OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 3noraMe 7. 9. fllll,Xeimbar IzCustriaiAccident Boar8 sAi3tAIl~ Texas servicing the into.Texas? 1930, requesting bove stated QLES- of the letter Sherrill,attorzzy, rkmn' 8 Compa~sa- es enolosad ia nsus El2otric-Co- 8 domiciled in 8uthorizut-i to t‘rcns- ate of Texas and has rt line into Texas from 1398set Texarkar;a. Lt any mea constantlyin exas, but in its operations zs a?loyees necessary into the State of Tcxzs to aarry on the busi- 3188sthere. They all, however, return to headquarters et Texarkana, :XkBELSaS. Eonorvble T. ii.Hill, page 2 *'The'questionhes &risen before the 3mid es to whet&r or not it is nooessrry for this Cooperativeto maintain e Korkmen~:+ Comgensatloninsurancagollpy to cover the activities of,its ezxgloyees who go into the State of Textis for the pwqoso of servicing tha short line running into.Texas. ~iOuld . or oould the State of Texas pcrmlt employees. of the Coogeretlvewho are injured-while working in Texas to recover compensation fro;3the Cooperativeunder the laws of the state of Texas or would the State of Terss require such employee to pursue his remaaies in the State of Arkansas sinoe his aotivitfes in Texas wo~alC only be inoidentelto hi? Arkensao employment. "It is zi+understandingtbst you law exempts 'employersof less t&n three employees frolathe provisions of the Texas Conponeation irct. %oulLthe Arkansas Corporationbore- quired to have.three.employeesemployed sole- ly in the State of Texas to make this law ap- plloable to them, or would it be aggllcableto them if they e&Aoyeh three or nore employees of the .St&teof kxkensas who were used In the. servicingof the lines, although et diffiorent~ t,j.ms, in the State &I+" Texas." lissiming that the e@oyees of the Southwest Arkansils-Electric Cooperztiv2Corporationservi.oinSthe lines runnfng into the State ot Texas are engaged in intru- state comerce, your Inquiry resolves itself ~Gitothb Sol- 1owfng tvio~questions: 1. Is the Southwest Arkansas Blcctric CooperativeCor$orstfon,who sends three or more of its i*rkansns onsloyces into the State of Taxes for the pirjose of servvfoingits .ahortline'runninginto Texas, subject to the Tcxas~YiorWn*s CompensationLaw? 2. If they are not'subjeatto the act, &wjran e.zqloyeeof the Southwest Arkansas xlectric CooperativeCorporationmvhois In-,' Jured while wor.kingln Texas sue, his Z@OYer under the laws of the state of Texas?' Eonorable P. 3. ilill,page 3 Section 2 or Article a306, Eeviaea Statutes' of Texas, relating tc the ii'orkmenVsCompensationLuw, reads &E fOl.iOVJS: "The pFOQidOIlS of %his la,w~shjllnot n~?ly to aotiona to recover demeges for per- 3ora.linjuriesnor ror death resuiting frou -,ersonelinjuries sustnined by'donestio serv&nts, fernnlaborers,rsnch laborers, car to euployeo of wzy firm, person or cor~orstlonhaving in his or their employ less than three employes,nor to employes of any person, firs, or corporat.ion.operst- irigany steam, electrio,street or inter- urbii;l raiiviayes e ooiimoncarrier. ecgloyer 4 three cr more employes sRl3 t tizo of beco&n;7, s subscriber shell rmsin LLtnC liobilitfes.duties end exemptions of such, notwithst&tiingsfter hsvln,?become e sub- ccrioer the member of emvI.ovesiusy tittimes bo le~eas than three.* .(Un&rscorFngours) Se.Otion 1, 02 Artfole 82OQ re&s‘in *t as. follovrs: *~E.nployer*she31 meon eny person,, flrm;'partnership,association of persons or corporut%onsor thelr.lag~lrcpresente- tives that zskes contracts of hire." The Texas Workuen*s CompensationLapels en eloctivonet, end the leg&l relation arising between ths ez~loyae, ths ezqo,Dloj`` end insurer, who bringihe.a- ocives vzithinthe.o>erutionof the act, is oontrcctuel~. Th ?