Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •            OFFICE    OF THE ATTORNEY        GENERAL      OF TEXAS
    iionorebleI. C. fhmllton
    County Auultx3Y
    SCtor County
    Odeese, Tine*
    the   oginlon   OS
    wnlo h   r medr l8
    is   thb   sot,    where
    oampen8atloQ ior
    e&all be aapowen4 aad per-
    h&me a&l have ohlrr@d to Bi8
    soaabls  expen8aa ntNmr#ary
    end leg*l ooeauat of b3.r
    expennrs to ba pamd     on, pre-
    nd @llOlffS&ilt kind 6li4albQUlit#,
    ee pooribls by the codmIicnWr
    acurt onam seoh month for t&o SQSU``~
    9fould the aomaiaeleaer~    Gopit be auttm-
    Icod to eith.er allow or p       * sUl* ot the
    county   Tat ABseaeor aad   Co7 leotor ior twenty
    tiva   dollars or any afaountper month, far aar
    ~rponae or travoliag oxpo~8e. other tbn actual
    _         ;’
    I!ouor%blot. d. l?mnton, Pege e
    a&d nocossary 0xpeR80t3 ot his orfh,             where
    .   t&G OOURty iS OpOWtiDg   on a Salty            boaJeaN
    Tha First two paregrapha of section b or Article
    3899, ~ornot.‘s konotcted Civil Cjtotutss,es aaeaded by the
    47th L~gislzituro,~Aots,1941, page 1390, ohcpter ,629, Rro-
    v28o;z:                                         f
    “(b). F..ohoifioar named Ia this Act,
    whore ha ri3osivbaa salery a6 cozip8rmet4on
    for h%s eomlcas,    shell bo entitled and por-
    ??Attod  to~UrGha5o.Or   cbr~o  to his oounty.
    ell reasonable   sxpon5so neoeseary  in the pro-
    wslr OKid %e@l      GCSKhXCt    Of hb   OffiW3, ``ClBiu3S
    ou .oftlolale@      beads,     pmdw15    on fire, bur-
    &lary, theft, robbery laeurance ~rotoctlug
    publio funds, an3 Iooludln6 the eosb ot euroty
    brmls for his doputles, provided that orpeasos
    bxw??red for p$wd?nS an ofiioials@ bomb for
    tho oounty trc&urer, ooohty auditor; ooanty
    .                   rufl cozimW31oners,~oounty sohool eu~erinten-
    Cent, ati tho hide end ati&       impootor, ln-
    ollleing the cost or surety bon&s for say
    dagaties of my such ofrloors; xey be eleo
    inclubed, .a& auoh expen8es to be pass& pa,’                  .
    ‘, proUeterz&ned end ellomul in the fin% ,and
    emunt, ta necrly en possible, by the Con-
    ~Isolonors Court oaeioeaoh month.for t&s
    ensuing @o&h, uppap. the application    by eioh
    offioor, stetihg fhs kind, probable pmOMt
    0r   axl;endituro    aal     i&3aocssaity far   the   6x- ;
    .:.        games of his &r&as top such eaeulng month, :. :.
    ..;. .
    .~whhich applloetlon shall,,..
    bofm& prooeatatfoa
    to said ~oourt,First bo ondarsed by the coahty
    etiditor,if itnp,otberdse the county tree-
    surer,    only a’sto Iðer ads   ere eveileble
    ., for peymnt of such e%j~oneen. The Camls-
    simers     Court ot tha oounty of the eherffi’e
    rosidenoe    izay,Upon the m%ttea  and :sworn
    appUoat&on of the aherift ,.stetingthe -necesaitty
    thorefor, pumheso agulpwnt ror a ljurosu02
    CrLmlr~l Ida~tttl~loatloa,  saoh es cameras,
    ’             fingsrprlnt oerds,‘i~s, ~chemiocl.8, microac1opos,
    reO10 end laboratory.equipmat, n.Lfng Ce+3,
    .   I-
    Imorablo   J. c. I3anl11t0n,
    P@&e s
    "8uoh purohosaa aball be znadsby eaoh
    i.,   0frio0r, when allmod, only by csquls~t.lon
    in mamm      proolded by the county auditor, is
    any, othorwfss Ivythe Cotissioners Court..
