defendant‟s participation in the crime. Direct evidence proves
    the existence of a fact at issue without an inference or presumption. State v. Thompson,
    519 S.W.2d 789
    , 792-93 (Tenn. 1975). Circumstantial evidence, on the other hand,
    requires an inference to prove a fact at issue. 
    Id. For example,
    fingerprints are
    circumstantial evidence because one can infer that a certain person handled an object
    from evidence that his fingerprints were discovered on it. On the other hand, eyewitness
    testimony that a certain person handled an object is direct evidence because no inference
    is required. The evidence in this case consisted primarily of the testimony of both Agent
    Smith and Mr. Soto that Defendant possessed cocaine, discussed selling it with Mr. Soto,
    and delivered it to Agent Smith. This is direct evidence because no inference is needed
    to prove these facts.2
    Defendant‟s argument is also incorrect in that it applies an outdated legal standard
    to the evaluation of circumstantial evidence on appeal. Our supreme court has held that
    “[c]ircumstantial evidence is sufficient to sustain a defendant‟s conviction even if the
    evidence does not „remove every reasonable hypothesis except that of guilt.‟” State v.
    436 S.W.3d 751
    , 764 (Tenn. 2014) (quoting 
    Dorantes, 331 S.W.3d at 381
    ). “The
    jury decides the weight to be given to circumstantial evidence, and „[t]he inferences to be
    drawn from such evidence, and the extent to which the circumstances are consistent with
    guilt and inconsistent with innocence, are questions primarily for the jury.‟” State v.
    184 S.W.3d 646
    , 662 (Tenn. 2006) (quoting Marable v. State, 
    313 S.W.2d 451
    , 457
    (Tenn. 1958)). In Dorantes, the Tennessee Supreme Court specifically adopted the
    standard for circumstantial evidence established by the United States Supreme Court in
    Holland v. United States:
    Circumstantial evidence . . . is intrinsically no different from testimonial
    evidence. Admittedly, circumstantial evidence may in some cases point to
    a wholly incorrect result. Yet this is equally true of testimonial evidence.
    Defendant‟s statement to Mr. Soto that he wanted to sell an ounce of cocaine could also be
    considered circumstantial evidence of Defendant‟s intent, since one can infer from his saying that he
    wants to sell cocaine that he intends to do so.
    In both instances, a jury is asked to weigh the chances that the evidence
    correctly points to guilt against the possibility of inaccuracy or ambiguous
    inference. In both, the jury must use its experience with people and events
    in weighing the probabilities. If the jury is convinced beyond a reasonable
    doubt, we can require no more.
    Dorantes, 331 S.W.3d at 380
    (quoting Holland v. United States, 
    348 U.S. 121
    , 140
    (1954)). In doing so, our supreme court rejected the previous standard which “required
    the State to prove facts and circumstances so strong and cogent as to exclude every other
    reasonable hypothesis save the guilt of the defendant, and that beyond a reasonable
    Id. at 380
    (quoting State v. Crawford, 
    470 S.W.2d 610
    , 612 (Tenn. 1971))
    (quotation marks omitted).
    In the light most favorable to the State, the evidence in this case showed that
    Defendant told Mr. Soto that he had an ounce of cocaine that he wanted to sell in
    Shelbyville and that he intended to sell more drugs there in the future. Mr. Soto informed
    the Drug Task Force officers, and arrangements were made for Defendant to sell the
    cocaine to an undercover officer, Agent Smith. Mr. Soto testified that Defendant told
    him that a caulk gun is a good place to hide drugs and showed him the package of
    cocaine hidden inside. Agent Smith testified that when he approached Defendant‟s open
    passenger side window and showed Defendant his flash roll of money, Defendant pulled
    out a package of cocaine from under his leg and gave it to Agent Smith. Agent Smith set
    a digital scale on Defendant‟s leg to weigh the package. When Agent Smith told
    Defendant that the weight was short of an ounce and asked if Defendant had any more,
    Defendant replied that he did not. Both Mr. Soto and Agent Smith identified Defendant
    as the person who possessed the cocaine and delivered it to Agent Smith. Lieutenant
    Daugherty searched the van and discovered the package of cocaine on the passenger side
    floorboard next to a caulk gun. The cocaine weighed over twenty-eight grams. The jury
    clearly chose to believe the testimony of Mr. Soto and Agent Smith over the testimony of
    Defendant, as was their prerogative. The evidence in this case is more than sufficient for
    a reasonable jury to find Defendant guilty of possession of cocaine with intent to sell and
    of delivering that cocaine. Defendant is not entitled to relief.
    Based on the foregoing, we affirm the judgment of the trial court.