Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •                                                               P
    a*norable Ton A. Craven
    k%xaty Aualtor
    Waco, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    We here reeelVed    anb
    an opinion of this   Dapartme
    an follewar
    *Several  lots loa
    ULennan County
    state  and couut
    under the n
    some of .%hs
    Gtate or County taxes
    pata slnoe prior tQ
    orable   Ton A, Craven, Page 2
    price in coknowledged, no other evidence is
    Sound that the $57.23 was ever actually paid
    ’ by Gilmore.   The Tsoorda of the Dfstrlot    Clerk’s
    offioe end the Tax Collector’s     orfioe do tact show
    that the Clerk’s coats and the 1929 taxes ilere re-
    oeiveb by these offices.     There is on file in the
    County Clerk’ e ofiloe   a quit oleim, deed under
    date of Deoember IL+, 19Jj~fros Wlznore to the State
    of Texar and the County of I4cLennen, conrideratio~
    $1.00, covering  these lots.
    YWmently, 3:oLen~an County~ ebvertisod ‘,%ees lota
    for sale.   They were $old.    The pwoSuradrs *era
    told t&t under this eale M#&enuan Col;nty wouU
    deed to them whiPtever interests   and oiily what-
    ever Interests  YoLennan Ootu$tg he&d in thuu. It
    we.8 the yemral unileretaadl~    of these purohanere
    that no State en& i?ount$ tax lien6 would be re-
    tained against ang of tMs p&per 8.        It’wae the
    illttXltbl Of the %QbAA@ACQUntf '~WUlli~$iOAer~'
    Court that no euch tax liens w%lA b&.,clai~L         St
    wae and fE tile iAtUlti&l Of the CoaPla6ioner0t
    Court to use whatever portian 41 the money &e~i~rd
    from thfd eale neoessary to pay, in tss usual a-
    aer, the delinquent taxas 1cgall.y due the Btate
    sa& County on these lots.
    *ArtPole 7331 of the rtetutes aa applidd to del.ln-
    quent taxes on property for 1929 snd prior years
    alLowa cru;acoountoble fee& to tar aollectore      for
    perforratig oertain epeoSfied duties.    tiaid ieea
    to be tared as ooata againat the beUoguer&.        To
    determining the emant of feee to be collected
    under 7331 with delinqumt     tams for 1929 esd prLor
    yesra, it has been the praotioe to collect     one &al-
    ler for each asaeaainelit for each yhar &elinQaent
    taxea were paid.    our TUX Eollector  hao oooatrueu
    an assessment to nean all the property sseeaaed in
    the ~aum of ORBperson for any one year.       As indi-
    cated hereinbefore,   the S?cLennan County Comrztaaion-
    em Court proposes to pea, out of the prooeetla
    mnoraBl0       Ton A, Urav*n, Pad* 9
    , ~4erlro4 Irma the nle of thir proport~, all the
    4ooiaquent tarem lemlly   he   a&.nat thi8 prop-
    . In aonneotion with thin, tw4 ~ue8bion8
    arise an which I oholl                    thank you to Sire me your
    *In view of ertiolo                  7333 oi the    rtatutoa,   would
    1%   bo    the    duty     ot    the’hx     Ualleator    fo oollaet
    tar the Tax Coliootors  who woro in ortloe dur-
    lqz 1929 and prior goare ao provided ,rrnder
    artiole 7331 88 It oxlatod. in than  Joam  when
    the Gounty pays the taxerr                  under     the oirouv~tanoes
    that hare boon outlined?
    *ShoulQ your onowor to t&o, fitol   puo8tlon be *ye,*,
    on whair basin ohoul4 the oollootcPrrr ~ooat be aal-
    m&ted?     This questi.on 041q4rUQ bo~un    ,af the
    raOt that all   the propvty in quontroicmfor laoh oi
    tho years fnm 1919 through &929 (and ior’ all other
    frars this property appear8 01) Ah0 tax r&Is)      ap-
    pear8 OR the tax rolla under tJ=ienaa,e *unlurorn
    awnore’.   Aar IndiraPod b&ora, in eoau’Snrtonoeo
    lot*      axe    grouped        on   o``aemsm1119nt      e&e&   and   in
    other oeaee $oto are llrrto4                   oingly    on aiieooaent
    ti00t.. ”
    .Mter 6arefuU.y ron8irlering the facto eubaltteti
    ,bp rou wo are or the opinion tk6t the Comn&ooloneEe~ Court.
