November 24, 1986 Honorable Richard G. Moral~zs.Sr. opinion No. m-579 Webb County Attorney 1104 Victoria Re: Time at which a newly elected Laredo, Texas 78040 justice of the peace takes office, when he is elected to a position previously filled by appointment Dear Mr. Morales: You inquire about the adatewhen the person elected justice of the peace in -theNovember general election should take office. You inform us that the incumbent was appointed to fill a vacancy in the office and ask whether the newly elected individual will take office on January 1, after he is swrn in, or immediately after he is declared the winner in the November general election. Article 2355. V.T.C.S., provides that the commissioners court shall have power to fill vacancies in the office of justice of the peace, "and the person chosen shall hold office until the next general election." V.T.CrS. art. 2355; see also Tex. Const. art. V, 828. Article 17, V.T.C.S., states more specifically when officers elected at a general election take office: The regular terms of office for all elective state, district, county and precinct offices of the State of Texas, excepting the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Gowmor. State Senator, and State Representative, shall begin on the first day of January next following the general election at which said respective offices are regularly filled, and those who we elected to regular terms shall qualify and ass,%e the duties of their respective offices on the f?rst day of January following their canvass of the results of the election at which p. 2590 Eonorable Richard G. Morales, Sr. - Page 2 (JM-579) they were elected, and they shall take office as soon thereafter as;possible. (Emphasis added). V.T.C.S. art. 17. Thus, a person elected at the general election to fill an unexpired term takes office as soon as he can qualify after the election, while a peruon who is elected to a new term beginning January 1 may not qualify or assume the. duties of office until that date. -See Attorney General Opinions MW-521 (1982); M-742 (1970). The candidate elected to a new term has no right to serve any portion of the term which ends December 31. Ex parte Sanders, 215 S.W.Zd 325 (Tex. 1948); Anierson v. Parsley, 37 S.W.Zd 358 (Tex. Civ. APP. - Fort Worth 1931, ;fcc ref'd). The appointed incumbent will in such case continue td hold the office from the general election until the newly elected justice of the peace qualifies on or after January 1. His continuance in offLce is required by article XVI, section 17, of the Texas Constitution, the "holdover" provision, which states that [a]11 officers w:.t.hin this State shall continue to perform the dutjes of their offices until their successors shall tieduly qualified. Tex . Const. art. XVI, 917. Attorney General Opinion M-742 (1970) explains the apparent in- consistency between article 17, V.T.C.S., and the constitutional and statutory provisions which sipecifythat persons appointed to a vacancy shall serve until the next general election: The primary Ilurpose and intent of those pro- visions of sect:.on 28 of article V and article 2355, which specify that persons appointed to vacancies in the offices named therein shall serve until the next general election, was not to vacate the office upon that date but rather to establish the policy that the people shall fill the office by election at the earliest opportunity. Attorney General Opinion M-.742at 4. (1970). The answer to your specific question depends on whether the present term of office ends on December 31 following the November general election or cont:.nues into the next year. See generally Attorney General Opinion Jlt-558(1986). If the present term of office ends on December 31, the newly elected justice of the peace should qualify and assume the duties of his office on January 1 or as soon thereafter as possible. IE the present term of office continues into the next year, then the person who wins the general election has been elected to the unexpired term of the office, and he may qualify and p. 2591 Honorable Richard G. Moralt,s,Sr. - Page 3 (JM-579) assume the duties of office "immediately upon receiving a certificate of election. . . .II V.T.C.S. art. 17. See Elec. Code §§67.001-67.006 (canvassing of local election returns);- 967.016 (issuing certificate of election). SUMMARY Article 17. T'.T.C.S., provides that a person elected to the ,mexpired term of the office of justice of the ptzacemay qualify insnediatelyupon receiving the cer,tificateof office and shall take office as soon thereafter as possible. A person elected to a new term of justice of the peace shall qualify an'1 assume the duties of office on the January 1 following his election or as soon thereafter as por,sible. JIM MATTOX Attorney General of Texas JACK BIGHTOWER First Assist&t Attorney Gt,neral MARY KELLER Executive Assistant Attorney General RICK GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Conrmittec Prepared by Susan L. Garrison Assistant Attorney General p. 2592
Document Info
Docket Number: JM-579
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1986
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017