OFFICE OF THE Al-i’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEX&5 AUSTIN gau0c.M -- Eonorable Tcm k. Craven county Auditor IcoLeman colmty kaco, Texas Dear sir: nion of this de- . partncint oi t stoted has been received. the plan herelnafter a part of a revolving rslr,ationof tho Focd intaot to KaLeman I(3). Gin ~.:cI.orxl3.n countg, out of it3 fUDd6, pay its propartionate rart of the coat oi rentals for facilities in v;hioh to house the %od Staq >liq Oi’fiC38?” . ,. . Honorable Toz A. Craven, page 2 : *Anew way of distributing surplus foods is being tried out. Instead of &ving sur-gluscor- codities to States.I couAtic2, and cities which in the past hove distributed thazito Dco,7larocoiving publio aid,.the yedersl Govsr.tx.ontwill give Pcod order staips to these people directly. m-2 atsaps, which will bc aolored blue, can be taken to gocery stores where they can be used to obtain surplus foods as additions to the present family food sup- ~pliss+ WDveryone currently receiving surplus o~ffi- ruoditieswill now be eligible to participate in the surplus comodity food star:,plan. In addi- tion, people hvrking on ?j?A jobs, and all other persons .receiving or cari;ifiedfor any fororn of pnbllo aid, can get the stxmps if they want then, *The f00a atamp plan is being carried out by the Department of Agriculture in oooperation with city, county, and State welfare agencies and the grooers. The idea Is to nuke use of som of the ram products of which there has been a surplus because people did not have the money to buy then. Litanyfanilies hava been going without eno@ of the roodsthat are needed to.ksop childrec and gram-up people healthy, at the very sam ,tine that famsrs hnd zore of these foods than house- wives could buy. "The nain idea of ths food Stan? plan is the 8axe as the idsa of the comoditp distribution that people are familiar with -- to u3e part of the Pam surplus to give city fanilie3 a chance to Cave batter balanced diets; Eor?-aver,the star;pplan is different fro3 the old distribution p,larr..aa it!oporated, "If this plan is adopted in 2:oLeansnCounty, in the future, thsre will not bo any surplus co;=odity dopots. The T::ennrtxsntof &&culture *;illu3~;athe surplus food pr;Cllcts. E'soplelisi,ng the stmps CQA go ri&t to the grocery stores thst am coo~sr+ing in the prsg~ar;and us0 the on:-plusfood order stangs to get any of t&&e surplcw csmod.ities that they want. leopla usiny the stazps will have a widar va- riety of surplm cexmdities t,ociioossfnm than they had at the distribution depot. .. .; Honorable TcziA. Craven, Page 3 Trro n&hods of distribut.ias the surplus food order sfa~ps will ba UEQ~. ena group, in- cluding those who ar% at Varrkon :!Ps projects and those who are reoeiving, or certified as'eli- gible to receive, publio asaizztanos,aid t.othe dependent children, and aid to ths blind, ~111 be eligible to gat th% free bl.cesurplus stazzps,if they buy orange colored food order at&zps, with part of thofr aPA or assistance paylzents.These orange colored 8taEp8, which will be gmd for the purchase of any f00a usually sOld in a grocery store, are to be bought-at the rate of aggroxi- matsly $1 a seek p%r,persoo for each'ne~bar of the faaily. +Por 'each two weeks pay p%~lod,.therafor%, the eligible person would &v% to purchase orange colored stags at the rata of $2 per insnberof' his ftiily. Their use is to Insure that r%gul.ar food purchases.are kept ut, so that food secured with the blu% surplus stZizpswill be in addition to and not fn place of these regular purchases.. ', One blue surplus staz@ will be &ven,fr%e with each~tvo oragce s$amps bought. $aoh'&tsp, whether blue.or'orange,.wIll be good for 25 cents xor:thof rood. For eaah $l'worth of brangs'stazp~ bought, the fanfly will reoeiva~M cen,tswdrth..o~:teea.plue staaps. yor exanple,'a,-'f&&flp:'~,``&:',bu.j'; ~za~ wo,.th of ,orang% staiilps Will get $4 worth of blue surplus stamps without extra dost. Sectional of +,rticle23&e-2,~,~.,F&n~n!