OFFICE OF THE .+TTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ,,...( ccc”” - * QmmAla c. “A”” ArmmmOm*UL :\,Gr- p Honorable W. A. Datia state Reglrtrar 0r Vital gtstlatlom Tour ststo Board 0r Baslth AU&%& Texar i, ’ bar Sir: t6ln delayed birth oer You point out th6 lrr follows 2 or wa8 not to be aooepted. wjurl Ruth Garrett, born June, 1894, In Dalh8 &%mty, Tsrrr. 3i6 0OW-t Ol'd0r fail8 to rtate whether tbs reoord 18 to be or be not aooeptod. “5. Marnardt Ruth Narrah, born Augu8t, 1913, Ilonoreble 7;. A. ihvls, Pa@ 2 In ~iairls county,' Caorglm; miarivlt S refers to the birth aert.lTloate or I. T. Hurrah rather than Lhirgarst Ruth t?urrab. “6. Ides Tolbcrt Uurreh, born April, 1916, In Crisp County, Georgia. Affidavit A rarrrs tc th6 birth oortlflaeto or Aterusret T;utL Xu,crr;b r6ther than Idea Tolbert Murrsh. “7. LILlds Xee Xlller, bora February, 1905, in 2alles oollntg, Taxes.- Afrlderlt A rfCsrs to tbi hlrth asrtlfionte of Lkr. L K. tirnett . Affidavit S rcrcrra to the birth ocrtlllcete oi bl~. b:ae kextr, rstkr then klnnfe ilas l?liler, tc which It ia ettecbed. “8. Eorrlc ?eeoe,~ born Ksroh, 1913, in lX11lee County, Tcxos. Itsc: 6 states nelthar the legltimcoy or lllee;itlmc~ or the lndl- v ieufd . niltt-t’e4lctl Attemlnnt~s err.i4tvit does act mention the n&me or the lndltldual hs ehcwrAon the reoord. “9. Eonor Cuy Rorry , born August 23, 1911, . in Dellao Eounty, T%X68. Arfideolt A was exe- outed on Au@unt 7, 1941, ee wae AfZldavlt B, which was 16 degs bsroro the birth ocaurrd. "10. Andre ClnudSno i%Co;ab, born February, 1911, in apparently, both Tesxar oaC &or&a. *11.Lionel1 Crow&l Zealal, born July, leea, Perry County, Tameeaee, UC0 ewema, in ’ ti Affidavit i3, that ha 1s not relattd to hire- selt by bloti or xarrlnCe.W Reglstrati~on’cr birth oertlflo~tea la pmvlded for under rhc provisions of Article 4477, Ruio 51e, KeYtied Cl~il ?totutiec or i925,. es mended by Aate 1939, i&h Leglrlature, pace 346, neation i, srdi a~ further eerendcd by EOUSC Blllo 624 an6 974, Acts 1?41; 47th L@.elature. The partlnont pro- vision8 of the luw, es eppllod to the quontlon6 hOr6 preseat- ed, ere .ea r0imt3: “. . . The State Regiatrcr shll preyem anC losue 6uah 4etelleC laatruatlons 00 *ag ba requi,raQ to proeuro the unlfomn observenoe o r It8 p r wY,r lo na a n6 the no intensno t 0r l p er fec t sy stsn o f r e& .str a tIm; a nd no o th e r roru f&all be uee6 than thoee eyprove4 by tbo Et&e Degertwnt or Hcelth. . . . *And prolidr:d further, tbet any oltlzen or the %&to of ‘Peres wiahhlng to file the record 0r any birth or deatb thdt occurred in Toxaa, not pretloucily registered, my submit $r:he ?robete Court 15 the. County ubere euoh t v death ooourred, a pcord of such birth or death written on the adopted forms of birth end death eertlflcctcs; end provided further that any citizen OS the Ytete OS Texas wishing to tile the reoord ot any birth or death thct occurred outaIde oi the State of Texas, not pretlou6ly registered, map eubnit to tbs F’robats Court In the County where he rm1f.r~ a reoorQ of that birth or deeth wrlt- ten on the adopted forms o? birth and death eert1t10ate.a. The ocrtiiioatc shall be sub- stuntlatcd by the a?tICsrlt o? the mdi.aal sttoneent preeeut at the tine of the