Beatty v. McGraw ( 1998 )

    December 10, 1998
    GUY BEATY,                      )
    )                  Cecil W. Crowson
    Plaintiff/Appellee,       )                 Appellate Court Clerk
    )   Fentress Circuit
    )   No. 6969
    VS.                             )
    )   Appeal No.
    )   01A01-9701-CV-00046
    BOBBY McGRAW and                )
    STEVE BROWN,                    )
    Defendants/Appellants.    )
    For Plaintiff/Appellee:             For Defendants/Appellants:
    John D. Agee                        James P. Smith, Jr.
    Cooley, Cooley & Agee               Crossville, Tennessee
    Kingston, Tennessee
    Patrick T. Phillips
    Knoxville, Tennessee
    This appeal involves a dispute over the sale and repossession of a drilling rig. The
    seller filed suit against the purchasers in the Fentress County General S essions Court seeking
    immedia te possession of the rig and damages. Following the purchasers’ de novo appeal, the
    Circuit Court for Fentress County awarded the seller possession of the rig but held that the
    purchasers could recover the rig by paying the seller the outstanding balance of the purchase
    price. On the purchasers’ appeal, this court held that the seller was entitled to a judgment for
    the unpaid purchase price but that the seller had not been entitled to repossess the rig.
    Acc ordingly, this court remanded the case to determine the purchasers’ damages for the
    seller’s wrongful detention of the rig.       The purchasers asserted on remand that the
    appropriate measure of their dam ages had already been d etermined in a similar Roane County
    proceeding between the same parties. The trial court disagreed and aw arded the purchasers
    $26,021 for the seller’s wrongful detention of the rig and $8,000 in attorney’s fees under
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-30-110 (1980). All parties have appealed. The purchasers assert that
    the trial court should have used the same me asure of d amages u sed in the R oane Co unty
    proceeding and that they should have been awarded exemplary damages under Tenn. Code
    Ann. § 29-30-210 (1980). The seller asserts that the evidence preponderates against the trial
    court’s damage award and that the purchasers were not entitled to recover their attorney’s
    fees. We have determined that the trial court correctly calculated the purchasers’ damages
    but that the case must be remanded for further consideration of the award of attorney’s fees
    to the purchasers.
    In January 198 6, Three G ’s Drilling Company sold a 1978 Drilltech Type SME
    drilling rig to Bobby McGraw and Steve Brown for $50,000. Messrs. McGraw and Brown
    paid $25,000 down a nd agreed to pay the balan ce in four $ 6,250 installm ents due between
    April 1, 1986 and Janu ary 1, 1987. M essrs. McG raw and Brown took poss ession of th e rig
    but failed to execute a written contract or to make any of their payments. On March 13,
    1992, Guy Beaty, one of the partners in Three G’s Drilling Company, filed suit in the Roane
    County General Sessions Court seeking immediate possession of the rig. The general
    sessions court awarded Mr. Beaty a writ of immediate possession, and sheriff’s deputies took
    possession of the rig and turned it over to Mr. Beaty in March 1992.
    Messrs. McGraw and Brown resisted the Roane County suit and, in March or April
    1992, convinced the general sessions court to dismiss Mr. Beaty’s suit for improper venue.
    For some reason not apparent in the record, the general sessions court overlooked ordering
    that the rig be returned as contemplated by Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-30-208 (1980). M essrs.
    McGraw and Brow n perfected a de no vo appea l to the Circu it Court for R oane Co unty
    because the Roan e Coun ty General Sessions C ourt had declined to ord er Mr. Beaty to return
    the rig when it dismissed his case.
    On April 2, 1992, M r. Beaty filed suit in the Fentress Coun ty General Sessions Co urt
    seeking possession of the rig and damages. His application of the writ of possession recited
    that Mr. Beaty already had possession of the rig but that he was “in need of an order
    conferring the right to possession.” The Fentress County General Sessions Court issued a
    writ of possession on April 3, 1992. After the entry of an order in Mr. Beaty’s favor on June
    2, 1992, M essrs. M cGraw and Brown perfected a de novo appeal to the Circuit Court for
    Fentre ss Cou nty.
    Thus, by April 1992, the parties were pursuing similar issues in both the Circuit Court
    for Roane C ounty and the Circuit Co urt for Fen tress Coun ty.            In the Roane Coun ty
    proceeding, Messrs. McGra w and Brown again moved to dismiss Mr. Beaty’s suit for
    improper venue. On October 5, 1992, the Circuit Court for Roane County dismissed Mr.
    Beaty’s suit but, to Messrs. McGraw’s and Brown’s consternation, made no ruling on which
    party was entitled to possession of the drilling rig and declined to consider their claim for
    exemplary damages because they were pursuing a claim for exemplary damages in the
    Fentress County pro ceeding. O n Februa ry 24, 1993, the Circuit Court for Fentress County
    entered a final order find ing that M r. Beaty was e ntitled to posse ssion of the drilling rig but
    that Messrs. Mc Graw and Brow n could ob tain possess ion of the rig by paying M r. Beaty
    $25,000 within thirty days. The court did not awa rd Messrs. Mc Graw and Brown ex emplary
    Messrs. McG raw an d Brow n appe aled bo th circui t court ju dgme nts. The Roane
    County case was the first to reach the Court of Appeals. A panel of Western Section judges,
    sitting in Knoxville, held that Messrs. McGraw and Brown were entitled to damages for M r.
    Beaty’s wrongful taking of the drilling rig and remanded the case with directions to assess