    or your oounty would be authorleo          to pay tha State aa
    County taxer out of the purohmo aonog recefred           by it in
    aompllance with it6 aontreiot and agre8ment with the par-
    ohaeof.    ,Wo, likewire    beliers   that   the sow&y ~3~14 aat
    be violating    the provhom        of either Artlele   7332 4r
    7333, vor~.``*o Civil Statuttee or Terns, a8 aae?&oT, iz it
    ohould pay the proper re4omption meto 44t1of the ttobual
    purehaoe mo!key rooeiYo8 by it for its int4reet         in tho
    property in compliance with the ,Wnbraot between It and
    the puroha,ror . The pmhibitory         provlolono  oi raid Arti-
    ales 7331 and 7333, that neither the oounty nar the State
    ehall bo liable     for the redcusgtion toe, are net applioable
    -%norabls        Toa A. Craven, Page 4
    to the faot situation  before us sines the redeaption tee
    here' Would be paid from the purchase money and not out
    0r the regular  rUnd6 of the oounty derived rrom emno
    other aourae.
    The aollecti.on of all dslinpuent a4 trlar*ra
    taxes due the State, county, munioipality      or.other  de-
    iLoo    aubdlYlalons that were delinquent prior to 3eoem-
    bor 31, 1919 we8 fOreVsr barred by Aeto Bortr-iourtk
    Legislature,    1935, iegular 3easian, page 355, Cha      128
    (Artiole   7336f,  Vernon’s Civil Statutes of Texea. 3’
    With regard        to theof the $1.00 redecip-
    tion   fee,   provided      in  7331, Vomon*a Ciril Sta-
    tutes ol Texas   aa ?wesded, fmm January 1, 1928 to
    iiuguit u+, 192: (the aat0 wtlen Axti010 7691, R. 0. s.,
    1911 was amended), we deolre to quote franr our Opinion
    Bo. O-2995, aa followar
    (I. . .,"
    *It                   4eoi4ed that tn
    has been dofinltely
    aountlea operating ua4er She mulawn See bLll,
    the tax oolleotor’a fee of One Dollar (01.00)
    pxmiaaa     ,$4x in the above asnt%oneb iurtioLa,
    Axtlole      7691,waa swquire4 to be aacountesdf~,
    antl tdaerefore oould not be retained by the ool-
    lwtor     (Bitter  vii. Berar County, 51 ti. si. (2)
    162~ Turner va. Barnes, 19 -S. W. (2) 3251 54.
    27 6. \Ir, (2) 532; Getaexmi county ~6. Fox, 32
    S. H. (2) 653; Id. 61 s. W. (2) 483; 64 s. s’.
    (2)  140).
    *The above tnsntioned provision   of -iale
    7691 remained In foroe until the year 1923, rhsn
    It wae amended and beam     Article   7331, XetLacsd
    Statutes,  1925, mder wiiloh the oolleotor     was not
    rec.&Wed to aaoo'lnt fQX, but aould retain Ilaid
    fees, izl addition to all other eompenaatlon aocorded
    h.Fmby law.
    Scmoreble       Tom A. Cror4n,        Page 5
    "Artfole   7331 wae amended by the Bortf-
    'fIrat      Legislature,   Fourth Called Seeeion, page
    30, Chap. 20, Par, 8, and thio Act bboasrs 4t-
    f0otlre   January 1, 1931.     St will b4 noted that
    the 4tatute as runendod omitted the providon
    providing that the toe above anentionod nhould
    bo additional     and eumulativo OS 411 I448 and
    not aooountsd for 44 Itao% of offi04.~
    &I our Opinion  No. O-1679, a oopy of which
    ir enelo%od, w4 hold that an lnoumbent in ofiios 3.4
    the proper psraon to oollsct    dellnpuent.roor,    properv
    oarned in aooordonee with the Law of hl% prod444eoors
    in 0fri04.     said Opluion wo. o-1679 WOO   imirl4d, on
    another     int, by our Opinion Bo. O-2290.      A oopy ot
    the opi nr on loot %wntionod ie 4nolosod.
    Bronx 4 oonsldoratlon of the fereg;oicy       rother-
    Ue&z,           thoroforo,   ammor your itrot qu44tion        44
    1. The pres4nt incumbsnt tax aoooowr-
    oollootor should 6ollo0t the progor mdqtlan
    roan that were properly albwod by law UA~ nhl&
    booam     due      by r08aoa of 84rvio4a   p4rr0rmd   by
    hi6 prodooossora         In   0fri04.
    2. Th4 inoumbont tax a%%4840r-401140t4r
    should aeosunt for tihs rodaplption f444 eol-
    lectod,  during the psriod oi timo ooosrrd in
    your f&ret quorticm,  44 follwa:
    (a) Those to44 properly ohsrgosblo tmat
    January  1, 1920 to AugU%t 14, 1923 should be
    disburasd in aooordaenoe with Artioles    3891
    end 3892, ii. C. S., 1925, prior   to their
    4aendmimt by Aote 1930, Forty-firrt    Lsgi%la-
    ture,  Fourth Cellsd Ss44ion,  pa$e 30, Chap. 20,
    Honoroblo TQIE A. drawn,                    Page 6
    . .
