Yancy, Carl Edmond AKA Yancy, Carl ( 2015 )

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    You must use the complete form, which begins on the following page, to.iile an
    application for a writ of habeas corpus seeking relief from a final felony.convic``tion
    under Articl.e 11.07' of the Code of Criminal Procedure. (-This form is not for death~
    penalty cases, probated sentenceswhich,have not been revoked, or 'misdemeanors.)
    'I.``he district clerk of the county in which you were convicted will make this form
    available to you, on request, withoutcharge.
    You must tile the entire writ application form, including those sections that do not
    apply to you. If any pages are missing from the_form, or if the questions have been
    renumbered or omitted, your entire application may be dismissed as .non-compliant.
    You must makela separate application on a separate form for each judgment of
    conviction your seek relief from. Even if the judgments were entered in the same
    court on the same day, you must make a separate application for each one.
    Ans'wer every item that applies to you on the form. Do not attach any additional
    pages for any item.
    You must include all grounds for relief on the application form as provided by the
    instructions under item 17. You must also briefly summarize the facts of your claim
    on the application form as provided by the instructions under item 17. Each ground
    shall begin on a new page, and the recitation of the facts supporting the ground shall
    be no longer than the two pages provided for the claim in the form.
    Legal citations and arguments may be made in a separate memorandum that
    complies with Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 73 and does not exceed 15, 000
    words if computer-generated or 50 pages if not
    You must verify the application by signing either the Oath Before Notary P``ublic or
    the lnmate s"Declaration, which are at the end of this form on pages 11 and 12. You
    may be prosecuted and convicted for aggravated perjury if you make any false
    statement of a material fact m this application
    When the application ls fully completed, mail the original to the district clerk of the
    county of conviction. Keep a copy of the application for your records-.
    You must notify the district clerk of the county of conviction of any change=in
    address after you have filed your application l
    Rev~. Ol./l 4/14
    .Case_Not b z .
    (The Clcrk of the convicting court will fill this line in.)
    N_AME= ___cogl_£dm]owg/
    DA.TE or BIRTH; 7» Y'§?
    \\ ll 1 _ .
    PLACE ()F C()NF[NEMENT: .. /7/ '. M``?'
    (1) This application concerns ('check all that apply)_':
    !E( a conviction ill parole
    Cl a sentence C] mandatory supervision
    ij time credit El out-of-time appeal or petition for
    discretionary review
    (_2) What district court entered the judgment of the conviction you want relief from?_
    (lnclude the court number and county..)
    g gm Q¢z+r¢``cf['gu;fg£ bly/13 L'gzwf,z¢ )B_qé~ 1 v
    (3)v Wha't'was the case number in the trial court?
    (4) What was the name of the trial judge.?
    Ei``i``ec'tive: Jan_uary l. 2014 l
    R€v. 01/14/]4
    Were you represented byec``)unsel? If ye_s,provide'the::itto"x%ney’s`` namer
    93M !?_/Ml:
    What was the date that the judgment was entered?
    For' what offense were..you’ convicted and what was the se'ntenee?v
    .l'f you were sentenced on more than one count of an indictment in the.sam_e court at
    the same time, what counts were you convicted of and what was the sentence in» each
    What was the plea you entered? (Ché:¢k one.).
    [I uilty.»o§en'plea ij guilty-plea bargain _
    13 riot ganey ij nolo contendere/no contest
    If you entered.different pieas to counts-in a multi-conntfindictment, please explain:
    Wth kind of trial din you have-?
    ij no jury {E/jnry- for guilt and punishment
    53 jury far guilt, judge for punishment
    Rev. 01!14!14
    Did you testify at trial?' ff yes, at what phase of 'the;trial, did you testifyi?.
    Did you appeal from the judgment of conv-iction?
    E/yes E], no
    lf you did appeal, answer the following questions:
    (A) Wh_at. court of appeals did you.a'ppeal to,? MMMMQ__
    (B) Whatwas the case number? ’ ‘ “ £
    (C) Were-you represented by counsel on appeal? If yes, provide the attorney's.