    these damages once the circuit court d etermined that it had sub ject matter jurisd iction to
    decide the claim.1 See Beaty v. McGraw, No. 03A01-9211-CV-00417, 
    1993 WL 119799
    Mr. Beaty had contended that a private act gave the Roane County General Sessions Court
    (Tenn. Ct. App. Apr. 16, 1993) (No Tenn. R. App. P. 11 application filed). In the second
    decision, a panel of Middle Section judges affirmed the Circuit Court for Fen tress County’s
    judgment awarding Mr. Beaty $25,000 plus prejudgmen t interest but also found that M r.
    Beaty had w rongf ully detain ed the d rilling rig . Acc ordingly, the court rem anded the case to
    the circuit court for the consid eration o f dam ages. See Beaty v. McGraw, No 01A01-9312-
    1994 WL 440897
    (Tenn. Ct. App. Aug. 17, 1994) (No Tenn. R. App. P. 11
    applica tion filed ).
    At this point, both the Roane County and the Fentress County actions had been
    remande d to their respective trial c ourts with in structions to determine the dama ges due to
    Messrs. McGraw and Brown for Mr. Beaty’s wrongful detention of the drilling rig. In the
    Roane County pro ceeding, the circuit court was to assess the damages from March 13, 1992
    through April 3, 1992 – the time that Mr. Beaty held the rig under the aegis of the writ of
    possession issued by the Roane County G eneral Sess ions Cou rt. In the Fentre ss Coun ty
    proceeding, the circuit court was to assess the damages from April 3, 1992 through mid-
    Augus t, 1994 – the time that Mr. Beaty held the rig under the writ of possession issued by
    the Fentres s County G eneral Sess ions Cou rt.2
    On October 28, 1994, the Circuit Court for Roane County entered an order finding
    that it had subject matter jurisdiction and awarding Messrs. McGraw and Brown $1,885 in
    damages for the wrongful detention of the drilling rig from March 13 to April 3, 1992. The
    circuit court based its award on the fair monthly rental value of the drilling rig.3
    During the hearing before the Circuit Court for Fentress County, Messrs. McGraw and
    Brown asserted that the court should calculate their damages using the same calculation that
    had been used in the Roane County proceedings. The circuit court chose instead to ba se its
    damage calculation o n the actual i ncome Messrs. McGraw and Brown earned from the
    drilling rig in 1991.4 After determining that Mr. Beaty had wrongfully detained the drilling
    concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court for Roane County on matters of replevin. Therefore,
    he had argued that Messrs. McGraw and Brown’s appeal from the Roane County General Sessions
    Court should have been to the Court of Appeals rather than to the circuit court.
    After this court’s decision in the second appeal, Mr. Beaty returned the drilling rig to Messrs.
    McGraw and Brown.
    The circuit court found that the rig’s fair monthly rental value was $5,000. After deducting
    $2,500 representing the monthly expenses for operating the rig, the court prorated the $2,500 net
    income based on the three weeks that Mr. Beaty had the rig in his possession.
    The circuit court determined that Messrs. McGraw and Brown earned $10,500 from the rig
    rig under the writ of possession issued by the Fentress County General Sessions Court for
    twenty-nine month s, the circuit cou rt awarded Messrs. M cGraw and Bro wn $26 ,021 in
    damages plus $8,00 0 in attorney’s fees under Tenn. C ode An n. § 29-30 -110. Bo th Mr. Be aty
    and Messrs. Mc Graw and Brown ha ve appealed from the Circuit Court for Fe ntress County’s
    April 25, 1996 order. Thus, we consider this dispute for the third time.
    We turn first to the collateral estoppel issue. Messrs. McGraw and Brown assert that
    Mr. Beaty is collaterally estopped to advance any measure of damages for his wrongful
    detention of the drilling rig other than the fair rental value of the rig during the time it was
    detained b ecause tha t was the m easure of d amages a dopted by the Circuit Court for Roane
    Cou nty. Mr. Beaty responds that Messrs. McGraw and Brown are imperm issibly seeking to
    use the doctrine of collateral estoppel offensively. Both sides are mistaken.
    Collateral estopp el is an iss ue prec lusion d octrine d evised by the co urts.     See
    Dickerson v. Godfrey, 825 S.W .2d 692, 69 4 (Tenn. 1 992); Goeke v. Woods, 
    777 S.W.2d 347
    349 (Tenn. 19 89); Morris v. Esmark Apparel, Inc., 832 S .W.2d 563, 56 5 (Ten n. Ct. A pp.
    1991). Like other preclusion doctrine s, its purposes are to conse rve judicial res ources, to
    relieve litigants from the cost and vexation of multiple lawsuits, and to encourage reliance
    on judi cial dec isions b y preven ting inco nsistent decisio ns. See Allen v. McCurry, 
    449 U.S. 90
    , 94, 
    101 S. Ct. 411
    , 41 4-15 (1980); Disimone v. Browner, 
    121 F.3d 1262
    , 1267 (9th Cir.
    Judge Friendly succinctly explained issue preclusion when he observed ov er thirty
    years ago that “[w]here the litigants have once battled for the cou rt’s decision, the y should
    neither be required, nor without good reason permitted, to battle for it again.” Zdanok v.
    Glidden Co., 327 F .2d 944 , 953 (2 d Cir. 19 64). Thus, as our courts have construed the
    collateral estoppel doctrine, it bars the same parties or their privies from relitigating in a
    second suit issues that w ere actually raised and determ ined in an earlie r suit. See Ma ssengill
    v. Scott, 
    738 S.W.2d 629
    , 631 (Tenn. 1987); Collins v. Greene County Bank, 
    916 S.W.2d 941
    , 945 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1995). Stated another way, when an issue has been actually and
    in 1991.
    necessarily determine d in a form er action be tween the parties, that dete rmination is
    conclusive against them in subs equen t litigation . See King v. Brooks, 
    562 S.W.2d 422
