State of Tennessee v. Lester Arnold Clouse ( 2014 )

    Assigned on Briefs at Knoxville September 16, 2014
    Appeal from the Criminal Court for White County
    Nos. CR-00676 & 00686B     Donald P. Harris, Senior Judge
    No. M2013-02633-CCA-R3-CD - Filed December 23, 2014
    Appellant, Lester Arnold Clouse, was convicted of aggravated assault, a Class C felony;
    simple assault, a Class A misdemeanor; and resisting arrest, a Class B misdemeanor. After
    merger of the resisting arrest conviction with the aggravated assault conviction, the trial court
    sentenced him to fifteen years and eleven months, twenty-nine days, respectively. Appealing
    from his convictions and sentences, appellant argues that: (1) the trial court improperly
    denied his motion to suppress; (2) the trial court failed to approve the verdicts as thirteenth
    juror; (3) the evidence was insufficient to support his assault convictions; and (4) the trial
    court erred in sentencing him to fifteen years in confinement consecutive to other outstanding
    sentences. Following our review, we affirm the convictions. However, we reverse
    appellant’s sentences and remand this cause for a new sentencing hearing.
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgments of the Criminal Court Affirmed
    in Part; Reversed in Part; Remanded
    R OGER A. P AGE, J., delivered the opinion of the court, in which N ORMA M CG EE O GLE and
    R OBERT H. M ONTGOMERY, J R., JJ., joined.
    Billy Keith Tollison III, Sparta, Tennessee, for the appellant, Lester Arnold Clouse.
    Robert E. Cooper, Jr., Attorney General and Reporter; Clarence E. Lutz, Senior Counsel;
    Randall A. York, District Attorney General; and Howard Chambers, Assistant District
    Attorney General, for the appellee, State of Tennessee.
    I. Procedural History
    Appellant was indicted for seventeen counts of arson, two counts of aggravated
    assault (Deputies David Gibbons and Bill Harris), and resisting arrest. His first trial in 2001
    resulted in convictions on five counts of arson, two counts of aggravated assault, and one
    count of resisting arrest. State v. Lester Arnold Clouse, No. M2004-00124-CCA-R3-CD,
    2004 WL 193069
    , at *1 (Tenn. Crim. App. Jan. 30, 2004). This court reversed appellant’s
    convictions and remanded the cause for a new trial on all counts. 
    Id. Following the
    June 2005 retrial on all of the charges, the jury found appellant not
    guilty of the arson counts, guilty of aggravated assault (Deputy Bill Harris), guilty of the
    lesser-included offense of assault (Deputy David Gibbons), and guilty of resisting arrest. The
    trial court approved the jury’s verdicts. The trial court conducted a sentencing hearing on
    October 11, 2005. At the conclusion of the hearing, the trial court requested the parties to
    submit supplemental briefs as to the validity of certain prior convictions that appellant
    contested. The court indicated its desire to issue an order within thirty days. When the
    original trial judge left the bench, a sentencing order had not been issued.
    A successor judge was appointed and signed the judgment orders on February 22,
    2008. The court sentenced appellant as a persistent offender to fifteen years in confinement
    for aggravated assault, to be served consecutively to other outstanding sentences. The court
    merged appellant’s conviction for resisting arrest into his conviction for aggravated assault,
    and the court imposed a sentence of eleven months, twenty-nine days for his assault
    conviction, to be served concurrently with the aggravated assault conviction but
    consecutively to other outstanding sentences.
    A second successor judge was appointed to hear the motion for a new trial. The
    hearing was conducted, and the successor judge issued a written order denying the motion
    on October 11, 2013. This timely appeal follows.
    II. Facts
    A. Facts from Suppression Hearing
    At the beginning of the hearing, appellant conceded that he was a passenger in the
    vehicle driven by his co-defendant Michael Shane Carter and that he did not have standing
    to challenge the search of the vehicle. He clarified that his position was that “anything the
    State intend[ed] to use as a result of the seizure” was inadmissible.
    The State presented Deputy David Gibbons with the Putnam County Sheriff’s
    Department as a witness. He testified that on October 26, 1999, he was performing a routine
    traffic patrol when he was alerted to several fires being set in the area. He responded to an
    area around Stone Seminary Road and was instructed to be on the lookout (“BOLO”) for a
    small black car with two male occupants who were possibly involved. The area Deputy
    Gibbons was patrolling ranged from one to five miles from the Putnam/White County line.
    During the patrol, Deputy Gibbons noticed fires on the right side of the road, and the fires
    decreased in size as he followed the trail into White County. While following the line of
    fires, he spoke with a delivery man who told him that a small black car was a short distance
    in front of him. Deputy Gibbons continued and observed the vehicle about a mile into White
    County. The vehicle was moving at an “extremely” slow rate of speed; Deputy Gibbons
    estimated that the rate of speed was approximately five miles per hour. He followed the
    vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. He asked the driver for his license, but the driver did not
    have it. Deputy Gibbons asked for the driver’s personal information, which he used to run
    the license information through his computer. During this process, appellant exited the
    vehicle from the passenger’s side and began moving things around in the back seat.