    . l:/``£f£l‘é MI‘QA=v god //nfTFL . . __ t _ o
    (D) What was the decision and``the date of thedecision‘.’ M£/LMLL‘§Z£H
    l)id you file a petition for discretionary review in the Court of Criminal Appeais?
    [E/yes [] no
    lf you did file a petition for discretionary review, answer the following questions:
    (A) Whatfwas the case number? $DD '/3'/5 '/'/ w
    (B) Wh'at was the decision and the date of the decision? D€'¢'\eé( L__"L/ "wl§
    11.0.7`` of the Texas Code of Criminal Frocedure challenging this conviction?
    l:l yes Cil/no
    If‘you:an_s'wer``ed yes, answer the following'questions:
    (A) W-hat was~the Court of C'rim_inal Appeals’ writ number?
    Rev. 01!‘14/14
    (B) What was the decision and the'date of the,decision?
    (C) Please identify the reason that the current claims were not presented and could
    not have been presented on your previous application.
    l)o you currently have:any petition or appeal pendingin any other state or federal
    iii/res l:l no
    lf you answered yes, pleaseprovide the name of the court and the.case number:
    ‘ `` ¢`` / f dow/1- ‘ ‘ /``d' /r
    . l 6 ' ' ‘ ’
    if you are presenting a claim for time credit, have you,exhausted your
    administrative remedies by presenting your claim to the time``cr'edit resolution
    system of the Texa``s Depar.tment of Criminal Justice? (This requirement applies to
    any final felony conviction, including state jail felonies)``
    l:] yes lE/no
    If you answered yes, answer the following questions:
    (A) What date did you present the claim?
    (B) Did you receive-a decision and, if yes, what was the date of the'decision?
    lf. you answered no, please explain why you have not submitted your claim:
    Rev. 01``/14/14
    Beginning on page 6, state concisely every``le``gal ground for your claim that you are
    being unlawfully restrained, and then briefly summarize the facts supporting each
    ground. You must present each ground on the form application and a brief
    summary of the facts Ifyour grounds and brief summary'o_f'the facts have not\[)een
    presented on the form applica``tion, the Cozlrt'ivill not consideryour grounds
    if you have more than four grounds, use pages 1~4 and 15 of the form-, which you
    may copy as many times as needed to give you a separate page for each ground, with
    each ground numbered in sequencc. The recitation of the facts supporting each,,
    ground.must be no longer than the two pages provided for the ground in~the form.
    You may include with the form a memorandum of law if you,.want to present legal
    authorities, but the Court will not consider grounds for relief set out in ``a
    memorandum of law that were not raised on the form. 'I.``he citations and argument
    must hein a memorandum that complies with Texas Rule of A``ppellate Procedure 73
    and does not exceed 15,000 words if computer-generated or 50 pages if no't. ]f you
    are chailenging'the validity of your conviction, please include a summary of the facts
    pertaining to-your offense and trial in your memorandum.
    Rev, 01/'1_4/.1.4
    GROUND ()NE:
    Rev. 01``/14/14
    MMQ”D( Wluhl/Wo g --» v_ .,,.,-
    Rev. Ol/l4/'l4
    GR()UNI) TWO:
    Rev. (}.l/l4/l-4
    GR<§),UND‘ T-H'REE:;
    Re,\v: :01/``11’4/1'1‘4:
    R’ev._ 0']/14/14
    Rev. 01/]4/14
    " ``.,,.;,: .
