Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1982 )

  •                                    The Attorney General of Texas
    December 22,     1982
    Attorney General
    Honorable Mike Driscoll                            Opinion No.    MW-535
    Supreme   Court Building          Harris County Attorney
    1001 Preston, Suite 634                            Re: Bid procedures
    P. 0. BOX 12546
    *ustin, TX. 76711-2548
    for county
    51214752501                       Houston, Texas    77002                            contracts
    Telex 9101674.1367
    Telecopier  5121475.0266          Honorable Bill H. White
    Criminal District  Attorney
    1607 Main St.. Suite 1400
    Bexar County Courthouse
    Dallas. TX. 75201.4709            San Antonio, Texas     78205
    4624 Alberta    Ave.. Suite 160
    El Paso. TX. 798052793
    Both of you have asked questions         concerning articles     1659a and
    91515353464                       236&t, V.T.C.S.       Article   1659a imposes certain      competitive    bidding
    requirements upon counties       with a population      in excess of 900,000.
    Both Bexar and Harris County have populations               in excess    of this
    1220 Dallas Ave.. Suite M2
    Houston, TX, 77002-6966
    figure.    Article    2368s imposes another set of bidding          requirements
    upon -all counties.     You essentially   ask:   If a county which intends to
    make a purchase or enter into a contract determines that both statutes
    are applicable,     to which statute    should it adhere?      Since you do not
    606 Broadway, Suite 312          inquire about a particular       product. we will answer your question          in
    Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479
    general terms.      We point out that other statutes may apply to certain
    purchases.    See Attorney General Opinion KW-439 (1982).
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B                Article 1659a provides  that counties with a population                  in excess
    McAllen. TX. 76501-1665          of 900.000 must, unless an emergency exists,  take bids on:
    supplies of every kind, road and bridge material,
    200 Main Plaza. Suite 400                      or any other material,   for the use of said county,
    San Antonio. TX. 762052787                     or    any     of its   officers,   departments,    or
    512l2254191                                    Institutions.
    An Equd OpportunitYI             See also     V.T.C.S.    arts.   1659;   1659b.   Article   236ga provides    In part:
    Allirmstive Action Employed
    Sec.    2.  (a)    No county,     acting    through     its
    Commissioners Court...     shall [unless one of the
    specified   exceptions   applies]   hereafter    make any
    contract   calling   for or requiring an expenditure
    or payment in an amount exceeding...          ($5.000.00)
    out of any fund, . . without first       submitting such
    proposed contract to competitive bids.
    p.   1933
    Honorable Mike Driscoll
    Honorable Bill PI. White
    Page 2     0Dl-535)
    Both statutes    then set   forth   bidding   procedures   which differ   in some
    Two briefs were submitted to this office    in connection with these
    opinion    requests.     Both conclude   that  articles    1659a and 2368a
    conflict    and that one statute      must therefore    control    the other,
    although they disagree       as to which one controls.       One brief    also
    suggests that article     236Sa should be construed narrowly, as applying
    only to “contracts     for public works and the machinery used therefor.”
    The thrust of this argument appears to be that a narrow construction
    of article    236Sa will prevent any conflict  with article     1659a. because
    neither statute will apply to any item covered by the other.           We will
    consider each of these arguments.
    Patten v. Concho County, 
    196 S.W.2d 833
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin
    1946, no writ),        is offered  as authority     for narrow construction      of
    article    2368s proposed above.       This case does construe the statute in
    this manner. When Patten was decided. however, article              236Sa provided
    that no county could enter into a contract             “for the construction     of
    any public building,        or the prosecution    and completion of any public
    works” without taking bids.          Now, the statute      applies,   with certain
    exceptions,      to “any” contract      in excess     of $5.000.00.      Since the
    language upon which the Patten court relied to reach its conclusion              is
    no longer present, we believe         the court’s    construction    of the former
    statute    is no longer apposite.        We also note that other language in
    the statute, &,          the statement in section 2(b) that “if the contract
    is for the construction         of public works, then. ..‘I (emphasis added),