    On cross-examination, Deputy Gibbons confirmed that he had jurisdiction to stop a
    vehicle in White County while in the process of investigating a case. The usual procedure
    involved notifying the county of an officer’s actions, and he believed that the notification had
    been made in this case. Deputy Gibbons explained that he estimated the vehicle’s speed by
    following it but that he had also been trained in estimating the speed of a vehicle by
    observing it. He stated that he initiated the traffic stop because of the BOLO and because
    of the extremely slow rate of speed, which caused him to believe that something might have
    been wrong.
    The trial court ruled that Deputy Gibbons was a credible witness and that he had
    reasonable suspicion to initiate the traffic stop. It stated that it was “very, very, very clear,
    . . . almost a textbook classic case.” The court summarized that Deputy Gibbons was
    patrolling near the county line when he received a BOLO about the fires and the small black
    car that had been seen earlier driving slowly. He then saw larger fires on the right side of the
    road, becoming smaller as he continued, “which would lead one to believe that we might be
    on the right trail here.” Deputy Gibbons confirmed with the delivery man that the suspect
    vehicle was ahead of him and continued into White County to further investigate. Deputy
    Gibbons observed the vehicle about a mile into White County, traveling in the same direction
    as the fires. Based on the totality of the circumstances, the trial court held that Deputy
    Gibbons had reasonable suspicion to stop the vehicle.
    B. Facts from Trial
    Deputy Gibbons was the State’s first witness at trial. His testimony was substantially
    similar to that at the suppression hearing. At trial, he continued with his recollection of the
    events of October 26, 1999, by stating that as he was running co-defendant Carter’s
    information, he noticed both occupants exit the vehicle. Around that time, Deputy Bill Harris
    arrived, and Deputy Gibbons learned that there was a warrant for co-defendant Carter’s
    arrest. Deputy Gibbons requested Deputy Harris to approach the passenger side of the
    vehicle but advised him that he had previously seen a crossbow in the back seat. Deputy
    Gibbons then approached the driver’s side and placed co-defendant Carter under arrest.
    In the meantime, Deputy Linda Dilldine arrived on the scene. Deputy Gibbons then
    noticed that appellant had exited the vehicle but was leaning into the backseat of the vehicle.
    He heard Deputy Harris order appellant to move away from the vehicle and place his hands
    on top of it. Appellant said that he was “checking on some clocks, [and] he didn’t want them
    to get damaged.” When appellant stepped away, he was holding the crossbow and then
    placed it on top of the vehicle. Deputy Gibbons described appellant as “irate.” He began
    screaming at officers, “‘I’ve not done anything wrong.’” Appellant walked around to the
    front of the vehicle and wielded a pocket knife.
    Deputy Gibbons testified that he transferred control of co-defendant Carter, who was
    then handcuffed, to Deputy Dilldine. He and Deputy Harris approached the front of the
    vehicle and each stood close to the front tires on opposite sides. Appellant continued
    “screaming” at officers, “‘I’ve not done anything wrong.’” He continued waving the knife
    at them. Officers shouted commands at appellant, but he refused to comply. He repeated
    that he had done nothing wrong and told the officers to “leave [him] alone.” Deputy Gibbons
    confirmed that the knife had been in appellant’s right pocket. During the encounter they
    were four to five feet away from appellant, and Deputy Gibbons felt threatened.
    Deputy Gibbons explained that after about a minute had passed, appellant began to
    flee. He ran down the road, and officers gave chase. They pursued appellant through a field
    toward the back of it. He continued to threaten them with the knife, and at one time,
    appellant held it to his own neck and threatened to kill himself. Other officers responded to
    the scene, and someone sprayed appellant with mace pepper spray then kicked the knife out
    of his hand. Deputy Gibbons confirmed that the encounter took place in White County.
    After co-defendant Carter and appellant were arrested, there were no further reports of fires
    being set in the area.
    On cross-examination, Deputy Gibbons acknowledged that he and Deputy Harris had
    their guns drawn on appellant when he wielded the knife. He clarified that although he
    maintained a short distance between himself and appellant, he was still within the
    “reactionary gap” of six feet in which he could have potentially been cut by the knife despite
    his holding a weapon.
