Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • : P! *..,:*.- M& k,: OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I 0 AUSTIN e- G MIWN A--- Dear Sir; , go0 r~#sr to cur lW9, '&6d wimh to moor& aanh trum- 44th hglaittlro, utier the follodag pro lwyDrpeu=tmuit Rn4 Rcceuats -or hdnrl@ of both tias undrr 8. 3. ob a n6w e+peoirl rune in r&e ~‘8 Fun4 Lodger etgl+d *Stat8 reamirar Trustee - IlmAml A88688Psnt Assoclatbiona* to rseorel roooiptm an4 withdrawale of owrrnoy dspositsd under 8. 8. 13s. TM8 fund to@thsr 81th tha Qensral Ledger aeoount et SeouXitie8 p1&&8d roul4 l’0X-athe eon- tro1 f-or z!otall6u rec\cwQa maintains& &snorable z88#8 f8iW.8, -8 8 by ti.h. Boa4 Rviaioa. Identioo.1rooard8 wuLa be sot up by the State Conptroller. “fur’rmH~]r MlCMfpt8 daporitod in thm II~W Mate fund.w~l~ bd 90 drpooib& uParr u8prr8it Wzmmnt isrusd~bg the St&t* Cwptrollrr. Th6ra 2'8C81 t8 WORM bc,'pltwed on bpoiit by the 'bra- stslL&blr 8*~,WiltWy bank@ under tr88Wlt 8uur 'p.- re8trlotiail. qit.b&8W&lr, of 8#&8b by Aesoalatlan8 W@ul& be del~retwi iI%th8 ~&WE Of 8 stat8 bkWWNIt, r*r- qUOSt.66 by th8 TXeU8W8r, io8Uad by tb. cw- troller uaQ si@ob by the ~rou8UruTr When 8uoh nrrrant 18 proglrly 6ndomo&, paid end oaaoallod by th8 Wa8uru, a &rrPanent 46~6 lretlag moor4 .mtaLd be hold by t&g Sate or oaoh samheu4 tM8aQtlOn* "With 8OUW4 l@OoUnti~ pi'OOWiW8, aodit Utd ,oontralin i&M, *~a 8inouJy requcs8t your *6- Vi09 in &U&&L& Cho 08aa@ OiStliAd abava.” (_.' Thb k&l8ljtulv Bsa not 6naoteQ q rcroent *tat- “icu8 ~hlatlng. k, zho rmow.d~*boeh kept by the %ats Trreuru ap~oiilorl~ rauti tb th8 a82I tM8t d8,pDfSit8rUChOr%Ud u&u 7' fhetlom 6, A*.ple 6~1, V8raon** kaaotutd Cldl. 8ktUte8. It i8 amet thmnlras thst t&a L@*lalnCpra 6b6- trplstd the preakqt~rsof@4@, ma& a*, the gmmrel lo&&m, a daily po8tla..:'Jou~nsl,. oaok balmaing book8 and sesurttla~ lW,gi8t8r (&tiUb8 b&, 'hf#1$,da%+1 aad ,&+08, vO1?111On'8!h- Vi#md %thltO8f 88 aVaflabl6 in Whiab to ltstUp prowl’ U6OOWt8 utadr .IHQ?Eprop&t8 8MOimtini4 netJmd aoVUin& the aarrh de- paeftr in poartioa. krtla'L8 4SVQb, Vsmon’r~ Anaotatad Civil 6ttl.tUt88, WSSed 8t th8 O&PI3 #WdOn 8t the h~f8%8tlU8 i0 rrbiah Seaste.Bfll 1% maa ps8i!@, $068 not apply to 6b8 eroh d8pO8it8 i$IVOiV6d it~O&W QphfoQ ifOr c-f%% Lad hr?xe U&U db- au68ion. k8 stlitQ6 ir; tk'it8~p~Oll, thO86 d8plUit8 4M *i(lr the pmfeatlen of thr publia $msrallya . e . atad &&I *ia ttnrt a8 a epaoial fund for tIa8 pU?3l@8*8 86t OUC 15 8&i& rtt4tUtO." Bach tU&8 are to be dfrtiagri8hed frtm it&i8 b&saetig: t0 EWJi~i~litiO8 OF pOlitiRU1 SUbiiiViSiOR8, 8UapWSU OX 8ttkt4 fUlUl8. 720 find no provt8lon ‘icw tho Co2igtxzll6r or hi8 or!308 to ororol8e any authority af8r the eadb tu&b fa BUaltf% thma&s tha kaepin& rrfany ~3816, druwing *r&PrdBtII016 othr- Wi88. be undorrtood u s$p?ovfo(S OS di8approrLng S&J On4 ar mom 4f ouoh st4po in the prooedure outlined. Ho 8lziply i318ap- prove th4 yro;o84& aeaounti~ siethod in ltr ontirsty as muno 444b t0 apply the yrOc4aur4 8ppiltm14 to state fde to the fun&s it wontion by authorloing tbcslr depoolt in Steta dopoeltfadss 4~:: 8ubJeot to rrplrreot8drew by the CouiptroU4r of’ th4 ;Jtut4. i, It 18 tkarsfore th4 Opinion of t'hi8 dsg4rtment the4 8uoh an eooollntfrg 8t4th0a for ~84 by the &6tb mmmr4r whhish oont4m~lato@ and the roquitor ~84 or'~rrnete ls4uod by the Uolrptsollor or hl8 oooouating rroorde 18 Art authorlzod or lp~llceblo to $ho 448h itI d it8ltsd U&Or the plW18iO48 4?s68etiti 6, APrtiOiO bo66d, %4mOR'S bUmt8ted GiTil &at- utu. &U o&dQioa. HO, o-l%% 18 'UQttO b4 #O iMafpr.tOd U authoritiR& 8uoh metbad OS R8 .pOlmittiR~ 8UCh fLUI to b.a aopO8ited mador the *tat4 W~aitory Ur. Poor8 very truly l?iOV?ZD MAY 9, 1942 A'fTornsI crml?Rni::t OF y!iu% - ..,c ATTORNEY GENEIRAL

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4526

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017