Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoaonbla Ah8 B. fohnroa 3tato Board of Publie Teliuo roetin, Toxaa Dur Siri “All r00Ordr 00nMrni1l6 uIY 8~pltMBt or rooiplentoontoaplato& in thlr a& rhdl bo Ooniidontial and 8tul.l br OpaU to h8mO- tiOn Oar tp pWtIZi8 ati7 aUthOrit@ bJ the stat.,or thr Unltob States, to make 8o0h lnspeotim la goanaotioa with tholr ofSiol~1 dutl.rIprorlbr(l, however,tartual lnforaa- tlon in luoh reoord# 8&U k lreilabh to 8pplioant8and r~alplontror their duly authorltod 8gOAt8 P?Olidd fUX%hO?,that 110ilHSOi WtU Of EQO i piWt8 8hfi k &Nlbli8hd O? dirtrlbUt0~ sOr pU?pO88# 0s bin& Ed@ &TOT& Or My 8t@tO, aounty or oitr rooord*, orr0p 4ay 0th purpporr.* u oQiaiO#I80. o-Si4i6e OOPY Or WMOh ~0 l~Oi0#0 h @ r O- with, we were oonatruin~l o o r r o r p o ndily pra*lrloaia tha Aat ozratingthe %x58 UZlomplo$‘noAt COrgln8atiOn CorieaioIl, beln( @atloa O(r) er istlalo5=-b, Yornoa`` Annotawd Civil stat- utu, rhloh rudr ia prrtr- "Informetlon thus obtaimuB r&l1 not bo ubA1ah.dor ba open to publir lnopootloa Pot&r than to publlor~lormr ln thr pr- fonaapo~ OS tholr publio dutlor)01 any namer rrroalln~ the rrployinqunit’@ ldrntitt." In that oplnlonwe held that the Toxar Unoii@loymnt COo&mlMtitm COsli84iOn tight rUtnl8h aortain LrrioNtiOn to the stats iie&mrtsrout of Health alaam the Stete Dqiurtimntor Eaalth aaot have bun on. oi tb a6OnO198 eontraplatrdby the Lqlrlaturo w&n it provldod ror tbr lxoaptloa aot&8r thu to pouio uppi0~004in the prrorunao 0r tbir pub110 dutiu.* $0 bellrrctht C&w V&Sed &=eM=8 mwuk&L- rltun the rxorptlanaontempl8trdby t& Lqi8lat~rr rolatlnu to the aonfldoutialnature of thr reoorcidr of your dopartaont when lt ,mrlbed in iiootlon 31 quotd abow tImt suah reoordr "shall b. O>M t0 in6QCdOtiola Our t0 QM’8Oli8 duly WthOrfZOd by the state,or the Unite8 Stat.8 to mak8 8uOh iospotlon la oonneotlonwlth theirofTlola duttr.’ It ia, tbrrfar*, our oplnlon that you are authorlzod under the above quote6 rxorptlon 00ntahd it Yootlon U of the Publlo S*lfarr ii& to turnlab to a rearultingoffloor0r the Unit04 staler iway llrtrr 0r raaip- iOAt of rrlld betweentba laerr0r 10 elld 36. Yours vary truly Al’l’OliXRfGmKRU OP TRXAB

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1701

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017