    , 424
    (Tenn. 19 78); Allied Sou nd, Inc. v. Ne ely, 
    909 S.W.2d 81
    5, 820 (Tenn. C t. App. 1995).
    The party seeking to rely on the doctrine of collateral estoppel has the burden of
    proof. See Dickerson v. 
    Godfrey, 825 S.W.2d at 695
    . To invoke the d octrine succe ssfu lly,
    the party must demonstrate:
    1.     that the issue sought to be precluded is identical to the issue d ecided in
    the earlier suit; 5
    2.     that the issue sought to b e preclude d was ac tually litigated and decided
    on its merits in th e earlier suit; 6
    3.     that the judg ment in the earlier suit has b ecome f inal; 7
    4.     that the party against whom collateral estoppel is asserted was a party
    or is in privity with a party to the earlier su it;8 and
    5.     that the party agains t whom collateral estop pel is asserted had a full and
    fair opportunity in the earlier suit to litigate th e issue now sought to be
    At common law, the collateral estoppel doctrine required mutuality of the parties and
    could only be used defensively. Thus, a defe ndant traditio nally employed th e doctrine to
    prevent a plaintiff from relitigating a claim that the plaintiff has previously litigated against
    the defen dant an d lost. T he United States Supreme Court expanded the application of the
    collateral estoppel doctrine in federal courts when it discarded the common-law mu tuality
    of parties require ment. See Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore, 
    439 U.S. 322
    , 326-333, 
    99 S. Ct. 646
    , 649-653(1 979).
    The federal courts and many state co urts now permit the offensive use of the collateral
    estoppel doctrine in two ways. First, the doctrine can be used when a plaintiff seek s to
    See Tennessee Farmers Mut. Ins. Co. v. Moore, 
    958 S.W.2d 759
    , 767 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1997);
    Scales v. Scales, 
    564 S.W.2d 667
    , 670 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1977).
    See Dickerson v. 
    Godfrey, 825 S.W.2d at 694-95
    ; A.L. Kornman Co. v. Metropolitan Gov’t,
    216 Tenn. 205
    , 213, 
    391 S.W.2d 633
    , 637 (1965).
    See Frank Rudy Heirs Assocs. v. Sholodge, Inc., 
    967 S.W.2d 810
    , 813 (Tenn. Ct. App.
    1997); Morris v. Esmark Apparel, 
    Inc., 832 S.W.2d at 565
    See Blue Diamond Coal Co. v. Holland-America Ins. Co., 
    671 S.W.2d 829
    , 832 (Tenn.
    1984); Shelley v. Gipson, 
    218 Tenn. 1
    , 13, 
    400 S.W.2d 709
    , 714 (1966).
    See Jenne v. Snyder-Falkinham, 
    967 S.W.2d 327
    , 330 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1997); Morris v.
    Esmark Apparel, 
    Inc., 832 S.W.2d at 566
    ; Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 29 (1982).
    foreclose a defend ant from re litigating an issue that the defendant had previously litigated
    unsucce ssfully in another a ction again st the same p laintiff. This form of collateral estoppel
    is commonly referred to as “mutual offensive collateral estoppel” because the parties in the
    two proceedings are the same. Second, the doctrine can be us ed whe n a plaintiff s eeks to
    foreclose a defendant from relitigating an issue that the defendant had previously litigated
    unsucce ssfully in another action against a different party. This form of collateral estoppel
    is commonly known as “nonmutual offensive collateral estoppel.” See United States v.
    Mendoza, 464 U.S . 154, 159 n .4, 104 S. C t. 568, 571 n .4 (1984); Parkland Hosiery Co. v.
    Shore, 439 U.S. at 326
    n.4, 99 S. Ct. at 649 
    n.4; Chicago Truck Drivers, Helpers and
    Warehouse Union (Indep.) Pension Fund v. Century Motor Freight, Inc., 
    125 F.3d 526
    , 530
    n.3 (7th Cir. 1997).
    Only a small number of states presently continue to adhere to the mutuality of parties
    requireme nt. See 1B James W. M oore & Jo D. L ucas, Moore’s Federal Practice ¶ 0.441 [3.-
    2] (1995 ). Tennessee is one of these states. Our courts have repeatedly declined to approve
    the use of nonm utual of fensiv e collate ral estop pel. See Gann v. International Harvester Co.,
    712 S.W.2d 1
    00, 101 (T enn. 1986 ); Algood v. Nashville Mach . Co., 
    648 S.W.2d 260
    , 261
    (Tenn. Ct. App. 1983); see also Leathers v. U.S.A. Trucking, Inc., No. 02A01-9109-CV-
    1992 WL 37146
    , at *1 (Tenn. Ct. App. Mar. 2, 1992) (No Tenn. R. App. P. 11
    application filed); Beama n Bottling C o. v. Benne tt, No. 03A01-9103-CV-00091, 
    1991 WL 218228
    , at *2 (Ten n. Ct. App . Oct. 29, 19 91) (No T enn. R. A pp. P. 11 ap plication filed);
    Carroll v. Times Printing Co., No. 596, 
    1987 WL 10
    332, at *3 (T enn. Ct. App. May 5, 1987)
    (No Tenn R . App. P. 11 application f iled).
    We can, however, find no decision in which an appellate court of this state has
    addressed the propriety of mutual of fensive co llateral estoppe l – that is, perm itting the
    plaintiff to foreclose a defenda nt from relitig ating an issu e that the def endant ha d previou sly
    litigated unsuccessfully in another action against the same plaintiff.10 On the face of it,
    permitting the use of mutual offensive collateral estoppel seems to provide all the benef its
    of the issue preclusion doctrine without any of the perceived undesirable consequences of
    nonmutual offensive collateral estop pel. Recognizing the doctrine will not increase the total
    amount of litigation, and it will not necess arily be un fair to th e defe ndant. See Leathers v.
    U.S.A. Trucking, Inc., 
    1992 WL 37146
    , at *2 (discussing the undesirable consequences of
    nonmutual off ensive collateral estoppel).
    This court may have applied mutual offensive collateral estoppel in a case involving the
    construction of a will where the parties in the two proceedings were in privity with each other. See
    Aclin v. Speight, 
