OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T’EXAS AUSTIN Honorable Burl Brittain County Auditor San PatrioAo County sinton, Texas DeartSir: Your letter or ~qU'%!Sti~ th4 OiiB- ion of this Qeprtment 0 tltit+l tharoln readr as followB: 6 we,46 eduOtlQns (h't 88Of3) Honorable Burl Brittaln,Page 82 .* oan est for this olfloer for the year 194%!? *3. Would this County had to hare had MOO1 or mom population in 1OsIzin order to be govemod by ths provisions OS Art. 3ssg P. e and Art. aSo1 P. e now?" Artiole 5888, Vernon*s Annotated Olvil Statutes, provides In part: *Exoept as otherwiseprovided in thi8 _ Aot, the annual iese that may be retiined by preoinot, county and dirrtriotofflosw aim- tioned in this Artlole shall be as folloWi: In oountlea oontalningtwenty rive (~3,o;J~j thousand.orless inhabftantar aount, Judge, Dletrlat or Criminal Dletriot Attaiqey, Sheriff, Count7 Glepk, Oountp Attorney, Ma- trlot Clerk, Tax Collootor,Tax Asssasor, or tha Asrsssor and Gollsotor of Tares, 'Rpstity- four hundred (#PAOO.OO) Dollars aaoh; w . ." Artibl.eSS1891, Vernon*8 Annotate6 61+%1 &atatea, provider in pa-1 “Eaoh efiioet named in thir Ohaptea ~@hall first out of the current ises of hts offtee pay or be id the -QUBt allowad h%m under the provierens of &tiO%s Sg@M& ttbga%&er tiihh the aaiarler 0~r bie aetaiutaqlaain& dsputl*8, and authofized sxpense8 u&de& Art&al6 SSW, and the amountneo~ssuery to ooiar oorts 0r pmmua on titersr eurety bond may b+ riqnir- sd by law. ~If the OtWlcr@IBf ises oi.stiohCbfftOe oollsotsd in anp rsati'bemore thaaths, -9-t needed to p&y the amou@ts abwe SpeQifb& same a&&l.bs dswd 6x60~8 fees, .iUid shwl i;ddsposdd OS iB the mann6f harainaftsclr PSO- . "In oaunt~sa oontmtningtksntpfive thou+ sand (23,000) OE less fahabltante~,Distrlat and Oounty~.ofiio~rn&ems6 harein shaX1 rstaia one-third or suoh exw3t3 Zsss unttl suah 'one- Honorable Burl Brlttain,Page 8 . * third, together with the amOuB46 apeoliied in Artiole 5883 alaountsto ThreoThourand Dollars (t3,OOOj. . . .- Artlolo 39120, Seotlon 13, vemon*e Annotated C&l1 Statutes, reads In part ae r0um8 *The Coi5lauloneru*Court ln oountieo hating a population of twenty thousand .~: (eO,OOO)lnhabltant~or nom, and 16~s than one hundrsd.andninety thousanU jlQO,OOO) InhabItant aooording to the laut preoeding _ Fedora1 %BSW, is hereby authorlzed'andif shall be lta duty to fir the saXarlerr.ot all the.followlngnamed M'floe~s, to-nit1 sheriff,ammmor and oollaotor of taxen, county judge, county attorney, lnoludln& 0rimlnaL Uistrlot attorneye and oou&ty crtt torneya who perrow the dutiee of dIetriot attorneya; dilrtrlotclerk, aounty i?lerk; treasurer,hiae and anIn& lnsepsotor.:’ Eaoh of said offloere ohall be paid ln~momy on annualoalaryintwelro (I.21squel inata& nents .ofnot lesy than %he total qua M&+od au oompensatlonbyeUm fn ,hiaci~fioiail~eq+ 04qror th4 ilIMa years1935, and Bat m&i+ t&~them&lm~amount ilLowedeuoh off'%oer tinderlami 'existingon Augumt 84, +?ati;+ a ." On August 2& 1933, 6&e p&pulatl~& oi & Patti,010 County, %nrp, aoaordiag to the theo'Zaa&.preo~ding Federal Conaua of 1930 *aa 23,fW lnhabltaata,, and at.,$hat time tho maxImum aamant,.Woh the oounly judge -8 ent%tled to under Article zass -xfn&*tlc&as891,~.Vsmaa~4:-~otated Civil Stat- ute8, was the supsof '$S~OOQJMpet ~jW*,;:. .. mde~'%he &iota lrtditsdia gouj~lattir,the total Wunt OfSes``eii``84 'bythe OOU%ty JUdgS fOs~!%heY-r 1983 wall (aa&6a and an ex offlalo sa$aky M'$l,9,99;92reampaid to the oauuty ju&s fok that year laalrl~@ a total of e3.662.43. AHlols S896, VernontE Annotated ClliX StatUtSd, * Omrt ircm allowing oompent3atlon prohibits the UomaUi6iionszro for BX offfafo aerviaes to county offleers where the oompen- sation and exaeaa ieea whloh they are GJ.a;ad to Fetaln ohall reaoh .them&&um provided for, .buOprovidss that whel% the oompematlon and exoet)eteea .do not reaah euoh maximum, the Honorable Burl Blttaln, Page 4 oourt shall allow compensationif in their judgment It Is neo- s 'essary. This provlsloh it88ir authorless an ~+l.lowance for ex ofrloio servloes wlthln the limitation stated) payment need not be author$xedby some other statute, (Voltmanv. Slator, 217 S. H. 898; Texas Jurisprudence,Volume 34, page 546) The above mentions4 statute (ArtiolsZ$SOS)authorizes the Commissloaer``Court to allow (111offloer oompenaatlan for ex offloio ?ervloer provided that suoh ocimpensaflon,to- gefher with the fses~r&alnad by him under the preosdlng seotlons (Artlole21883and Art&ale 3S91, supra) does not amount to more than the Umlt fixed by them. The oompeasa- tlon so allowed is not to bs regarded as exoess fees of whloh the officer oaa.moelve? only one-third,wheq hia total Z,nvi&of the foregoing authorltiss~:aud the faotr stated in your Letter, we answer the first~qu6j&~onstated above in the *g;atlve. XIIriply to your eeaond question,you are advlsed that the mlnl#&um8a$ary of the oouuty,judga.forthe year f94F.is $8,662.43,aad the maximinnsdtary tha$;ths Cmmlt~- sion~ra~ Court uan '$Q* set for the oOUB%p :j@ge iOF ths yaaf 1943 18.$3,000.00. .... x8100~0tion with the foregofly;, ti atLl yo* of ~Naoogdoohee OOtmty V. WladeF, 110 attention,Cotbe~:oase 5. W. (I&K) 978 f~lt’refuued] xyferrlag te Seotioa @ of Artlole 89128 a&Artlola '$891,Vernon*8 Aamtated Qlvil Statutes, where ltnas sa%dr Tbder the statutes the salarjr4f.@q oounty olerk of Nao. do&es Gogoty'wasgoa+sm- ed by the pllalsrpn oa x-3 earno& La ~XQSS,~arid the ma&mm salary'& $15SOq?fJ0.w With r~eferennoi t&the t&d q&&Ian rtat,b~abuvs, ; in view of the &bore mMM.oned authorities8&b t&s faOt8 stated, we respsotful.1~answer the 8sms in thhess$iiwivs.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4515
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017