    The State’s next witness was Deputy Bill Harris with the Putnam County Sheriff’s
    Department, who stated that he responded to the area where someone had reported that
    people in a small black sports car were setting fires. He began his patrol about two or three
    miles from the Putnam/White County line, and as he followed the fires, he arrived at the
    location where Deputy Gibbons had stopped co-defendant Carter’s vehicle. When he first
    arrived, Deputy Gibbons was in his patrol car checking warrants and personal information
    on co-defendant Carter, and Deputy Harris observed that appellant had exited the two-door
    vehicle and was leaning into the backseat area through the open door. When Deputy Harris
    approached appellant to ask him to back out of the vehicle, appellant produced a crossbow
    from the back seat and placed it on the roof of the vehicle. He then attempted to re-enter the
    vehicle, stating that there was an antique clock that he did not want damaged. While
    appellant was searching for the clock, Deputy Harris observed arrows for the crossbow and
    some matches. At that time, Deputy Harris reached toward appellant to grab his arm and pull
    him away from the arrows. However, before he could do so, appellant pulled away from him
    and ran to the front of the vehicle.
    Deputy Harris recalled that at that time, appellant withdrew a knife from his right
    pocket and opened it. Deputy Harris drew his weapon and ordered appellant to put down the
    knife. Appellant began “screaming and yelling not to come any closer, to stay away from
    him.” Deputy Harris said that he “felt threatened, very threatened.” He recognized that he
    was within the “reactionary gap” where he could be cut with the knife before he was able to
    defend himself. Appellant then began to “back-pedal” down the road while still holding the
    knife. The chase continued into a nearby field. Somehow, appellant retrieved his cellular
    telephone and called his mother. He told her, “‘[T]hey’re trying to kill me.’” Eventually,
    other law enforcement officers arrived, including a canine handler who brought a “dual
    purpose attack dog.” The canine officer told appellant that if he did not put down the knife,
    he would release the dog on him. Deputy Harris stated, “The dog was eventually let loose[,]
    and . . . I don’t know that it ever bit him, but it was just enough for us to get on him and get
    the knife out of his hand.”
    On cross-examination, Deputy Harris confirmed that there were no fires on the
    roadside beyond the location where appellant was apprehended. Prior to reaching co-
    defendant Carter’s vehicle, there were fires every ten to twenty yards.
    The State called Kimberly Sells as its next witness. On October 26, 1999, she lived
    on Cunningham Road in White County, which is located approximately one-half mile south
    of the county line. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Ms. Sells had been employed as a sheriff’s
    deputy in Indiana and had received training in “flash recognition,” among other areas. On
    that date, around 4:30 p.m., a small black car drove southbound past her house very slowly,
    and “it was not one known to be in that area.” She was standing next to a fence
    approximately five or six feet from the road, and the passenger leaned out of the window and
    yelled, “Hey, baby,” in her direction. Ms. Sells identified the passenger as appellant.
    Shortly after the vehicle passed, Ms. Sells looked northward and “noticed smoke
    billowing from the ditch.” She looked south and observed another small fire located south
    of her house, also in a ditch. Both fires were on the west side of the road, which would have
    been the passenger side of the passing vehicle. Between fifteen to thirty seconds later,
    several law enforcement vehicles sped by.1
    Appellant then presented Gus Barbutis as his first witness, who was appellant’s
    seventy-eight-year-old neighbor. He recalled seeing appellant on the date in question around
    2:00 p.m. when he drove home, but he did not see appellant after that.
    Rita Clouse, appellant’s mother, also testified and said that she returned home on the
    date in question around 3:00 or 3:15 p.m. and that appellant was at home when she arrived.
    He had been repairing a truck. A little while later, co-defendant Carter arrived, and after the
    two men conversed in the back yard, they left together around 4:00 p.m.
    Charlene Austin, appellant’s next witness, testified that she visited appellant at his
    home around 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. on the date in question.
    Appellant testified on his own behalf. He explained that on the date in question, his
    mother had a dentist appointment and that he had to stay at home in case she needed a ride
    after her procedure. He said that he worked on cars for a living and that he owned a small
    junkyard. While his mother was away, he worked at home and replaced the glass in a truck
    between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. As he was working, another individual stopped by and
    asked him to replace the sliding glass window in his vehicle. Appellant stated that around
    2:00 p.m., he went across the road to the junkyard, where he removed the glass from another
    vehicle and saw Mr. Barbutis walking his dog. Appellant returned home and completed the
    repair around 3:00 or 3:15 p.m. His mother returned home and began to prepare something
    The State presented five additional witnesses who testified with regard to the extent of the damage
    caused by the fires and the identification of a vehicle that may have been involved. However, because
    appellant was found not guilty of all counts of arson, we have omitted a summary of that testimony in this
    to eat. Co-defendant Carter arrived between 4:00 and 4:07 p.m., and they subsequently left
    Appellant stated that they were going to drive to Livingston so he could sell some
    antique clocks and other items. He said that they drove to Cookeville via the interstate and
    exited to get a drink. According to appellant, co-defendant Carter wanted to drive to Sparta
    because he intended to sell his crossbow to someone there. They traveled various roads and
    eventually turned onto Post Oak Road from Cunningham Road. The vehicle had proceeded
    “a short distance” on Cunningham Road when a Putnam County law enforcement officer
    approached with emergency equipment activated. Appellant testified that he instructed co-
    defendant Carter to pull over and let the vehicle pass but that the vehicle stopped behind
    them. Appellant exited the vehicle and Officer Gibbons addressed him, “‘[W]hat’s going on,
    Pokey?’” Officer Gibbons asked co-defendant Carter for his driver’s license, and when he
    could not produce it, Officer Gibbons “ran a check” on Carter. Appellant explained that the
    glass clock had fallen onto the floorboard of the back seat so he retrieved it and wrapped a
    shirt around it to protect it from damage. He was about to place the clock back in the car
    when Officer Dilldine walked up and said, “‘[L]ook out, he’s got a gun in the car.’”
