Green Hills Neighborhood Association v. The Metropolitan Government of Nashville And Davidson County Tennessee ( 2015 )

    January 22, 2015 Session
    Appeal from the Chancery Court for Davidson County
    No. 14577IV    Russell T. Perkins, Chancellor
    No. M2014-01590-COA-R3-CV – Filed May 18, 2015
    A developer submitted a final site plan for a mixed-use development in the Green Hills
    area of Nashville for approval to the Metropolitan Nashville Planning Department; the
    plan was approved first by the Department‟s Executive Director and later by the
    Metropolitan Planning Commission. A neighborhood association composed of residents
    in the area, as well as an individual Green Hills resident, filed a petition for certiorari
    review of the Commission‟s approval of the final site plan. Upon review of the
    administrative record and following a hearing, the trial court affirmed the decision and
    dismissed the writ with prejudice; Petitioners appeal. We concur with the trial court and
    affirm the decision of the Commission.
    Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Chancery Court Affirmed.
    RICHARD H. DINKINS, J., delivered the opinion of the court, in which ANDY D. BENNETT
    and W. NEAL MCBRAYER, JJ., joined.
    Peter H. Curry, Nashville, Tennessee, for the appellant, Green Hills Neighborhood
    Association and Cecelia Smith.
    John L. Farringer, IV, Nashville, Tennessee, for the appellee, Green Hills Mixed Use,
    Saul Solomon, Director of Law; J. Brooks Fox, Lora Barkenbus Fox, Catherine J.
    Dundon, Nashville, Tennessee, for the appellee, The Metropolitan Government of
    Nashville and Davidson County, et al.
    On February 13, 2014, Green Hills Mixed Use, LLC (“Green Hills”) submitted an
    application to the Metropolitan Nashville Planning Department (“the Department”) for
    approval of a proposed 2.67 acre mixed-use development at the corner of Hillsboro Pike
    and Richard Jones Road in Nashville. The property on which the development is to be
    built is located in a Shopping Center Regional (“SCR”) base zone and includes an urban
    design overlay designated as the Green Hills Urban Design Overlay (“Green Hills
    UDO”).1 The development includes two four-story commercial buildings, one of which
    fronts on Hillsboro Pike and the other which fronts on Richard Jones Road, an 11-story
    residential building, and a 17-story residential tower; both residential buildings are
    located at the rear of the tract.
    After submitting the application, Green Hills received comments from Department
    staff members and various other Metropolitan Government (“Metro”) agencies requesting
    revisions to portions of the plan; Green Hills submitted an amended plan on March 17.
    On March 20, Richard Bernhardt, Executive Director of the Department, sent a letter to
    Southern Land Company stating, “On behalf of the Metropolitan Planning Commission
    and pursuant to Rule VIII E, the final site plan dated March 17, 2014 . . . has been
    approved with [certain] conditions.”2
    On March 27, 2014, the Metropolitan Planning Commission (“the Commission”)
    met; a portion of the agenda was set aside for “OTHER BUSINESS: ITEM 14-
    Presentation of 4000 Hillsboro Pike in the Green Hills UDO.” Another section of the
    agenda, also titled “Other Business,” included the item “Accept the Director‟s Report and
    Approve Administrative Items.” Prior to the presentation of the Green Hills UDO, Doug
    Sloan, Deputy Director of the Department, advised the Commission that the project had
    already been “administratively approved,” that it was an item for approval by the
    Commission, and that, because the project was not a rezoning or a policy change, a public
    hearing was not required. Thereafter, Andrew Collins, a Planner II for the Department,
    presented the request for approval, stating that the project met “all of the standards of the
    An overlay zone is a type of amendment to a zoning plan incorporating specific and distinct
    restrictions to particular land areas; it may include “a development review process that provides for
    specific site-plan and design review or incentive bonuses and linkage requirements.” Arden H. Rathkopf
    et al., Rathkopf’s The Law of Zoning and Planning § 38:7 (4th ed. 2015). An urban design overlay is
    such an amendment to a zoning plan. 
    Id. at §
    The application was signed by Shane White, Senior Planner and Landscape Architect for
    Southern Land Company, which Green Hills identifies in its brief as an affiliated entity. On the
    application, Green Hills was designated as the “Property Owner” and Southern Land as the “Company.”
    UDO and base zoning” and that it was developed under the property‟s existing
    entitlements; the Commission voted unanimously to approve the request.