birth, or in 0868 ot dsath, the affidavit of the physloian lsrt in attenderma upon the deoeae- ed, or tho unQcrte&er who burled the body. When the affldarlt of the mdiorl attenQent or undertaker oanaot be scoured, the oertl- tloute shall be supported by the srrldavit or mom pernon who was roqualnted uItb the racts surrroundlng the birth or death, at the tW the blrtb or death ooourrtd, with B seoond atfldotlt OS aomc perron uho In no- qnainted 1~1th the faots surrounding the birth or death, and vho 1s not related to the lddl- tldual by blood or marrla&e. The ?robate . Court shall require auoh other InZormtion or eoldenoe as nay be deemed nsoesaary to estab- lish the oitlzenship or thti Individual riling the oertlflocts, end the truthrulness of the et4tcrnent8 made in th& rsoord. The 216rk ot oalb Court shall rorrard the orrtlflcete to the 2tat.e Eureau oi Vital Sta$latloe with an orCer from the Court to the C-tete Registrar that the rooord be, or be act, aoorFted. The .& X. A. mole, Pags 4 Stats Jieglstrar la euthorlzsd to aooopt the oortlfloatr when rorlricd ln the abmo mm- aor, oad rhrll isrrw oortl.rIsd ooplas or.suoh rooorU8 OS p?otiilod tar In f3aotIon 21 of tbla Aot. Suoh ocrtlfltd ooples shall 3e Trim r80im OY~C~MLOS~ ifi ali court4 3~6 pieotu or the isot stated thereon. Tb Ttete ~U%SU of Vital Xatirtlo4 4!mll rurhl8h the forzn upon x&lab such mcom!r, cre SLled, a& no otbei tom &;?ell be oeed for thet puvpose.* From e oarcful consldcrntfon or this atntute, w draw the rollou:ng ox~ol;ua:~4: A. The purpose or tko 1s V.c ~r’oo~ze tb6 ~51~ net fom observsnoe of its provlaio~ls cud the mfntenenot of e perreot sy6tw of rs~4trotionw cr births end Qthtbs. 343 State Roglrtrar of Vital Ftatlstlcs le requlnd to prepare and lrrue QatoIlcQ instructlou neoefmry to ofteot this purpose. 8. Tht %tto Cepertnrnt of Eecltk stall ay``rove, end %be %at.e Rurceu of Vlttl ?tetlstlos eiiell furrhb, . the rorzzs upon whloh eu& rooorC8 ers ZlleQ, uud no other rorn ohall be uacd rcr thet purpmo.? The lea oonttmplate$ fbat the iOznrp furnI&aC atall pIWIde epaot for the iurnI8h- I- ot the Iniormatloa rspulred by the statute, and that the “u4e” ot such fonm r&all oonalnt or z aubetantlel. OOEL- pllanoa with the s';etute In tb?s msgcot. C. When a vdal&~U birth oertlrloetov hae been *rtrIrled In the above manor”, 1.8.. by the oirldatlt or the ssedloal attendcnt prersnt et the the of the birth; or (In oose tMa cannot bc eeoured) the afflderit or &me per soa who rrqr aaquslnted rlth the rcct8 sunoundin~ the birth at the tke it ooaarred, with a eooond afrldevlt of socm person who Is soqualntod with the isots lurroundine the birth, and who Is not releted to the Indlvlduel by blood or aerrlsge; ;: u (I4 either oese) an order of the Probate Court thet the -. reoord be aooe ted; then the Net8 Zegiatrar 1s rewired to sooepf .&t reoord. But u4tI.I such verllloetlon 18 oompltte, end In due Bonn, the State Rtglatrer Ia not author- ized to’aoocpt and ill@. the record, except es noted below under “IF. Fe ure fUrth6r of the oploion thet the StetUte oontst.plettr that tho *seoond lrfIdevit* uhnll be -de by Hoaorablo
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4278
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017