Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

    Xonorablr Andrew Patton
    Dlrtriot  Attorney
    Dallar County
    Dallas,  Tex.rr
    ottary   rtatutrr
    pt o? your raquert
    ctor I. Q.” rrdlo
    work oaoh work I#
    our appreolatlon     r0r
    ml your brief    which ooaply
    6399, Ravirod Clril       Stat-
    09 th8 brhr     rubalttrdr
    eraa 18 prsasntrd
    weak ror a half hour
    mmroial  rponror.  Thr pro-
    mm a motion plcturr
    an intsrd8alon        bstaaaa    plo-
    phono hr mlvlner tho red10 and pioture
    rhori sudienor that ho ha8 rav8ral asmlr-
    tant8,  raoh with a portable microphoar,
    aaong thr aaabarm of ths audionor.    Thr
    Honorobls    Andrrw Patton,   pagr 2
    announoar reqursts    ona of his aseIstants
    to ohoose a momber of the and irnor who
    is wIllIng to answar a question sbout to
    br propounded.    Thr announoar than pro-
    pounds the q ues    tioln,
    :vIsI~     the Farson
    ohosw that If he oan answsr thr question
    hs will br paid a stated      stim of nonry.   In
    the OVOBt tho correct OB8W.r ir &iV@B, ths
    monry Is tbsrr paid to tha mombrr.or tha
    audlrnoa who thus assisted       In the vmrk,
    and thr asslrrtant announcaT8 peas on
    through the audlrnor ohooslng othar got:;
    with whom tha proaass Is rrpeatrtl.
    emnt that ths parson chosen oannot andwar
    thr question,   or glvrs the wrong answar, thr
    asslstant   announoIr, nrvarthalrss,      ooopan-
    satre him for his efforts      by presenting
    him with 6 box of acrohandlsa       on behalf
    or the sponsor of tho program,
    “As an Illustration oi the questions
    aotuslly   propounds&, soaa that have brsn
    used arm:
    nlzbo won thr 1939 National       League
    WgIs It poealbla     to make fresh   wator
    out of salt water?’
    “‘In 19lf,, In what nation   was thr
    olty   OS Wsrsaw?*
    wFor the oorreot   answer to thr first
    quastion,   $9.00 ms p&Id: for the sroond
    uastlon $5.00; an4 for ths third quertlon
    %8.00.    In tha avant th:t any on8 of ths
    questiona was not answerrd correctly,       tha
    sponeorr gsta the person who bad voluntrcrrd
    to trr to answrr the question      a box of mer-
    ohandls a. Therr ir BO Oontrst b&wean the
    various menbars of the SUdIsBO6, 8imr if
    tha first   person chosen do68 not prO94rly
    answsr the quartion,     ths annoUnoar on thr
    eta&o advises    all of t&r ludianor what tha
    oorrsot amwcr Is, and an rntiralf       blrrer-
    ent qutstion    IS presantrd   to the nart par-
    Honorable   Andrew Patton,      poet      3
    son who volunteers.     The mnbera of the
    audIen    who volunteer   to try to answer
    tho qurstlons   propounded, rcaeln at their
    plaoes In tho thsatre    and &peak through a
    portable mlorophone.
    “?I0 maaber of the audlanoo 18 oom-
    pellet5 or ureed to pertloipata,   but an7
    member of the audlenoe who wishes to do so
    mar havs an opportunity    to try to answer a
    *In afldltlon    to that portion of the
    program hereinabove        outlined,     awards are
    m&e by those who present the show to For-
    sells who rend In questIons          that ara ohvam
    for propoutilng i      and  other    awards  ara nade
    to those mezibers of the audionot who can
    oorrectlf      answer a list     of questIons whioh
    the announcer stater.          Eaah member Of the
    audionor has a tally        oar6 upon Hhloh ha MI
    cheek as right or wrong each rtate~ont
    included In this list.          Usually,    th6re are
    niar or tan such statomante,            such as: ‘A
    latohet    Is a shoostrIng.      * Zvarjr member
    of the azlenoe        has an equal opportunity        to
    answer th e puostlona,        an6 laoh of those who
    oorreotly      answer 811 of the puestlons         Is
    peld an equal srmunt for his contribution
    Of his talmt        to the cvenl~e'e      entertaln-
    aent.     There Is no drawing, no ‘luoky BUa-
    born, nor price,       to be droI4ed by lot,
    luok or chance.        Instaad,    each person who
    p3rtlcipetes       Is paid for tls partlolpatlon
    In Qlreot proportion        to the value 0s his
    servlors.    -
    t3ootion    17   0s   Artlole       III   or the Constitution
    or Texas reads:
    “The Legislature    shall pass laws
    prohibiting   the rstablishment      Of lot-
    teries   and girt anterprIses      In thls
    state,   es well as the sale of tickets
    In lotteries,    gift enterprises     or othsr
    ava6Iona Involving      the lottery    prinol-
    pal, establlehed     or exIstlng,    in other
    Honorable     Andrew Patton, pa(3e 4
    FUrWant to 6uOh command the LsgIslature
    pasasd     Artlols 634 of the Fens1 Code, whioh reads
    48 r0iim8r
    *If any parson shall estsblIah      a
    lottart    or dIsposa 0s any estate,     real
    or personal,    by lottery,   ha shall be
    flnad not lese than One Hundred ($100)
    Doll4r8 nor more than One ThouBand
    ($1,000) Dollars;    or If sny parson
    shall mall, offer for sale or keep
    for sala snr tIokets      or part tIoketr
    in sky lottery     he shell be fined not
    less than TOB t 10) Dollars nor more
    than Fifty (850 ! Dollare.”