    §¢'_no./Z??/l/. ~.- " ~"
    Rev. 01/14/1=4
    Rev. 01./14/14
    Rev. O'lf! l 4/"1;4"_
    This application must be’verified or it will bae-dismissed for non»compliance;~ For
    verification purposcs,. an applicant is a person filing the application on his or her own behalf A'
    petitioner is a person filing the application on behalf of an 'applicant, for,example, an applicant?'$
    attorney An inmate is a person who is in custody
    The inmate applicant must sign either the “Oath _Bef``orela Not``ary Public” before a
    notary public or the “lnmate’s Declaration” without-a notary public., Ifthe inmate is represented
    by a licensed attorncy, the attorney may sign the “‘Oath 'Bct``ore a N'otary Public” as‘petitioncr and
    then complete “Petitioner»’s lnt"ormation.” A non-inmate applicant must sign the “Oath Beforc a
    N``otary Public” before a notary public unless he is represented by a licensed attorney in which
    case the attorney may sign the verification as petitioner
    A non~inmate non”attomey petitioner must sign the “Oath Bei"o,r_c a .Notaiy Public”
    before a notary public and``must also complete “Petitioner’s hiformation.” An inmate,pet_ition_er
    must sign either the “Oath Before. a Notary Pub_lic_” before a notary public or the "‘lnmate”s
    Declaration” without a notary public and must also complete the appropriate “Petitioner’s
    , being duly sworn, under oath says: “l am
    the applicant / petitioner (Circ'le onc) in this action and know the contents of the above
    application for a writ of habeas corpus and, according to my belief, the facts stated in;thc
    application-are une.”
    Signature of -Applicant f Petitio``net ('circle"one)
    Signature of Notary Public
    Rev. O.l / 14./ l 4
    _ @”/’7
    Petitioner»’ s:~pi?inted' name;M.
    Stat@ bartrombettinapplicable
    Addrees; Mq£mhg%@;h?
    12sz fm 555
    aaa wm
    ”‘l``,elephone;_ , , , _. v ,\ t _
    1 am theapplicant/petitioner §ei``r¢ie; one ana
    beingptes¢nflyih¢a*r;¢§erateti in w ,_ ,'decl``aré under=penalty.of;
    peijtiry't'liati;_.acc‘ording to niy'-belief», the ifacts:s``tated,in"the:above:appl``i¢?fioll §§C'TIU¢ 31``1§13€911‘€¢€-_»
    ‘S'igricd-on-’ pamth 4 ., 1 1;,::20§/5
    Rev. 01-/1’-4'/11:4
    Petiti.oner’s printed name:
    Fax: 1
    Signed on
    'Signatju_re of ``Peti'tioner
    Revs »Ol/l4/l4
    oFFENsE: AsAL - ' __ ' cAUsE No. 1239110
    vs. ' oF
    MoTIoN To DIsMIss
    'NOW. COMES the State, of Texasi by and through her District Attorney, and
    respectfully requests the Court to dismiss the above entitled and numbered
    criminal action for the following reason: '
    X The Defendant was convicted in another case. 1239111
    In custody elsewhere.
    Old case/ no arrest.
    Request of complaining witness. FILED
    Missing Witness. . . " Chris Daniel
    Motion to suppress granted. ' District Clerk
    Co-defendant tried, this Defendant testify. FEB 25 2013
    Insufficlent evidence.
    Co-defendant convicted/ insufficient evidence this Defendant.
    Case refiled as cause no.
    EXPLANATION: Case to be refiled if necessary;
    WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSlDERED/_ it is requested that the above entitled and
    numbered cause be dismissed. .
    Respectfully submitted/
    /s/ (initialSl
    Assistant District Attorney
    Harris County/ Texas V
    The foregoing motion having been presented to me on this the 25 day of
    February, A.D. 2012 and the same having been considered, it is/ therefore/
    ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that said above entittled and numbered cause
    be and the same is hereby dismissed. »
    /s/ David L. Mendoza
    178 District Court
    Harris County/ Texas
    This image is of poor quality at time of imaging
    White-Original Yellow-Defendant's Copy
    ``EXHIBIT "B"
    11 August 14
    Crespin M. Linton
    640 Louisiana St. Ste. 900
    Houston, Texas 77002
    Re= cause NQ'S. 1239110, 1239111, Styled, carl Edmond Yan¢y vs. Ihe state
    lexas; 178th District Court, Harris County, Texas.
    Mr. Linton: .