    611 S.W.2d 54
    , 55 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1980).
    Acc ordingly, we find that trial courts may permit the use of mutual offensive collateral
    estoppel in proper circ ums tanc es. T his d ecision is discreti onary with the trial court. See
    Parklane Hosiery Co. v. Shore, 439 U.S . at 331, 99 S . Ct. at 651-5 2; Winters v. Diamond
    Shamrock Chem. Co., 
    149 F.3d 387
    , 391 (5th Cir. 1998). Mutual offensive collateral
    estoppel should be permitted only when the alignment of the parties and the legal and factual
    issues warra nt it. See Nations v. Sun Oil Co., 
    705 F.2d 742
    , 74 4-45 (5th Cir. 1983). The trial
    court’s discretion has its limits, and the tria l court mus t take special c are to ensure that the
    offensive application of the doctrine does not work a hardship on the party against whom the
    estoppel is asserte d. See Re mingto n Ran d Cor p. v. Am sterdam -Rotter dam B ank, N .V., 
    68 F.3d 1478
    , 14 86 (2d C ir. 1995); Raytech Corp. v. W hite, 
    54 F.3d 187
    , 190 (3d Cir. 1995).
    In exercising its discretion, the trial court may consider (1) whether the plaintiff could have
    joined the former suit but decid ed instead to adopt a “wait and see” attitude, (2) whether the
    defendant had an incentive to defend the former suit v igorously, and (3) whether the
    judgment on whic h the plaintiff seeks to rely is itself in consistent w ith previous judgmen ts
    against the defen dant. See Parklane Hosiery Co. v. 
    Shore, 439 U.S. at 330-31
    , 99 S. Ct. at
    651-52; Winters v. Diamond Shamrock Chem. 
    Co., 149 F.3d at 391
    Messrs. McGraw and Brown assert that Mr. Beaty should be collaterally estopped
    from relitigating the issu e of the ap plicable measure of damages for his wrongful detention
    of the drilling rig because the Circuit Court for R oane Coun ty already a particular measure
    of damages in the earlier Roane County proceeding. Mr. Beaty responds that Messrs.
    McGraw and Brown should not be permitted to use the collateral estoppel doctrine
    offensiv ely. In light of our conclusion that the collateral estoppel doctrine can be used
    offensive ly when the parties in both suits are the same, we find that Messrs. McGraw and
    Brown may invoke the collateral estoppel doctrine if they can demonstrate that all the
    necessary ingredients are present. Accordingly, we must examine the requirements of the
    collateral estoppel doctrine in light of the facts of this case.
    This appeal implicates the first two requirements for the collateral estoppel doctrine
    – that the issue sought to be precluded must be identical to the issue actually litigated and
    decided on the me rits in the earlier suit. We must decide wh ether the choice of the m easure
    of damages for Mr. Beaty’s wrongful detention of the drilling rig under the writ of possession
    issued by the Roane County General Sessions Court is the same issue as the choice of the
    measure of damages for Mr. Beaty’s wrongful detention of the drilling rig under th e later writ
    of possession issued by the Fentress County General Sessions Court. The very formulation
    of the issue foretells the answ er.
    When a party invokes the collateral estoppel doctrine, the court must f irst ascertain
    what issue or issues were actually d ecided in the fir st proce eding. See Anvan Realty &
    Management Co. v. Marks, 
    680 F. Supp. 1247
    , 1 249 (N .D. Ill. 19 88). For the pu rpose of th is
    analysis, an “issue” is any disputed point or q uestion raised by the parties’ pleadings
    concerning which the parties desire a decision. See Paine & Williams Co. v. Baldwin Rubber
    113 F.2d 840
    , 843 (6th Cir. 194 0); Muller v. Muller, 
    45 Cal. Rptr. 182
    , 184 (Ct. App.
    1965); In re Powers, 
    493 N.W.2d 166
    , 169 (Neb. 1992); Commonwealth v. Willow Grove
    Veterans Home Ass’n, Inc., 
    509 A.2d 958
    , 961 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 1986); 1B James W. M oore
    & Jo D. L ucas, Moore’s Federal Practice ¶ 0.443[2] (1995). The court must then determine
    what issue or issues are in volved in the second proceeding and must compare the issues in
    the two proceedings to determine whether they are identical. For the collateral estoppel
    doctrine to apply, the issue sought to be precluded in the second proceeding must be
    identical, not merely similar, to the issue de cided in the first p roceed ing. See Farha v. F DIC,
    963 F.2d 283
    , 286 (10th Cir. 1992) ; Fund for Animals, Inc. v. Lujan, 
    962 F.2d 1391
    , 1399
    (9th Ci r. 1992 ).
    The process for analyzing the identity of an issue will vary depending on whether the
    issue is a factu al or legal on e. Judge F eikens has explained that
    [The issue] may concern only the existence or non-existence of
    certain fact s, or it may c oncern the legal significance of those
    facts. . . . If the issues are “merely evidentiary”, they need only
    deal with the same p ast events to b e considere d identical.
    However, if they concern the legal significance of those facts,
    the legal standards to be applied m ust also be id entical; different
    legal standards as applied to the same set of facts create
    different issues.
    Overseas Motors, Inc. v. Import Motors Ltd., 
    375 F. Supp. 49
    9, 518 n.66a (E.D . Mich. 1974).
    Courts now rely on the following four inquiries taken from the Restatement (Second) of
    Judgments to guide their analysis of the identity of issues:
    (1)     Is there a substantial overlap between the evidence or argument to be
    advance d in the seco nd proce eding and that advan ced in the f irst?
    (2)     Does the new evidence or argument involve the application of the same
    rule of law as that involved in the prior proceeding?
    (3)     Could pretrial preparation or discovery related to the matter presented
