Williams, Milton Veran ( 2015 )

  • SS\wX/]’ O(D
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    _ 1“\§3@ \. R\N, “=?)°\O\B"IS umw
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    com>ITm'N_s``v oF PRoBATIoN
    v vs. ' - - v oALLAs coum'!, mm
    _' L.» a ‘ " ._' `` mann 1995___v
    ’ cAusE No. ” *-7 3 0 REGULAR PnosATIoN §__
    mL-" 0 _. » `` DEFERnEn AnJunIcA&IoN
    l " l snocx PnosATIoN ___
    7 , _ _ _ sTATE JAIL ':' .- jj X;_
    - In accordance with they authority conferred by jthew §dult "`` "
    - .Probation and Parole Law' of- the State of Texas, you have been
    , placed on probation on this date: for a period of
    -1 f"years. _It is the order o th Court that you comply
    wit the following conditions of probation: ~» .
    (a) -Commit no offense against the laws of thi ‘;§;any other State
    , or the United States, and do not poss s _ 'rearm during the
    term of probation; i . `` Ȥ%T _3 '
    (b) Do not use marijuana, narcoti 5“; n ous drugs, inhalants or
    prescription medication wit \-§ i obtaining a prescription
    for said substances from a%*wc*a:“d physician; _ '
    (c) Avoid persons or places 1 pdisre utable or harmful character,
    and do 'not associate w#'h yindividuals who commit; offenses
    against the laws of this jor any' other State or' the United
    States; ' ” -'
    1* (d) Obey all the' ,rules _and; 'regulations of the '.probation
    "' department, and report to the Probation.Officer as directed by
    the Judge or Probationf>Officer, to-wit: ' WEEKLY, TWICE
    mms;,y, on unmmv ns nlsscmsn; _ ‘
    *¢ (e) Permit the Probation.``Officer' to‘ visit you at your home or
    ' elsewhere, and notify the. Probation _Officer not less than
    twenty-four (24) hours prior to any changes in your home or
    employment address; f*``, - ":
    ' a (f) Work faithfully at suitable employment as farias possible,_and
    ' seek the assistance of the probation officer.in your efforts
    to secure employment when unemployed; ' `` n ' \
    *_ (g) Remain4 within a specified place; to-wit: Dallas County,
    Texas, and do not travel outside Dallas County, Texas, without
    y first having obtained written permission from the Court; §
    l (h) Pay Court cost and a fine, _if one be ass sed{ gin one or
    several sums conner cosal §-¢zq 63 : nms s ‘ oo.-‘-’-Q ; payable
    thru the Probation Officer of this Court at § 15199- per ///
    month; first payment is due on or before ?B~ !-§\$' 1 2
    '.'_ (i) Support your dependents; vl-
    ‘ '\_§ l"‘h ¢_:1'. ON \Ze_.fz/.;,J
    F@\S¢ 73 89
    Pay a probation fee of § go per month to the Probation
    Officer of this Court on or before the first day of each month
    hereafter during probation. .:_.
    Submit to random urinalysis and or medical tests as required
    -by the Court.
    Make monetary contribution in the amount of _$25. 00 to the
    Dallas Area Crimestoppers, Inc. Payment is due in full to the
    Dallas County Adult Probation pDepartment on_l or before
    (chr? 1/ 1907<"-
    Defendant will work and complete __l_Z 0 hours _of community
    service at a minimum of 20 hours per month no later than
    53 t,T / ,. 199 , at an approved community
    service project' or projects esigned by the Co ~, unit
    Supervision and Corrections Department. A processin o
    $50. 00 payable to the Volunteer Center will/ ~ , ,
    required for referrals through the Volunteer Cente, _`` "
    Pay Court Appointec‘% Attorney fee in the unt' o_’ §200.00,
    pay able at $ . per month to a r i v Officer of
    this Court on or e ore the 15th day old ea
    month hereafter
    until paid in full. 6 `` ‘
    APpear in erson to the Da § v
    _ ~"nty Adult Probation
    Department, ' ocated on the 9t r of the F_rank Crowley
    Courts Bldg., located at 133 ' Industrial Blvd., Dallas,
    Texa's on --Z for a Post Sentence Interview at
    ll``\Bo ) 0 ' _with a Probation Officer of this Court.
    'Youre hereb advised that under the law of this State,
    Court shall de ermine the terms and conditions of our'
    _ probation, and may at any time during the period of prohat on,
    ' alter or modify the conditions of your robat1on. The Court also
    the authority at any time during t e period of probation to
    revoke your probation, or proceed to adjudication for violation of
    any of the conditions of your probation set out above. ‘
    witness sur signatures this th``s 2__»‘/1£/ day sf 119951

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-55,687-06

Filed Date: 8/6/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016