    Appellant responded that there was no gun in the car, and he picked up the crossbow and
    placed it on top of the car.
    Appellant recalled that someone then mentioned the warrant for co-defendant Carter,
    so he reached into the vehicle to obtain his belongings because he did not want his valuables
    to be towed away. When he backed out, officers “had guns pulled” on him. He said that he
    asked officers what was wrong with them. He stated that he called the man in Livingston
    whom he was supposed to meet and told him, “‘Putnam County Police [have] me pulled over
    in White County and [have] their guns drawn on [me] . . . call the White County Sheriff’s
    Department and the FBI and let them know what [is] going on . . . .” He thought they were
    “going to try to kill” him. Appellant testified that he reached into his pocket and pulled out
    a knife. He opened it, stuck it toward his throat, and told officers he would kill himself
    before he would let them kill him. He also said that he informed officers that they lacked
    jurisdiction in White County. He explained that he was afraid of the officers because they
    had killed two people previously in Putnam County, including his father. Appellant
    concluded his direct testimony by disavowing any knowledge of the fires that were set.
    On cross-examination, appellant acknowledged that he had pleaded guilty to theft of
    property valued at more than $1,000 but less than $10,000 in 1999 and that he was on
    unsupervised probation when these offenses occurred. He denied having shouted anything
    at Ms. Sells because he “was a married man at the time” they were stopped by officers. He
    confirmed that the encounter with law enforcement ended when he was sprayed with pepper
    spray and the knife was kicked from his hand. He added that the attack dog bit him in the
    leg in the melee. Appellant denied having threatened officers with his knife. He said that
    his mother wanted to speak to one of them to ask what was happening but that they would
    not speak to her. Following this testimony, appellant rested his case.
    Upon this evidence, the jury found appellant guilty as charged of aggravated assault
    of Deputy Bill Harris, guilty of the lesser-included offense of simple assault of Deputy David
    Gibbons, guilty of resisting arrest, and not guilty of the five counts of arson.
    C. Facts from Sentencing Hearing
    At the outset of the hearing, the State argued that appellant should be sentenced as a
    career offender. Appellant argued against this contention. The State presented Don Fox, a
    probation and parole officer, who reviewed appellant’s prior convictions as contained in the
    presentence report. Mr. Fox indicated that appellant’s criminal history included the
    following felony convictions that were supported by certified judgments: 1999, theft of
    property valued at more than $1,000 but less than $10,000, a Class C felony, four-year
    sentence; 1989, receiving stolen property, a Class C felony, ten-year sentence; 1989, aiding
    and abetting grand larceny, (no grade given), ten-year sentence; 1987, burglary, a Class C
    felony, five-year sentence; 1987, grand larceny, a Class C felony, three-year sentence; 1987,
    two counts of concealing stolen property, Class C felonies, three-year sentences; 1987,
    possession of property with the serial number altered or removed, a Class D felony, two-year
    sentence; and 1986, concealing stolen property, a Class C felony, three-year sentence.2 Mr.
    Fox also confirmed that appellant was on unsupervised probation when he committed the
    offenses in the instant case.
    On cross-examination, Mr. Fox acknowledged that the judgment form for the 1987
    conviction for possession of property with the serial number altered or removed did not list
    the felony grade and that he assigned the grade himself. He admitted that he could have been
    mistaken and that it could have been a Class E felony due to the sentence appellant received.
    He also acknowledged that the 1989 judgment of conviction for receiving stolen property did
    not bear a felony grade and that he assigned the grade based upon the range of punishment
    and appellant’s being sentenced as a persistent offender for that offense, which would have
    made the punishment “above the grade.”
    For clarification, the only certified judgment form that lists a felony grade for a conviction is the
    1999 judgment form for theft of property. When Mr. Fox testified to the felony grades, he did so based upon
    his working knowledge of the ranges of punishments for the different felony grades as well as the enhanced
    punishments imposed by an increase in one’s sentencing range. We have included the grades as recited in
    his testimony and note that for the 1989 conviction for aiding and abetting larceny, Mr. Fox did not testify
    to a felony grade.
