State v. Robert McKnight ( 2010 )

    JUNE SESSION, 1999
    August 5, 1999
    STATE OF TENNESSEE,           )    C.C.A. NO. 02C01-9810-CC-00310
    Cecil Crowson, Jr.
    Appellate Court Clerk
    Appellee,               )
    VS.                           )
    )    HON. ROY B. MORGAN, JR.
    ROBERT M. McKNIGHT,           )    JUDGE
    Appe llant.             )    (Habeas Corpus)
    C. MARK DONAHOE                    PAUL G. SUMMERS
    312 East Lafayette Street          Attorney General and Reporter
    P.O. Box 2004
    Jackson, TN 38302-2004             PATRICIA C. KUSSMANN
    Assistant Attorney General
    425 Fifth Avenu e North
    Nashville, TN 37243
    District Attorney General
    Assistant District Attorney General
    P.O. Box 2825
    Jackson, TN 38302
    OPINION FILED ________________________
    In this appeal we determine whether the Defendant’s sentences for two
    DUI conviction s expired during the time the s heriff could not incarcerate the
    Defendant due to an overcr owde d jail. Th e trial co urt ruled that the Defe ndan t’s
    sentences had not expired. We agree and affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    On May 7, 1997, the Defendant pleaded guilty to and was convicted of
    DUI, second offense and DUI, third offense.1 For these convictions, he received
    consecu tive senten ces of ele ven mo nths an d twenty-n ine days in the cou nty
    workhouse. He was ordered to serve 150 days in confinement for one of the
    convictions, followed by sixty days co nfinem ent for the o ther con viction, with the
    balance of his sente nces to be s erved on pro bation . His effective sentence was
    thus two years, with 2 10 days to be serv ed in con fineme nt. 2
    The Defendant imm ediate ly presented himself to the county sheriff’s office
    to begin serving his sentences. He was told that no spac e was availab le for him
    to serve his sentences and that he would be notified when to report. In August
    of 1998, the Defen dant rec eived no tice from th e sheriff’s off ice that he w as to
    report to begin serving his effective 210-day sentence.
    On September 3, 1998, the Defendant filed a “Motion for Post-Conviction
    Relief and/or W rit of Habe as Cor pus.” He asserted that the notification to report
    Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 55-10-401, -403.
    The Defendant was also convicted of and sentenced for other offenses, none of which
    is relevant to the issues presented in this appeal.
    to jail came over one year after his sentences became final and stated tha t “[t]o
    require the Defendant to serve a sentence after expiration of the sentence is a
    violation of the Defendant’s due process rights, violation of the credit for time at
    liberty doctrin e and is a violation of the principle o f fundam ental fairne ss.”
    The trial court conducted a hearing on the Defendant’s motion, at which
    time the pa rties stip ulated to the p ertinent facts as stated herein.          At the
    conclusion of the hearing, the trial cou rt denied the D efendant re lief from h is
    sentences, relying on th e provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated § 55-10-
    403(p)(3). From this order, the Defendant now appeals.
    In this appeal, the Defendant relies primarily on State v. Walker, 
    905 S.W.2d 554
     (T enn. 1995). The facts presented in Walker were qu ite similar to
    those presented in the case at b ar. On August 27, 1990, Defendant Walker was
    convicted of DUI and received a jail sentence of eleven months and twenty-nine
    days, with all but twen ty days su spend ed. Id. at 555 . He re ported to the s heriff’s
    office to begin serving his sentence and was told that no space was available and
    that he would b e notified w hen to re port. Id. Almost two years later he received
    the notice to re port to jail. Id. He sought relief from his sentence, alleging that
    it had exp ired. Id. The trial court denied Walker relief and this Court affirmed,
    however, our supreme court granted Walker re lief. Id. The C ourt bas ed its
    decision upon a n interpre tation of our statutes, holding that “where persons under
    a crimina l sente nce im med iately pr esen t them selves to the a pprop riate
    authorities for incarc eration and a re turn ed aw ay the s enten ce in each case shall
    begin to run when the judgment of conviction becomes final or the prisoner is
    actually incarcerated , whichever is earlier.” Id. at 557.
