Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

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    I. /
    OFFICE                OF THE ATTORNEY            GENERAL   OF TEXAS
    BoaorabloIL.                       L.     l%lamm,   Jr.
    coaulty                Audftor
    Polk          couaty
    LirlngetoR,                      TexM
    Dears&m                                                   OpinioaX0. 0``F@-J
    Ret       himQrion.r”,~r
    Cotuaty              prohibit-
    od rrar beina----1y     intew-
    eabM in eontraotwth~qxuef.
    “tcpli/polkCounty buy Gaeoiine, Oil and
    Crease zrom t&s Arkanear Fuel it011 Oompany, of
    Shnr6por$, Ia. through it* agenoya* Corrlgan,
    Texas and oao o? tiv~Comn~is~lonofsa half in-
    terestin the agonayI~a
    Arti    373, Vern0.0~‘~
    Annotated Texas Penal =odo,
    read8 a0 follovmt
    Honorable 3h.L. HIMOII, Jr.,         Pas* 1
    *fr   any   offio*r   of   any oouaty,
    or of any
    city or town,shall beoono in any manner peou-
    nluily IntersstodIn auy oontraota nade by
    auoh oouaty, oity or town, through Its agents,
    or otherwIe8, for the oonrrtruotlon   OT repair
    of any bridge, road, &met, allay or house,
    or any other work undertaken by suoh dounty,
    city or town, or sh6ll boooma IBtsm8ted In
    any bid or propowl for such work or In ths
    ~u~ohaee OP sale of anything marlsfor or on
    ~aOOOUllt   Of 6uoh OOUty, Oily   Or t.Ora;02 Who
    till  00BtmOt  f-Op Op X’OOaiV,O3ly m0B.y  Op
    property, or the repxwrontativeof either, or
    any emolument or advantagewhatsoarer In oon-
    eidsratlonof auoh bid, proposal, oontraet,
    purohase or sale, ha &all be fined not les8
    than rift7 nor wee than five hundred dollars.**
    In the ease of Rigby v1 State, 
    10 S.W. 760
    , a
    oountp oommlaaionereold two mler to his county and wacl
    botiPted under the sbova quoted artiole of the Penal Cade.
    %?iquote iron the oourt’s dsolslon an followclr
    Manifestly, the Legislature, in enaot-
    ing the statute, intended thereby to proteot
    omntieil, oities and towns from offloial
    poulattfon. Suoh pasulationwas the ~41
    sought to bo mt~prea~ed~ and the oktut.
    mtrikar at the very root of the evil, by mah-
    ing it an 0ireM0+ for any orriasr of a ewn-
    ty, oity or tarn to bsooab interentsdpeou-
    n$arlly in nattorclwherein such oorporationa
    are lntoreated.     The purpose of auoh artatute
    1s to prevent offiolal WagiF’ from baing
    remd and operated to prey upon the tr6a-
    SUP~CI~ or oountierr,   oitiea and torrmr)to pm-
    rent the 0frioOrs of m&Oh oorporatlonsrrt3=
    ueing their offioial knowledge and influenO0
    to their individualpsouniary advantage iB
    the rinanolal transaotIont3    OS such.
    Our oon#truotIonof the statute ie thAt.1;
    inhibita every orfioer or a oounty, olty or
    tam fpcjmselling to or puroha~ing from suoh
    oar-oration    any property whatever.m
    It IS OUT opinion that the oontraot and sale men-
    tioned In your letter is in violation 0r Artiole 373, Penal
    Honorable E, L. Hinson, Jr., Page 3
    Code or Texas,and we answer ymr question Ir;the negative.
    yurthsnkore,we oall your attention to Artlole 2340,
    Vernon*s Annotated Texas Civil Ctatutaa,which provides:
    nBe@re entering  upon the dutierrof their
    offloo, the oounty judge and eaoh oomissIoner
    shall take the offioial oath, and shall also
    take a written oath that he will not he direot-
    ly or lndireotly interestedin any eontract
    with, or olals against, the oountp ie whioh he
    resides,    exoept suoh warrant8a# nay'ieeue to
    him as fee8 of offioe. Eaah conmissioner
    ahaJ.1exeoute a bond to be approvedby the
    oounty judge in the aum of three thousand dol-
    lars, payable to the oouaty treamrer, oondi-
    tioned for the faithful performanaeof the
    duties of his oi’fIo4, that he will Parrover
    to hia oounty all moneys Illegally paid to
    him out of oounty funds, a6 voluntary payments
    or otherwise,and that he will not vote or
    give his oonsant to pay out oountg fund8 ex-
    cept for lawful purpoam3.*
    VerY truly your8
    By     fig.        +-&L
    Wm. J. Fanning

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4672

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017