Felton McNeal v. State of Tennessee ( 2014 )

    Assigned on Briefs June 3, 2014
    Appeal from the Criminal Court for Shelby County
    No. 10-00295   Chris Craft, Judge
    No. W2013-02014-CCA-R3-PC - Filed October 10, 2014
    The petitioner, Felton McNeal, appeals the denial of his petition for post-conviction relief,
    arguing that his guilty pleas were unknowingly and involuntarily entered without the
    effective assistance of counsel. After review, we affirm the denial of the petition.
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Criminal Court Affirmed
    A LAN E. G LENN, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which C AMILLE R. M CM ULLEN,
    J., joined. J EFFREY S. B IVINS, J., Not Participating.
    Michael R. Working, Memphis, Tennessee, for the appellant, Felton McNeal.
    Robert E. Cooper, Jr., Attorney General and Reporter; Sophia S. Lee, Senior Counsel; Amy
    P. Weirich, District Attorney General; and Katie Ratton, Assistant District Attorney General,
    for the appellee, State of Tennessee.
    In January 2010, the petitioner was indicted for various offenses arising out of a large-
    scale drug conspiracy. The petitioner pled guilty to three counts of selling cocaine in an
    amount greater than .5 grams, Class B felonies; four counts of conspiracy to sell cocaine in
    an amount greater than .5 grams, Class C felonies; conspiracy to commit aggravated
    burglary, a Class D felony; two counts of conspiracy to sell Hydrocodone, Class D felonies;
    and conspiracy to sell cocaine in an amount less than .5 grams, a Class D felony. The trial
    court sentenced the petitioner as a multiple offender to concurrent sentences for a total of
    eighteen years.
    At the guilty plea hearing, the State summarized the underlying facts as follows:
    The facts of these matters had they gone to trial, first generally, officers
    were alerted to a large scale drug network, which included as one of its
    members, [the petitioner].
    [The petitioner] was contacted at a telephone number . . . by a
    confidential source in concert with police officers. They arranged a purchase
    of cocaine from [the petitioner] in the amount of two ounces. On Friday, June
    19, 2009, [the petitioner] showed up at the exchange and sold officers what
    later tested positive for two ounces, fifty-eight-point-one-two-grams, of
    cocaine, in exchange for $2,000.00 in marked funds.
    Thereafter, [an] officer obtained a court ordered wire tap . . . for [the
    petitioner]’s telephone. The various cases that follow deal with calls and
    surveillance which occurred over the next two months on [the petitioner]’s
    On August the 6th of 2009, [the petitioner] communicated with another
    individual with regard to that other individual going to a house without the
    consent of the owner and breaking into the house to take various merchandise
    that was inside the house.
    Officers were sent to the location and stopped the burglary before it
    happened, however, the individual that [the petitioner] was contacting with
    went to the home to commit the burglary. . . .
    On July the 30th of 2009, officers monitored phone calls in which [the
    petitioner] communicated with James Thomas, in which he conspired with Mr.
    Thomas to sell him half an ounce of cocaine.
    On July 26th of 2009, officers monitored calls between [the petitioner]
    and an unknown party, using a certain telephone number in which [the
    petitioner] conspired with the individual and met the individual in order to sell
    him a very small amount of cocaine, approximately, half a gram of cocaine.
    On July 29th of 2009, officers monitored calls between [the petitioner]
    and an unknown individual in which [the petitioner] conspired to sell forty
    Hydrocodone pills to that individual.
    On July the 30th of 2009, officers monitored calls between [the
    petitioner] and an individual who identified himself as Robert, in which [the
    petitioner] conspired with that individual to provide one-point-seven grams of
    cocaine, half of a what [the petitioner] referred to as an eight ball.
    On July the 30th of 2009, [the petitioner] conspired with Keith Rankin,
    Sr., to provide him three-point-five grams of cocaine. [The petitioner] and Mr.
    Rankin[] traveled to meet each other for the cocaine exchange.