    Appellant again testified on his own behalf. He contested several of the offenses
    listed in the presentence report and stated that he had not been charged with many of them.
    He also offered into evidence an Order Clarifying Prior Judgments and Rescinded Amended
    Judgments Stated Herein, which he asserted should serve to “cover[] the orders that were
    previously testified to by the probation officer regarding for [sic] enhancement factors[,] and
    . . . they all should have been embodied into this one order and . . . that’s the only prior order
    or conviction the court should consider when making a ruling on his sentence.”
    On cross-examination appellant testified that probation is “just not for [him]” and that
    he “wouldn’t take it.” He acknowledged that he had been incarcerated for approximately
    twenty-one of the past twenty-two years and that when he was not in jail, he worked odd jobs
    such as “[m]owing yards, cutting trees, killing hogs[,] . . . [and] [f]locking chickens.” He
    disagreed that he was a professional criminal, positing, “How can I be a professional career
    criminal when I’ve been convicted and sitting in jail the whole time?”
    Without making any findings on the record, the trial court allowed the parties thirty
    days within which to file supplemental briefs and stated that it would issue an order
    thereafter. However, the record contains only judgment forms and no order or findings with
    respect to sentencing. The judgment forms indicate that appellant was sentenced as a
    persistent offender at forty-five percent release eligibility to fifteen years for aggravated
    assault and eleven months, twenty-nine days for assault. Appellant now appeals his
    convictions and sentences.
    III. Analysis
    Appealing from his convictions and sentences, appellant argues that: (1) the trial court
    improperly denied his motion to suppress; (2) the trial court failed to approve the verdicts as
    thirteenth juror; (3) the evidence was insufficient to support his assault convictions; and (4)
    the trial court erred in sentencing him to fifteen years in confinement consecutive to other
    outstanding sentences.
    A. Motion to Suppress
    Appellant argues that the trial court erred by denying his motion to suppress. In his
    motion, appellant asserted that Deputy Gibbons lacked “a reasonable articulable suspicion”
    for initiating a traffic stop of co-defendant Carter’s vehicle and that he lacked jurisdiction to
    initiate an out-of-county traffic stop.
    In reviewing the trial court’s decision on a motion to suppress, we review the trial
    court’s legal conclusions de novo. State v. Northern, 
    262 S.W.3d 741
    , 747 (Tenn. 2008).
    In doing so, we give deference to the trial judge’s findings of fact unless the evidence
    preponderates otherwise. Id.; see State v. Ross, 
    49 S.W.3d 833
    , 839 (Tenn. 2001); State v.
    928 S.W.2d 18
    , 23 (Tenn. 1996). “‘[C]redibility of the witnesses, the weight and
    value of the evidence, and resolution of conflicts in the evidence are matters entrusted to the
    trial judge as the trier of fact.’” 
    Northern, 262 S.W.3d at 747-48
    Odom, 928 S.W.2d at 23
    ). In reviewing the findings of fact, evidence presented at trial may “‘be considered by
    an appellate court in deciding the propriety of the trial court’s ruling on the motion to
    suppress.’” State v. Garcia, 
    123 S.W.3d 335
    , 343 (Tenn. 2003) (quoting State v. Walton, 
    41 S.W.3d 75
    , 81 (Tenn. 2001)). The prevailing party on the motion to suppress is afforded the
    “‘strongest legitimate view of the evidence and all reasonable and legitimate inferences that
    may be drawn from that evidence.’” 
    Northern, 262 S.W.3d at 748
    (quoting State v. Keith,
    978 S.W.2d 861
    , 864 (Tenn. 1998)); see State v. Daniel, 
    12 S.W.3d 420
    , 423 (Tenn. 2000);
    Odom, 928 S.W.2d at 23
    1. Validity of Stop
    A stop of a vehicle constitutes a seizure, entitling a vehicle’s occupants to the full
    protections of the United States and Tennessee Constitutions. Whren v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 806
    , 809-10 (1996); State v. Brotherton, 
    323 S.W.3d 866
    , 870 (Tenn. 2010); State v.
    863 S.W.2d 29
    , 30 (Tenn. 1993). A stop of a vehicle subjects the passengers, as well
    as the driver, to a seizure. State v. Tyrone Ralph Wright, No. M2010-02096-CCA-R3-CD,
    2012 WL 601332
    , at *9 (Tenn. Crim. App. Feb. 23, 2012) (citing Brendlin v. California, 
    551 U.S. 249
    (2007)). Accordingly, law enforcement must act reasonably when initiating such
    a stop. 
    Whren, 517 U.S. at 809-10
    . In other words, authorities must have at least “an
    ‘articulable and reasonable suspicion’ to believe that a . . . violation has occurred when they
    initiate a traffic stop.” 
    Brotherton, 323 S.W.3d at 870
    Whren, 517 U.S. at 810
    “Reasonable suspicion exists when ‘specific and articulable facts . . . taken together with
    rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant that intrusion.’” 