    and the reference           in section     2a to “materials,        equipment   and
    supplies,”     clearly    points to the conclusion      that the statute     is not
    now applicable      only to contracts     “for public works and the machinery
    used theref or .‘I
    As to the relationship      between articles     1659a and 2368a. it      is
    argued in one brief that article        236ga now constitutes   the entire body
    of law governing counties in the area of competitive bidding,            and that
    it impliedly    repeals article     1659a.    This argument runs as follows:
    Prior    to 1979, article       236Sa applied      only to counties       with a
    .population   of 350,000 or less.          In 1979, however. the legislature
    removed the population       limit,     Acts 1979, Sixty-sixth     Legislature,
    chapter 770. at 1901; see Attorney General Opinion MW-139 (19gO). thus
    making the statute applicable         to all counties.      This action,    it is
    asserted.   must be interpreted     as ev?nce     of the legislature’s     intent
    to make article    236Sa represent all of the competitive bidding law to
    which counties would be subject when entering into contracts.
    In response, we first   note that our courts do not favor repeals
    of statutes  by implication.     Hines v. State,  
    515 S.W.2d 670
    Grim. App. 1974); Wintermann v. McDonald, 
    102 S.W.2d 167
    (Tex. 1937).
    In Motor Investment Company v. City of Hamlin. 179 S.W.Zd 278. 281
    p. 1934
    Honorable   Mike Driscoll
    Honorable   Bill M. White
    Page 3      (MW-535)
    (Tex. 1944).    the Texas Supreme Court quoted            from Texas Jurisprudence
    as follows:
    ‘Where it is apparent that a statute           is intended
    to embrace all the law upon the subject with which
    it deals,     it repeals all former laws relating           to
    the same subject.        Under this rule, a statute that
    covers the subject matter of a former law and is
    evidently      intended     as   a substitute      for    it,
    although    containing      no express    words to that
    effect,   operates as a repeal of the former law to
    the extent that its provisions        are revised and its
    field   freshly     covered....    If the later       act is
    clearly   intended to prescribe      the only rules which
    should    govern,     it   repeals   the prior      statute,
    although     the two are not repugnant            in their
    provisions.    ’ (Emphasis added).
    The difficulty    with the argument advanced above is that in 1981.
    the legislature      amended article   1659a by raising its population     limit
    to 900,000.      Acts 1981. 67th leg.,     ch. 237, at 564.    In our opinion,
    this action undermines the contention that article          236Sa was intended
    to “embrace all the law on the subject with which it deals” and that
    it was “evidently       intended as a substitute    for” article    1659a.    The
    legislature    would not have concerned itself with article       1659a in 1981
    if   it did not think the statute           was, and intend for it to be,
    effective.      We therefore    reject the notion that when the legislature
    amended article      236Sa in 1979. it impliedly repealed article      1659a.
    The other argument advanced in the briefs  is that articles   1659a
    and 236Ba are repugnant, that they cannot be reconciled,    and that one
    therefore  controls the other.  We also reject this argument.
    In Brown v. Patterson,    
    609 S.W.2d 287
    , 289-90 (Tex. Civ. App. -
    Dallas    1980. no writ),     the court summarized the rules     that are
    applicable   here:
    When    two statutes     are alleged to be in conflict,
    additional    principles      come into play.       If there is
    a    clear    conflict,        the    later    expression      of
    legislative     intent     controls,     and to that extent
    the later statute will be held to have repealed
    the earlier       statute....      Repeals by implication,
    however, are not favored.              and, if    there is no
    positive    repugnance between the two [statutesr
    they will be harmonized so as to give effect                    to
    both.. . .    ‘Iwo statutes        dealinn    with the same
    subject     matter,      though      enacted    at    different
    legislative      sessions     will be construed        together
    p. 1935
    Honorable Hike Driscoll
    Honorable Bill M. White
    Page 4     NW-535)
    and their       provisions harmonized to        the extent
    possible.      (Emphasis added) (Citations      omitted).
    We do not believe    articles  1659a and 236Sa are so repugnant that
    one or the other        can be regarded     as having been repealed        by
    implication.    At worst, they are in some instances      duplicative.     In
    our opinion,   the two statutes     can be reconciled.  and effect     can be
    given to both.
    For the most part, articles         1659a and 236Sa are complementary.
