OFFICE OF THE Al-fORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I HonorablrH. A. Ilodger Count7 hldltor w1111am80n count7 Oeorgetown, Tour Your rrquertxor opl fully consibered by th.lr 4rpa QUe8t a8 fO11OW8: making an ar- of the aase could not br lcr of the Peace an ~410 wa8 not a Deput7 to make the de haa tiled a claim ror “In ry oplnlon I oan not leslly order par- ment to an lndlvl4ual a8 the law doe8 not 8et Out fee8 for aIiy One WOrJpt leija117 QUlitid Otilaerr, ll8o t&t the mileage wod4 not cover for 'Cha814' but to the point oi lrrelt, 10 Eonorable li. A. Bo4~08, F860 8 Ml108 an4 tbo r'eturnof 10 mllo#. I under- 8tAfl4 that it would be legal ior tlu cOMtabl8 to flle the leo o untfor payaont of the foor for a por8OA who 8 hir lqally quallfled 4aputy, horrror 4 00 think ho roul4 br au- thorlred.ta file 7 0r a perron tmdor the oon- ditiOA8 8tatOd. Vherbtore the fO~OWiAg qU08tiGA8-< "10 Tould thr Count7 Auditor &ave lo&al authorlt7 to order, or approve, pa7mnt for f008 IA l lololy tilmininp;Trial t0 a perron who ra8 not a lags117 quallfle4 orflorr or D~ut7 although the aaoount wa8 fit04 in thr ef the COA8tabh in the fPBtbr fiOOiAOt 0111110 in which the rrrvloe8 were performs40 '#I- Should the milea~r to bo paid iA yo- lng to arrelt lo A felony 068e be jU8t frtbm the rtuting point to the point o r lrrelt, or W0Ld.d it 08 from th0 8tWtiAg pOiAt and OIIr all c;roud oovere4, oha8111gback an4 forth, t8 tha point of arrr8t?a YOU !&am A180 1AiOl3304 U8 that thb JustiOe Of th8 Pea08 65.4 not spdall7 appoint the privatr oitlzm to Ierva l warrant of armat. The ire8 iA GUO8tlOA here, 8et Out iA IttlOl.8 1020, 10X9 an4 1068, Vornon*8 .Aaaotatod Texar Code of CrlmlnalPro- oedure, are payable to sheriff8 an4 oonatablb8 e&other ma00 omoerr. (800 maid l rTlole8.) Artlole lO6T, V8raoA'rAnnotatsd Tour Code of Crlm- lti Procedure, pr0rl4ort mCOA8t8blb8, earrhab or other peeoe orrf- oar'1 who oxaaute prOCO88 and porfors Oer~iCO8 for Joatioer in crlmlml aatlonr, rhall receive ~;;h”,;.;OO. allowa to sheriff8 for the 8bme Art1010 Jb, sOrAOA'8 hUlOt6tbd Texa8 Coda Of CriBiMl Procsdure, provider: honorable 8. A. B04~88, ha@ 3 "The folloriAg are 'Pease oifloorr~r tho Sheriff and him deputlra oonstable, tho IUW- rbal or polioenen of aA 1naorporated town or olt7, the offlcerr, AOA-OOlIld88iOAO4OffiC8r8 an4 private8 or the Stat0 ra ar foroe, and M private Demon upsolally o n-4 to eraauto l9 p"& orlminal wooo88 lm Wn4rr8oorln6 our8 1 Artiolr Ml, vWAoA*8 Annotated Toxar Cc40 of Grim- ins1 Procoduro, provl4ert Vf it 18 made knOWA b7 rstiofaotor7 proof to the magtrtrate that a peaor offloor oannot be prooHto exoouto a warnnt of arrort, or that 8uab d&la7 will be 4OOo8~OAO4 in proourlng tb~oretiviosrof a psaae OfffCer that thr eoou8- e4 will pMbebl7 sroapr, 8uob warrant ma7 b8 dlrectod t0 any 8Ultablo prrron rho 18 wllllng to 8xeouta the 88mol and la such eaoe hi8 oame rho11 be set forth in the warmntrw bdm8oor- Ing our8) Artdole 888, VWA0A'8 AAAOtate4 Texas Co40 of Crh- lnal Procoduro, prOVido8t "A justlae ,of the paroe ~7, when he 4oen8 lt.noor88arf, authorize any porron other than l paaaa offlorr to exoouts a warrant or srre8t / by AMWAY: ouoh person 8~eoiell~ iA the warrant. ,' hi auoh oaae, ouch pereon ehallhave the name pmerr, and rhall be rubjeot to the came ruler tlmt govern poa44 ofrioer8 in llks aa808." (~AdW8OOriAfJ OlU8) The prlrato porron referred to in your letter waA Aoltbsr a &erlff AOr a oon8tablr. Mot wao ho a "por8oA spa- idllf appoint04 to-qHoPtr erlml~l #rooe88w an4 namo4 oprolal- 17 in a w4rr4nt. liarwas ho a wpoace Off104ra. It ii therefore our opinion that the private perron meAtiOAe6 1A 7OUr letter i# AOt W3tithd t0 Ur fbO8 undrr thr faatl rtatod. Xbr 14 the eonstable entitled to any feel),he Aot hr~l~g performed on7 8onioe8. bring answor~tbu817, nur 8eOOAd qUe8tiOA boaomor 804to
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4648
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017