Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • a. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I \y AUSTIN Q=hLm0. MIWW Arroll*naolLnu Honorable Henry M. Wilder county Attorney Live cak county George West, Texas old general eleo- appointed to hold ion elbation, or at nerelJ roqulre that er of Jtulger,olerk8, I.&ad but that ruoh J be diiterent perman who hare been or maf ted to hold general ridgeof thlr county hae reguert- imm you an opinion or the aon- la&d on the following portion of the Penal Code, Aots 1935, p. 1795, Ch. 467, Art. “-provided that raid Court rh4l.lappoint ouch offiaers to hold rwh eLectiona asInow re- qulred to hold general e1eationri.f “The quertion Is doer the act require that the etuw persona who h8re been or max be derlg- n&ted as officera to hold general eleotlonn runt . i .Boaorable Bepry H. Wllde~, page 2 be appolutud to hold the loaal option eleatlon, ? ’ cir, dOea the rat llwrely require that the 861~ number oi Judges, olerlce, eta., be appOinted but that such offlaere manay be diifemnt person0 that whose who have been or mar be deelgnated to ‘fioTd @snaral eleirtione. “I have advised him that the a& doee not re- ~uir e th a tth e lem persona be appointed imhold a low1 option lleatlon ae have been or may be deeignatedtoholdganeml@eat&ane, but that he may appoint dlrferent ream 80 Lag as he - hse the ee``mambe~mda G es ccaharaater or .. offlolale, ae repulred to hold geneal aleatiozu. ‘To my iaind the statute fe alees and rrleao no queetiau that the 8-e perrozm need ?M appoint- ed, ii. such had been the intanZi.on of the tegie- : lature itvouldhavs uaediraguegonmre appi- prlate ta aonvey it’s iotentian that ‘ale eumo po.rmna should be appointed.* ~.. A&tlale 666-3i?, Veman@e Annotated Penal %ede, pro- viaee foe the holUng OS local o p tio l nIsatian8 Co deteam%ne whdhe~or not the e&loor UQaoE. shell be pmhlbitod ol? ”;‘-fa@-d. Article 666-33, ~ernon`` ¬ated-Penal Oode, vlde* I Whwe the tfommksslansrs~ ooudishallorder 8u aleotion as herei0 ppo*dad for, it qh8U kw fb duty o fslido o a tto 0M erluo h eloatUn to b eh e ldat th 6 tot* p la c tithtn r i’.lua h lub fUvi- said order, an&the opderthue nede shall eqmeee the objeot OS luah eleatien &rid ehall be held to be prima raoia evldena6 that all the provadone neaereaq to giveit valldlty or f0 ulothathe oourttith jurladiationtoadrc, it m.ia,hwo been duly aomplied with,~ .pxw&l8d th a t la%a ocmt rhellappointma& offlucrrr to holdstabelm- tlon a8 flov roqtired to hold gwmaf eleotl.oU.* Artio1e 66635, vs&Anwiuxot~teb PAal~&xxe, pro- vldoe that local option eleat+n# .ehalLbe hosd mad the retux%u “\ , . * J i Honorable Henry II. lqldq, ,psge3 thereof mede in aonformIty vlth the provisions oS the general lava OS the State, and by the.eleotion ofrlaere eppalntbd end quelirled under euah l.eveJand Article 666-36, Vernon~e Anno- tated Penel Coda, provides that the holding of such eleatlone by the offloere shall oonform to the generel eleatlon lave in foroe regulating eleotione. Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, Volume 9, Title 50, Chapter 3, sets out the qualifioatlone oi otiiaare 0r eleatlone end the manner of their appolntnmt. Artiale 2937, Vernon’s ¬ated ClvU Statutes, re ulree thet in emell (hsvfng less than 100 votes‘f there shall be appoint- -precincts' aourt, atthe February term, tvb ed by'the bcimmZeelo.nere~ quauried Judgei to .hold elections and the presiding judge shall appoint tvo conr@tent and reputable votere to.ect as clerks of the eleatlon. Artlald 2938, VernonCe.Anqotated Civil Statutes, ro- vldee t&t for a lerg4 precinat (hev3ng mom then 100 votesP the aome%eelonere~ ,eourtshell appoint four judges to hold electUner. Thle.etatute authorieee the preedd.Lngjudge to appo&nt four compQtent end reputebls alerke to eeelst seld judges in hold&g th4 election. : Artlolee '2937 am.2938 are a pezt ot the 'Perrell File&ii&iI&, vhi~Jqe.beelr held n&to effeat ar ,apply to 'epeoi-al electione, b&to be oonflned to general eleatiozuiand prlmery dleatlone (Cheetnutt, et al., v~.Wells, 280 8.Y. 351; end authorlt&s citad~theraln). pai81 option electiona are speaiax~+eotions. ft.N?lWiOlWin VfeV Of the fOrSgOing, ft i6 CUP +I- l.on.tha~Article 66&J3,:-eup.r&, m4raly.raquiree~thet the eeM ,.. number,~slae~eand oharaoter or judges end eler?kllare to be ap~oIn$ed by the aomBleslcQers~ aourt to ,hold looal option el@Otione ae are required to-hold goneral eleatione but does not-reqWs that the *araepersons 'whs,haVe~beend4eigneted or ap$oInted as ofrloers to hold gemmal eleotione must be appointed to hold loos1 option ele$Zons.. $Wmtingthet the foregoing fullyanevere your in- QuLrY, -vi are Very truly yours

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4516

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017