OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Yf- ,- il&ul c.MAPut ,o.m 0m*-*L #“’ maoxable J. P. We- G’Bolon6r of Ag?ioultm AUtiP, TOXU th o A& lusb 08to 1 9,u& Ja a lpr o o ala - b. &i~r”rs statian, label t6 red ooataln- Nonoreblo J.E.HoDonald,~ 2 “Third I 9118~0out-or-•t0te a00d d00w b00 0 00x00- 11111 operating in tb0 fitfit l0mit* or 2-r ~a 000 or p lur t leed, endmhlpwnte o r 0 wde b out-or-*tote da 0rtor1130d0r0mw lelo ewn rm wed,lr o uld tb le ow tb ortotuet o r wh e r oeut-o f-*to do elotehro e wed tb omello , Redlo, TelegrqihbprTolephem to.eollolt ordore ror mood, vould thla etieottinltetue.m '(0) It *hall bo unlavrulfor poreon to l0uI orfor rgp?role, or oxpofie rm 3e I uy em-o- ultur oel r vegoteble lo o d ultbln th le 0to t.o : I.... "(2) Not labobd in eooordewo llq lemlngr" aootion3 oftho Aotpnrarlbe~tho lafarMt1Qntobe g iven o nlueb l&ml. uo not0 thet thle ml epplloe,by it0 tome, only to thwe rho cell, 0rr0r ror -10, or 0 turel or?o okble reedrithinthie peiml ltetut0, it suet be etriot oonetruod vlh the plea5 mwnlng or it0 Jurle``of W27 s euoa there oltod. , krow tb0 r0a- ~k0nioro~uto``orr0~ituutk``tht lwh e e leveewdeinTo ~8. %MI plea0 ubn 0 aootrmt OS atie ie W, vithln the wening oi the rule tbet the low or the plea0 of eel0 govome, lo .tbo plroe vlmr* tbo loot rot rmeo8my to o-late the 000 t-t 0r 00x0 i0 p0rrm. . . .I 55p0rp~0 ad0 2p. xofr o tlrmt two quemtloq pro0 in. a no th l eteto. r A .,t~"&re8& ~&!hii~*eoit.i?b.8 0 eertelnplea0 vltbwt awllSleetlw won0 tb0t @Ode or0 to bsglro``barrde~e``hi~ntvltba~#t``eot xOnOr8blOJ.P.WonOneld*~3 buyer,end t&et tltlo thou pee&&e,ed tb propwty ie than r%l*G p buJer**rake hveon v Bobbee%``$?eE``$@t``e`` t&n, wodd be mode, bt ln beep but & & eh&o@a et&t..' Ye tb0r- enevw your riret tuo ~wetlone Ln the axqptin. Butthie aplalOnle baedlanthe ue~t~0athatt.M lwdh8vO n0tbe0n0f~Omdr0rulo+ith&the *tat0 Orhae by wm out-or-&tote#hf lo nottobe o r c ud ny Iav by lebollng lateretete llo nm0r t& aF o do r el Lo u. 521+39,f0s0th0r0~dle0ue010ia0rthe r*tofe 0Ute to oxorolee it0 p01100 pver In 0 aann0r t&et lwldontelly efioote lntoretet*Okra., cad in 0 rleld elroedy pertly eovarod by Fadoralla&eution.) b eb w bd e lphdo y l elm pim ed out-Or-&tot@ l to 20x 00 ollolte,~ into ;~ 0it~ , we;q ~ Your third quoetloalo beeod upoa 8 au0 in vialobt&w o ltb rb yuenoo r 0leloemea, nil, W -0, br t. U-R& We kllevm th7 ,la llth 8ro eeo th elo o dlo _ E%SZ?Z M tb la th elUto of hxae uithlk the YuII a o fth eTo meBud Lev. W h o aa leod de& r la 8a o tW & to te wee the redio, r0l, inat8nae. u l meum oi peotlvobuyme uithinthe Stat. oiiexee,hi order0for rood thea, vltbla the uaalti8of tble Aat, bo offore Ue leed r0l’ leior lth tibia ln .eteto, aot,rltheWadlag thet tlte b+mtod An euah other lWth And tb e&me meem- lolloltetloueb p la&uun,mell, In t& wee of Ualtod ~Bteteeva Bodga, 25 Pod. Cu. @a, it tf00 had thet, war 0ti mowal mw wt tbrmng tb bueiruee 0f0 reteildahr laintaricut;lng llquar~eel p er ewutio h e llee g ofgrlprorele;gp``~a~tlt&e SSOe l jZZlo BJ poreoatokoow l p0rLl &olloltetl0n l 30 puwhmor. “Itmyk 0i Uy prrtioaler dau\rJ aor8l ed- vortlewante fir tha proee.” 