- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oplltloR no. o- m: CtfiCCllW of OQuKt stated. *orable John C. Marbuqsr, page. 2 "(2) What lo the mlnlmum salary that is lr@.ly raqulred to ba ilxad by the. Ckuml~i0new~8 Coplrtof Fatjtte Cow&q for the County Attorney undo the ~emnt opliironno. P4op (Conrwwloo optionnlfo.3053) or thir department 8 copy of ublah i8 ~nOl08.d hwawlth, -8w6ra your flrxrtquoClorr in the ~affinaatir*. The ease of VJader ~8. Naoogdoa&em County, I.40 S.W. (2nd) 972, oited by you in your briar ml80 supports thi8 holding, hrtiole 3883, Verntm*o Annotated Tena Ciril Stat&u, redo in p&t, a8 follower wEampt a8 otherwise prorlded Ln this 'Aat,tho.umml f6as that amp be retilned by grdnrt, oounty mad dbtri8t olw.Qnr aaKtloKed in thim Artia1e #hall bk 88 to11ornr -. . . thoumad, flw Jmh&d (37,500)iahmbitant``, rad L nhlah there 4 ~no oity matclU twuity-fiw thouaawl (25,aaO) inhabltmntrt Ooonty tuilgo Dlatriot or Grlmlxml Dlrtriet Attamoy, Sbrlff County Ilerk CountyAttOrneys Matriot Clark, Tax Oello~or, Pax A88o@~or, or the Aa8888er and colledos of Tu~8;TwaK*-6mrmK mJldl!edmad ritty Dollar8 ($27501oaeh; t . .” Artlal* 3891, Vormmt8 ArrnotatedTua8 Olvll St8tuto8, rma~m in part am follower “Faoh otiioa nam6d in 'Oh:8 cha@W @h&t fh@t Oat tafth@ aumant t-8 of hi8 oiflos pay or ba paid the amount aUewekl Win undoz the porWoar of Art%010 3883, to&mthor with the ularlo8 of him amm4tant8 aridd8gotlm8, and autha:isd expanse8 amtar &tlolo 3899, udi t&e amount ~mo~msuy to oofmr oomt8 ot prmlui!a OK ulmtaer 8oroty bon& may be repulrodby law. of tih0ottrrsntb-8 0f 8aoh esrioo @oIlmete& in acryymu be ee then thd mamtnt nod04 to pay thm ataouutm abare a ealfled,aamo shallba deemad axmem iman, and mhall~' .o diapoae& at in the mar ii horein- after provld84. n. . . . Honorable John 0. Uarburgar, page 3 *In counties oontelnlag88 meny a8 twenty-fir*theumand and one (25,001) and not more than.thirty-saventhouuad, five hundrsd (37,500) lnheblfents,dldriot and.oo!pty offloam named hersin shall retain one-thirdof rueh e~eoas f.08 tuttllenoh one-third, to@her with the Want rpeoltled in Artlols 3883. amounts to Thirty-fitsHundred Dollar8 ($3500).. i .n- r,sotlonI,3of Art101e 391ie, Vernontk Annotated Texam CivilStatutes,roads Ln part ns follaM I Y3Bo. 13. The COfW18SiOll43r8'&-A&.__illWUILtf@b@ _--. _ _ having a populstlon of twenty thouearA~(20,000)lnhab~tUtt8 or m>re~ end less thsn oae hundred and nineby thoueand (190,Oob)lnhabltenteaooording to the &art prwedln& ,Pedsral Ceuue, la hereby authorined and it shellbe it@. duty to Six the aalerler of all.the iollowlagnuad~offioora, towltr~ehorlff,a88e880r aid oo~eetor of texep, QOURty judm, oounty attgrney, lnaludin5 orimiati dlmtrlot attorney8 & ootinty attornoyewho psrrormths duties of diatriat attor- neys, dktrict clerk, Qounty dlsrk, tr688Wot, hide end Mf&d ill@Q@UtOt,!3kOh of raid Otf100ZO @ha= bo pa in mamy aa Ann-1 @al*Ty ln twebe (12) epti irut~lmultm of net lbS8 thenthetotal eW samedam GeqUrratlap.by hfi~in hi@ OffiOf.61eep8ltj io@ the fi@d TeU 1935 8~4 not tire than the 8t~lmtaQ mcUnt alhW8d @U@h CdW L& r la wl 8x 4 tlng o nAu g u 8t . ..