    In Walker, our supreme court first discussed the due process and
    fundamental fairness concerns, including the “cred it for time at liberty” doctrine:
    The effect of an inordinate delay in the execution of a criminal
    judgment has been frequently litigated in other courts. Even w here
    the delay results from simple negligence or oversight, the courts
    have recognized that relief from the sentence might be ava ilable on
    due process grounds. In [these] cases the courts also analyzed the
    claims on the basis of waiver or estoppel but refused relief on any
    basis because of the high standard that must be met before relief is
    available. (The State’s action “must b e so affirm atively wron g or its
    inaction so grossly negligent that it would be un equivo cally
    inconsistent with ‘fundamental principles of libe rty and justic e’ to
    require a legal sentence to be served in the aftermath of such action
    of inaction.”)
    Another doctrine called “cred it for time at liberty” has been
    invoked where the de fendant has been incarce rated unde r a
    criminal judgmen t but erroneou sly released thro ugh no fault of h is
    own. Unde r those circ umsta nces the courts hold that his sentence
    continues to run wh ile he is at liberty. We know of no instance,
    however, where this doctrine has been applied to a situation w here
    no time at all has been served.
    In other cases, most of them in the state courts, where the
    defendant has presented himself for incarceration and has been
    refused admission for some reason (an overcr owde d jail or s imple
    inaction on the part of the jailer) the courts have said that the
    sentence began to run w hen th e defe ndan t did all that was required
    of him to allow the imposition of the criminal sentence.
    The lack of in depth analysis in some of the state
    case s—p articula rly the part played by state statutes—persuades us
    that there is no uniform constitutional standard that has been
    applied in cases where a defe ndan t is refus ed ad miss ion to th e jail
    because of overcrowded conditions. We cannot say that under
    those conditions the State’s action is so affirmatively wrong or
    gross ly neglig ent tha t further incarc eration would be inconsistent
    with fundamental principles of liberty and justice. We will, therefore,
    exam ine the qu estion ba sed on our own statutes.
    Id. at 555-56 (citations o mitted).
    In the case at bar, as in Walker, we cannot conclude that service of the
    Defe ndan t’s senten ces wo uld violate his due process rights or otherwise offend
    principles of fundam ental fairness. He re, the Defend ant received an effective
    sentence of two years.      Due to overcrowded jail conditions, space was not
    availab le to acc omm odate incarceration of the D efendant for ap proximately a
    year after he was sentenced. Any inconvenience to the Defendant is certainly not
    sufficient to violate D efenda nt’s due p rocess rights. Under these conditions and
    circumstances, we ca nnot c onclu de tha t the Sta te’s ac tion is so affirma tively
    wrong or gross ly negligen t that incarc eration w ould be inconsis tent with
    fundamental principles of liberty and justice. We therefore examine the issue
    based on the statutes enacted by our legislature.
    In Walker, our supreme court analyzed the applicable statutes and found
    a legislative intent that the sheriff shall commit a defendant to jail as
    soon as possible after the re ndition of th e judgm ent and that a
    judgment requiring incarceration should specifically provide that the
    sentence begins to run “on the day on wh ich the defen dant le gally
    comes into the custody of the sheriff for execution of the judgment
    of impriso nmen t.”
    Id. at 556.
    The court also noted in W alker that the sheriff was authorized to convey
    prisoners to othe r jails in the st ate if the jail in the sh eriff’s coun ty was insu fficient.
    Id. The co urt noted that the sh eriff had not committed Walker to jail as soon as
    possible because the re was n o proof in th e record that the sh eriff attemp ted to
    find the “nearest su fficient jail.” Id. at 557.
    The Walker court concluded as follows:
    What is the remedy for persons sentenced to jail who have
    presented themselves to the proper authorities for incarceration and
    have been denied their request to begin serving their sentences
    immed iately? We are persuad ed that our statutes requ ire more than
    a passive course of non-action that leaves such persons living
    indefin itely under an unexecuted criminal sentence. Therefore, we
    hold that wh ere pe rsons unde r a crim inal se ntenc e imm ediate ly
    present themselves to the appropriate authorities for incarceration
    and are turne d away th e sente nce in each case shall begin to run
    when the jud gme nt of co nviction beco mes final or th e priso ner is
    actually incarcerated , whichever is earlier.
    Id. at 557 (em phasis add ed).