    On August the 1st of 2009[,] [the petitioner] conspired with an
    individual by the name of Marcus to provide him half of an eight ball of
    cocaine, it’s approximately one-point-seven grams. The individuals, again,
    traveled to meet each other.
    On August the 3rd of 2009[,] [the petitioner] conspired with Michael
    Waters with regard to purchasing Lor[tab] from [the petitioner].
    Most of the facts of all of the cases are the same, if the [S]tate went to
    trial[,] we would present telephone calls which [the petitioner] spoke with
    these various individuals. Most of these incidents here were also surveilled by
    officers who followed [the petitioner] to and from various locations as he was
    delivering the cocaine, or meeting the various parties.
    In each of the deals it’s more than just talk on the telephone, there’s
    some overt act that either [the petitioner] or his co-conspirator took toward
    completion of those various conspiracies.
    . . . [The petitioner] gave a statement of admission with regard to his
    activities at the time he was arrested.
    . . . [The petitioner] has provided assistance and will continue, or at
    least, that is expected, to continue to provide assistance in various matters.
    At the plea hearing, the petitioner told the court that counsel explained everything in
    the waiver of jury trial and request for acceptance of guilty plea petitions to him, and he
    understood the contents. He said that he understood the charges against him and to what he
    was pleading guilty. The petitioner acknowledged that he understood his right to a trial and
    what that would entail. The petitioner acknowledged that he understood the possible
    sentences he faced for the various offenses to which he was pleading. The petitioner stated
    that he understood that he was giving up his right to a trial by pleading guilty and said that
    he wanted to plead guilty. He agreed that no one was forcing him to plead guilty or
    promising him anything in exchange for doing so.
    The petitioner stated that counsel had received the discovery and discussed his case
    “completely” with him. The petitioner told the court that he was satisfied with counsel’s
    representation. The court read the guilty plea petition aloud in segments, with the petitioner
    acknowledging his understanding and consent to the terms after every segment and agreeing
    that he had signed it. The petitioner acknowledged his understanding that the court would
    determine his sentence. Afterward, the court again received affirmative answers from the
    petitioner when asked if the petitioner agreed to the plea and had no questions. The
    petitioner averred to the court that he wanted to plead guilty. The trial court ruled that the
    petitioner understood his plea and the process, and he was entering his plea freely and
    voluntarily without threat or coercion.
    The petitioner filed a timely petition for post-conviction relief and, following the
    appointment of counsel, an amended petition was filed. In his petitions, the petitioner
    argued, among other things, that he received the ineffective assistance of counsel and his
    guilty pleas were unknowingly and involuntary entered. The post-conviction court conducted
    an evidentiary hearing at which counsel testified that he had been a defense attorney for
    thirteen years. Counsel said that the petitioner’s case was part of a “pretty huge drug
    conspiracy case” involving 100 indictments, of which the petitioner was personally
    mentioned “in about a dozen.” Counsel recalled that the petitioner’s case was somewhat
    unusual in that the petitioner had already “given a full confession to OCU” before his
    representation began and there were “hours and hours of wire tap on [the petitioner]’s
    phone[.]” Counsel said that, although he did not play the tapes of the wire tap for the
    petitioner, counsel “went over them [him]self and . . . talked to [the petitioner] about the
    subject matter on there.” Counsel stated that because the petitioner was eager to cooperate
    with the State in order to get out of jail and “help himself out,” counsel and the prosecutor
    met with the petitioner “multiple times” and discussed the evidence the State had against
    him. Counsel also discussed the difference between consecutive and concurrent sentencing
    with the petitioner.