    Euch orfiobr, shall, ot t!loclose OS eecri
    - no&h cf.hia tenure of ofiico, make en item-.
    lzod and sworn report of all a?proveU ers+oses
    --incurred    Ia7 hla crd 0haargeUto hle.ogunty, ao-
    oom~an7in~ such report with iovoIoe8 covering
    such purchasoa and re~uisltlons lmuod bp hln
    . in support OS such regoort. ff mob eqmsoa
    be inourrsd in cocneotlou with any partloular
    case, 8iiOh repot    shall norio such caab. &oh
    report, .l.nvolcea,  and.roguisltiopa &all be
    .‘subJeotto tho audit ot the county aGI%tor,
    if any, othor%ise by tho Co%xlasioners Court,
    and .lf it appears that any Item was not ln-
    curred b7 such ofrlcer, or tket WJO& ltmi VSALS     '
    not a nooeasary or lo&      oxpcnts-of   sooh
    offIce, or purchased u>on j3rcper'.reguioitio~,``                    :~
    ~‘.i2 ::.          _.       ..
    .auch ltezashall bo bp said county auditor or.-- : ; ..'
    : ~.‘,court .rsJactad,In wkich case,the ;w73oat ~‘oi``                   _‘.
    . .._‘..
    ..~           .:~suoh..itaxxay be adjudiootob in-any court of';
    ...oixzpetentjurisdlation. U          au& approved.              .
    olakxs a~& aoootmta shall be .gaaidZ’rozth0 :      :
    _          Oifinoxa +Iary JQoO unless otheHzijce,provLlbed
    .herehr* ~. ...
    T Th8,abova n&&ion&S statute.mthorl%ea and peraits
    oartaln ~oounty.oftiofalstaxed in the'aot, ah0 are cmpensated,
    03 e salary basis-for’their      mrviotm, ~to'purohaee or ohargo to
    :.               t&air Conntlss alJ reasonable exganeosmoceaary         ln the props.
    anU lb&      conduct ot thsir.ortio~osaa .psovidod   b7 said atat-
    ute. This or alfgother statute that we have bean able to find
    doa~snot.empower dr enthoriae the Co&lssiz?nersl Court to al-
    low or,pap.tte~oounty tax:asseoeor-collector $55.00 or any other.~ ~'
    asl,qit-pr~'nOnthfor car expenees or trarsl5.ng~.~xpensos.It
    ,isacil es.tablishedin tbiitState that'tbo Cozmiseiaaersg Courts..
    pooseas no :power or authority broept      thbetwhiCh is OOnforred
    on thata,either erprosslg or bp neoeBanrg-ioplioat~oh, by thu         ., .
    Const,tftution  rqd law&'ot t&%.&ate;'.;      '~:
    .I                          ..    .~Z'
    ‘Therefosx~, it fs~our  c$ini&   that tda Ccuaofosionere*
    Cowt hca’no power or authority to allow or pay the county tax .``~.       .. '
    aaaeosor-collector anyTdefiuita:.orpdt~lti amount per month                _;
    for car~oxpeneos bf txavolinge yfiy+;:.:-~t le,~oUF~.frrrther~   ~’    ,’~=Y
    ,.,,      the Cormlsst``ara``,ourt eanlegally nllow or pay
    Eoaorable   3. C. ‘Hamilton, ?ago 4
    all rossonatileozganaes aotuslly Incurred by the tar aoacsaorc
    oolbotor in the proger and loyal coGduct or k1l8 orx100, 6uoh .
    SW, oar aqense. or trrvellng expresses,when all tha provbions
    OS the above moctioned statuto ars cmeplied with.
    .: .,>                     Trusting that the toragoin6 fully answersyour in-
    ..          qulry;~Iiw 0.m
    . .’
    Your8 very truly
    Ardell Williams

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4553

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017