- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonoreble Charles R. Martin County Auditor Barrison County Xarshell, Texas Dear Sir: requesting ,th* o inion oi this departme etion read8 a# fo L mm I -49, Vernon’8 Cirll urt of sny oounty in or village my be sltu- ig8fm the line8 id appoint a board of r8on8, two or lng physlolans. n snah appoint- eer shall be Does the Ccdamiseianers* Court have the loge1 right to ciompen- sete suah m&nbers of the Board who ere aotirely en&aged in health work under suoh autho- rity. quoted sbovo, and in doing so randering a renlo0 to the o0unty7* 1 Boaorablo Charles R. I&artln, page 2 Artlale 4435, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes prov5demt “The Commiasloners~ Court or any County in rhioh an unlnoorporated town or village may be situated, shall have power to designate the lines of suoh tom or village, and may appoint a board of health iOr It, oonslstlng or three persons, two or more of whom shell be regular praotlolng phy6lolans. Said Court when auoh appointments are made shall at onoe notify thti State Health Oi- rioer. Sal& board shall eleot one of their memberr a8 presiding otrloer~ and eubh presiding orrloer, if the premises of any oltlzen residing within the presorlbed llmlte oi said town or v$llaga are in an unolean or unhealthy oondltlon, shall notify him or the teob, and that he xaust prooesd et on06 to olean the same.” Artiole 443.sr, Vamon*s Annotated Clvll Statufm provides in part! n The CoJnlasloners* Oourt or eny Qounty shall ia;emt&a authority to approprlats and expand money ima the general revenues of its Oounty for and In behalf of pub110 health and sanitation within its County.” In view ot the foregoing statutes you are respaotfully advised that it is the opinion or thle dspartment that the Corn- mIasIonsrs* Court has legal authority to oompensate the member8 or a board or health appointed by virtue of Artlole 443b, rrupra, for servloos aotually p6frorm6d by the members or the board ln bahalf of pub110 health and sanltatlon. Whether or not suoh members shall be oompensatsd for their aervloes le a mstter wholly within the dleoretlon of the Coma%s8loriers* Court. Yours very truly ATTORNEY G- OF p?xAs w/xawL.- BY Ardell Williams Aseletant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4388
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017