    It appears clear that the court’s decision in Walker was base d on statutory
    construction and a determination of legislative intent. By the time our supreme
    court’s opinion in Walker was filed, our legislature had enacted new statutes
    concerning the time and manner of service of DUI sentences.3
    Chapter num ber 52 4 of the Public Acts of 1995 amended Tennessee Code
    Annotated § 55-10-40 3 by adding the following new su bsection (p):
    (p)(1) An offender sentenced to a period of incarceration for
    a violation of Tennessee Code Annotated, 55-10-401, shall be
    required to commence service of such sentence within thirty (30)
    days of con viction or, if space is not immediately available in the
    approp riate municipal or cou nty jail or workhouse within such time,
    as soon as suc h spa ce is available. If in the opinion of the sheriff or
    chief administrative officer of a local jail or workhouse, space will not
    be available to allow an offender convicted of a violation of
    Tennessee Code Annota ted, 55-10-401, to commence service of
    such sentence within ninety (90) days of conviction, such sheriff or
    administrative officer shall use alternative facilities for the
    incarceration of such offender. If an offender convicted of a violation
    of Ten ness ee Co de An notate d, 55-1 0-401 , prior to th e effec tive date
    of this act has not commenced se rvice of the sentence imposed
    The Walker court noted the passage of public chapter number 524 of the Acts of 1995
    and observed that the new law “may” affect the ruling announced in Walker. Walker, 905
    S.W.2d at 557 n.1. The new statutory provisions were not in effect until July 1, 1995 and only
    applied to the service of sentences pronounced on or after that date. 1995 Tenn. Pub. Acts
    524, sec. 3.
    within ninety (90) days [of] such offender’s conviction, the sheriff or
    administrative officer sha ll, after notifying the offender, use
    alternative facilities for the incarceration of such offender. The
    approp riate county or municipal legislative body shall approve the
    alternative facilities to be used in such coun ty or municipality.
    (2) As used in this subsection “alternative facilities” include,
    but are not limited to, vacant schools or office buildings or any other
    building or structure owned , controlled or used by the ap propriate
    governmental entity that would be suitable for housing such
    offenders for short periods of time on an as-n eeded basis. A
    governmental entity may contract with another governmental entity
    or private corporation or person for the use of alternative facilities
    when needed and govern mental en tities may, by agreem ent, share
    use of alternative facilities.
    (3) Noth ing in th is subs ection shall be construed to give an
    offender a right to serve a sentence for a violation of Tennessee
    Code Annotated, Section 55-10-401, in an alternative facility or
    within a specified period of time. Failure of a sheriff or chief
    administrative officer of a jail to require an offender to serve such a
    sentence within a certain period of time or in a certa in facility or type
    of facility shall have no effect upon the validity of the sentence.
    1995 Te nn. Pub. Ac ts 524, sec. 2 (em phasis add ed).
    This act specifically applies only to se ntenc es for D UI. Th is law cle arly
    expresses the legislative intent that DUI offenders begin serving their sentences
    within thirty days of conviction if space is available. If the sheriff is of the opinion
    that space will not be available with in ninety da ys, the legis lature exp resses its
    intent that the sheriff arrange for alternative facilities for the incarceration of the
    offend er. Th e legis lature h as clea rly expressed its intent that jail sentences for
    DUI conviction s be pro mptly se rved. W e believe, howev er, that the legislature
    has also clearly expressed its intent that the failure of the sheriff to requ ire a DUI
    offender to serve a sentence within a certain period of time does not relieve the
    offender from the requirement of serving the sentence.
    In summarizing the proposed bill to the mem bers of the Jud iciary
    Committee of the Tennessee House of Representatives, Representative Roy
    Herron, the sponsor of the bill, explained that the legislation provided “if the
    sheriff doesn ’t require that as he’s su ppos ed to . . . if so meh ow the ball’s
    dropped, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to serve the time.” He further stated
    that the bill “makes clear that if for some reaso n, you d on’t be gin se rving w ithin
    the time per iod requ ired by law , that that doesn’t mean your sentence is no
    longer valid.” H. Judiciary Comm., 99th Gen. Assembly (Tenn., Apr. 5, 1995)
    (statemen t of Represen tative Roy Herro n).
    W e believe that by ena cting chapter n umber 524 of the Public Acts of
    1995, the legislatu re intend ed that a DUI offender not escape responsibility for
    serving a sentence simply because space was not available to serve th e
    sentence in the co unty jail w ithin a s pecifie d period o f time.        Sub ject to
    constitutional constraints, policy decisions su ch as this are within the purview of
    the legislature. Under the facts presented in this case, we cannot conclude that
    requiring the De fenda nt to se rve his s enten ce wo uld be inconsisten t with
    fundamental principles of liberty and justice in violation of the Defendant’s due
    process rights.
    The judgment of the trial court is accordingly affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: 02C01-9810-CC-00310

Filed Date: 12/1/2010

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014