OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T’EXAS AUSTIN Bonorable L. L. 0enn ffou6ty Attorru~ tlae8tolJo ootinty Oroesbeok, Tom18 Dear 8lrr We aokaowlebge r quollt ior the oplnfonof tblr dopartimmt utated thar'eln, antI puoto from your letter out or the or the other prwanolm “l&ad Preelaat~ QM, two and tbreo bare an outt5tandln serlp iad6btd666r as tollgw6t Prr- ainot ona k a,i?oq.oo; Prwinot twQ #l22,545.6) and Ronarable L. L. GemA, Page 2 Pmelnot Three $98.835.22. These figures SrS as ot Je~uary 1, 1942. Theas three preO~AOt8 are , 8pproxImetSly 6 mare IA arrears in the pa-At of the outitanding Sorlp. "The Ca~mIeeIo~er of Preolnot four AOU de- e1ree the auditor to rrlmburee Jdm out ot PUS- OiAet8 one, two 8A6 three fr0~ the oeeh qn hapd in theeS funds prior to thS appli@Stion of SAY oi this QOAS~ OA th0 SOr%p iAdobtednSe8. *The auditor (who wee not in ot~Ioe at tbo the Of th0 traASfer frCna PmOlAOt fOUr'8 fUAb.tO the other p~eoIAot8) dehqe to lc~ow tha follow- a1 ~_ "(11 CM Preolnat Pour AOWbe reImbAreed out or the each OS the other prqoinoi; funds by tranerrr at this t&3? "(2) If ~Preolnot Your oannot be reIPLbAreo& ouvof thr aaab OA herd what -way has it to reower tha SAAS loaned to the other preoinote? *. . . . ., , "Tha c4malierioA*r or ProolAot tour eleo 'ha thS follow problem: CoAeolIdatad Roe& Dletriat lo. 4 uhloh9 l u& la rJ&Is Juried&otlon hee AA hSAd . lrplur: raxloy~ The bounbry ~r.mAe0lImS6 BoSd DIStriot ~4 St @no ply e borbre the benk or the Hmaota Rlnr. fll8g Od &CI+iAOt iOUl' WtiOAdS loroea the rinr SA& inol~do;:+ho bfldgo‘at thiS point. ThS ~brlbge ASO& repriring an4oh* deelrre t0 ~rnor if ho 0ti ASO nuke! 9r c0ASoiuht0d rotn t0 m&Wiz S&l. 8illOO t&S bkim, OA::@AO'eid., t0udt~6 a~0ifdet0d SOW. trlot jl3 by placed in prSSiAet.94 AA-+30nbi- tlon that--After thS ooontr roeb a~& br%dg~ fund bS bO@A biTid.d SQUSl1.p iA thS iOut Honorable L. L. Ouen, Peg@ 3 preolnote eeoh reoalkg 258, #750.00 shall than be trenefured from preolnot !3 to pre- OfAOt $4 iA the year 1942 Md eeoh 8uooedIlng year thereef’tsr until the .Stete ahell leeuum the bonded indebtedness ena refund the moneys pela IA by rosa af6trfct 413 which rerund shell m to the ruad8 or preoInct f4 to be spent on``i-oade in bCAded aIetrIot $13 it whloh the the trenw fU Of the $750.00 rXWi?I PrAOfAOt #3 to FrUOfAOt $4 ahall oeaee, end preolnot ?3 shell be oredited on euoh peymente with the amount of $750.00 iA the year Road Dletrlot #13 bonds are eeeUmd (provlaed $750.00 has been treneierred from Pr: 3 to Pr. 4 for that pa~rliIouleryear) out 0r eny aash refund mebe to Road Mstrlot I13 fromthe. Board or County sad Roea Dietriot Indebtedness ot Texas, but dl~etrlot #13 shell remeln In pre- OfAOt $4. “$%e oounty eudltor deeire~e-to know it this is a ~i)lld ordu. * . . . ‘.a ..> ,/. with mferenoe to your rim and eesond qumtfone, the irtlolee cif VymnPe Amotatod OlrIl rztetUtee wflloable. erec \ Art. 1625. qaoh oouat trueurer shell. - hq.8 well-bound bee& la * Ioh Jw ehell’ngfr~ . tu Rll olalae lgalnrt hle. oaanty in the order 0r proe~tatloa, an6 if mora tlmn one Is p* ’ eented at the same tirr he~ihclll ngleter thorn in the ordu ar~thdr deto. -Ha ehell p same, or any pert thueqf,. be noeltod by zany offloer in aymmt of my'idlqbtdh@u to the 4 oounty, untlithrre km dulyregiStered in lo o o r b nowith o the prwleion6 of this titlai All ala&me in leob oleee~8hel.l be paid ,&n the order‘in u!iieh they are re#eterod. A&. 