``'Aon~tat%d '. Civil Statutes, reads: :,, : . -, Vh% County CozziissionersCourts and tte City Coz~ls~ion of any incorporabod tovm or city of this State are hereby authorized-to lsas?, rent, 0: .p,gg-v+_do.qfPFce sfa%wfdr tfie``jkT$oa%'~of ~aJdI@~ana cooperating with the azencias of the Ststs asd ?e?eral Govcrtieots ongaged int3e ad- ninistratios of relief to tte unsnpioyed or nesdy people or t5% State of 'icxaa,an-3 to pay the raz- ulqr monthly utility bi1l.sfor such offices, such as lights, gas, and water; aaciwhsn in the opic- ion o$ a aa:aJorityof e CozGssior,ers 'Cxrt of a comtg such office sgac3 is os:;ential~to t5e prop- er edzinintration OI+ such a,:%nci%a or either the State or Federal Govexzmnts, sr:ld Colrrt is hereby agecifically author:z%d to py fo:: sa&:e acd Tar the r$gulsr monthly utility bills for such officae , 62 Honorable TOzkA. Craven, Page 4 out ofthe Countyfs cemral Tuz& by warrants aa In the sayzent of such other obligations or the countY." 7b c;UOt8fI"JZI TaXa JlUisplWdQuC8, vO1W8 11,~pp. 564 and 565, as follows: -CoIxnl~ssioners'courts are courts of 1l!nit- ed jurisdiction, in that their authm:ty extenda only tq zatters pastaining to the geaornl walfare i of their resgmtive counties and that their povlere are only thosa express1.yor izgliedly conferred upon thea by law, .-- that is, by the oontititution a&d statutesof the state.* Tee the cases of Sun Vapor Zlectric Light Co. v, Keenan, 30 S. :cz.868; Hill County Y. fianllton,273 9. -I?:'. 292; Seward v. Falls County, 246 5. 7;. 728. 38 quote irmthe ease of Cozmissionors* Co& V. Eellace, 15 S. ci.~(21%)555, as -follozvs:,,. Vhe Cozzissfoners Court is a creature ot the State Constitution an8 its passersare llrcitedend controlled by the Constitution and the laws es passed by the LegislatL-e." .?e are uhable to tiud any authoritythat:-expressly or lr~liedly authorizes the Comissionersl Court to do any thing Eentioaed in your first tv;oqusstions. Therefore your questions 3.and 2 are respeCtfUlly ansuzerodin the ne~ati78. Article 2372e-2, supra, speoiZ'icaliyaub.horizes the oonnty com.zission3rs'~ court to lease, rent, or provide officcispace for the purpose of aid and cooperating with the agencies of the ,Statoana Federal GovernEonts mga5ed in the adr;ini3trationof relief to the uucnployed or needy St@5 aF;dj+,~,~::s,~,-t:1Ed-:Te~U``gG-~D;i~y ‘Ut$klitp ~- I$&~&!$;$~ o~Ii‘ic,8~; such-$..-~i$he;,ias, 'ritiC water;. vihen in ths opinion or 3 jzzjorityof t& cszissioners of said court of t.hocounty such office s;ace is essential to the proz3r ackinistr:~tlonof sucha;cncias of eithar tke State or ~odersl Govsrumnts. As i':e un:?srstnr?d the Plots stated in your inquiry The yood Sts-p 2larP is opsrated under the s'ugervisiono?Tthe F&era1 Gavermant. Therefore your thZrd qusstion is nnsmre9 in the affirr.lc!tive. Eonorable 'lam$. Craven, Page 5 ';rustingthat ths foregoIng fully answers your jncciries, we r32afn b Yours very trnly r Art%11 WilliamS Assistant ‘a 9. .’ ATTORNEY GEWERAL.or'Tmfj
Document Info
Docket Number: O-2013
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017