Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Al&N 3Ionoreble L. 1. ,-ran OOulq Auditor 'hyloroarrat Abllene,tuu 8 bill br Ml. Palal cod0:. Art1010 0 VOrnOIL'D r# ~Otment l lx Dn88ly ?ODO~lOd. Therefore, it the art- iolorrhlohngulm~the lxoomtlon hnd drllvo~ et a bill of r&r have bean k8 la1.d by tho Olrtiiioato of Tit10 Aot, raid EODd 8u4? bo by i&hatiOJh Y.. *^““,.” .-.-.-.. ._ __ -- HonombioL. R. ~'z)LQlg8oa, m&e 8 Artiel@ X48+ W 'IWWa*r hnotatod Pmndl Oodr providw a8 ?olla@: ana rat11ia id VO~IOIOlt th etwo o r 641~0~ ha8 km (4~ rmglrkn~ Ir tblr’ &at@ tar tho lrroat mw uador the provIoIgtwor aria1.m pnri&ob, houavor, ,thata 6olwt.~ bummtn i 0 8uohaotorvd1Io1~ror themgore or ml., tmao or tmnrfer undera doale*' liOOa80 DhtO l88uod moh &MlOr for (Loikonrt~tioa porpo+or. R h a Ov*F lot&g,?or , Ua8elli~ ar ubthor, aoUr, traao8 or ~othor*iro tranmfrro any maohvmhlolo 8halL~,ollv~r to tha tnn8r0nO at ihi tire ot dtiivbr Of th0 V@hiOle 8hO liOen80 k008ipt Irrud t r Oollrotor 8 Fu of thlr8kte ior t&o r0gIrtntionthrr*o? for tbr ourront par inl 8 bill of ml0 in tdplioato.‘Rhoavmr, lotirrg f,or himrol?or inbthor,80118,tndor or ethorrlrr tranrfrrr ray nroabhu(. or uod vehiole rithout loliver to tho tnnrtorh .atthe Uu of rolinryi”f o the-vmbiolo tho llrmro rreelptIreuo(l thrrof6r tor tb *orrent #earand l billof ralethrrotoIn trlpllmto. l heroin requird rhll be gu$lt o? l rlr: bmoanor anb upon obnvIrtioB rhal I bo i&n84 in any mum not oxoreainf!t wo Hundnd (#mJ.oo) DOlltiB. A OOpy Of 8UOh biii Of #GO tif b0 nqdrd to be rant by ruoh 0ollootor to~tb8 xQhwa7 D8partmnt.a i .btiolr Us6 or Yernon*r Inn0twa Pond 0060 l fOllor81 p r 01 1 d.8 “Oa rlopy af the bill of 8alo nqalred to bo bllv*rod thr truufereue to of l naod or noroad-hand nndorthe tsrar ear 0S Artlslo lm,~r* uon!od bf thlrlut,-1 k ro- - __.- Hononblo1. R. -D801L, MO b ina iaittcd. lb@ "Llu OolloMor mad hlr bon&m- mu 8hd.l bo llwblo .for _.~l``OO.h~roi~ tie. ___-.. :~::~4 1 ~th r & VU%lOh &dtiOB l-@ no t biu8 Of @db w tWM$rr *miU- ~$ioamdl )o iado 'tit in triplioati; -a0 *OR* 8hallbe mot to QIO Mata Hi&ma7 ki pa-at by tha Wth of the moooodlag mo#& 88 rar k pruoribod br rid Dopatwnt. Tha #arm 8hall bo on,the form~pro8oribod b mid Dwpai-tment, ox&opt that the tollor~ In? - tlon 8hau bo ahownam toll8wmr '8kto aazaN 8ouaty $nd.loh the 88m I8 lxooutod.' 