Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1952 )

  • . Eon. MO L. u-r,. page 2' (v-x.3186) being a8 followsc l . . . '$12,000,001ana liss than 20,000,000 not to,exceed$2;500.00; l $20,000,001 anah than 30,900,000 not to exceed $3,000.00. i-.'C.. '" . Since Dewitt County ha6 a tax valuationof $22,%7,165.00 (1951 tax ~olla) the maximum ocmpe~ar.,:~ tlon allowed the county coiunles~onere under Article 2350fi.+igg3g sta‘t~t9,iis.~3,~Q~.00.. S&~IU-1 0r brti- ole 3912g~aathorl~es.an.increase,ia aompensa$$on,~@fpot.. to exceed,tve``~flv~,,(25~),,pe~,``en~;:oi,‘ srer.aXoir&i ander'lihe liv~ror'the rlicioal yekir oi ,i 4P ai: .Since De-’ vltt Co~t~.~d,8rtax,````tl,~ in-4948 :,(lg!+T tax rolls) 0r $``s6g;.7g6+p,,~'th0 iaiia~,u0~eh oader;,+b xf33r in 1g&~*:$````0~60.~ mi@iefiie;m*;f@d &.2&.ii& thorltesan lnoreaae in co&3neatliiii z&t to~*.oeed': $625.00 (twenty-five per oent or $2,50o;do): last~Iffeoeding``edera;l``e``, the Com&s.~ al.oners.:Coar.t 'ahallXlx the ,8alary. -oRthe oounty!treaaucerateany reasr+aable.mm,:pro- viding suoh,salary:ls.not .lesll..``Tvo' Thousandi Pour-mnd~ed ,Dollara.~($2,~OO),per,: annumi*: ~By:viz&8?of -theabove..quotod provisionio ``~lmu``ls:presorlbedfor.the .oount Oen. Opsi V-1216~11951)aandV-1327 the conrmiaslonerscourtmay set.~thesalary oi,the county treaeurer.atany reasonable amount-not,lessthan $2,400.00 per annum. Non. Nlc L. Iadner, page 3 (V-1386) Section 13 of Article 3912e authorizes the officers named therein to receive a salary of "not more than the maximum amount allowed such officer under laws existing on August 24, 1935"'. Since Dewitt Count had a population In 1935 (1930 Federal Census) of 27.4g1 inhabitants, the maximum amount allowed Its county of- fleers on August 24, 1935 was $3,500.00. Articles 3883 and 3891, V.C.S. Section 13 of Article 3912e also authorizes an Increase of one per cent (1%) for each one mlllion dollar valuation or fractional part thereof in excess of fifteen million dollars "over and above the maxlxpum allowed such officers underlaws existing on A 1935". Since DeUitt County has a valuation 165.00 this increase amounts to $200.00 Sub-division (e) of Section 13 of Article 3912e authorizes an increase of twenty-five per cent of the sum allowed under the law for the fiscal year of 1944. Since the valuation of Dewitt County In 1944 (1943 tax rolls) had remained below $15,000,000.00, there- by allowing no salary increase based upon increase in valuation this increase amounts to $875.00 (25% of 83,500.00~. Section 1 of Article 3912g provides: "The Commlssloners Court in each county of this State Is hereby authorized, when In their judgment the financial condition of the county and the needs of the officer justify the Increase, to enter an order increasing the compensation of the precinct, county and district officers, or either of them/in an additional amount not to exceed twenty-five (25$) P er cent of the sum allowed under the law for the fiscal year of 1948, whether paid on fee or salary basis; provided, however, the members of the Commlssloners Court may not raise the salaries of any of such Commlsslon- ers Court under the terms of this Act without raising the salary of the remaining county officials in like proportion." Slnca Dewitt Count had a valuation in 1948 (1947 tax rolls) of $16 861 g70 00 Section 13 of Arti- cle 3912e authorized an'ln&easi 1; 1948 of $70.00 (2% of $3,500.00). Sub-division (e) of Section 13 of Artl- cle 3912e, as above noted, also authorized an Increase Hon. NIC L. Ladner, page 4 (V-1386) of $875.00 (2% of $3,500.00). Therefore the maxi- mum sum allowed under the law in 1948 was &4,445.00 ($3,500.00 plus $70.00 plus $875.00). Slnoe the maxi- mum allowed under the law In 1948,waB $4,445.00 the maximum Increase allowed under Section 1 of Article 3912s is $1,111.25 (255 of $4,445.00). In view of the foregoing the maxlmum oompen- satlon that may be paid the county officials of DeUltt 3912e, Section 13, and ($3,500.00 plus $280.00 plus aaaitlon to the compensa- 3912e,'Sectlon 13 and Artl- clew3912g, Section 1, the tax assessor-collector 13 en- titled to the additional compensation @*ovided for in Section 57 of Article 1436-1, V;P,C;, atiamended by S.B. 27l, Acts 52na Leg. R.S. 1951, ch. 368, p. 620. See Att'y Oen. Op. V-1294 (1951). The compensation of the deputies, as313tant3, and clerks of the county offlclals of DeNltt-County is a_overnedbx the provisions of Articles 3902 and 1w2eG, V.C.S. Article 3902 provides in part: Whenever any dlstrlct, county or pre- clnct.offlcer shall require the services of deputies, assistants or clerks lnthq perform- ance of bls.dutles he``ball~agply to the Coun- ty+mr&33loner3~ Court'of his county~ror authority to appoint such deputies, asslst- ants or clerks, stating by sworn application the nwnber needed, the position to be filled and the amount to be paid. Said appllctitlon shall be accompanied by a statement showing the probable receipts from fees, commissions and compensation to be collected by said of- fice during the fiscal