    in   City   or   Kink v6. crirrith A!nunure~eBt
    pan7, 100 9. K. (26)           695, (Ter. Sup. Ct.), the oourt
    "The State Penal Code does not da-
    fin0 8 lottsrr, but our oourts have
    interpreted  it in aocordanoe with pub-
    110 usage,
    to mean 8 schsme or plan
    xhioh pro~Iaes   for a dIstrlbutlon of
    crItes bf or¬ among those who have
    paid, Or agreed to pay, a oOn1idaratioB
    for the right  to pertlolpate   theraon. 28
    Tax. Jur. p. 409, 880. 2, and oases olted
    in the Betas.*
    Tha Federal Ciroult Court of Ap eala in the
    oase of Paek vs. United States,  61 F. (2d 7 973. ha8
    given the r0ii0wi~   dafInItIon 0s a lottery:
    *A schema for tha dIatrIbutIon   0s
    prizes or thInp,s of value by lot or
    ohanoe among persons who hsve paid or
    agree to pay a valuable   oonsIder~tion for
    the ohanca to obtain a prize.     And again:
    A sohwne by ?&Ioh I raeult Is reaohsd by
    some aotlon or means takan, iB whloh re-
    sult man’s oholce or till   har no pert,
    nor can human reason,   . . . sagacity   or
    design ensble him to know or detsrmIne
    . . . until the same has barn aoacrnplished.W
    Eonorabla   Andrew bttOB   , ps~a 5
    Vndtr your statamant Of the fact8 48 quoted
    by us, two of the elements of a lottery       are clearly
    dlsaernlbla,    1. a., a prlra In money or thing or
    vslua, end papsat      0s a ooBr.ideration for tb ohanoa
    to partlolpats    In the pro&yam through attendance     et
    the theatra,    paying SB admIssIoB price therefor.
    ?:hether the llament of chance Is 8uffIoItntly      est4b-
    lIshed Is a more perplexing     problem ,
    In the 0080 0s Boatwright v. state,      ii8
    Tex. Cr. R. 381, 3e 8. w. (24) 87, the Court or
    Criminal Appeals held that a punoh board wherein were
    pleoad different    checker problems, the earns to be oom-
    pleted by the. pertlclpent efter paying a Set for the
    prIvIlege   of playlw,    did not constitute  a lottery,
    even though prlzes were awarded those working out the
    best solution.     We quota from the oplnlorrr
    *An;7 sohame for the di8trIbUtIOB
    ~of prizes by ohanoa, under our etatuta,
    Is a 1otterJ.     paaen v. State,  93 Tex.
    Cr. R. 173,    246 5. F. pl,; Stawer   v.
    State,   107 Tex. Cr. R. 574, 298 S. K. 906.
    The phrase ‘earns of oh4Bca’ Is defInad In
    27 Corpus Jurls at page 968, as SollOws:
    *It Is a earns detrrmInad entirely or In
    psrt   by lot or mere luck, and In which
    judgment, praotlce,    skill  or adroitness
    have honestly   no orrioe et all,   or are
    thwertad by ohanoe; a gas8 In ahloh
    haaard entirely   predomInatss. @
    %Ithout approving In Its entirety
    the foregoing     dafInItIon    when oonsIdared
    In oonneotlon with our statute         denounolng
    lotteries,     It Is observed that the success
    of the player In the earna under considera-
    tion dapends upon praotlca,        lr p er Ia n0e,
    or skill,      Other than the ordinary ohenoa
    or oontInC.cnor which is Involved iB prac-
    tically    every humen endeavor, the element
    or chance Is not prdent,          Tha prize Is
    drawn ae a rerrard for the skill        of the
    91 awl     and  not br  ohrnoe.    The  prsdomlnant
    llaaent In the game Is one of skill.          . .I
    Eonorablr        Androw Patton,    psgr 6
    SOI also   MoFsr i.   Statr,     46 Tax. Cr. R.
    489, 81 9. 1. 741; Roit v,. Dally               Craphlo, 230 H. Y.
    s. 360, 
    103 A. L
    . R. 870.
    Fros a oarrful  study 0r tbr 6rolrlonr   aa
    lqlied      to
    thr faOt8 prsaantrd by you, we oorxludr
    that the m6lo program doer not rlolatr   thr lottery
    law oi thlr Stat@.
    Trutatlng that        we ham aetlsfaOtOrl1~       anewerd
    your lquiry,      we are,
    Yours v6ry    truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1789

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017