    Id. (quoting Terry
    v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 21 (1968)). “An investigatory traffic stop under Terry ‘is a far more
    minimal intrusion [than an arrest pursuant to probable cause], simply allowing the officer to
    briefly investigate further. If the officer does not learn facts rising to the level of probable
    cause, the individual must be allowed to go on his way.’” 
    Id. (quoting Illinois
    v. Wardlow,
    528 U.S. 119
    , 126 (2000)).
    Our supreme court has explained that reasonable suspicion is “a particularized and
    objective basis for suspecting the subject of a stop of criminal activity.” State v. Binette, 
    33 S.W.3d 215
    , 218 (Tenn. 2000). More specifically,
    [w]hen an officer has reasonable suspicion, supported by specific and
    articulable facts, to believe that a criminal offense has been or is about to be
    committed, a brief investigatory detention is permitted. Reasonable suspicion
    must be supported by more than the officer’s inchoate and unparticularized
    suspicion or ‘hunch[ ]’; however, reasonable suspicion can be established with
    information that is different in quantity or content than that required to
    establish probable cause . . . [and] can arise from information that is less
    reliable than that required to show probable cause.
    Trial courts must examine the totality of the circumstances when evaluating
    whether an officer has established the requisite level of suspicion to justify a
    [brief investigatory] stop. These circumstances include an officer’s
    observations, information from other law enforcement personnel or agencies,
    information from citizens, known patterns of criminal offenders, or deductions
    based upon experience. When evaluating the reasonableness of the police
    officer’s suspicion, the nature of the crime suspected may be a factor.
    State v. Moats, 
    403 S.W.3d 170
    , 178 (Tenn. 2013) (citations and internal quotation marks
    Following the hearing on the motion to suppress, the trial court ruled that Deputy
    Gibbons was a credible witness and that he had reasonable suspicion to initiate the traffic
    stop. The court summarized that Deputy Gibbons was patrolling near the county line and
    received a BOLO about the fires and the small black car that had been seen earlier moving
    slowly. He then saw larger fires on the right side of the road, becoming smaller as he
    continued, “which would lead one to believe that [he] might be on the right trail here.”
    Deputy Gibbons confirmed with the delivery man that the suspect vehicle was ahead of him
    and continued into White County to further investigate. Deputy Gibbons observed the
    vehicle about a mile into White County, traveling the same direction as the fires at the speed
    of around five miles per hour. Based on the totality of the circumstances, the trial court held
    that Deputy Gibbons had reasonable suspicion to stop the vehicle.
    Because the evidence does not preponderate otherwise, we give deference to the trial
    court’s findings of fact. The court also made credibility determinations that we will not
    disturb. We agree with the trial court that the totality of the circumstances established
    reasonable suspicion for officers to stop the car driven by co-defendant Carter. The trial
    court did not err in denying appellant’s motion to suppress.
    2. Jurisdiction
    A proper analysis of this issue involves a two-fold inquiry: (1) was Putnam County
    Sheriff’s Deputy Gibbons authorized to pursue appellant from Putnam County into White
    County; and (2) was Deputy Gibbons authorized to arrest appellant in White County? We
    answer both questions in the affirmative.
    Addressing the same issue, this court has held that when an officer is in pursuit of a
    vehicle within his jurisdiction, he is authorized to stop the vehicle after it crosses into another
    county. State v. Gilbert, 
    751 S.W.2d 454
    , 458 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1988) (citing Francis v.
    498 S.W.2d 107
    , 114 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1973)). Once the officer stops the vehicle,
    he has every right to continue his investigation. 
    Id. This case
    presents the same situation.
    Although he had not actually seen the vehicle while in Putnam County, Deputy Gibbons was
    aware that he was searching for a small black car occupied by two males and traveling at a
    very slow speed. Thus, he began his pursuit of co-defendant Carter’s vehicle while within
    the jurisdiction of Putnam County. Upon information from a delivery man, he continued into
    White County in pursuit of the vehicle, which he learned was just ahead of him. Moreover,
    Deputy Gibbons observed that fires continued to be set along the route he was traveling; thus,
    he had an obligation to prevent further risk to lives or property. Deputy Gibbons was
    permitted to travel beyond the confines of the county line in pursuit of the vehicle and to
    continue his investigation therein.