    On April 21, 2014, the Green Hills Neighborhood Association and Cecelia Smith
    (“Petitioners”) filed a petition for a writ of certiorari in Davidson County Chancery Court
    pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 27-8-101 and § 27-9-101, seeking review the
    Commission‟s approval of the plan; the petition named Metro, the Commission, and SLC
    Philadelphia, LLC as respondents.3 Petitioners alleged that the Commission violated the
    procedures required to approve the plan; that the plan lacked the details required for
    approval; that the 17-story tower violated various height restrictions in the Metro zoning
    code and the Green Hills UDO; and that Green Hills was not entitled to certain
    development incentives contained in the UDO.4 The writ issued and the record of the
    Commission was duly certified and filed with the court.
    On July 16, 2014, the court held a hearing and, on July 18, entered an order
    affirming the Commission‟s action and dismissing the writ with prejudice. Petitioners
    appeal, contending that the Commission illegally delegated its authority to approve the
    final site plans to the Executive Director, that the staff misinterpreted and misapplied the
    UDO standards when it approved the development, and that the 17-story tower violates
    the Metro Zoning ordinance.
    Judicial review of an action by an administrative body, such as the Metropolitan
    Planning Commission, is by way of the common law writ of certiorari. Tenn. Code Ann.
    § 27-8-101; see also Demonbreun v. Metropolitan Bd. of Zoning Appeals, 
    206 S.W.3d 42
    , 46 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2005); McCallen v. City of Memphis, 
    786 S.W.2d 633
    , 639 (Tenn.
    1990). Under the common law writ of certiorari, review is limited to whether the
    administrative body exceeded its jurisdiction or acted illegally. Tenn. Code Ann. § 27-8-
    Demonbreun, 206 S.W.3d at 46
    ; Massey v. Shelby County Retirement Bd., 
    813 S.W.2d 462
    , 464 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1991). Action that can be characterized as arbitrary or
    On May 8, 2014, an order was entered substituting Green Hills for SLC Philadelphia, LLC, as
    the Respondent.
    Seven exhibits were attached to the petition: (1) The March 20, 2014 Bernhardt letter to
    Southern Land; (2) Metropolitan Ordinances 17.36.270-320, relating to Urban Design Overlay Districts;
    (3) Metropolitan Ordinance 17.40.130, which sets forth application, recommendation and approval
    procedures for proposed Urban Design Overlay Districts, and approval of site plans for projects within
    such districts; (4) Metropolitan Ordinance 17.40.170, relative to approvals of Final Site Plans; (5) Rules
    and Procedures which were adopted on May 15, 2005 by the Commission relative to its consideration of
    Final Site Plans; (6) Ordinance No. BL2002-1083, which established the Green Hills UDO applicable to
    the property at issue in this case; and (7) Metropolitan Ordinance 17.12.060, which establishes regulations
    on the height of buildings in the various zoning districts.
    capricious or that is unsupported by material evidence also warrants reversal or
    Demonbreun, 206 S.W.3d at 46
    Massey, 813 S.W.2d at 464
    McCallen, 786 S.W.2d at 642
    . “[T]he court‟s primary resolve is to refrain from substituting its
    judgment for that of the local governmental body.” 
    McCallen, 786 S.W.2d at 641
    ; See
    Capps v. Metro. Gov’t of Nashville and Davidson Cty., 
    2008 WL 5427972
    , at *6 (Tenn.
    Ct. App. Dec. 31, 2008) (“In recognition of the policy that favors permitting the
    community decision-makers closest to the events to make the decision, the courts refrain
    from substituting their judgments for the broad discretionary power of the local
    governmental body”). Our scope of review is no broader than that of the trial court.
    Demonbreun, 206 S.W.3d at 46
    The first issue we address is Petitioner‟s contention that the Commission could not
    lawfully delegate its authority to the Executive Director because the approval of the final
    site plan is not a ministerial act but is “the exercise of legislative, discretionary
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-4-101 gives Metro the authority to create a planning
    commission and § 13-4-103 grants planning commissions such power “as may be
    necessary to enable it to perform its purposes and promote municipal planning”; the
    Commission was established and designated as Metro‟s “official planning agency” at
    Section 11.501 of the Metropolitan Charter. Section 11.504 of the Charter grants the
    [P]owers, duties and responsibilities which are now or may be hereafter
    granted to municipal planning commissions, regional planning
    commissions or metropolitan planning commissions by general state law,
    including specifically but not limited to such powers, duties and
    responsibilities with respect to general planning, zoning and subdivision
    regulations as are granted by the following chapters of title 13 (Public
    Planning and Housing) of the Tennessee Code Annotated: chapter 3, part 1
    (Regional Planning Commissions); chapter 3, part 4 (Regional Planning
    Regulations); chapter 7, part 1 (County Zoning Regulations); chapter 4, part
    1 (Municipal Planning Commissions); chapter 4, part 3 (Municipal
    Planning Regulations); and chapter 7, part 2 (Municipal Zoning
    Regulations); provided such powers, duties and responsibilities are not in
    conflict with the provisions of this article. . . .
