- . O=iCE OF .%-I&ATTORNEY GENE&l OF +,Zym _ ‘. . AUSTIPl oaALDc.yua -- . ., . . . .- .f ;‘.’ ’ . rr. t:. T. Jtmkcr, FresXdont . . rthte F&a.i?dof ildwation m3tf n, Tox8s ...’ aut!.iorj.Fod er.ployoua shall be crppo’iuted bg the . : .. ~’ . . , . . -‘. .;. d .’ _ : *.. .. -‘. ‘. ., _I’” ., ,,.:. _.,:a .. : gr, M. .T. .J~&err, President, Faze 2 . comittee end their salary sud uecessary expenses _ be paid OR order of seid Cormlttee and all suoh. opployaes shall be under the direot supervision of sai& Ccrmitteo or its order. Eaoh or the abovo naoed allocations is for each year of the blenniur;?.n This Aat,“in oreating end liaposl~g aortain duties on tto Joint LeglS~atiYQ AbPiSOry Gomittee, provldetl in Artlclo m: flshould-for any reeson tbe Joint Xcglsiative Advisory Comittoe Sail or rafuae to porforn the Uutios herein imposed upon it or ehould the duties, pomm,’ end Sunatlons OS said Joint Legialatlve Advisory Cormlttee becone ineotlve or unenforceable, then, and in thet ovont i such .duties - - L - shall bo- parrorrz%.dby the Ztote Zjoerd. of Sduaatlon the sa.T8 as 5.S ~soid Co?mittee had not be-on oroated or authorized.” in b& oDInion Uo.. O-&609, we held that tha attempt . to vest. Zn the Joint Le``slativc Advisory Committea the ‘duties er.d pomers presaribcd by the Act, aove and except the duty to, atudp the sahool levis in’order that the said laws night b% re- oodlfied, violated the Constitution of Taxas, and thet such Cutlos end powers, 8800 ana exoopt the study of the Bahool lows, Cevolvod upon and should be axercised by the Mete Board of ,v Education under the .tarms of the saving alauso above Quoted. &he.result is that the Joint LeJegislative Advisory Committea atill exists, but is strippad of all. pouer and authority unaer . the Aat rsave the power and duty of stuaying the school laws. The purpose ‘of the Le&slature in providir&tha‘ $3,000.00 epproprietion wts clearly to Surnish funds to enable the duties attamptea to be Imposed on the Committee to be dir+, -chtrg0a. Whenthoso duties in pert, under the Act devolvod upon lhc Board, it is our opinion that tha $8,000.00 approprintlon tooam ovafiablo to the Bow? to pay the necesos’ry cxp%raon in- cldont to the diechorge of’. euch duties of the Commlttce es h%?e by the provisions OS the Act to bo dl%charGed by the Bosrd,. But the CoxQi.ttoQ is still in ox1stence, and still h e duty to perSorin, i.e., the otwxy OS ‘the school laws. The tPPropriation ic to dofrhy expenses incurred in oonncction with all the duties originally~inpbsed on tho Committee. The result, , . -. ?. ‘.. .-. , . \ I 3, g. T.. Junker; Frosldent, ‘page 3 .. ~nozalous $ho&h it my .be, is thljt we h&w au indivisibie lump ‘. au3 appropriation available. to the Board and the Connittee alike to the, extent necesoary to onoblo eaoh to perSo+ it8 respectiyo duties. ,. . The situation thus existi& l.s oue whiah presents. ’ practloal &iSSioUltiQs, It in txue. : This affords no basla for igaming the legislative mandate; r,athcr, it furniahos an ooossiou ior coopmotion batwen the Boerd anq the Codttee to the end * -thet the sppropriation mQy be expended in auah mrmer as. to effec- tuato the l.o@lative intent. par, exakple, YSOsee no reason why, !r en auditor be necessary to the dioctmrge of the Sunatiossof the Board afid ot the Comittee es well, the respeatlve bodias may not, in the spLrit of oooperation, awtua~lp a@‘ee upon the appoint- r.&ntof an auditor, the S_ixin& OS his .salmy, .and the prescribing of Jdsmduties. .. .’ .. ,..’ . .. I _’ ._. ‘. .. . 4 .. . ._. . .. Assistant.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4674
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017