I : ‘_.: ! . ‘7; ... ’::; mi i . ...- .!-- - ,r i. i2, .~.I.. _ . ..: . ‘. Z”... : -:” r.- ~FFIOEOFTHEA``ORNEY GEN``~ALoFTEIU~S . t JiUsTlN _' -c.wur -- . lionorable tiOr& 8. GhepQtWd Comptrollerof.Publio Aooounts Austin,.Texas .. w- Doer Sir: :Rer .Diatribu relatingto the above matter. letter reoei*ed iron General nG the Dmd mong all laina to pensions hsve d, shall.we teke into of deceased penaloners ed and filed? inp,this quos- ,-1942 balance uhen the I$!+2ad velorez~ tax psy?rentswill bogin . to coxiein. The gaqz3nt.airon the fund in Say were S67r743.95. Yach.succeedingaonth the paymnts will decline in Lxeging with the decline in the numb-r 0: penaio~ors. It is our estiziatet&at at the end of Ociobcr, but before any of the new year’s . > : i 1 .I * ., .’ ,. .’ . ., honorableworge Ii,Sheppard,Page 2 ! taxes me Gsposited to the fund there’klll be 8 balance of ag?roximtely . In the fund.” -``721,OOO.C0 You do quote fkon a report rr.sde by the Et&e Auditor dated yebruary 28,,1942,whiob $ndioates,that In the last ten years approrimtely 31,12l+,987.0,2 heve.been spent in xc8intaininghones Sor Confederatesen $nd wonen which sm does not include an annual edniuistrationexpense of the Conptroller'oDepartment in an approximatemount of $?,OCO.OO You edvisc that it has been suggested that the sur- flea% the ConfederateFension I'uudbe.:use&to,repky the last rcsntioneatmouuts; .~,. : . . : ..:i For t& purpose of thle.o&&&~we nkd~'c&sider‘ ,' only the folio-w;uaprovisions of the Constitutionqud statu- tory laws: i .. .: ., ,. _. 'Artibiti ~I?% Seotion a, of .th’e CorAitution of Texis, provides as foilo~sr *The Legisiature'shallhqve'&``Dokerto u&e, : " sny @ant or authorize-themkin~of arg,.grsnt of pub110 moneys to euy lndividual,'aasooiation of individuals,.,``olpal or other corporations whatsoever; provided,~ho'tiever, 'theS,eglnlature~&p grant aid to SndiSent and disabled~CqnfedaraCe.;sol- diera and.seilors ur?d.er kuch rcEulatiotis and lo%& tations es my be demed by the Lczislatura’ as’ex- podlent. end to their ~Ldows in iucimnt oiroB:- etances un&?r such remulstions snd lirultetions as nag be d.ee~edby the Lori.sl~nture 8s ermdient; . . .~. and also gxmt for the estsblisizmt e!:dmain- teoancc of a,hoge for said ‘soldiersand eriilorn, their vioes end v;idom acd v:o~:cu ;y*:~:-~Cdnfea*‘, uho side6 in the VS.‘ rc!c.~,,,``der~..``hh-:raCuis.t3.0~3 and~llx3.tat,ioqe: as p.eyte provided’for by law; provided the Lcgis- lature cay ~providefor hushacd cud wife to rszain together in the horn.. Th’%exeis hereby levied in addition to cl1 other taxes heretofore u&ref.tt”cd byethe Cocstitutlonof Texas, a State nh vcloren. tax on proncrty~of 3ewn f&07) ccnta oa the 030 hundred (.ziiOO) dollars valustion for the purpose of orcstins B special fund for the poymmt of pen- eionu for zervico~ in the Confedorute6m.y and navy, frontier ori:anlzaZions 6nd~the r:lliti~a of the State ._ .’ ,’ . mnorable``George8. +epperb, .. or Texas; ana for the v&lo;vsor such soldier3 serv- ing fin 3cia srz!la3, nevies, orfganlzationsor mill- * . tic!;provided that the'ic~islaturelcayreauce ths tax rate herein IcvioC, and providea further, that the.provisions of thi3 section &hsll.not be con-. strucd DO aa to sreveot the gml;t of ala ~ln,c3303 of pub110 oalanLty.n .(Undersoorin&ours) ‘. .‘. .’ Artlole',6221, \'; . V., . A, Cy !ZLip~ovid&a3 follow3r . ..._ *Cn the 1st &y oi'eaoh &a%& m&t& the Co&troller ~ehall.-psyto.eeoh refried mteren w&o is living with. his wire, B pension or i%rty Dol- lars ($50.001 per nonth.Zor as-long 33 they both may live, anilsfter the deeth.or either party, .then’the said .yeterenor hL oPla0w stilly living shall only.araw en einountequal:to other vetcrsns or ,tbeirwidowa.. To.cash Veteran now ukarrled or a wiaower or.wMow who ‘13 'Xlrewln& 9 pension or whose applicationmzy.be hersafter approve&,:-shsill . be pai& the ‘EU~ .oi’ 'Twenty-fiveI)oll3re($25.00) pei?wonth for 'eeh&h mcr, and tho remainder or saia jennion fund (3fter rcinbu--'-- A%- ---.----Revenue ma ror 8nY eavancfn3cnt t 1the tall.be ef4u&W moratiea aEong 811~ _, claS.r33 toe-~ensiorshave ,-shod..s~oriled. %I.1:peksionssh$Q be- &In on the first dey.or 'thocalenaar month follow- ,inti: the approve1 of the smlioation.