    Metro receives its authority to regulate the location, height, and size of buildings
    and other structures within its jurisdiction from Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-7-101.5 Pursuant
    to that authority, Metro has created overlay districts to address “specific aspects of land
    use control or development design that transcend conventional zoning district
    provisions.” Metropolitan Code 17.36.010. 6
    Metropolitan Code 17.40.170 B7 requires the Commission to approve final site
    plans within design overlay districts. To fulfill this function, the Commission has
    The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County was created pursuant to Tenn.
    Code Ann. § 7-1-103, which also grants it the authority to “perform all, or substantially all, of the
    governmental and corporate functions previously performed by the county and by the municipal
    corporation . . . .”
    The urban design overlay was created at Metropolitan Code 17.36.270 with the purpose to:
    [A]llow for the application and implementation of special design standards with the intent
    of achieving a sense of place by fostering a scale and form of development that
    emphasizes sensitivity to the pedestrian environment, minimizes intrusion of the
    automobile into the urban setting, and provides for the sensitive placement of open spaces
    in relationship to building masses, street furniture and landscaping features in a manner
    otherwise not insured by the application of the conventional bulk, landscaping and
    parking standards of this title. Application of this special overlay district shall be limited
    to areas requiring specialized design standards either to maintain and reinforce an
    established form or character of development, or to achieve a specific design objective
    for new development. Any application for an urban design overlay district shall include
    design goals and objectives that embody this purpose and intent.
    Metropolitan Code 17.40.170 B states in pertinent part:
    Final Approval by the Planning Commission. Planning Commission approval shall be
    required for a final site plan within a SP district, DTC district, landmark sign designation
    or within the overlay districts known as planned unit development (PUD), urban design,
    and institutional.
    1. Application for Final Approval. A final site plan application filed with the
    planning commission shall consist of a detailed set of construction plans that
    fully demonstrate compliance with all applicable provisions of this title and
    accurately represent the resulting form of construction. Applications shall
    include all necessary drawings, specifications, studies or reports as required
    by a submittal checklist adopted by the planning commission.
    2. Final Report. A written report from the staff of the planning commission shall
    be submitted to the commission prior to consideration of a final site plan. The
    report shall adequately describe the location, nature and scope of the final site
    plan, and its conformance with applicable codes and regulations.
    3. Bases for Final Site Plan Approval. Approval of a final site plan shall be
    based on demonstrated compliance with all applicable provisions of this title.
    promulgated specific Rules and Procedures; of particular import to this case is Rule VIII-
    E which states:
    FINAL SITE PLANS. The Commission is required to act upon final site
    plans for certain development applications pursuant to Section 17.40.170 B.
    of the Metro Code. Such proposals must be submitted a minimum of 42
    calendar days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.
    Administrative approval.         The Executive Director is
    authorized to act on behalf of the Commission to approve or
    approve with conditions any final site plan submitted
    pursuant to Section 17.40.170 B of the Metro Code that the
    Executive Director determines to be (1) consistent with the
    enacting ordinance approved by the Metro Council and (2)
    eligible for approval pursuant to all relevant provisions in the
    Metro Code. Such action by the Executive Director shall be
    memorialized in a letter from the Executive Director to the
    applicant and conveyed to the Commission. If the Executive
    Director finds that the final site plan should not be approved
    or where the Executive Director, in his/her judgment, feels
    that consideration by the Planning Commission is warranted,
    then the final site plan may be submitted to the Commission
    for action. The Executive Director may also waive the
    requirement for any item normally required to be submitted as
    part of a final site plan application if the Executive Director
    determines that the information is not required to permit
    adequate review and approval of the final site plan.[8]
    It is within this context that we consider Petitioners‟ challenge.
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-4-103 grants planning commissions broad authority to
    effectuate municipal planning; there is no explicit prohibition on the delegation of
    For property located within a planned unit development (PUD) district, the
    final site plan shall conform to the general development concept and approval
    provisions of the master development plan.
    4. Planning Commission Action. The planning commission shall act to approve,
    conditionally approve or disapprove a final site plan application. . . .