    Counsel testified that, according to the terms of the plea agreement, the petitioner was
    to plead guilty but be sentenced at a later time. Depending on the petitioner’s level of
    cooperation with the State, the State would make a recommendation to the trial court as to
    the sentence the petitioner should receive or the trial court could determine the petitioner’s
    sentence. The State also agreed to reduce the petitioner’s bond from almost $700,000 to
    $20,000. In exchange, the petitioner was to keep in touch with his OCU officer and counsel,
    as well as have periodic status court dates. However, the petitioner did not abide by the
    conditions of his bond, including missing court appearances, not staying in contact with the
    agent or counsel, and then disappearing for approximately six months. A warrant was
    eventually issued for his arrest.
    Counsel testified, with regard to sentencing, that the State filed notices to seek
    consecutive sentencing and of enhancement factors. Counsel said that he did not file any
    responses because “if we went forward with a contested sentencing hearing, . . . [the
    petitioner] . . . would probably have gotten a lot more time from the Judge than anything I
    would have worked out.” He did not file any mitigating factors because his investigation did
    not reveal any.
    Counsel testified that the focus of his representation was on negotiating the best deal
    he could for the petitioner, not preparing for a contested matter as the petitioner “was
    adamantly, adamantly against going to trial.” He said that he and the petitioner “went over
    the indictments, we went over the discovery. We even had the prosecutor that had
    prosecuted him and had reviewed all the discovery come in and meet with him and go over
    the discovery with him as well.” Counsel estimated that he met with the petitioner between
    five and fifteen times while the petitioner was in custody, but the petitioner continually failed
    to keep his appointments after he was released from jail.
    On cross-examination, counsel stated that he included an attachment to the guilty plea
    as an extra step of ensuring that the petitioner understood the implications of his plea.
    Counsel said that the petitioner never indicated that he wanted a trial and was candid with
    counsel that he knew he potentially faced a long term. The petitioner faced the possibility
    of sixty years, but counsel and the State were able to agree on a sentence of eighteen years.
    The prosecutor assigned to the petitioner’s case testified that he met with the
    petitioner four or five times over the course of the matter. He asserted that, without the plea
    negotiated by counsel, the petitioner would have likely been sentenced to thirty-two or thirty-
    four years instead of eighteen. The prosecutor stated that, although counsel did not present
    a written notice of mitigating factors, counsel presented him with mitigating considerations
    which were taken into account in their negotiations.
    On cross-examination, the prosecutor stated that he agreed with counsel’s assessment
    that the petitioner was intelligent and understood the situation he was in. He said that the
    petitioner understood the possible sentence he faced and recalled that, when he asked the
    petitioner what would happen if he did not cooperate, the petitioner said, “You’re going to
    bury me.” The prosecutor stated, “I don’t think there’s any question in the world as to
    whether or not [the petitioner] understood the situation or understood what he was facing.
    I had absolutely no doubt that he understood those things.”
    The petitioner testified that he did not have the opportunity to go over the evidence
    against him and only told the trial court that he had at the plea hearing because he “was just
    following suits of my lawyer.” He elaborated that he “was just trying to speed the process
    and me go on home.” He maintained that he did not have a chance to discuss the evidence
    with counsel or talk about what was going on in his case. He said that he did not have a
    chance to listen to any of the surveillance tapes. The petitioner admitted that he had given
    a confession to officers, which he had a chance to review.
    The petitioner acknowledged that he had previously entered guilty pleas in five other
    felony drug cases and, because of this, knew the consequences involved with guilty pleas.
    However, he said that he “didn’t know [he] was going to get that much time[.]” The
    petitioner conceded that counsel met with him several times prior to the guilty plea, as well
    as a couple of times between the plea and sentencing, before the petitioner fell out of touch.
    The petitioner testified that he disagreed with his sentence in that he believed his
    conspiracy convictions were for the same offenses as the convictions for selling the drugs.
    He also felt there was a vast disparity in the length of sentence for his various offenses.
    However, he admitted that he signed fifteen or twenty pieces of paper agreeing to his
    sentence but said that, after conducting research, he felt his sentence was “uncalled for” and
    “too much time.”