    Thou4 rsdsnption I444 properly oharg4-
    eble from Augurt 14, 1923:to January 1, 1931
    ahould be turned over to the proper es-tar
    aolleotar who oarnsa them and is entltlod to
    reoslve them for 44nio44  rondored duriag his
    tenun        or   0rri44.
    (con44mi~g  your s440Aa question ~4 oall roqr
    attshtion            to our hold-    in cipinlon Btoi O-1619 from whioh
    II4    quote:
    "IA oon4trting  thir old statute,  the
    Attorass   G4nor41*,4 Dopartmont,  in 4 nqmImr
    or oplaiono,    Witt@A by Eonozable 8. Grady
    Ohadler,    A4,8i4tont Attoraos Gonrral,  BsLd
    that   the 81.00 fee protided thoreiir should
    bo *tltmod thuoin   for-*aoh                tmot    of land
    u#e$ whioh doliaqamnt tuua                  wzo    .mih.    . . .
    '91A44 AI-tiOb 7331 WOOwd4z    PA’1930,
    th8ro have bo4A no 04604 UphicP.havd'beon OOn-
    QOrAOdwith th4 prO~o4itiOA a% Mt outi, &x~OUz’
    letter.     kE*oo9r, t&d quo8 @area ru$o&.:dpba
    by     Attbraoy        @onen   Jalnar $ # AU,r@d ,$tJ',$i.$~n;
    fox4~44 opiniw,             Oat& Apt\rit 18, l``$#~$‘Z$tten
    br Aa814tUPt Attwmy                 Guaonl    EIom4r``‘@$!!,~4Xfo.
    Mr.     e)4w0ir4*4       opinion    mada,    in part;      tid~ioU3w4r
    a~*H4r4 4s4in the 00qs4aretioa    4LLowod
    58  far th0 porrora4nor 0r ah4 04``4s.or
    aota wbiah aurt b4 rubetantiellg     ,prrlo,mod
    botors t&s rer oS.l&      i* *rn,d.     Bgw4114s,
    the fee is not dspendmit U$@R tho f%,uag of
    Mit t0 4OllOOt th4, ,‘``L”~&li~AqUOAt; ‘bitt
    i6 dOp4AdOAtUgOA%htt"phrroEP*L004et 6&&e
    e4veF42 @nvio4s salUwm4t4d an6 upon tlL4
    4Otul COll4OfioA ~0rth4 tafs4, pMalt%O%,
    interest and eosto,
    "*It must rurther bq obmrved that thr
    tern *coxmk4t 484smm4nW a8 ured in t&e
    act or thbs Fortyy-Zint L&nLaturu,  i.4
    E[oaorablr     Tam A, Craven,      Pago 7
    . .      zumnt *the Inventory of all propert
    ownod by on Individual     for anp 0~4
    year*.  Ther4toforo,    ths term *oorroot
    a4oo48mAt* had boon urod to m44n oaoh
    tnot or 1aAd a4 8efi.nod by the k&8-
    laturo and by the Court4; under the Aot
    0r the P0rtprimt     hgirlatun,     how-
    OVOXF,Ml4 tQlrm "06rr40t 484484a4At"
    would Inolud4   all    traot8   of Land upon
    which tax44 u4r4 64liliqu4At for 4ay
    one par,  looatod In t@o oouaty rad
    own44 by any tan4 indlvldwl.**
    ArtI014 7198, Vornon*4 Civil St4tutsr of
    Tox48, 4uthoriooe    a tu  a88484or    to e88o88 property
    in th4 inrt8no48 themin     prOviuOai ia th4 A4m3 0r UII-
    known amor      when the namo8 of the real omor8       am not
    knOWit. tit1014 7205, Qf thr 84NI4 8ktUb44,       aUthmi44B
    th4 444444or    to a#%488 4rxy property   in hi8 oorrnty that
    ha8 not been lirtod    IA the A4m4 of the OwAer, if knows,
    and ii the owner in unbwun      60 limt the property      In the
    ma8 6r Wukmwn own4ra.
