- "Section 4. It ia exprea8l.yprovided that all 4urPeat contFn4ta for the meirlt%nen8oof ths s&ool.s in the territory herein dkacribed are hereby validated for the aoid Rollen Coexon Sahool p3strict rio.4 in all'reapeota. 'ssctioR 5. xt ie expx-esslyprovided that ir eny terdtory hweln described uWch wea not pm 7Lously within the linritaof Eolien ConuuonSohoal Dtitrict Iio,4 formerly canatftuted a paa% of nay school district 013ch has an outatand%ng bond& 2nbebt8dnsas on nccouut of @ai& such land cotid $dlawiuUJtaxced,t~ns~d~olianConlraonSa`` Mstriet Ho. 4 shall be liable for such proportion of said bonded indebtednws aa the aosessard relue of such Land so Zncluded in tU;tsDistrlot bemy to the entire osaesoed value af the diatriat Emne ,yhAithinn%dh!ldwuatekaR. ‘sa4tfon 6. A3.l lims und '. tr of lawa m &liet rlth t%La Act ere hers. ~epeialed ta~the artsat cf suuh eonfllet o&y. w aen Article 3, Seotion WE, mad nCticl&: in&m b of t&n Teiur Conartitutia~ 0~ comstiruedta@iher, Uw Lq.lalnture ia dth- oat.puthority te ehnnge the tmmdnries of a wm- xon suhool dhtrict by specr~ or local luw,' fwtiojs 3, Section 56 'of the Tex;rra Constitution pro- V&a in p8rt a8 folloWsr whe Le&i8lature shall not, except 88 othaPwl8a prorrldedin this Constitution, pass e.nFlooti er special law, atlthoriasngr, . . R e g u lntiIa & th a a ffo ir tr of . l . s&001 districtsa . . . Creating olY?llma,or prescrib- ing tha powers und duties of offiwwm, 132 . . . schcrcrl diat.rfcta~. . * %a@ilat~ the wian~%rIwbRt of pubus s&oolo, the b?.lfidLzqJ otiMvpairinc oi aahoozl, halqer, and the nsis~ of atoneyfor au@ purpaaea~ . . . And in el.3'Otbw caaeILwheFe e g%neFnl lnw eaa be Rade appiicab+e, no local or npwial law shall. be ene&%df . c . . Prior ia 1927, Seation 3, k4ifole 7 af the State Cmt3tution cbntalned ths folloring lanaFtpcJea wAnd the Le~lalatura rrtayala0 provl&e for the f~itia ol’ aCtiOO1dlstriats br gs~ml OF Sp6Ci&, law tithout tha local notiae reQu.iredin otbm mass of spa&al ~le&slation." This seation of ths C@astituticm was madopted effective $111plfy20, 1927, and tha abma prwLaion xas cban~ed to x-sad u P4ll?U62 'And th0 Leyialdxuw nay also provide for the formation of sahoooldittriotr by i;snerallava." a It %a cleu %hat, by eliabating f+real thG ~o&i~itutl4n the ov%aion that ashe& afatribta oould ba iemssd fz bp+ClPl lma, it w&s intended that such distritrtibe,srecrtidonly by g6mral law. "fpurths~m, th6 CorMBfltut5.otl slowprovides a spealSic manna ln whi& s&001 Bistriats zuhy be fomd, that la, by `` JAW. ‘3hS.a rota&l exclude the romstfm of es&o1 dZstrlcts in pny @the2 ESWSlbPthS3lthpt 64BZW82y pFOVid6d fO%-in the Ccfuatituttan., * . . . * '2..B. So. 642, ba3.t~a sp60lal law and re- pugnaat to se&ion 3, art. 7, and seation 56 of arm?18 3, of au]:stat6 constitution, is anoon- st,itutionakand void.* In Brownfield vs. Ton&ate, 1CEJS. 'VT.(2) 332, ErieForty-Fourth Le&sletum had p&mad P b-tllvalidating cks u3tien of the eminty board af s&o01 trumtsas of Terry County in detaching thirteen sections frw the Red onion "Since under its provisions ttia act applied to IalnalLttand TsFry Countia8 oxaly8lldc0ul.dXlevfMhave aiieotad any OthW8, we c0~hd8 S. B. h. 19 WC3 I loual law. The Legislature ir peuwltted to pro- Ot& fOF the fOmt.iOll Of Pahd di8tdCt8 bv &eMSl'ti not by specillllaue only, b0aes we 8a-eor the opt.rllon that the Lus$slnture ~08 witbwt autbnrity to vali- date the 0Fdur of tbs 8oiloolibard of T0FFy county by szaehspciul aat. FFitter, County J-e, et al, vs. Weeet,65 8, W. (2) 4l4.’ Also see the uaae of Wood et aX vs. Earfa Xndepexad- *t $$&uwl Dirtrlct, 125 8. W. (2) 429; mbwxmwd on other. (gzamds L4l 8. w. (2) 590.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4276
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017