    in the first action reasonably be expected to have embraced the matter
    sought to be presented in the second?
    (4)     How closely related are the claims involved in the two proceedings?
    Restatement (Second ) of Judgm ents § 27 c mt. c (1982 ); see also Disimone v. 
    Browner, 121 F.3d at 1267
    ; Greene v. United States, 
    79 F.3d 1348
    , 1353 (2d Cir. 1996) ; McLaughlin v.
    803 F.2d 1197
    , 1203 (D.C. Cir. 198 6).
    Determinations concerning the amount of damages are factually driven. See Loftis v.
    491 S.W.2d 370
    , 377 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1972). Thus, the amount of damages to be
    awarded in a particul ar case i s essen tially a fact q uestion . See Sholodge Franchise Sys., Inc.
    v. McKibbon Bros., Inc., 
    919 S.W.2d 36
    , 42 (Tenn. Ct. Ap p. 1995); Buice v. Scruggs Equip.
    37 Tenn. App. 556
    , 571, 
    267 S.W.2d 119
    , 125 (1953). However, the choice of the
    proper measure of dam ages is a qu estion of law to be decid ed by the cou rt. See American
    Trust Inv. Co. v. Nashville Abstract Co., 
    39 S.W. 877
    , 88 1 (Tenn. Chan . App. 1896); see also
    Business Mens’ Assurance Co. v. Graham, 
    891 S.W.2d 438
    , 449 (Mo. Ct. App. 1994); Town
    of Fifield v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 349 N .W.2d 684, 68 6 (Wis . 1984) .
    Damages for the wron gful deten tion of prop erty may be me asured eithe r by the fair
    market rental va lue of th e prope rty for the p eriod o f deten tion, see Sta nley v. Donoho, 
    84 Tenn. 492
    , 494 (1886 ), or by the n et profi t lost dur ing the d etention period . See American
    Bldgs. Co. v. DBH Attachments, Inc., 
    676 S.W.2d 55
    8, 562-63 (Tenn . Ct. App. 1984);
    Summers & Lewis v. Sanderson, 
    7 Tenn. App. 624
    , 627-28 (1928). In the Roa ne Cou nty
    proceeding, the trial court used the fair market rental value of the property to calculate the
    damages for the three-week detention of the property. In the Fentress County proceeding,
    the trial court chose the net profit measure of damages. Messrs. McGraw and Brown insist
    that the doctrine of collateral e stoppel req uired the trial co urt in Fentres s County to use the
    same measure of damages that the Roane County trial court used. We disagree be cause all
    the elements n ecessary for th e invocatio n of collateral estopp el do not ex ist with regard to
    this issue.
    Matters adjudged as to one period of time are not necess arily an estoppe l as to other
    time periods. See International Shoe Machine Corp. v. United Shoe Mach inery Corp., 
    315 F.2d 449
    , 455 (1st C ir. 19 63). The valu e of the prope rty’s u se may have bee n less if used
    over one period of time as opp osed to anothe r. See Stanley v. 
    Donoho, 84 Tenn. at 494
    . The
    measure of damages for a long-term deprivation of personal property cannot necessarily be
    reliably calculated by extrapolating the damag es for a short-term deprivation over a longer
    term. See Perkins v. Brown, 
    132 Tenn. 294
    , 299, 
    177 S.W. 1158
    , 1160 (1915) (rejecting the
    calculation of damages for the loss of use of an automobile for twelve weeks based on the
    rental charge for the autom obile for one we ek).
    The doctrine of collateral estoppel does not apply in this case because of the
    significant factual differences between the three-week detention of the drilling rig under the
    Roane County writ of attach ment and the 29-mo nth detentio n under th e Fentress C ounty writ
    of attachmen t. While the nature of the claims in the two proceedings are similar, there is no
    overlap between the facts adduced in the Roane County proceeding and those adduced in the
    Fentress Coun ty procee ding. In addition , the Fentress County proceeding called for an
    application of different legal principles because the ability of Messrs. McGraw and Brown
    to mitigate their damages would have been greater during the long term, as opposed to the
    short term. The circumstances surrounding the use of a piece of heavy equipment like a
    drilling rig that may ver y well be fixed over a short period of a few weeks can easily change
    over a period of years.          P rofit opportunities come and go; planned and unplanned
    maintenance varies; deployment of the machinery can change; the competitive environment
    surrounding the use of the equipment can change; and even the tax consequences
    surrounding the use and depreciation of the equipment can change. Therefore, the factual
    differences between the period of detention under the Roane County writ of possession and
    the period of d etention under the Fentress County writ of detention justified the Fentress
    County trial court’s choice of a measure of damages different from the one employed by the
    trial c ourt in Roane Co unty.
    Messrs. McGraw a nd Brow n also con tend that the tria l court misca lculated their
    damages and erred by not aw arding them exempla ry damages. F or his part, Mr. Bea ty asserts
    that the evidence that M essrs. McGraw and Brow n presented with rega rd to their damages
    did not sup port the amou nt of da mage s the trial c ourt aw arded. We have determined that the
    trial court’s damage ca lculation is supported by the facts and that the trial court properly
    declined to award exemplary damages.
    Both parties assert that the trial court did not give appro priate weight to M r. Brown’s
    testimony about the damages from the wrongful detention of the drilling rig. Messrs.
    McGraw and Bro wn asser t that the trial cou rt did not give enough weigh t to Mr. Brown ’s
    testimony concernin g their loss of a potential co ntract with th e federal g overnm ent; while
    Mr. Beaty asserts that the trial court did not give sufficient weight to Mr. Brown’s concession