    On cross-examination, the petitioner admitted that he met with counsel “many, many
    times” and spoke with counsel in great detail about his case, and he told counsel that he did
    not want to go to trial. He acknowledged that he did not uphold his part of the agreement
    with the State. He admitted that he was “just unhappy that [his sentence was] 18 years.” The
    petitioner said that counsel was “a great lawyer” and did everything he wanted him to do.
    He agreed that the only reason he was in court was because he felt that his sentence was
    excessive but that counsel “really didn’t have much to do with that” because he pled open
    to the court.
    Following the hearing, the post-conviction court denied relief. The court found that
    there was no deficiency in counsel’s performance or any prejudice to the petitioner due to any
    alleged deficiency. The court further found that the petitioner’s pleas were “freely and
    voluntarily made, and knowingly and intelligently entered into, with an understanding of the
    nature and consequences of his plea[s].”
    The petitioner argues that his guilty pleas were unknowingly and involuntarily entered
    without the effective assistance of counsel.
    Post-conviction relief “shall be granted when the conviction or sentence is void or
    voidable because of the abridgment of any right guaranteed by the Constitution of Tennessee
    or the Constitution of the United States.” 
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-30-103
     (2012). The
    petitioner bears the burden of proving factual allegations by clear and convincing evidence.
     § 40-30-110(f). When an evidentiary hearing is held in the post-conviction setting, the
    findings of fact made by the court are conclusive on appeal unless the evidence
    preponderates against them. See Wiley v. State, 
    183 S.W.3d 317
    , 325 (Tenn. 2006). When
    reviewing factual issues, the appellate court will not reweigh the evidence and will instead
    defer to the post-conviction court’s findings as to the credibility of witnesses or the weight
    of their testimony. 
     However, review of a post-conviction court’s application of the law
    to the facts of the case is de novo, with no presumption of correctness. See Ruff v. State, 
    978 S.W.2d 95
    , 96 (Tenn. 1998). The issue of ineffective assistance of counsel, which presents
    mixed questions of fact and law, is reviewed de novo, with a presumption of correctness
    given only to the post-conviction court’s findings of fact. See Fields v. State, 
    40 S.W.3d 450
    458 (Tenn. 2001); State v. Burns, 
    6 S.W.3d 453
    , 461 (Tenn. 1999).
    To establish a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, the petitioner has the burden
    to show both that trial counsel’s performance was deficient and that counsel’s deficient
    performance prejudiced the outcome of the proceeding. Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687 (1984); see State v. Taylor, 
    968 S.W.2d 900
    , 905 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1997) (noting
    that same standard for determining ineffective assistance of counsel that is applied in federal
    cases also applies in Tennessee). The Strickland standard is a two-prong test:
    First, the defendant must show that counsel’s performance was deficient. This
    requires showing that counsel made errors so serious that counsel was not
    functioning as the “counsel” guaranteed the defendant by the Sixth
    Amendment. Second, the defendant must show that the deficient performance
    prejudiced the defense. This requires showing that counsel’s errors were so
    serious as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose result is reliable.
    466 U.S. at 687
    The deficient performance prong of the test is satisfied by showing that “counsel’s
    acts or omissions were so serious as to fall below an objective standard of reasonableness
    under prevailing professional norms.” Goad v. State, 
    938 S.W.2d 363
    , 369 (Tenn. 1996)
    (citing Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 688
    ; Baxter v. Rose, 
    523 S.W.2d 930
    , 936 (Tenn. 1975)). The
    prejudice prong of the test is satisfied by showing a reasonable probability, i.e., a “probability
    sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome,” that “but for counsel’s unprofessional
    errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    In the context of a guilty plea, the petitioner must show a reasonable probability that were
    it not for the deficiencies in counsel’s representation, he or she would not have pled guilty
    but would instead have insisted on proceeding to trial. Hill v. Lockhart, 
    474 U.S. 52
    , 59
    (1985); House v. State, 
    44 S.W.3d 508
    , 516 (Tenn. 2001).