    Attached to the petition was a version of the Commission‟s Rules and Procedures that was last
    amended on August 11, 2011; the version included in the record on appeal was last amended on February
    27, 2014. There is no substantive difference between the two versions; however, because the latter was
    adopted prior to the Executive Director‟s consideration of the final site plan, we have referred to it in this
    authority to the Commission‟s staff or employees. In accordance with Rule VIII-E, the
    Executive Director was authorized to determine whether Green Hills‟ plan was consistent
    with and eligible for approval based on the standards of the base zoning as modified by
    the Green Hills UDO. The determination of whether the Green Hills plan complied with
    those standards did not call for the adoption of a new zoning regulation or an amendment
    to the existing zoning laws, which would have constituted legislative action. Neither
    does the rule give the Executive Director discretion in making such a determination;
    rather, the rule only allows him/her to review the plan to see whether it complies with the
    SCR zoning regulations and the Green Hills UDO. The procedure set forth in the rule
    constitutes an administrative function; as such, it does not contravene the general rule
    against the delegation of functions which involve the exercise of discretion and judgment.
    See City of Rockwood v. Cincinnati, N.O. & T.P. Ry. Co., 
    22 S.W.2d 237
    , 240 (Tenn.
    1929) (“The general rule against delegation by municipal bodies does not forbid the
    delegation of ministerial, executive, or administrative functions to subordinate
    officials.”); see also Lotspeich v. City of Morristown, 
    207 S.W. 719
    , 721 (Tenn. 1918).
    In any event, in accordance with the rule and in compliance with Metropolitan Code
    17.40.170 B, the plan was presented to and approved by the Commission; the procedure
    followed was lawful.
    We next address Petitioners‟ contention that the 17-story tower violates Section
    B.5 of the Green Hills UDO, which sets a 60-foot maximum building height at the
    “build-to line” of Hillsboro Pike.9 Petitioners argue that the Commission allowed Green
    Hills to incorporate residential space to which it was not entitled and, as a consequence,
    exceeded the height limitation.
    The UDO contains guidelines for mixed use developments “constructed in
    accordance with the „build-to‟ line.” The guidelines state that, “[a]s an incentive, the
    UDO regulations should provide a bonus for mixed use development”; one such incentive
    encouraged by the UDO is the inclusion of residential space.10 Pertinent to the
    Commission‟s decision, the UDO development guidelines state:
    We have not been cited to, nor have we located, a definition of “build-to line” in either the
    Metro zoning code or the Green Hills UDO. The most analogous term is at Metropolitan Code 17.04.060,
    where “build-to zone” is defined as “an area established within a given lot indicating where the building
    frontage must be located. . . .” Applying that definition in the context of this case, the “build-to line” in
    the Green Hills UDO is 5-15 feet back from Hillsboro Pike.
    The incentives are set forth at Section B of the Green Hills UDO; the specific incentive relied
    upon by Green Hills is Section B.12:
    RESIDENTIAL FLOOR SPACE EXEMPTION: To encourage the inclusion of
    residential uses in mixed use buildings, floor area designed and built for residential use
    may be excluded as floor area for the purpose of calculating floor area ratio.
    The parties do not raise any issue relating to the calculation of floor area ratio in the Green Hills‟ plan.
    Most of the development incentives result in an increase in floor area. In
    order to more effectively utilize these incentives, additional floor area that
    is the result of these development incentives shall be allowed to exceed the
    maximum floor area of the base zoning.
    The effect of the incentives, as noted by the Commission in its brief, could result
    in “taller buildings being built.”
    Thirteen of the floors in the residential tower were above the maximum height,
    which the UDO provides may be exceeded in certain circumstances; the circumstance
    relied upon by Green Hills is provided for at Section C.2.c.3:
    STANDARDS. The bulk standards for the Green Hills Urban Design
    Overlay (UDO) area that vary from the underlying base zone district
    standards are presented in this section.
    standards that are not varied by the provisions set forth in this section shall
    apply within the Green Hills UDO.
    incentive provisions in SECTION B are incorporated into a mixed-use
    development, the following standards apply . . . :
    c) Exceptions to the Building Height:
    (3) Maximum building height may be exceeded provided: All floor space
    on any floor above the maximum height is bonus space from the use of
    incentives and each additional floor above the maximum building height is
    set back at least 10 fee from the floor below it.
    Example: Two additional floors will have a total setback of 20 feet, 10 feet
    for each floor.[11]
    A setback is defined as “that part of a lot extending open and unobstructed from the lowest
    level to the sky, except for permitted obstructions, along the length of a lot line for a depth or width set
    forth in the bulk regulations for the district in which the lot is located. . . .” Metropolitan Code 17.04.060.