'Bat the smermhip of thr ~ohlolo i8 twforr&' 9-t raid vohiolohu boon &tit lqirterm& in tho.Btato for th0 current roar.*W8moi ua mtnot lddro68.8 of the vendor8end von- boa.9 ~Oon8Ider~tlon.~ 'State``lunmo aqubw.e *Rngiao atibor.* ‘Ikrr.* Wodol and rou'm#o.* 5!ho WI &all be IRo?n to by the VULdO?. "3!hoTuQollootoraadthoHIgbaymput- uat 8hilinior to tho 8ppropriato promooutlng dtO?AO~, lw tti8. ltatOSWIt8 fOWd ti w bill Of Da10 Or w iti80 OO?ti?iUtOB lXOOUtO~ bt anr R0tarf Publlror other O??iOOh "4 porroa who mhall trmrfor a motor VOhiOlO Uld lXOOUtO tthr DUO WjlOllr, Or put- 1~ ir bUnt, loada& cmt q Infoamtlon that 18 Wquir.& to bo ~VU, and 6aB br. &Ton, Eononblo L. R.. Tha,pmon, Pw.4 aullh ltr 0r a almdommnor, aad rhau be fins& any mu a o t lxondiag ‘2toR u @ r o ~’ ()8c$.w) -8. St0 lboioquotedartiolir nqulm t-0 00pIi8 of l bill or UlO to bo dol$vonb upon the Da10 or a rotorvehiolo.IlhO fO``$kOb)ill OfltiO i8prO8Or%06 b7 tho 8tdO -War D@pUtWlt, &lo rapyei th,'bIll of 8dO 18 ?iluWith i(. t& lUat~ tU OmOOtOr a8 nn dppl$- ltioa fbr a tmM?Or Of 1i@0~80~ :math 0f thO8l lk tUt08 )XOTia fo O r ?@ I08in OIBO Of Mm-OUDliUi.0. Uador thO8, lt8tUtOBth0 ~Odll-at Of tit10W88 t&O bill oi malo. Wo havo omo?mll luinod the O~rtlrlortr of Tltlr AOt, ~aadTWO lOaOl ui06 that thon ii wthiry: thorr.ln nlatlvm to the traartrr sf the osrtiifo8to of tltlmlpon the ml0 0r a ~potor vehlolouhiah$8 in ooa- flirtand $neenml8tmt dth tho rt+tUtOB eloh roqain thr Iollvor~ qf a Ml1 of ulo 8 ,rpah ‘8 tm8O0ti0n. Th0nrm !?il!?b;i%?%t t&t UtO8 WO *,pOOhd, it i8 tit $OO.UO. 10 ‘hi& l tat tht - hho L+&imlaturr’hu lmotod l '11.w8tatUto whlohmbraoon a. .u41, lb)oot mttor aa tho bill of ltiO 'Matutor, rhiohlatitor Bt+tUtO18 iattiO(lt0 lOTOf thO Bati mbjoot mattor'to tho rxdwloa of all q$hor prior on*rtuattr:Thlrt l o f np u l b a r boon wo o @ lned bf tho #WtB #? ‘thim P t&O. ” nitw thr 8UprW bOt~%Of amBhth0 OUO of man ‘I, In Ur'ORiniOn Shunbsru, nittOn br fUd60 Whoolor, raldr *BUt’wh#kt& h DWltdUtO iB it8Ol.i OO@ p r dWndm $ hl antir OlM jOOUdt OrutOB a a .1 lddro, aad IndrpondmatlXBtOm rO.- l p r Othe d~ lubJ.otuttrr, if &6 WiVOr- 88lll' hold td XO&!tiuod.~#\l~@r#@d$.-~,A~rO- riow rymtammand law8 ‘+rpootw tha,aam. lUbjiOt BhttOt.” L. R. -BOX, lijmorablo p‘&@ s ti balIk# with uilm p‘rtIouluqw‘tlon, th, ~88iOnO?