    that his in come actually in creased after M r. Beaty re posses sed the drilling ri g.
    Compensa tory damage s are intende d to compensate the wronged party for the loss or
    injury sustaine d by the w rongd oer’s co nduct. See Inland Container Corp. v. March, 
    529 S.W.2d 43
    , 44 ( Tenn . 1975) . The goal is to restore the wronged party, as nearly as possible,
    to the position the party would have been in had the wrongful conduct not occurred.
    Damages need not be calculated with mathematical precisio n, see Provident Life & Accident
    Indem. Co. v. Globe Ins. Co., 156 Ten n. 571, 576 , 
    3 S.W.2d 1057
    , 10 58 (1928 ); Buice v.
    Scruggs Equip. 
    Co., 37 Tenn. App. at 571
    , 267 S.W.2d a t 125; they nee d only be pro ved with
    reasonab le certainty. See Act-O-Lane Gas Serv. Co. v. Clinton, 
    35 Tenn. App. 442
    , 456, 245
    S.W.2 d 795, 8 02 (19 51).
    Whether the trial court has utilized the proper me asure of damages is a question of law
    that we review do nov o. See generally S exton v. Sev ier Coun ty, 
    948 S.W.2d 747
    , 749 (Tenn.
    Ct. App. 1997). On the other hand, the amount of damages actually awarded, where the
    amount is within the limits set by law , is a que stion of fact. See Spence v. Allstate Ins. Co.,
    883 S.W.2d 586
    , 594 (Tenn. 1994); Reagan v. Wolsieffer, 
    34 Tenn. App. 537
    , 542, 
    240 S.W.2d 273
    , 275 (1951). In cases whe re the tria l cou rt is h earin g the case with out a jury, we
    review the amount of damages awarded by the trial court with the presumption that it is
    correct, and we will alter the am ount of d amages o nly when the trial court has adopted the
    wrong measure of damages or when the evidence preponderates against the amount of
    damages award ed. See Tenn. R . App. P. 13 (d); Armstrong v. Hickman County Highway
    Dep’t, 743 S .W.2d 189, 19 5 (Ten n. Ct. A pp. 198 7).
    We have alrea dy conclude d that the trial co urt was fre e to select the measure of
    damages most appropriate to the facts of this case and th at the trial court did not err by
    choosing to calculate Messrs. McGraw’s and Brown’s damages based on their net lost pro fits
    during the twenty-nine months that Mr. Beaty had the drilling rig. Thus the only remaining
    area of inquiry concerns the factual support for the trial court’s damage award.
    The trial court app ears to have given relative ly little weight to Mr. Brown’s testimony
    concerning the anticipated contract with the federal governm ent. Instead, the trial court’s
    memorandum opinion shows that it placed greater weight on Mr. Brown’s 1991 federal
    income tax return. Trial courts are not bound to accept any particular witness’s testimony
    concerning dama ges. See Cole v. Clifton, 833 S.W .2d 75, 77 (Tenn. C t. App. 1992);
    Tennessee Farmers Mut. Ins. Co. v. Hinson, 
    651 S.W.2d 23
    5, 238 (Tenn. C t. App. 1983).
    While the record may very well support a different damage award, we cannot say that the
    trial court erred by discounting Mr. Brown’s testimony about his anticipated profits and by
    basing its damage award on the amount of income th at Mr. Bro wn wa s actually earning with
    the drillin g rig be fore M r. Beaty re posses sed it.
    Mr. Brown also testified that he and Mr. McGraw spent “probably five thousand
    dollars” to return the drilling rig to the conditio n it had bee n in before Mr. Bea ty repossessed
    it and that it would take an additional “five to ten thousand” dollars to complete the repairs.
    Howeve r, he cou ld prod uce rep air bills fo r only $75 9.02 . The trial court awarded Messrs.
    McGraw and Brown $646.21 after deducting what appear to be itemized fuel expenses from
    the repair b ills that M r. Brow n prod uced. In light of M r. Brown ’s inability to substan tiate
    the other repair costs, we cann ot say that the trial court erred by failing to award Messrs.
    McGraw and Brown more damages for repairs to the drilling rig.
    Messrs. McGraw and Brown also contend that the trial court should have awarded
    them exemplary dam ages in light o f the man ner in wh ich Mr. B eaty obtained th e writ of
    possession from the Fentress County General Sessions Court. Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-30-
    210(a) permits awarding e xemplary damages for wrongfully obtaining a writ of possession
    if the wrongdoer’s actions have departed from the type of conduct that society has the right
    to expec t. See Huckeby v. Spangler, 
    563 S.W.2d 55
    5, 558-59 (Tenn . 1978). An exemp lary
    damage award must be preceded by an award for actual dama ges. See Whittington v. Grand
    Valley Lakes, Inc., 547 S .W.2d 241, 24 3 (Ten n. 1977 ). The decision to award exe mplary
    damages rests with the trial cou rt’s discre tion. See Foster v. Jeffers, 
    813 S.W.2d 449
    , 454
    (Tenn . Ct. Ap p. 1991 ).
    When Mr. Beaty sought a writ of possession from the Fentress County General
    Sessions Court, he alleged that Messrs. McGraw and Brown had reneged on their promise
    to sign a written contract for the purchase of the drilling rig and had failed to pay the balance
    due on the drilling rig.         H e also alleged that “the drilling rig was obtained by
    misrepresentation insofar as the defendant Bobby McGraw represented that he and [M r.
    Brown] would comp lete the tra nsactio n.” 11 Even though neither the order granting the
    possessory writ nor the writ itself is in the record, we assume that the general sessions court
    issued the writ on the ground that Messrs. McGraw and Brown obtained the writ through
    misrep resenta tions.
    After the case was rem anded to the trial court for the assessment of dam ages, Mr.
    Beaty was asked “Now, with respect to Mr. Brown and Mr. McGraw, have either of them
    misrepresented anything to you in their conduct towards you?” Mr. Beaty responded, “No,