    Sin04 tih4 r444mption f44 provided for the tax
    444488Qr-401~4tOr     i8'fW  005p41%84&i~3dU4 hfra ml: p4&-
    forming oorbaln 84rvI048,    a8 horebororo   @b&ad, we
    boliovo that proprrtg lI8tsd by Bitt in thhs mua4 of *un-
    knows ownor8* on the unamderod tclr liota oould not bo
    p~44um41lto belong to the 8aino por86A.      In view of the
    woraing   of tit1014 733L, 8upra, at all t&a48 sin04 th4
    rtatuto   wae fir8t 4n44tod, i~0LudiAg all sf It8 amend-
    aoatr, w4 bolleve    thet 8uoh rtatute   h48 alw4ys OoAWm-
    plated that the W%OPQtiOA f44 bo oabd.6tO~         UpOA th4
    ba8i4 that oaoh pi404 Of proportg rondorod by the t4r
    a484440r   in th4 naau 0r *u.dumwa wn4r8m     ~48 the 8ub-
    joot OS indivlUuo1 OrrslOr8hfpwhore the rrndition      I58
    prop4rly made IA good faith and whore bhore wao PO
    avallablo   IAfOrLMtIOA b4ror4 ths tax a8448402     8howing
    tionorsblo   Tom A. CmV4a, Pago &
    to thb'oontrrry.    Pollowing the pro8umptlen that the
    tar o88owor    would not hero psrfoxa4d hi8 ofiiolel
    dutio4 oootrary to the law It wouI4 ap ear that ho
    r0ula h4V4 vu4 r42id4ma th4 ~r4~4rty !A the n4a4
    of *unknown own414~ in lnstanoe8    whom the owner
    '1R8 ix fSOt UnkaacW. To hold that property     rondored
    ix t&s mm4 or *tinis~eiwnown4maa undos the raob8
    rub&tted    by you, V48. iA f8Ot 4WA4d by th4  84Ik4
    p4retm, wotid, ~4 think, bo,iapo8&g      8 pr48w4ptloa
    upon a pXO8uplptiOA Md WOtid bs 8 U6XStPUOtiOA        owa-
    trary to the ~4x7 term     or~th4 8tatut4 it4ti.i.
    Prior to Jan&&~    1,   193L, (CM doto upon
    whl4h iirtiol4    7691, a. C. 6. r UU w48 anmndod by
    bho AOtr8 or the z0ay-fiT8t       L4etrktw4       &mrth
    krllod sreaion,     Chop. 20, 840. %I th4 $igm rearat;?tion
    $04 ~44 prorlded      r0r woh oorr44t     844448~at    4a 44oh
    “trart”  of lend upon whioh taoa ~HQU dollnquant,
    444h *treot”     oon4Ittomd  en on4 44844llaunti      Stiato
    V8. 3lator (8. ot.1,      38 3. W. (2) 1097.      r&4  a44e
    just r4f4rr4d     to held thet t&o    word "traot" '148 tho
    unit whioh tar     the l4a4t or wullest      8trbdIvIsion.
    Fran a o0n4i~*mti6n or 411 0s the row=
    &~coin$4athOTibi48 yQUr 844vAd q~4@bi0x 18 41~44r4d
    84 r0ii0tf4:
    1. Braa Jmuery 1,      i920 to Jom4ry     1,
    1931, the Cl.00 rodsm@Ivn ros      pa'4vibod for In
    Al-tie14 7691, a, c. S‘, 1911,    and lw.mumdod by
    Bouss Bill 9, Aote Fesby-Iirlrt    X&5Srletluro, Foprth
    Ca~Od s488;4a, atar pro&W4     bo’OolLOat4d     Up44 th4
    be818 Of oaoh BOW4Ot.448448Et4AtOX 44Oh tr4Ot Or
    land to be *old,   484b tmot 4~AOidO~rb      e8 on4
    ase404~4nt.  The word Vnota     would 4~8~ ths unit
    wbloh W(LBth4 l664t or *aarrlloot s\zbdlvleIvn.
    Uonoreble   Tom ii. Cramn,        Pago 9
    * .
    2.   o-aa   January     1,   1931 to bIta the
    .l.OO Fadsnnpt+on~fer provided           in krtlqle     ?331   of
    Ye~non`` Clvll iitetuter of Texae, ar amnded, iuay
    properly be chargeable for asoh *oorreot aseeemmnt*,
    88 that torsi in defined in said statuto, whioh tern
    would Include all traota of land upon uhioh taxer
    uoro dellnquant ror any 0110 year, looatsd in the
    oounty end owned by any wm inillvidual.    i+hem
    property on the unrendorod tax rolla hae boon
    rendered by the amea6Or, in good teitb,   ln the
    name OS *unknown mwmP oaoh reparate *traot*
    should be oonsiderad to bo owned by dlffrrmt
    iTo truet that      in thl8 meinner 186 here tuUy
    answered your inquiry.
    four8     verr truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4543

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017