,:.!’ I. / ,. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN BoaorabloIL. L. l%lamm, Jr. coaulty Audftor Polk couaty LirlngetoR, TexM !\ Dears&m OpinioaX0. 0``F@-J Ret himQrion.r”,~r Cotuaty prohibit- od rrar beina----1y intew- eabM in eontraotwth~qxuef. ,a “tcpli/polkCounty buy Gaeoiine, Oil and Crease zrom t&s Arkanear Fuel it011 Oompany, of Shnr6por$, Ia. through it* agenoya* Corrlgan, Texas and oao o? tiv~Comn~is~lonofsa half in- terestin the agonayI~a Arti 373, Vern0.0~‘~ Annotated Texas Penal =odo, read8 a0 follovmt Honorable 3h.L. HIMOII, Jr., Pas* 1 *fr any offio*r of any oouaty, or of any city or town,shall beoono in any manner peou- nluily IntersstodIn auy oontraota nade by auoh oouaty, oity or town, through Its agents, or otherwIe8, for the oonrrtruotlon OT repair of any bridge, road, &met, allay or house, or any other work undertaken by suoh dounty, city or town, or sh6ll boooma IBtsm8ted In any bid or propowl for such work or In ths ~u~ohaee OP sale of anything marlsfor or on ~aOOOUllt Of 6uoh OOUty, Oily Or t.Ora;02 Who till 00BtmOt f-Op Op X’OOaiV,O3ly m0B.y Op property, or the repxwrontativeof either, or any emolument or advantagewhatsoarer In oon- eidsratlonof auoh bid, proposal, oontraet, purohase or sale, ha &all be fined not les8 than rift7 nor wee than five hundred dollars.** In the ease of Rigby v1 State,
10 S.W. 760, a oountp oommlaaionereold two mler to his county and wacl botiPted under the sbova quoted artiole of the Penal Cade. %?iquote iron the oourt’s dsolslon an followclr Manifestly, the Legislature, in enaot- ing the statute, intended thereby to proteot omntieil, oities and towns from offloial poulattfon. Suoh pasulationwas the ~41 sought to bo mt~prea~ed~ and the oktut. mtrikar at the very root of the evil, by mah- ing it an 0ireM0+ for any orriasr of a ewn- ty, oity or tarn to bsooab interentsdpeou- n$arlly in nattorclwherein such oorporationa are lntoreated. The purpose of auoh artatute 1s to prevent offiolal WagiF’ from baing remd and operated to prey upon the tr6a- SUP~CI~ or oountierr, oitiea and torrmr)to pm- rent the 0frioOrs of m&Oh oorporatlonsrrt3= ueing their offioial knowledge and influenO0 to their individualpsouniary advantage iB the rinanolal transaotIont3 OS such. Our oon#truotIonof the statute ie thAt.1; inhibita every orfioer or a oounty, olty or tam fpcjmselling to or puroha~ing from suoh oar-oration any property whatever.m It IS OUT opinion that the oontraot and sale men- tioned In your letter is in violation 0r Artiole 373, Penal . Honorable E, L. Hinson, Jr., Page 3 Code or Texas,and we answer ymr question Ir;the negative. yurthsnkore,we oall your attention to Artlole 2340, Vernon*s Annotated Texas Civil Ctatutaa,which provides: nBe@re entering upon the dutierrof their offloo, the oounty judge and eaoh oomissIoner shall take the offioial oath, and shall also take a written oath that he will not he direot- ly or lndireotly interestedin any eontract with, or olals against, the oountp ie whioh he resides, exoept suoh warrant8a# nay'ieeue to him as fee8 of offioe. Eaah conmissioner ahaJ.1exeoute a bond to be approvedby the oounty judge in the aum of three thousand dol- lars, payable to the oouaty treamrer, oondi- tioned for the faithful performanaeof the duties of his oi’fIo4, that he will Parrover to hia oounty all moneys Illegally paid to \ him out of oounty funds, a6 voluntary payments or otherwise,and that he will not vote or give his oonsant to pay out oountg fund8 ex- cept for lawful purpoam3.* VerY truly your8 ATTCRNEYGEHE3ALOP TKXAS By fig. +-&L /-- Wm. J. Fanning AssfstaBt WJF;GO
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4672
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017