29 Warda aad ?lmaeoe r3!& We bow fooad a0 Two0 wee la whloh tb8 eoeetlw hew krt9rt3 w be km &a-. But vo find a0 fitdihwittr0r OW lltioalntho0pbi0a0ftbB~ uge~Ou r tOf& WlIUO lnt c wee 0S*ire Cer b aUoa r k*aeJ. 0. B u lc c& pCO., l9 9 Boaorebla J. E. NoDoneld, pega 4 a. v. 929. 2het oeae celled for 8 deolelon of Wm qmetion whothoree out-of-*tats ehlpperor rortllinr8, lhlpplng it0 poduot into Arkeneeeon ordore token by 8 eelsemenin &keneee, eubjeotto hle prinolpel'elaoepteme in the other eteto,eiuet complyvlth en Wf.OneO8 ltMM,e mquirlng 0tay per8aa vim &old or offered for eelc ury fertllleerin the &&eta or Arkeneee to file 8 guerenteedenely-ele vlth the &tote aeeB$eeloneror ul~urere y ataaato lt tqe ee pcovlded by the ltetute. x0- . 2h0 opm.on.0rtha 00winthot0800 i.8 eo epplloer 1s to the Smote preeontodIs your third queetlon, that we teke the libertyor quotiagfrom it at length; “It 16 lneletod thet the trmoectlm eboun in the reoord doe8sot conetitute an ‘offer for 8alo b t&c etate of Arkaneae~ within the ilieenlng of the ltatutel It lo oXeIx+d thet there worde are deelgwd to prerenta poreon or corporetfon rrola pleolng rertlllcere in hle *tore or v8rthoufse ln thle eteto end thmvlng open the doore to the publla and thue e%poelngthe fect:liceror0c aelr. The nrjorltyor the oourt,howwr, ‘think thie lo too nerrou Q N8trlated 0 areeAi.ngto be given to th4 vorde *offer rw eele in the *tat* or Arken- If thle hed been the purpoeeof the IagLe- c%e deubtleeeit would have ueed the wmde 'keepio rlelo,~ lnetsedor *order for &ale.* m0 nfasity or the 00w ore 0r the 0pfdLonth0t the uoaxb ‘orfor ror eeler aould bo glwn a broador moenln& or oouree, wo thLz& that, Jf a per&an or oarporatlon lhould keep fertilizera in hle *tore end expoeethem ror re2e in the *tot* or &mu, tm.e eat vould aonetltuteen orra for lelo . Ino th evo r r dm, w th ink thet the rertillrerrYterieleaould he oficrred for' mole vlthout w overt act cf loll``tet ifm. Ue o uuellyluw r -eel that proof ton&lqgto ehw cay owmt or trditidu0l orror or thh f8rrtlllro~e for 8ele vithh th0 *tot0 or krkaaeu croolltitutod ea ‘offerla8 r0r **lo* within the *tote or Arkan- 000 withint& wealag or the eet. Ia other wrde, w thhk 0theotwl porrw Orw wl0 0r the r~tiuzrr by ua egont oi the lellm to lomo prr; titulerpereon ww.a tba *tat0 or kaad0ar ooaetl- twd +n ‘0rrw raa,*al* vlthu the etato t rithin the nhlq of the *totut*. In s@tmha& tar. ooa- aluelonwe em not umlndfu ofthe1ege1m thet penel ltatuke met be ltrlotlJowetrued. aothvr aardaelrule ora-trwtlan tit0 rind the lo lla tlve into&, end ln dleoowr the obf’oot Of the ltetuto lhould be oane 2t22 "IIIth0 QUO 0r st. L., I. n. 69. R. CO.v. mldrap,