&in objactiveOP the sot is to provide, in lieu of cozmor~law liability, oertain .sndaboolute,coupensa- tion or boaafite to uqloyees or.the3.rde;idn&ents In cases where .suohem~loyeashsvveroceived.injuriesin tf?acurse of their employsent resulting in disability or Geath. Any employer of lsbor,'unissshe is exwesaly exciutieii fro.mthe oaaration of the la-d,is sl;ibject to the act, und nay bticome:Isuhsoribar to the association. Ly co;l$lgingwith the sot, the employer bacom6s,~uxcept .d td certain clafinsfor exemplary dainwgjcs, exempt ‘from all coscon .hw or statt&ory liability on account of in- Juriw sufteredby.his employees. The statute does nqij Honor;:bleT. B. Hill, page 4 us5 the word *'regul~Por wre&l.arlyenployed" or WOnployed solely within the state" to characterizethe continuityof of the three or ore esiployem, To ereqt the e;nlloyl;lent an e.zployerSroathe operation OS the act in Texas on the g-ouhd of rcduation OS nurnbcrOS employees, it viould ai)perr necessary to show t&t tbs nuber oS mployees hss been peranently reduced below three. ,~, IS the SouthwestArkansas Xleatric Cooperative Corporationdoes not elect to corm tier the Texas QIorkmn*s CospeusationLaw, the Guestionthen arises, would one of tmir eZlplOyees injured in Texas have the right to Sue under the Texas laws and recover a judgstentin such suit? This question is unique to the extent that Arkans-s is one o? the two re.xainin&states that does not have a Work- :aen'scoapeasationact. IS it were not Sor that fact the case of Sradford Zleqtric Light Co. v. 3ennie X. Clapper, 2.56U. 3. 145;76.L. ed. 1028, 52 5. Ct. 571,
82 A. L. Il. 896; would be exactly in point. The facts In the Clapper. case, wpra, are Identicalwith the situution you inquire about in your letter. %'e'mntion this aase to disti...guishit as certainly it would control in this instance if Arkansas bad any Sam of workmen's CogDensationact. Since the State oS Arkansas does hot have a work- I*en'scompensationsot, -A%See1 that the rule OS lcx loci deiecti Huuld apply ii an elnployaeof the southwestmicanss ;ilect&‘ic CooperativeCorporationwe~‘einjured in Texas. It is thoroughlyestablishedas a gemral rule that the lag OS the place where the injury incurred 16 the law that governs and it applies with respect to the substantive-phasesOS torts or 'theactions thereior. Curtis v. Conpbell, 70 Fed. (2d) 81; Loranger v. Nsdeau, 10 Pac. (2d) 63, at p. 65: Wad- cury v. Central~Ver.mntRailway, 12 hr.3. (2d) 732. In thte ci;aeof Curtis v.
Campbell, supra, certiori denied, 55 Sup. Ct. 549,
295 U.S. 737, Circuit Judge XOOlley states the rule OS the iaw of tireplace ln the Sollowlng language: "The heart OS the titer is thit tbs law OS the plade of a tort gives a *right OS aotion' .to one fulling within its term; and it does 8s giz",;t regard to the residence of the tort- . In such case 'the law of the place where the right of aotionwas acquired or the liability n3s Incurred will govern as to th;e right of ac- ticjn,fStory on ConSliat OS Laws ( 9th Zd.) 775; Eozorable T. 3. Hill, Page 5 American law InstituteRestatexent, Conflict OS LaWa, 1 i 449, 455; Texas & N. 0. R. Co. v. Cross,
60 Tex. Civ. App. 621, 128 8. W. 1173; Louci-8v. Stadard Oil Co.,
224 N.Y. 99, 120 N. Ii.198; &later v. Mexican P..R. Cb., 194 U. 8. 120, 126,
24 S. Ct. 381, 4&i. Ed* 900; Ormsby v. Chase,
290 U.S. 387,
54 S. Ct. 211, 78 L. Ed. 378, 92 ii. L. R. 1499." Roth the Courts of the State OS Arkansas nnd the State of Texas have recognized the rule of lex loci delecti. Zee Cueron, et alv. VandergriSS (Sup. Ct., i&c.), 13 8. 7:. 1092, Taxas &W. 0. R. Co., et alvs.Mi.fler, et al, 128 S. vi.1165. You are respectfullyadvised tint it is the opinion of this department that the 5outhwest Arkansas Slectrlo Co- operative Corporationmay elect to come under the ;iorkinen~s Coxpensation.Lawof Texas. However.,If the company does not choo.seto come under the Korkxen's CompensationAct of Texas, those employeeswho are injured in T&as under the rule of lex loci delecti may pursua their Olalms for damages under the laws of the‘stata of Texas. Yours very truly XmORNEY OrnRAL 03 l%xAs BY (Slgaed) FredePlk B Isely Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1729
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017