~p~8 O? mXa8 intb.88~ of TtiBt @tiO@ %d V. k0 gaUlIt &OttM oil fb., nd 8:w. ui)'l, qU0t.k f?W th0 ia80 Of bgir8 V. EbUB; lkrpWW OOUTt l ? %X88; 8 +a‘ 55, U “;l,BUiBOqUOili’ 8tBttiO. .TOtiBi;ng th0 libibjoot uttrr of,the ioraor 91~0 .M lvl(lad- x.tlntondod 88 a 8ubmtltuto for h, although it @ Od‘iMM lXD~BB WOrd8 t0 'thatOttrOt., mWt lDOmt0 t0 T8wti th0 iOl'¶Wrt0 th8 lXtOa $ t 0T&iOh ‘ftil’p ~r iB;O UW ~VirOa M ‘tiBUDfiid; 80 though a.mbrrquont .rtatuta h Bat za uuaant Ia it8 rdvlrIon~top formor iu #at If.,,itWa8 iloar 1 r %nto&dod to pro- rodbe t!u oal rptir rhioh mhotrld pirn, It Mpaala the pr or mtatuto.* . .sO lOUt ‘l&O qUOkbf?W th. -89 Of 6t‘tO v. Bowtoa Oil.Oomml88loaof 'Plnr, 194 Bt W'14SE, u ,foll6w8: "?hO Tub fm ~11 Bittha that WhO'a a 8ub8oquentJkt~to iheurbr it8 ooakt aat it m8 ,lntradedto lmbraoo ln tha ,1‘w thg OUbjUt I.8l.tdth, 8uoh rtBtUt., d b7 irpli?‘tiOn, FORti .a tbimpr &@yB FO- l&tin&t6 tb 81U.'8ubdrot. .* .b=XOOt- 'aOBa,O?at a0 i@aOt BWtmVOrhd. urd it $8 8XBOOUBU~ $0 bit. ~UthO~ti.8 ,&XBU?- p#tofit.= In diSOU88~ the qui*Ion of fhethar th0 ~fhtiri08t0 of Tltlr~liot in treating rith tho #tram- i8i 0r'motor +ohlol;s rovori tho lntlro rubjopt mat- tor 80 lm to *poti bf.Imlioation thib&l1 of malo 8tatuto8, a amber O$ 800 e ion8 Of t&, ~,Wtbi$oOtO Of Tit10 Am* l``lmportut to natat ~ik'B4.-Th* kin W0rtIrloa~toof l!itlo* 84~ l wr$ttoa Iiutrumoatrbioh mar k 188UO4 80101x by ma UUd@r th0 , authorltjof tho Dopar%aont, mad uhlobi lumt &*a tha ?olluwl~aat8 togothor with woh other &ata a8 the mpUbWt mar rsqtin bar tin0 to. tirr t HononbloL. RO ‘I+ollg)*o4 WI 0 lb0 a‘w ‘ad rem*8? thr puohamrr ‘f 8aloor tran8?oroo L lollorat firm and WI#o W?& U, lUbBO@Wnt8tiO. lhe bo&po. Whomotor numbor. Tha aorlalnuuborw -8 atmibor Of 8ho 11u1~. Rl‘tOBrUmoat- 888ignOd ahO?& Ud th0 8tBtOOf f88``0, Ithor Inthlm 0T may otbor dtato. %bO,~OB ud tidnS808Ud &awB Of 1``8on tho motorvok$;li, Is e&ronol~lo ‘3 k or r800*tion. If m lIoa8arm ndatoreh on the mator 4010,.8@tOtmOatOf BUOhfart+ A rparofor ,thai furiof tbr mcor :th,wn8r.allurt.hi*a8m.dthpm if" Iink in muoh8#‘00Upa WUiDtd th0 2ho toaVopartaont* 8aan8 Of PUbii@iu&OtrOi'thOm&t0 IWorm Eolllng or U8~08lt16 or any motor&I018 raqulwa to bo ngirtonl or lIoon8od in thI8Btatron an~.hluhway or publio Dl.0.withinth$B 8t‘to,l xooRt with 4oZslor*mrota1or aardboanl llooam~auabor thOrOt0lttaohod‘8 aoI DlWidOd b, l&W th8 OwWr Bhau Uk. ‘~DliOOtiOn t0 thm bBbatO4 lgont%atho muntrof him 4.aploll~rgon~on to b prororibod br th, D@ ~‘r tmo nt fo r 8 l8yC tiri08t00r titlefor ru0hmotorvOhIo10.