year and the probable disbursements which shall Include all salaries and expenses of said office; ana said court shall make its order authorizing the appolnt- ment of such deputies, assistants and clerks and fix the compensation to be paid them wlth- in the Xmltatlons herein prescribed and determine the number to be appointed as In the discretion of said court may be proper; provided that In no case shall the Commls- sloners' Court or any member thereof attempt Hon. Nit L. Udner, page 5 (V-1386) to influence the appolntmtint0s any person as deputy, assistant or clerk in any office. Upon the entry or such order.the ofricers applying ror such aBBiB~ntB, deputies or clerks shall be authorized to appolnt them; provided that said compensation shall not ex- ceed the maximum amount hereinafter set out. The acmpensatlon which may be allowed to the deputies, aBBlBtantB or clerks above named for their services shall be a reasonable one, not to exceed the r0ii0ting amounts: "1. In counties having a pulatian 0r twenty~five thousand (25,000p" or less In- habitants, first aBtii3tB.d or chief deputy not to exceed Eighteen Hundred ($1800;00) Dollar3 per annum; other assistants, deputies or clerks not to exceed Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00) Dollars per annum each. a 0 . . 'The Ccmmd.ssloner3Court is hereby authorized, when In their judgment the flnan- clal condition of the county and the needs of the deputies, aSSiStant WI& clerks Of any district, county or precinct Officer justify the increase, to enter an order ln- creasing the compensation Of such deputy., assistant or clerk in an addltlonal amount not to exceed twenty-five (259) per cent 0s the sum alloved under the law for the fiscal year of 1944, provided the total compensation authorized under the law for the fiscal year of 1944 aid not exceed Thirty-Six Hundred ($3600.00) Dollars." Se&Ion 2 of Article 3912g provides: *The Ccxmlssloners Court In each county of this State la hereby authorized, vhen in their judgment the financial condition of the county and the needs of the deputies, asslst- ants and clerks of any district, county or precinct officer justify the increase, to enter an order increasing the compensation of any such deputy, assistant or clerk in an additional amount not to exceed thirty-five (35%) per cent of the sum allowed under the law for the fiscal year of 1948." Hon. Nlc L. Ladner, page 6 (V-1386) Since Dewitt County baa a population in 1948 (1940 Federal Census) of 23,935 inhabitants, the sum allowed the chief deputy, assistant or clerk in DeWitt Count under the lav in 1948 was $2,25O.OO ($1,800.00 plus 3 450.00), and $1,875.00 ($1,500.00 plus $375.00) for the othetideputles;asslstants and~oletiks. Article 3902, V.C.S.; Att'y Gen. Op. V-1327 (1951). Slnae De- Xltt County now bas a population of 22,993 inhabitants (1950 Federal Census), Article 3902 authorlzbs a salary not to exceed $2,25O.OO ($1,800.00 plus $450.00) to the chief deputy assistant or clerk, and $1,875.00 ($1,500.00 plus $375.OOj to the other deputies, aSSii3tXIntS or clerks. Section 2 of Article 3912g authorlees an ln- crease not to exceed $787.50 (35s of $2,25O.OO) to the chief deputy, assistant or clerk ana an increase not to exceed $656.25 (35% of $1,875.00j to the other deputies, aSSiStar&B and clerks. Att'y Gen. Op. V-1327 (1951). Therefore, the maximum that ma be p&id to the chief deputy assistant or clerk is 3,037.50 ($2,250.00 plus $787.50), an8 the maximum salary that may be paid to the other deputies, assistants or clerks IS $2,531.25 ($1,875.00 plus $656.25). SUMMARY The maximum compensation of the county commissioners of Dewitt County is now $3,625.00. Arts. 2350 and 3912g, V.C.S.; Att'y Gen. Op. V-1327. The Commlsslonew' Court of BeUitt Couq- tg may set the salary of the county treasurer at tinyreasonable.Sum not less than $2,&00.00. Art. 3943e, V.C.S.; Att'y Gen. Ops. V-1216 and V-1327. The maximum compensation that may be paid the county offlolals of DeWltt County Is $5,766.25. Arts.;3912e, Sec. 13, and 3912g, Sec. 1; Att'y Gen. Op. V-1327. In addition to the compensation provided for In Articles 3912e, Sec. 13, and 3912g, Sec. 1, the ,!:sxassessor-collector is entitled to the compensation prbvlded for In Section 57 of Article 1436-1, V.P.C., as amended by Senate Bill 271, Acts 52nd Leg., R.S. 151, ch. 368, p. 620. Att'y Gen. Ops. V-1292 and V-1327. Hon. MC L. Iadner, page 7 (V-13861 The maximum salary that may be paid to the chief'deputy, assistant or clerk is $3,037.50, and the maximum salary that may be paid to the other deputies, aselatanta and clerks le $2,531.25.' Arts. 3902'and 3912g, V.C.S.; Att'y @en. Op. V-1327. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DARIRL Attorney General Ji C. Davis, Jr. County Arfalrs Division E. Jacobson Reviewing Assistant. Charles D. Mathews First Assistant JR:mh

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1386

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1952

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017