    (emphasis in original). Thus, if the developer locates the residential space above the 60-
    foot height maximum, he/she is required to set each floor above 60 feet at least 10 feet
    back from the floor below.
    It is not disputed that the 13 floors above 60 feet are residential; by application of
    Section B.12 of the UDO, this residential space is “bonus space from the use of
    incentives” as that term is used at C.2.c.3.12 Green Hills located the residential space in
    the tower, as a result of which the tower exceeded 60 feet. The plan pushed the tower
    back from the build-to line 10 feet for each floor above the 60-foot maximum, as a result
    of which it is set back over 130 feet from the build-to line; this complies with the balance
    of C.2.c.3. Under the record presented, the placement of the residential component of the
    mixed use development does not violate the height restriction at Section B.5 of the UDO.
    Petitioners also contend that the plan did not comply with the SCR base zoning
    standards because the Green Hills UDO did not change the standard for building height at
    Metropolitan Code Petitioners argue that since the rear of the Green Hills
    property abuts a residential zone, the 60-foot height restriction in the UDO “must . . . be
    imposed from the boundary of the SCR, which in this case is the rear property line of the
    Development.” This contention is without merit.
    Overlay zones operate in established zoned districts by “either altering or
    supplementing the development restrictions or rights generally afforded landowners
    therein.”14 Arden H. Rathkopf et al., Rathkopf’s The Law of Zoning and Planning § 38:9
    (4th ed. 2015). They operate by tailoring more specific and distinct restrictions to
    particular areas. 
    Id. at §
    38.7. By their nature they supplant conflicting restrictions in the
    base zone. See Metropolitan Code Of particular pertinence to this case is
    It is bonus space because it is excluded from the calculation of floor area ratio.
    Metropolitan Code 17.12.060 states in pertinent part:
    Height Controls Established. No building or other structure shall penetrate the height
    control plane except as permitted by this section. Height controls shall be imposed from:
    1. All setback lines in the AG, AR2a and residential districts;
    2. All street setback lines in nonresidential districts;
    3. The boundary between an AG, AR2a, RS, R, RM or MHP district and a
    nonresidential district; . . .
    An urban design overlay, like a planned unit design overlay, is regarded as a type of zoning.
    See Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County v. Barry Const. Co., Inc., 
    240 S.W.3d 840
    , 851 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2007) (stating, “[O]ur case law recognizes that a [Planned Unit Design] overlay
    is a type of zoning.”).
    Metropolitan Code §17.36.020 – Applicability, states:
    the following language from Section C.2.c.3 of the Green Hills UDO: “Base district
    standards that are not varied by the provisions set forth in this section shall apply within
    the Green Hills UDO.” Consequently, the resolution of this matter focuses on whether
    the Green Hills plan complied with the provisions of the Green Hills UDO; if so, there is
    no conflict with the base zone.
    With respect to height controls, Section C.1.a of the UDO, which supplants
    Metropolitan Code 17.12.060, provides:
    1. GENERAL BULK PROVISIONS. The bulk standards that apply
    broadly to all properties within the UDO are as follows:
    a) Front building setback: For any development site within the UDO,
    either the base zone district building setback provisions or the build-to
    line provisions of this UDO may be used unless otherwise specified in
    this appendix. If the build-to line provisions are used, then subsections
    (b) through (e) below apply.
    As permitted by the foregoing, the Green Hills plan uses the build-to line provisions of
    the UDO; thus, it was not required that the height restriction on the tower be imposed
    from the boundary of the SCR zone.
    As noted earlier, Section B.5 of the UDO sets a maximum height for buildings at
    60 feet, which is to be measured at the “build-to line” on Hillsboro Pike; the UDO allows
    the height limitation to be exceeded provided that each floor above the height limit is “set
    back at least 10 feet from the floor below it.” The Green Hills plan accomplished this by
    moving the tower more than 130 feet back from the “build-to-line.”
    An overlay district shall represent a mapped geographic area applied to the official
    zoning map according to the amendment procedures of Chapter 17.40, Article III.
    Overlay districts may be applied over any zoning district established by this title, and
    may encompass one or more of those districts. Unless expressly stated otherwise in this
    chapter, all lands encumbered by an overlay district shall conform to all other applicable
    provisions of this title.
    For the foregoing reasons, the Commission did not exceed its jurisdiction or act
    illegally in its consideration of the Green Hill application and the approval of the
    application is supported by material evidence. The judgment of the trial court is