    However, once the vehicle was stopped and Deputy Gibbons continued his
    investigation, circumstances developed that culminated in the arrest of appellant. This arrest
    was made by Deputy Gibbons in White County. With regard to our second inquiry, this court
    has concluded that when a police officer effectuates an arrest of an alleged perpetrator
    outside of the jurisdiction of his law enforcement agency, he is legally authorized to do so
    if the arrest is one a private citizen would be authorized to make. State v. John C. Kersey,
    No. M2005-01653-CCA-R3-CD, 
    2006 WL 1896347
    , at *3 (Tenn. Crim. App. July 7, 2003)
    (citations omitted). Tennessee Code Annotated section 40-7-109(a) permits a private person
    to arrest another under the following circumstances:
    (1)     For a public offense committed in the arresting person’s presence;
    (2)     When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in the
    arresting person’s presence; or
    (3)     When a felony has been committed, and the arresting person has
    reasonable cause to believe that the person arrested committed the
    As this applies to the instant case, Deputy Gibbons retained his status as a police officer
    when he entered White County but was only authorized to effectuate arrests outside his
    jurisdiction as a private citizen. After the vehicle was legally stopped, Deputy Gibbons had
    the authority to arrest appellant pursuant to the above conditions only.
    We conclude that two exceptions existed that permitted Deputy Gibbons to arrest
    appellant. First, Deputy Gibbons had probable cause to believe that appellant had committed
    several arsons, which are felony offenses. In connection with the outbreak of fires, Deputy
    Gibbons was alerted to be on the lookout for a small black car occupied by two males that
    was traveling very slowly. As he drove, he observed a line of fires on the side of the road,
    progressively becoming smaller as though newly set. Believing he was on the correct path,
    he spoke with a delivery man, who confirmed that a vehicle matching that described in the
    BOLO was just ahead of the officer. Deputy Gibbons then continued and observed a vehicle
    that matched the description. He had reasonable cause to believe that the occupants of the
    vehicle had been involved in setting the felonious fires. Moreover, appellant committed the
    crime of aggravated assault in Deputy Gibbons’ presence, authorizing him to arrest appellant
    in White County.
    We further note:
    An illegal stop, arrest or seizure does not justify the total exclusion of
    whatever takes place after the illegal stop, seizure, or arrest. This conclusion
    is especially true when applied to crimes committed subsequent to the illegal
    stop, seizure, or arrest. Such evidence is not obtained as a direct result of
    exploitation of a constitutionally infirm stop, arrest, or seizure. For instance,
    if an officer makes an illegal stop of a motor vehicle, and the driver of that
    vehicle subsequently gets out of his or her car and assaults the officer,
    prosecution for the assault, and any evidence seized as a result of an arrest for
    the assault, should not be suppressible even though there was an illegal stop
    of a vehicle.
    State v. Robert Lee Mallard, No. M2000-00351-CCA-R3-CD, 
    2001 WL 178461
    , at *4
    (Tenn. Crim, App. Feb. 23, 2001). Therefore, even if there was a “constitutionally infirm
    seizure” of appellant, when appellant wielded a knife and threatened the deputies with it, they
    had probable cause to arrest him for aggravated assault. 
    Id. Appellant is
    not entitled to relief
    on this claim of error.
    B. Thirteenth Juror
    Appellant argues that the original trial judge failed to explicitly approve the jury’s
    verdicts as required by the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure and that the successor
    judge could not have properly done so.
    “Rule 33[(d)] imposes upon a trial court judge the mandatory duty to serve as the
    thirteenth juror in every criminal case, and . . . approval by the trial judge of the jury’s verdict
    as the thirteenth juror is a necessary prerequisite to imposition of a valid judgment.” State
    v. Carter, 
    896 S.W.2d 119
    , 122 (Tenn. 1995) (citing Messer v. State, 
    385 S.W.2d 98
    , 101
    (Tenn. 1964); State v. Burlison, 
    868 S.W.2d 713
    , 719 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1993)); see Tenn.
    R. Crim. P. 33(d). Just as at common law, Rule 33(d) does not require the trial court to recite
    talismanic language when approving a jury’s verdict. 
    Id. Rather, an
    appellate court may
    presume that the trial judge has served as the thirteenth juror and approved the jury’s verdict
    when the trial judge overrules a motion for new trial. 
    Id. In this
    case, after reciting the jury’s verdict, the original trial court stated, “[T]he court
    agrees and adopts the verdict in this case . . . .” We conclude that said language is sufficient
    to meet the requirements of Tennessee Rule of Criminal Procedure 33(d). See State v. Joel
    E. Blanton, M2007-01384-CCA-R3-CD, 
    2009 WL 537558
    , at *9 (Tenn. Crim. App., Mar.
    4, 2009); cf. State v. Biggs, 
    218 S.W.3d 643
    , 654 (Tenn. Crim. App. 2006) (holding that a
    trial judge’s statement of approval “based on the jury’s verdict” was insufficient to fulfill its
    obligation as the thirteenth juror). Appellant is not entitled to relief.
    C. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Appellant claims that the evidence underlying his convictions for aggravated assault
    and assault was insufficient to sustain his convictions. He specifically contends that had the
    officers reasonably feared imminent bodily injury, they would have retreated from the
    confrontation rather than moving closer to appellant.