    In some instances.       however, they set forth different              requirements
    relating    to the same subject.         For example, article        16598 requires
    advertisements     for bids to be published “once each week for two (2)
    successive    weeks in a daily newspaper published and circulated              in the
    county,” whereas article          236Sa requires    “[nlotice    of the time and
    place when and where such contracts          shall be let” to be “published          in
    such county...     once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the
    time set for letting      such contract,     the date of the first       publication
    to be at least fourteen         (14) days prior to the date set for letting
    said contract.”        V.T.C.S.     art.  236th.   12(b).     Article     1659a also
    contains     some requirements       that are more detailed         than those       in
    article    236Sa, a,      the requirement that advertisements must indicate
    where specifications       are to be found, and the time and place for
    receiving    bids, that bids must be publicly opened on the appointed day
    and time, and that bids may be secured by check or bond.
    When a county of over 900,000 population intends to enter into a
    particular     contract,     its first    task will be to determine whether,
    given all provisions        and exceptions,    articles   1659a and 2368a are both
    applicable.      If they are, and either statute imposes a requirement in
    an area which is not dealt with by the other, the county must comply
    with that requirement,         regardless   of which statute imposes it.       Where
    both statutes        impose requirements        relating   to the same subject,
    however, &,           advertising    for bids,     we believe   the provisions    of
    article     1659a would control.           Statutes     in pari   materia  must be
    “harmonized and given effect with the special governing the general in
    the event of any conflict.”             Hines v. State, supra at 675.        In our
    opinion.    as between articles        1659a and 236Ba. the former is clearly
    the “special”      statute.
    Mr. Driscoll   also asks whether article   236Ba applies  where the
    county intends to lease either     real or personal property.     Article
    2368a provides that “any” contract in excess of $5.000.00 must be made
    on competitive bids.    There is no express exception in the statute for
    lease contracts.
    Section   2(b)   of article   236Sa does,   however, provide     that:
    p. 1936
    .   *
    Honorable Mike Driscoll
    Honorable Bill Ii. White
    Page 5     (NW-535)
    Provided...    as to contracts   for...    the purchase of
    land and right-of-way        for authorized       needs and
    purposes,      the    provisions       hereof      requiring
    competitive bids shall not apply and in such cases
    the notice herein provided shall be given but only
    with   respect     to an intention         to   issue    time
    warrants with right of referendum as contemplated
    in    Sections     3   and    4   hereof      respectively.
    (Emphasis added).
    This     exception,     which    makes the       article   2368a   bidding
    requirements     inapplicable    to contracts   for the “purchase      of land,”
    should in our opinion be construed to include acquisitions               of real
    property by lease.        We do not believe the legislature    intended to draw
    a distinction     between contracts    for the purchase of land and contracts
    for the lease of land.          In particular,     where a long term lease is
    involved,    a lease of real property is for many purposes equivalent          to
    a purchase of real property.            See, e.g.,    Attorney General Opinion
    H-655 (1975); H-403 (1974).
    We therefore  conclude    that contracts     for the lease  of real
    property  are not subject    to the article   2368a bidding requirements.
    but that contracts  in excess of $5.000.00      for the lease of personal
    property are subject to those requirements.
    Where articles     16598 and 2368a. V.T.C.S..      are
    both   applicable,     a county    should   follow    the
    requirements of both statutes.        Where a conflict
    between the two exists,      article   1659a controls.
    Contracts for leases of personal property,        but not
    real property,     are within the ambit of article
    MARK        WHITE
    Attorney   General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney      General
    Executive Assistant     Attorney   General
    p. 1937
    Honorable Mike Driscoll
    Honorable Bill !!. White
    Page 6     (Mw-535)
    Prepared by Jon Bible
    Assistant Attorney  General
    Susan L. Garrison,   Chairman
    Jon Bible
    Rick Gilpin
    Patricia  Hinojosa
    Jim Moellinger
    p. 1938

Document Info

Docket Number: MW-535

Judges: Mark White

Filed Date: 7/2/1982

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017