    Before a guilty plea may be accepted, there must be an affirmative showing in the trial
    court that it was voluntarily and knowingly entered. Boykin v. Alabama, 
    395 U.S. 238
    , 242
    (1969); State v. Mackey, 
    553 S.W.2d 337
    , 340 (Tenn. 1977). This requires a showing that
    the defendant was made aware of the significant consequences of the plea. State v. Pettus,
    986 S.W.2d 540
    , 542 (Tenn. 1999) (citing Mackey, 533 S.W.2d at 340). A plea is not
    “voluntary” if it results from ignorance, misunderstanding, coercion, inducements, or threats.
    Blankenship v. State, 
    858 S.W.2d 897
    , 904 (Tenn. 1993). The trial court must determine if
    the guilty plea is “knowing” by questioning the defendant to make sure he or she fully
    understands the plea and its consequences. Pettus, 
    986 S.W.2d at 542
    ; Blankenship, 
    858 S.W.2d at 904
    Because the plea must represent a voluntary and intelligent choice among the
    alternatives available to the defendant, the trial court may look at a number of circumstantial
    factors in making this determination. Blankenship, 
    858 S.W.2d at 904
    . These factors
    include: (1) the defendant’s relative intelligence; (2) the defendant’s familiarity with criminal
    proceedings; (3) whether the defendant was represented by competent counsel and had the
    opportunity to confer with counsel about alternatives; (4) the advice of counsel and the court
    about the charges against the defendant and the penalty to be imposed; and (5) the
    defendant’s reasons for pleading guilty, including the desire to avoid a greater penalty in a
    jury trial. 
    Id. at 904-05
    Again, the petitioner argues that his guilty pleas were unknowingly and involuntarily
    entered without the effective assistance of counsel. He asserts that counsel did not review
    discovery with him, causing him to not “make a properly informed decision” in pleading
    guilty. He also asserts that counsel failed to prepare for the sentencing hearing, leaving him
    “with a false choice . . . [to] proceed with an attorney who was unprepared, or . . . accept an
    extremely harsh sentence for crimes that nearly all lacked any physical proof.”
    We have reviewed the record and determine that the petitioner’s claims are wholly
    unsupported by the record. Counsel testified to his investigation of the case and review of
    the evidence, and the post-conviction court determined that the proof at the hearing did not
    show any deficiency in counsel’s performance. The testimony at the hearing showed that the
    petitioner consistently expressed an urgent desire to plead guilty, and the petitioner had
    previously entered guilty pleas and was aware of the consequences that followed. The
    petitioner himself testified at the evidentiary hearing that counsel was a “great lawyer” and
    had done all he could to help him and that he was simply unhappy with the sentence he
    received, which was well within the purview of the court to impose.
    Even though the petitioner faced a sentence of up to sixty years, counsel negotiated
    a sentence of eighteen years with the State that was ultimately accepted and imposed by the
    trial court. Counsel did not file an official notice of mitigating factors, but he discussed
    mitigating considerations with the State in their negotiations. The record shows that the
    petitioner, who was “very intelligent” and familiar with criminal proceedings, was
    represented by competent counsel, who met with him often and discussed the evidence
    against him, and that he pled guilty because he was admittedly guilty and stood to receive a
    greater sentence if convicted at trial. The transcript of the guilty plea hearing showed that
    the trial court went over the petitioner’s rights, the ramifications of pleading guilty, the nature
    of the charges against him, and the range of sentencing. Based on the totality of
    circumstances, we conclude that the petitioner entered knowing, voluntary, and intelligent
    pleas and failed to prove that counsel performed deficiently or that any deficiency affected
    the knowing and voluntary nature of his pleas.
    Based on the foregoing authorities and reasoning, we conclude that the petitioner has
    failed to meet his burden of showing that he received ineffective assistance of counsel or that
    his guilty pleas were unknowing and involuntary. Accordingly, we affirm the denial of the
    petition for post-conviction relief.