~ "8oo;St.Rwr, d.BigutOd‘8OXLtritti thir8tate8bl1, oa tho law dir 18ourdbr him, fomrd to t& Dog8rtuont, mbor nelm- trr.aPrORaidpostal,,OO$'i“Of ill rOOOiDt8 i88UOdby big tO@bsrwith #UOhnld.mBor of tltla‘8 ma, ha?0 boon a*1iWWd t0 him b tb BOTUd ‘``~iO8litB agd tb ~DW)rmt, nIthisflvo (5) 4‘yI&tar rrooiVip6 8 h ‘D- pli“tI‘~,If 9)Oaiupi8tiQli'tholnot 4p _t 18 L. R*, fhol)eOn, Eonorablo p&u@ T titiBf&OtOrilY th 8t BhOWJI tb lO$ ti?fO O?B t8 titb 8hOtt.u iDDUO lhn i88U0 ~OX%i?iOBtO df tit10 md Und ih. DUO to tit#“d&U88 O? ~th0 ‘~lia‘ttt ‘8 6iVOJt i‘ hi8 ‘&'@iUtiOh VOO. 8% RO &Or whiO1``~ bo dir- gorod Of at 8ubBoquont *ilO UAlOiB th@ ‘Umr duigmtrd la the lrrtI?Ioatooftitlo ahall truw?or tho oortirir8to 0r tit18la form to ~bo prororlbod by the Depar$wnt beforo a sOtU7 PlpbiiO, WhiOh?OTII 8hti &iOiUdO, UOW 8Wh 0th.r mtt BP8 ‘8 th0 kD‘~Ut ~7 ~OtWIiM, UC rfil&BVit t0 tM OffUt mt ~tho al'grrr 18 tho ouaor of the motor t+iolo, and thattkora‘a'.no.1i.M a&qBt Buohmotor vohidlo,lOOp tmuoh ‘8 ‘f, l houfton *ho .a.* $i?iOBt~Or t it18 Ub J&Otit10 to 8Uy lotOr nhiola &tall pa88 or vort.ratllpushtramfor ba 80 lxooutod.” b * ‘* (a) Bat tho a@~lioatiott lO!Bt‘ti* ‘4 f&i80or fraudulent*t*toJllealt, br~thatthe BppiiOUtth$e f&n&d 00 MlBh mIbOa TOFU- tlon ?8qIMBtOd by th. ~p&VtmOn~, Or th‘t thO ~8ppliOMt ‘18 no t lntl5lqdt0 thr.f88mOO Of E ~oertlrloataor title cm&or thld Amt. .(b) %‘t the (roWa to b8liOVO 18 ‘ ltOlU or eonwrtod rrhlolo dm?Ined er that the i@BUULOOI?? 8 &%iflOak O? hth UOtid ‘OOiBtit!ltO 8 *ti ‘@I@ th@ rightta .owmr ‘ora morlqa600. (0) tit&t th0 n&BtntfOP O$ thr VOhk. atmIld l~O&bd Or p(lVOkO& nqUiln& -ian ki 8ot boy EcmoraUoL. R Sk+proa,pago0 '8.0.II. It 8hallhoroaftor br unliw- ful ior w -run, olthorb hirool?or throu& any,a&ont, to offer I fJr8‘1. or to 803.l or to .of?or ‘I lOOUTit, for any ob- 11gat10nanymotorwliolo P.6iBtW.dor lIouaod 1~ thin Itatowithoutthrnand thoro h‘ViE6flthi8 ~088088i0tt th.pl'0D.r l'.OOiDt .? lortiiloato 0r