Gerald C. Mann Hon. Tom C. King opinion NO. o-1663 State Auditor and Re: Authorization of institutions Efficiency Expert of higher learning to expend moneys Austin, Texas for any purpose in which a Qsgis- lator 1s party” could be embraced. Dear Sir: We acknowledge receipt of ,your letter of November 2, 1939, the ,.body of which reads as follows: “The audited accounts of one of the state institutions of.Ngher learningfor the fiscal year. just’ ended show an expenditure, from funds derived from institutional receipts, in the amount .of $624.00, for a ‘legislators’ party’. This represents expenses incurred In entertaln- ing a group of legislators on a week-end visit to the school. “Your. attention Is directed to Article III, Section 48 of the Texas Constitution, and I re- spectfully.request your opinion on the following questions: “(1) Was any school granted aut’hority to spend moneys for any purpose in which this party could be embraced? “(2) If such a grant of authority was made was it violative of the provisions above referre b to, and/or any other controlling law?” The statutes contained in Chapters 1 to 10 inclusive, of Title 49, Vernon8s Texas Statutes apply to instiLations of hlg her learning . An examination of Iihe statutes therein con- tained reveals no authority for the expenditure of funds derived from institutional receipts for the purpose set out in your opln- ion request. Article 2654d, Ch.
9a, supra, states that the gov- erning boards of the various Institutions of higher learning shall have control of certain funds Uin carrying out the functions of an educational institution.” The expenditure under considera- tion could not be termed a function of an eduaatlonal institution. Hon.,.Tom C. King, page 2 (o-1663) Chapter 444 of the Acts of the 45th Legislature. Regular Session makes appropriation for the support and maintenance of i?.tate institutions of higher learning; : Se&:. .tion 2 (a) of the act provides “that all balances in the Institutional funds of the several State institutions named in this act . . . are hereby appropriated for the support, maintenance, operation and improvement of said State instf- tutions during each oft the said fiscal years, respectively.‘~ Subsection 3 of the generalprovi5ions of this’ ‘a&$,contains the.. follow-ing *provision’::~ ,’ ~ : _, )tSa&.o’ governing ~ boards a’re authorized to use ,out. of,the proceeds of said receipts and funds, in accordance with the provisions of this, act,,such amounts as they shall deem .necessary for the: suooort.‘.mit%n’tenance ‘.., onerat ion and’‘imor.ovement .-of 1,.said: ,Qist tutfon’s .‘fi (ZTnderscoring ours.) : I:t!i:s-. clear f3xm.a. eesu.al ~e.xaii&natSon~ of’ this appro- priation bill that then Legislatures had: no int.ent:ion of. au- thorizing an expenditure for. any purpose otherthanthe’ main- tenance operation or $mp~rovememtoft then State’,. i’nsti,tutfons of higher iearning~. Since we: therefore- answer your ,first’ques- tion in the::negative,l it be~oomesunnece~ssary to’consider the second. APPROVED JAN-:12; 4$+0 YoUrs very. truly /s/ W. F. Moore ~:’ FIRSI ASSISTANT : ATTO&& GENERAL ATTORNEY GENERALGF’TEXAS ~_, APPROVED:OPINION COMMITTEE By /s/ Ross Carlton BY: prE, .:cH~AIBMg : ” : Ross Carlton, Assistant RC:RS:wb .,, >~..
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1663
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017