    they’ve not in any way. I mean, just that they wasn’t paying.” Messrs. McGraw and Brown
    have seized on this answe r as a basis for insisting that they are entitled to collect exemp lary
    damages because Mr. Beaty knowingly made untrue statements in his application for the writ
    of possession.
    Looking at the trial record as a whole, we cannot say that this brief exchange between
    Mr. Beaty and c ounsel co ntradicts the statemen ts in Mr. Be aty’s sworn ap plication for a writ
    of possession. During the same line of questioning, Mr. Beaty was also asked if he had “any
    reason to believe that an action for the recovery of this drilling rig was the proper action to
    take.” He replied , “Well, we had a contract an d [Mr. B rown] ke pt saying he w ould get it
    signed. I thought we had a legal right to pick [the rig] up anywhere it was.” This response
    is completely consistent with the allegations in Mr. Beaty’s application for a writ of
    The trial court had the discretion in the first instan ce to determ ine wheth er the facts
    of this case warranted aw arding exemplary damages against Mr. Beaty. The trial court heard
    all the evidence and was not convinced that Mr. Beaty swore falsely in his application for the
    writ. While the cited pass ages from Mr. Bea ty’s testimony could be re ad m ore than one way,
    we will not, from this distance, p lace the trial cou rt in error for its in terpretation of Mr.
    Beaty’s testimo ny. Hav ing con sidered the argu ments o f Me ssrs. McGraw and Brown, we
    cannot say that the trial erred by determining that this was not a case for exemplary damages
    under Tenn. C ode Ann. § 2 9-30-210(a).
    One of the statutory grounds for obtaining a writ of possession is that the property was
    obtained by misrepresentation. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-30-106(1)(B)(I) (1980).
    As a final matter, we turn to the propriety of the trial court’s decision to award Messrs.
    McGraw and Bro wn $8,0 00 in attorne y’s fees. Mr. B eaty takes issue with this award because
    the proof concerning the reasonableness of these fees does not differe ntiate between the time
    spent unsuccessfully defending Mr. Beaty’s breach of contract action and the time spent
    pursuin g their o wn w rongf ul poss ession c laim.
    Tenn. Code Ann. § 29-30-110 permits a trial court to award a party reasonable
    attorney’s fees as exemplary damages for the “wrongful suing out of [a] possessory action
    or in the event that the plaintiff fails to prose cute the actio n after it has been instituted.” In
    the earlier appeals of this case, this court held that Mr. Beaty had failed to prosecute the
    Roane Coun ty action, see Beaty v. McGraw, 
    1993 WL 11
    9799, at *4 , and that M r. Beaty
    lacked any basis for instituting th e posse ssory actio n in Fen tress Co unty. See Beaty v.
    1994 WL 440897
    , at *2-3.              These findings gave the trial court sufficient
    justification to award attorney’s fees in its discretion. However, even though Messrs.
    McGraw and Brown might have been entitled to attorney’s fees for their successful action
    for wrongf ul possessio n, they were n ot entitled to atto rney’s fees fo r unsucce ssfully
    defending against Mr. Beaty’s breach of contract claim. Mr. Beaty prevailed on that claim.
    See Beaty v. McGraw, 1994 W L 440 897, at * 3.
    Messrs. McGraw and Brown had the burden of proving the amount of their legal fees
    for vindicating their rights to possession of the drilling ri g. See In re Estate of Perlberg, 
    694 S.W.2d 304
    , 309 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1984) (holding tha t the burden of establishin g a reason able
    attorney’s fee is on the party claiming it); Cook & Nichols, Inc . v. Peat, M arwick, M itchell
    & Co., 
    480 S.W.2d 542
    , 545 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1971). When a party substantiates a claim for
    attorney’s fees, the trial cou rt has a d uty to aw ard a rea sonab le fee. See Taylor v. T & N
    Office Equip., Inc., No. 01A01-9609-CV-00411, 
    1997 WL 272444
    4, at *4 (Te nn. Ct. App.
    May 23 , 1997) (No T enn. R . App. P . 11 app lication f iled).
    We are significantly handicapped in considering the propriety of the attorney’s fee
    award in this case because Messrs. McGraw and Brown failed to provide records making it
    possible to determine the amo unt of time their lawyers devoted to defend ing Mr. Beaty’s
    breach of contract action and the amount of time the ir lawyers spent prosecuting their
    wrongful possession claim. The fee awarded by the trial court likewise cannot be traced back
    to the time the lawyers representing Messrs. McG raw and Brown devoted s olely to their
    clients’ w rongf ul poss ession c laim.
    With the record in its present state, we are unable either to determine that the trial
    court’s decision to award Messrs. McGraw and Brown $8,000 for the legal expenses was
    reasonab le or to make an award of reasonable attorney’s fees ourselves. Therefore, we have
    no choice other than to vacate this portion of the judgment and remand the case for the
    reconsideration of the attorney’s fee issue. The trial court should set a reasonable fee based
    on the time that the lawyers for Messrs. McGraw and Brown spent on their wrongful
    possession claim and should evaluate the requested fee in light of the factors found in Tenn.
    S. Ct. R. 8 , DR 2 -106(b ). See Taylor v. T & N Office Equip., Inc., 
    1997 WL 272444
    , at *5.
    We affirm all portions of the judgment except for the $8,000 award of attorney’s fees
    which we vacate and remand for further proceedings in accordance with this opinion. We
    tax the costs of this appeal in equal prop ortions to G uy Beaty and, jointly and s everally, to
    Bobby McGraw and Steve Brown and their surety for which execution, if necessary may