tltloro,vorlng the mobor rohiolo lOlfr oro& %eo. 55.ft &all honaftorbr unlawful to buy or loquIroan7 titleotbmrthanl'll~n Qc a motor tohI roglrtond or lloo~od in thlr Lltato without thenmad therebmaudl~ of the prepuod ullor the rogl8tr8tIoo ro- ldpt aa& lortifio8to 0r titleootoring tilt. partloular motorrohiolowhIohlhUl, wmn .oouumatIoa or tbr puroh~mo, be truuforrod UDPPOI) auohtom ‘8 U, k prOVldOd by )hO k- partmont. Veo~ SS. All *al08u&o In violation Or thf8 ht.8h‘ll b o void mid no titiio 8h.u ~‘88 Util +?i‘DrOViBiOMOf thi.ht h$V. bOOn W- p1Ld ri$h." & znilf818Of the .aboro qU0t.d 8OOtiOM.jfth‘ Ckrtifloatoor-mite liot 8horr t&at boron 8nr rotor vo- IlisleU, ba iold in %x88, it i8 ~.0088‘~ to obtalm 8 oirtlfioato of tItl0. 90 obtdn,wuoha 00rtirf08te it 18 B.0o.W 'to pro*.to tb a+$#.n;t.d PublIo&f.t, th‘t the applI oant ia th olotual dm8r 0Y tbo motor rohlo~o. ft. top3010, $0~ %a foa k%f.t,. ' inth the above quoted T)i.Aot further muoha trutmfor in violation titlO~pUBO8 Eonna-ablo 1. .J+S-ma, pagoB th. tro fWtPUmSt8 i8 &bOdttiOgolU, itU,ba ~Ot0l. b thlm lo ‘wo tlo wae rotaa lik to e .oIat omt ‘?#UUJlktiWl,th‘t &tie10 ldt%, 84tr“ irqolWI th‘ tM8fOr Of thr n(iBtntiOa WOBipt, 8d th8t tbi8 .#UO nqulrart -8 brought forwad lato the Qortlfloato nor a$10 Aot in kotlon 58, rvn. The kgiehtoz, Ud'mt, himotor, 1, .wy of, oqparlron 8 loIrloallyput Into tho now Aoi the ~quIrfmont 0.4 tie tolltory Oft,'bill lr 8u0. ml0 it 11 the opinion of thl8 &opmtrnt thatit i. a01 UBXO008‘8r7 to &Oliver8 bill Of malo UpOam,Ul@ oi ‘rotOr WhiOlO, ltfllIa ill Rrob‘bll- it,,~bBtfi tbr l6UrtB Of thi88$‘t. &‘OidO th@ qUOBti.On, th.?. du bo Ull, VBEdOrBOf lotOr v&10108 WhO Will aollvor'a bill 0r male to Sholr vondo.8 and .dilhor tW0 -pi08 Ofth. 81 1t01th.1 . lOWt, t‘X:~6itiOra8 horotoiorr.In moh 0‘8.8 y``aro‘&iti~t$tatthotu l0~0tOr lh OUb h i8ttanibO lCQiOB Or them or 8tiO .fa the ma0 maImI am ha did priorto-t& ~purag. of the Olrtiiimto or Int;lo Aot. wo dmh to point out that, &m- Bpik th18 ih ill motor vohiolo Bali. itj~rillb. MoOa- Ur, that therebe 8 ltri8t OOm~li8nOO W'uI'tb PrO?i‘iOM 0r th0 oiktfrioito or ml0 m. 7.-B W?, tldJ aml?mETS QTRIM s, /B/ Riu -ldb.rl SlL

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1491

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017