    The standard for appellate review of a claim challenging the sufficiency of the State’s
    evidence is “whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319 (1979) (citing Johnson
    v. Louisiana, 
    406 U.S. 356
    , 362 (1972)); see Tenn. R. App. P. 13(e); State v. Davis, 
    354 S.W.3d 718
    , 729 (Tenn. 2011). To obtain relief on a claim of insufficient evidence, appellant
    must demonstrate that no reasonable trier of fact could have found the essential elements of
    the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. See 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 319
    . This standard of
    review is identical whether the conviction is predicated on direct or circumstantial evidence,
    or a combination of both. State v. Dorantes, 
    331 S.W.3d 370
    , 379 (Tenn. 2011); State v.
    551 S.W.2d 329
    , 331 (Tenn. 1977).
    On appellate review, “‘we afford the prosecution the strongest legitimate view of the
    evidence as well as all reasonable and legitimate inferences which may be drawn
    Davis, 354 S.W.3d at 729
    (quoting State v. Majors, 
    318 S.W.3d 850
    , 857 (Tenn.
    2010)); State v. Williams, 
    657 S.W.2d 405
    , 410 (Tenn. 1983); State v. Cabbage, 
    571 S.W.2d 832
    , 835 (Tenn. 1978). In a jury trial, questions involving the credibility of witnesses and
    the weight and value to be given the evidence, as well as all factual disputes raised by the
    evidence, are resolved by the jury as trier of fact. State v. Bland, 
    958 S.W.2d 651
    , 659 (Tenn.
    1997); State v. Pruett, 
    788 S.W.2d 559
    , 561 (Tenn. 1990). This court presumes that the jury
    has afforded the State all reasonable inferences from the evidence and resolved all conflicts
    in the testimony in favor of the State; as such, we will not substitute our own inferences
    drawn from the evidence for those drawn by the jury, nor will we re-weigh or re-evaluate the
    Dorantes, 331 S.W.3d at 379
    Cabbage, 571 S.W.2d at 835
    ; see State v. Sheffield,
    676 S.W.2d 542
    , 547 (Tenn. 1984). Because a jury conviction removes the presumption of
    innocence that appellant enjoyed at trial and replaces it with one of guilt at the appellate
    level, the burden of proof shifts from the State to the convicted appellant, who must
    demonstrate to this court that the evidence is insufficient to support the jury’s findings.
    Davis, 354 S.W.3d at 729
    (citing State v. Sisk, 
    343 S.W.3d 60
    , 65 (Tenn. 2011)).
    As indicted in this case, one commits the offense of assault who “[i]ntentionally or
    knowingly causes another to reasonably fear imminent bodily injury.” Tenn. Code Ann. §
    39-13-101(a)(2). The assault becomes “aggravated” by use or display of a deadly weapon.
    Id. § 39-13-102
    (a)(1)(A)(iii). Although appellant was indicted for aggravated assault of
    both officers, the jury found him guilty of aggravated assault of Deputy Harris and guilty of
    simple assault of Deputy Gibbons. The same evidence was relied upon by the State for both
    counts of the indictment.
    The evidence established that appellant displayed a knife, which is a deadly weapon.
    He wielded it in the direction of law enforcement officers. They each testified to their fear
    and stated that they were in the “reactionary gap” in which appellant could have stabbed them
    before they could defend themselves. Deputy Harris was closer in proximity to appellant
    than was Deputy Gibbons. The reasonableness of the deputies’ fear in light of their failure
    to retreat was a question of fact for the jury, which we will not revisit. The trial court
    approved this verdict, and appellant is not entitled to relief on this claim.
    D. Sentencing
    Appellant claims that the trial court erred in sentencing him as a persistent offender
    to fifteen years in confinement to be served consecutively to other outstanding sentences
    because the trial court failed to place on the record the reasons for its decision. Our review
    of the record indicates that the trial judge who heard the case also conducted a sentencing
    hearing. The trial judge made no oral findings and indicated that she would issue a
    sentencing order. However, that was never done. A subsequent trial judge entered the
    judgments without entering a sentencing order. Therefore, neither oral nor written findings
    setting forth the reasons for appellant’s sentences are available.
    At the original sentencing hearing, appellant contested his offender status. The trial
    court took the matter under advisement. In this unique procedural posture, the original trial
    court received all of the testimony, and it is unclear from the record what information the
    successor judge utilized in ordering consecutive sentencing and setting the offender status
    as persistent. Because the trial court failed to set forth any reasons for its sentencing
    decision, we must reverse appellant’s sentences and remand for a new sentencing hearing.
    See State v. Bise, 
    380 S.W.3d 682
    , 705 n.41 (Tenn. 2012).
    Based on the record as a whole, the briefs of the parties, and the applicable legal
    authorities, we affirm appellant’s convictions. However, we reverse his sentences and
    remand for proceedings consistent with this opinion.