* -- (fsnderecor- :’ ., ing our%-- :’ _. We:eh3vo.bee&unable to rin& ahy~anthor$tlesk&oh ', speoiiipal~g,~relate``to‘y~our 'questiossana~em therefore.rele- Eated to e oonsiberation~of'thegeasrel ooestruotlonsplsoet: on ponslon lews ana to an interpretationof th3.statute3 ana constitutionalprovisions applying to our'partioulergroblens. "Thb unquest%omdru~e'io that a pension wanted by public authorities 13 not 3 oontxoct- uol obl5gti.m but a gxstuitous allowance, in ,tho cOnCinuaocc of u;hichthe 2)msionar hss CD vesten rights; snfithat a pemion is acc0rili;lgl.yterma- blo at t&i0vii11 017th0 grtthtO?,either ~ii> vkole or .. RonorableGeorie R. mappard, P&e k :.. . *a, in part." 21 R. C. I,.,s8OtiOn 7, page 242, et seq. D8% 8160 32 T. J. pp..769 et Seq.; 54 A. L. R. pp. 943 et se?.; Chalk v. Darden,
47 Tex. 438. k'e observe th@t th8 QCUStitlltiOIlti PrOViSiOn r8-, latingto Uonfederate pensions above does notoontain any '.speciriio langueg8 0ontrOlling the dietribution0r the rmd oollaotedthereunder but speoifioallpaeys that *the'l.egis- lature may grent.%ld. 6`` .~under such regulations and Mimi- tetiona as may be deemed es expedient". In pursueno to the above constitutionalauthority the Leglsletur8 enaoted Arti- 018,‘6221, V:A. c.. s .,.whioh contains the only provisions llOw On th8 StfAtUtWS W3tth[i forth derinit8 dire&ions iOr .i., .paying8Uoh pehsions; f&i018 6,221, 89 above set Out, pro- vides thet each marri8d.Yeteranshall reoeiveyifty Dollars per month and each unmarried vetcran, wid0~8r or widow; shall be paid the.sum of Twenty-rive Dollars .pcrmonth and then states "the remainder or. said penf&on fund. . ..shall be equally proreted emonE 811 or said pansloners whose claims to pensions h&V8 been6stablished eod ii18dw. This 18St quoted~cleusa~do8snot ,stipuletewhather such remainder shall be equally prorated.tomarried .end. unmarriedveteran8 or widows 8lik8; when such~.proration~should be oaltulated or mede; or'whether or not 'the claims ot d8086Sed pensioners shonld be oonsldered in such proration..- The general WI8 &i to ind8riniteprovlslons’of sttatutes is that such portiono ere unenforoeable~88 is dhovn- by the following quotetionr *An eot o+ the Ie&slatdre, to hnve.tha force and efreat 0r a law, mustbe intelligibly,expressed. Xhere the term3 of an aot.are co vague a8 to Oonv8y "no definite nuanlng to those vhose duty it Is to it is in- oxecutc it, ni``steyi~a,lly.o``jud~cfally, j w 5g'Corpiis'JuriS. ~op6rotlvs. pp..691 et seq. ~fss also 25 R. C. L. pp. 810 et seq and authorities there oited. The authorities indio%te thst such unQnfOroe%bl8 provisionszay be %opsratcd ani!rerralni2~portfons of the stot- ut8 e&forced. ~klthou$~ an ect is open to thooritlciam of lndefinitcncssand uncertnicty~asto eo:deot Its provisions, such -factwill not render lt.vold : :.~ _.... - 4% -&norable George &Sheppard! P8ge 5 ,. . r0F unoertaintyin Its aore esro&lal pr&lsions' so long as they 8~8 capable of enlor~emmt, or ' ' in so far as the other provisions of the sot axe oleerend ds~lnlto.n 59 Corpus JuI'i8.2~. 604. %Q also 25 3.C.L. pp. 511 et seq. and authori; ties oited.. .-ieniionseuoh 88 thorn under disoussionere gI-;FatL& tous allow8nc88vihiohshould,bedetinitoly provided for by statute.' bh8n w8 observe how.inderin~te is the language ln Article 6221 IT.A. C.S. whichrefers to eny rersinder in th8 CoafederateFension i?und,we cennot.esoepethe conclusion that~such ,lenguagemist reii; -although the.other portions or this statute are definite and tbbra~ore eriforce8bLe. ', I' .._,: you 8r.eth&eio2& 8dvised“thatth&rplua.in th8 "Confederate?ension Tuna'is not~subjoct.to~proratlon enong said penslonereatid,thatitis our opinion thet ~0 peymnts may be ztadeir@a said fund except those specificallysot out i&the statutes ieleting thereto. This anaVer precludes the neoessityior's reply.to your other questions. . : '`` c-Yoursvery truly:.' OF TE?xAs
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4517
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017