* 24.19351 1935",tOl! the ptWpO@e Of arriring at the WiSIm Oa1EZ~tto be paid the aouaty #lttorn``,t2latthe aeurt8homld 00atat@d~6S%~ dadriotfrom thr total oompsnoatlonounad, wlleote4 and oneel- leoted, the (LX lem Sor the otilee for the year 1935, whlah werpolemlly al?lowed by the 00~88f0ll0~8' eDtlrtiOr th6t y'ers. You state in your letter that there mo &O doduo-. tiOLW tOP Oft100 ~elU108 in 1935. YOU h6W a&IO aTOll IA@iOr- ther tha lni’onmtion by t~h@Oll@ that the WnUIty 8ttQZ'IWhad no a@@f@t8SXtIn 1935 and no 6%pt3Ik@e@ oil&floe ln 1935. The 1930 Federal hll8W ‘and not the 1940 Federal &ilStU 18 atWf@l t0 YOW @t?Omd @UB@tb& $cM opioi~n NO. o-2582of thlr de rtment, e oopy of wh.lohf.8 e.lMoeed herewith foryoWlnfonnton.r .'- . Opinion on tne e aa.mry X;o. - .O-ll91 . of _``thla A~&~ or tne goumy aztornsy of Taylor County (a counriy:;svlnga populrrtiofl of &1,023 inhabitantaaoeord- in2 to the 1930 Federal Cen8us end uhers the county attorney's"firrt nmXllnum" w8s a3,500.00 find. the "full CW.S~U@,"WQS $&$?w.OO under l~?wSOXiOti~ Au@mt 24th. 1935) paesed on a quqetion analogous to pour puaatlaa. i;equote ?rCm mid C-FiXliMa8 ?O~apS~ n. . . "You do not atate In your letter whethar or not the mlerias cf your assistants,lf a ny,a n( al ll luthofimd expenses of your oKloe, for the year 1935, hms bran dbductxd frxi t!m fmocnt oS'your 5~u38 sslrnLng8 for the .vwr 1935. *If the *urn0r $5401.19 reperentr tbs mmnt earam by you ee oounty attorney in the jeer 1935" rftar dduating 8ak1rl0s of as8f6tadDt if any, +nd 'authorfsedexpoa608 Of ofSloe, fos the year 1935, t&n in that e~@uk,youark oorreot In your aonatructlonof the lew WI four salary should be w33.35. *If, hOHW=, MhTiOO Of YOUS a88:8tMt8, if 64, and authorlseddqp3u1e8, have not been doduotQd iros tb total of your grors earnings,then the raarr"$hpold be deQuuted, aml ~theame rule of conmtruotlon be appllod S$ dstsrmbiirg~thaamount-of your aal8ry. Fa exampI*, ii fmlarlss of your 688i8tnnt5,if anr, aad authorlaad expsnaes of offloe, for the year 1935, aaountod to $1500.00 (FifteenHllJldrdDOmW), and th4 &?OSS -X'll~@ Of YOU orrloe WUFO 35401.19 thaa it would be pro or to deduct !$1500.00rran $5401.~9, making the mm of 1 3901.91,whlah would be the amount earnad by m not DP tha offlaa. four fir@t maxiaim of 33500.00 would ba deductad from our tI6b.learninga of $3901.19,lawin@ 8 balanor or 401.19, am exoqasfM8. So The $4Ol.19 arosclsfree would be dlvld,ed by that and you would be entitled to OnCthhd or these hem, towitr the mum of $133.73. Thfd amount 'added to 43300.00 wuld be 33633.73, the amount Of *alar) you would be entitled to under suoh OWt~itf&l@. Honorabla John C. Marburger,pago 5 - or said oplxllonror your in?orastlon. The *rime rsauua* allowed the acuntp attorney or mystte County under Article 3883, Y.A.C.S., ln1935, waa 750.00 per annum. Under laws exis.t$ng .*:, in 1935 undu Artla1.s $s41, Y.A~.C.9.. he was allowad to retain one-third or axae8m tee8 ebove mid $2 750.00 ppariaurmuntil raah nt~e-thirdamesa r68S and the $2,75&.oo rim. maxisum 8mounted to the second 0r run lEQLLrrmm0r $3,500.00 Xn tumwer ~tiyour mccnd $aortlon It 18 our opini~ under the raats stated t&et .theooPeia8ionCs* oourt of Zayette County is legally rsqulred to set the salary at the county attorney or Pay&to County at not 1088 than $3.193.40 par 1 annum and not more than $3,500.00 per annum. vary truly your8 AiTaRwzy CENERAL OF TEXAS By (Sigrml)WM. JL;.FwT APTZOYXD IAE. 8, 19l.2 . (Signed) GROYEX S'TIL.F?S FIRST At?SIS'f'~ATTORNEY G- A?TRC!PSD Or-fBfOl!l COkt%l'%TEl! BI B.FI'.B.ChairmM WJFlap
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4281
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017