- 1 ... , -..,:..* OFFICE OF THE ATCORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ’ ,, AUSTIN ODULOCUAHU &%wmmv.oIau Eononbl* &a. J. &uRon seoretwy of Stat8 hetin, Toxar Rear slrr AttCAtiOAS Pt48 IUid QOA- Oil Of tbtS &U’tMUt DA the ooartructib 0108 3154 uld s&l, Be- vlse4 CiTil sta t8tfOA Utd vO%i 00mult1on& tbrO0r, oaut for thl, rxmr tit the $a& greara- tee aholi be sleoted by h JWCOiR8t 011 ~PilWPy dOOtiOA or ar asp bo 9reserlboPby the triot COlWOntiOA~ for ea0h three buudlvba rete*, or a 5aJor rraotion tihar4af. oa8t r0r the gmrty’s oanai-dabe for Goveraqr tn Pooh aauntp at tbo 18st preoediug gsa~rr.1al atloa$ au3 tke delolgrtesto maid ~onveution60 8Poated, ce suoh of them a# say attmd the snid aomentim, shall a48t tkp rota 0r~thO eountbp ia su0k Oommti0~. wukebiately ,‘: WrtcJ. floaoreblb L%wmoA, *t8’As Nrr CluMo IabdiU, Pago li UpOn th 8djOtWMAt Of @%&!I 8wh OOUAty lOA= ve4xtIon,th6 fI8fhAt thOT8Or ali Mr0 OU8 s oertifled 1r*t 0r tiIa dO&&atOB to laoh Of’ S%id CCQV’SJlti6Ae. ~bi0lW.i by AWJh CWAty QOAWA- tt0n 8tid ohall sigii ths BMI, the 80erdq or suc hc o a ventha itta stin$ h ir liCI ( La tur a ~&o , stall foruerd rwh 6artlTI.d kid by seal4 ra&atsred lsttor to th4 ohafrma ai the State ati dI8trIOtexaOutl70 Cammltt#8,.whO 8baU prmont tJiemum ta the rsrpeetttr comltt*8* at its Acretlngprlo2‘totbe WAVOAtiOA; *Aa fr8rrsuoh eeftlfled llrt, the rerpeotlrs oom- mittsan ahall prepars a tmporarl roll or those seleot*d PI as1qat*r to 8UOhoonteatlo6~ pm- *Mod, that A0 QP0!ot10lllbll be cruowe4 to, or reoogdzeU fA, my MllVaAtiOA be16 by authority of this tltlr, *berm l dmleb p ta fr~a the oounty :S pFWMUtt 15 the 60XlVMti.OA.* Article S142 protM*rrt “Bob oOUatt in the 8totS OP 6iDtriOt QOA- vmtion lbll be entitled to au* tote r8r web rite hu&trOd tetb+, O? WJOt rTiIO8i~O~ thOPOSr, mat far the eamll0ate for cknraraoror the pqlltlaalparty holdinigthe ,mIWe~tiOA, at the lert precedingp~imty elee8ioo. In .oemc,at w3h grlmary elaialen; thtwe.wre WNJ*~tar sotAl0aniliZat.srvr mnornor 14&B wNAan:~:Tive Euadrsr?votes in any mx&~Cy, thq all uuah oountfea shtil have 000 VOtO.' 8tBkutB8. b0th EIOW app0ar fa chr. tsr wI of Tit10 60, 0r tbr ihvlre& Civil Btat&er or 1Qefs. & order to giva arrut to the leelslativva intent, we m*t LIolPltrim thr Go *tatrite*to- geth~r, end gin erreat to both, it poulble. Tbi8 o~llbe done, Sor Article 3134 prs8orlb~#,tbanumber of delemter to emh ateta or (Ihtri4t eohveht~o~n wLioh ths ooufitria quartlao ie erttitled to, and hrtfclr 3141 ~wldbe the nuber of rotor to which strohoounty 1s ontitled f P aah leae or dlatrb~ o4nr~ntlan. Thus the rreabar of balo&sts8 to which u ooatnty ir entitledoan, esd uou8.U~ will dlffer~xem the number of vote8 to rhiah snah aounty in *a&lad. ThaFetom, it is our opfnian that 'It3 the eau alted by ytm, tts county would ~+aentftkod to Soad tbreo dtiyfea to th0 atete or diatrlot uonv*atfoq *ad t&a delcri)ateeprumt is thr convamtlon wbrthrr throw or 1860, would be lntltled to orrt tbtdr 00unty~s tour vete88. : :' Tours wry trulf dmBm 02ilKwa CE PxxAs rcJ
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4520
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017