Document Info

Docket Number: 01A01-9701-CV-00046

Filed Date: 12/10/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014

Authorities (35)

Commonwealth v. Willow Grove Veterans Home Ass'n , 97 Pa. Commw. 391 ( 1986 )

Frank Rudy Heirs Associates v. Sholodge, Inc. , 1997 Tenn. App. LEXIS 162 ( 1997 )

21-employee-benefits-cas-1799-pens-plan-guide-cch-p-23937b-chicago , 125 F.3d 526 ( 1997 )

AL Kornman Co. v. METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT, ETC. , 216 Tenn. 205 ( 1965 )

Sholodge Franchise Systems, Inc. v. McKibbon Bros., Inc. , 1995 Tenn. App. LEXIS 743 ( 1995 )

King v. Brooks , 1978 Tenn. LEXIS 588 ( 1978 )

Doyle Nations and Marie Nations v. Sun Oil Company (... , 705 F.2d 742 ( 1983 )

Business Men's Assurance Co. of America v. Graham , 1994 Mo. App. LEXIS 1720 ( 1994 )

In Re Interest of Powers , 242 Neb. 19 ( 1992 )

Leonard Greene and Joyce Greene v. United States , 79 F.3d 1348 ( 1996 )

International Shoe MacHine Corporation v. United Shoe ... , 315 F.2d 449 ( 1963 )

Perkins v. Brown , 132 Tenn. 294 ( 1915 )

Blue Diamond Coal Co. v. Holland-America Insurance Co. , 1984 Tenn. LEXIS 787 ( 1984 )

Provident Life & Accident Insurance v. Globe Indemnity Co. , 156 Tenn. 571 ( 1928 )

Foster v. Jeffers , 1991 Tenn. App. LEXIS 8 ( 1991 )

Shelley v. Gipson , 218 Tenn. 1 ( 1966 )

Francis X. McLaughlin v. Benjamin C. Bradlee (Two Cases) , 803 F.2d 1197 ( 1986 )

Paine & Williams Co. v. Baldwin Rubber Co. , 113 F.2d 840 ( 1940 )

Scales v. Scales , 1977 Tenn. App. LEXIS 270 ( 1977 )

Anvan Realty & Management Co. v. Marks , 680 F. Supp. 1247 ( 1988 )

View All Authorities »