1626. -alaSks against a ooaatf shall be regletered in tbme ule~8e8, 88 r0mu8: Konorable L. L. tiren; Pa@ 4 .'l. All Jury eorlp end eorlp leeued ror f **ding j wore. "2. All sorlp Issued under the provIelone or the rcea low or for rrork done on rOedO and "3. Ul the gmerel indebtedneee or the oouAty, 1~0ludI~g feeding ad guarding prIeonue end paupers' OlOfmt3. Art. 1627. *Sold treasurer shell ontu eaoh 01eIm IA the register, statfAg the oleee td ~whIoh It belongs, the fame of the peyoe, the amount, the date 0s the ala&, the date or n&a- tretfon, the number of euoh alAIm by what eu- thorlty Ieeuea, SAd for what eenloe the same use Ieau6d, end ehell write oti the reo) or the OlaIm Its registration AAmber, the *ord, ..(ngle- ' tered,f. the data of euoh regIetretIon, end ehall sign bla name orfioIally th?ret:o.* As wee eteted by JueLLICIoeHall, rrftlng the opiafon or the Oourt or Civil Appeals in the ease or WQkbe~iluo~ vT PraAkpl couAty, 94 s. 1. (,Zd)11903 i. "ArtiolO 1625, R. .S., olearly dowtee the order ~nhi~hrarrantedrame~l~ttho 00uAty treaeury~ard to,be paid, a ndlmmnte tcm ep- proprlatlon of the fwde IA the ootuity tnaeurr of ell warrants le&ly draw@ A&set the 80`` era1 oleeeee of ftmde intho order at tbIr n- gletratloA. And the order or the o~eeionerr~ oottrt or Frankll.u county 0s July 13, 19fb:n- &ring the ,wounty treasury fir8t to p&y Ourrent warrants dram against the eunty gurual fttnd lhiad of e*nlor re4~etretIoA-warmnta drawn a&aIAet eeld~ fund Is vIoletIre of art1018 1625, R. 8.. and is-theretore void.* UBder the kitate or toots AuWItted by you It lpprare th a t 80ela ima o f fndo b tediiOwere ee‘Uy Uk I stared i.Ufa r m of Pnoinot HO. 6, ai r8@.TOd by A+@* 1 eupre. lo mrlp 0r other evldenoa of IndkbtOdn*,Ae woe Ieeued by PreoinOt8 Roe. 1, 2 O&3, tC PMOfAOt KO. t. The holder6 of tho out&aAdIng~eorIp OgalMt Pn- oincte KJas. 1; 2 end 3 have tested inF*nete IA thr funds-or Honoreblo L. L. OSMA, Pago 6 8~16 praoloote to the full extant a$ al8Im a8 lvfdewed by euoh sorip, end ‘the ConmIeeIoAoret Oourt of LImestoAe Wuity has no ‘poker or authority ta dooree a PrefereAoe, thereby lmpalring~ euoh rested rights of oreditors of Piwolnote Nos. 1, 2 end 3 by paying out tb run48 oi 8814 preoinote to Pre- olnot No. h ni8w0re, tmdar the r 0M g o l ing athorItL8, it18 our OF~AIOA that your r&ret qurtloa lhould be~emwered IA the negative. In emmr to your seooud qwetlon, It 18 our opln- Iin that kreainat No. 4, IA order to be iwlaibureed fix the ,funde adranoed to Preoinote Nor. 1, 2 and 3, aunt have Ite olalmis against said preolnote ngletered end eorlp Ieeuad ror the reepeotlre amounts of eel4 alaIm the nor& so Ieewd tti~ieeid. outor the approprlak fond IA the order of n+e- . With refetinoe to your ‘third quest&on, reefmIng that then surplus money of Road Dletiiot Bo. 4 .I8 the preowde of bond8 Ieewd a~4 ad16 by sold di8trIot, or a put thereof, It is our opinlan that this queatlon ehould be meaend in the negatlre for th naeone.nO forth SD opinibn x0, O-3851, a aopy oi whloh Is loolowd horeuIth. No AO~ a~eldar y&r fourth qae8tlon. It I* our oplqlo~ that the order of the Uoed~8lo~m~ 4ourt qtfoted above Is void, iA’thrt It .oautituttr8 8 trenaftir of the numy i from the rundi which are allowto to Prealnot No. 3 In rio-' 1etImor the rights ,a? the eerlp holders of eeid Preolnot (Also ne the ease of Stovall v. ‘~mY8, $03 S. W. ‘(2d) 1 kra very truly molmD JUN 18, 1942 ATTORKEYQEKKRALOBTXA8 (eI~ed) @rarer Sfdlore TIRST ASSISTART ATI’ORNET- Ardal!i~2 JieeIetant APPRovxD ANlOO ENcLo8uRN W.J.P.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4552
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017