    I'm in receipt of your letter, dated, 4 August 14.
    lhank you very much for forwarding the briefs. I have questions, in which
    l hope you can respond, that are pertinent to my case(s).
    First, I'd like to know why you did not pursue both causes in which l was
    convicted of, on direct appeal?
    Did l not sign a Notice of Appeal, to appeal both of my convictions?
    lf by chance you have my Notice of Appeal, would you please forward that
    to me? b
    Since you allege, you don't have the ability to furnish.copies of my trial
    transcripts/statement of 'facts, would you please disclose what date you were
    appointed to represent me, on appeal?
    1 DON'T believe, l received any notice indicating you were my counsel,
    on appeal? 1 don't have copies of my indictments, judgment sheets or outcry
    seuocb'nr`` ``_ “_. ;¢1_
    ‘ OFF\cE
    PHoNE: (713) 236-1319
    Q£C (duq n FA><:(713)236-1242
    July 26, 2014 W$§ W
    Mr. Carl Edrnond Yancy
    Texas Department of Criminal J ust1ce
    TDCJID# 1842638 _ , 4_
    » St-ringfellowUnit ~ `` ' .r ». 1 .… f _ r…..-~
    1200 FM 655 , ' -# ' ' ' -
    Rosharon, Texas 77583
    Re: Yancy v. State
    Dear Mr. Yancy,
    I regret to.inform you that the First Court Oprpeals affirmed your conviction in an opinion
    that I have enclosed for your review. _
    You have until August 23, 2014, to seek review of this decision by filing your discretionary
    review With the Court Of Criminal Appeals in Austin. I have reviewed the Court Of Appeals’
    decision and because I am of the professional opinion that the Court Of Criminal Appeals would not
    grant review in your case, I will not flle such a petition for review. Moreover, you are not entitled to
    the assistance of appointed counsel to flle a petition for discretionary review. See Ayala v. State,
    633 S.W.Zd 526, 528 (Tex. Crim. App. 1982).
    You may,"of course, hire other counsel to do so or you may represent yourself To assist you,
    I have enclosed a copy of the applicable Rules Of Appellate Procedure which require that the petition
    be filed in the court of appeals and that a copy of the court’ s opinion be attached to each copy of the
    I do not have the ability to furnish you with a copy of your trial transcript and any request for)
    it must be made to the Harris County District Clerk’s Office. I wish you good luck in the future
    This concludes my services in this case.
    v .g|
    (TYPED coPY)' ¢ `` 4' capsst mccann times 1
    ' ATroRNEY A'r nAw '
    ms LYRIc came l 4
    ' HoUsTou,' .TsxAs 77002
    arm 2§. 2014
    Mr. car1' mud Yancy '
    Texas Department of Criminal Justice
    Re: Yancy v. State
    Dear Mr Yancy,
    I r "ret to inform you that the First Court of Appeals affirmed your con-
    viction ;n an opinion that I have enclosed for your review. 1»~
    Ybu have until August 23, 2014, to seek review of this decision by filing
    your discretionary review with the Court of Criminel Appea1s in Austin. I
    have reviewed the Court of Appeals’ decision and because I am of the profess-
    ional opinion that the Court of Criminal Appeal would not grant review in
    your case, I will not file such a petition for review. Moreover, you are
    not entitled to the assistance of appointed counsel to file a petition for
    discretionary review. See Ayala v. State, 
    633 S.W.2d 526
    , 528 (Tex Crim.
    App. 1982). ``
    You may, of course, hire other counsel to do so or  you may represent your~
    self. To assist you, I have enclosed a copy of the applicable Rules of Appell-
    ate Procedure which require that the petition be filed in the court of appeals
    ' and that a copy of the court' s opinion be attached to each copy of the pet-
    ition. .
    I do not have the ability to furnish you with a copy of your trial trans-
    cript and any request for it must be made to the Harris County District
    Clerk’s Office. I wish you good luck in the future. This concludes my services
    in this case. m
    Very truly yours¢
    Crespin Michael Lintonl

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-80,112-02

Filed Date: 12/30/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016