93 Ark. 42, 123 9. Y. 778, tb court uldr "Whle ltetutole 0 penal law, tithe legal ruirlethetewh~levehovldbeaoaet~wd But thle ltr lo tly. doea not man thet the word8 or the lt8tute lhould be lo Mrrowautou- elude moo vhi0hthoeevamle intbelr oamon endordinrrrf~a~rtloa,vouid omprvhegd.' 2, "InStote v. Se~.ll,45&k.387~ th8 oourt rooo@udthat,uUle pen8% lUtutoe wotobe w``tr uo detr lo tly,new lleooqlpllttedtothe grinoifl0 th0t th0 int0nti028 0r ta s43gbm`` mwt~ovornthe oonetruotlcmoipenmlee veUu 0th~ ltatut~e, and thet ltetuteeer a not to b eo wetr wd00 lWlo t 00 f)p”“l to woet th e la - to&ion of tha &@.eleture. In thet 0000 the 0-t ``t````~lfi``~J~tu``~* W h 0 I-U&0r ltr lo thdrpwtetlw a 00 not 0 pm-t 0~ 00uug inth 0 fita or a ta rw00, .ud g lvlngeeehit0 ~g p r o W.ek l*Ow, t a 0 eenottoovort~thleoM. For. M & rm ltituhe a r e no tto b o 86o ``tr uo d 00 to wo r k M aurdity, w d0r0attblr purport0srtb ~o``f,the aourt initltutoa far, their on- %a8 Lrrt08ktiw 0r ram &gieleturo In peee- gziJpg;;~Y``&$~+~f~ by . * . St. Rep. j32, t folloi.8 "*Ae we wdoretendthe lt4tut0, lte ooatrol- lag purpoee we to 6wrd the q5rlaultur0l pub2l.a ege3netrpurloumuzb worthleee wmpowde eon- tiase loldee femlllmM3, to rls on rollem a atOtutOryguawnty thOt fortlllserfi &old by th&m oantelnthe ulmaloellqpodlente, end in tho pm- portlone,repreeentod, and to furnl8hto buyer0 ahoep end rellablomene or p~oviqgtho baeptlan a ndfr a ud, m h o urld u sh b o ltto mp teaT h.e eo a o m- pllehunt of the&e objeote vill greatly aaoto the poepmrlty cad lua a o ~oS e the fig10 ur twel la&Wry, ud we do not bveltmte to doalerothet thayere ltrfotlyvithla the pelo of Zagltlnate pollae reguletlcm.~ "It le obvlouathet, lr the ooaetruotlon ltx@t to be pleoed upoa the ltetuto bJ the pbm.irr 8kmuZ.d govern, tha objoat’or f&a et&- uto would in 0 urge meeeurobe br00tOd. Ii the mnte or powono or awpoalovaamlallod withouttho ltete oould oolb into tho etAto uud 8ollslt order0 troa pePeoxu hwv, aek¶ng tb em- tr ealubjeat t to th e ep p r o vel h o w0rri00 o fth e in onothor eteto,md then lhlp tbo r0muun into the eteto ulthoutowpl~'tith the *tot0 love ln regerdthermto, it le ovidoatthat the gqozo;fath, etatuto vfwld to 4 greet extent On the other haul, tho ooaetruatloa tin mejorlt' have plaood upon tb etatute will lrreotueto&I0 p?qpoeo the laglelotulwaedIn puelaglt,andwthlnkvehwa glvon~r8amcue able reala to tke vmde *@for for *ale.@’ It i8 0~ oplnlonthat vb0r0 an out-0raat0 *hi or lHd order0 for sollolto lo o dln T~Jc ~o by ir ee- , q dne o f 00 men, by m@, by redlo, by tolo&troph, or by totiphvne,lvoh loUaltetloa oonetituteeen offer r0Fulo vltblutUe ltete, Ma llenaevlth the Toxee $ood Law la re rtilnd aa to eny ehlpmen "0 a uda into thle state u 8 neult 0; 1 ordorrFooured b yluoh m8um. I: ..". Y31~ i:~! ;y - r: , p&& my&e var;Ltruly
Document Info
Docket Number: O-2554
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017