Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •      OFFICE    OF TiiE   A77ORNEY     GENERAL    OF TEXAS
    Ronorable Gee. Ii.Sheppar%
    Congtrollcrof Pub110 haaounts
    Dear Sirr
    Opinion x0. O-1653
    Re: Construction of that part of
    H. 3. NO. 181, .ats Of the
    Repler Sesdon of the 46th
    Ls&zlnt~-c, Sectiog 1, u&ich
    rccas, wco~encing with the
    flsml    year   boginning   septezi-
    .ber 3, 1920."
    Xo received your letter of Xovomber 3, 1939, re-
    questing our o_nlnionof the followinS qmtions:
    What aonstruation should be ~laccd won
    that ,'&t of H. 3. I?o.Xl, Acts of t&e Iie@&r
    Session of the 46th LeSlslaturo, Section 1, T.?hich
    says, *aomiencirqwith the fiscal ye?r bogirsiag
    SqWmber 1, 1920."
    What are the duties 0: the C3nptroller
    with ``fcrence thereto?
    This depnrtaent, by rofusln~ to qprovo ban%9
    lssuea un%cr the provisions of H. 3. No. 
    181, supra
    , has
    hold that the donation of taxes un%er said E. B. X0. 1.21
    to the city of Sinton is uncorotitutionsl.
    I?.D..l;o.59, Acts of the Thfr& Called session Of
    Lq$islature rea%s, in part, as follows:
    hat t0 da   the city 0f li.ramu~mix3 fn
    constructinSaa% zmidxd*      seaw.lls, bred+
    woterr.ma nhoro protections in oraor to protect
    Sal% aity fro3 calualtous overflow, by %onntinS
    to it the eight-ninths (O/O) of a% vd0rei~t~e.S
    collaate% on property and from persons ia Sti
    retricio County for a period of twenty yeers,
    proddinS a penalty for the nisu~plication of
    Geo. B, Sheppard, page 2
    the monoye thus donated.   and declarlm an
    n3aCtlon 1. Tbst for a period of twenty
    pears, coxzencing with the flooal year beGin-
    nm   Septmber 1, 1920, thera be and hereby
    are donated an% granted by the Stato of Texas
    to the City of Aransas 1'css,c&h&ninths (B/9)
    02 net amouhts of the State ad vnlorem taxes
    collaated upon the property ana from persons
    in the aouhty of San Fatrialo, inclu%in& the
    rollin& stook belonging to railroad con~anies
    whiah shall be ascertained an% apportionedaa
    now provided by law."
    II.B. No. 181, ACts of the Reguler Session of the
    46th Legislature reads, in part, as follows:
    "Aa fiatto extenQ for an a%Qitl&l period
    of txmty (20) roars the pvovlsions of Chapter
    Aats of the Third Called Session of the
    Gkty-sixth Legislature an% to mead sazs In
    other particulars so as to road an% be as pro-
    viaea for herein and to al% the City of Kansas
    Fass in aonstruotingana mintainin~ smmllo,
    breahvaters,levees, ahannels, an% other shore
    protections,including wharves forting part or
    pcrts of same in ardor to protect said City
    fros calamitousoverflom by donsting to it the
    five-ninthsof the aQ valorez tams collected
    on property and from persons in San ratricio
    County and to aid the City of Xnton, Texas, in
    constructinga Urainase md canal    systc~, in-
    cluding ditchon, breahwatero, bri%ca structures,
    end'othcr protection necessary to both stem
    and sanitary UrainaOe by donating to it three-
    ninths of the ad valoren taxes collected on pro-
    perty an% from persons in San Patriaio County
    for a period ending 4rugxst31, 1960; ah% provia-
    ing for a penalty for nioappliaatlonof moneys
    thus donate%; provl%inS a saving clause; an%
    declaringan emerGenay.
    oi? !PxxAsl
    -’ :‘-‘-7
    d...   -
    honorableGeo. x. Sheppard,
    "S3CTIoN 1. That
    inc,with the flsaal year beSlnnlnC September 1,
    1920, and endi% Aqust 31, 1960, there be, end
    hereby are, donated and Granted by the State of
    Texas to the City of Armsas FQSS, five-ninths
    of the net mounts of the State ed valoren texts
    oollcoted upon the property and from persons in
    the County of Son Patricia, lncludin~the roll-
    ing stock belong& to rellrozd coqsnies which
    shall be ascertained and apportioned as now
    provided by low, for the sme period, there be,
    and hereby are, donated and &ranted by the State
    of TQXOS, to the City or Sinton, T'CXXZ,thrce-
    ninths of the net mount s of th.9State ad valoren
    taxes collected upon the property and f,-oz~
    sons In the County of Sun Fatrlclo, including the-
    rolling stock bolonglnp,to railroad oozapnnies
    which shall be asaertainad and apportioned as now
    pxovided by law, . . .*
    E. a . ho. 
    55, supra
    , provided for the,Crsnt and
    donation   by the State or Tesas to the City of Areasas Pass
    of eight-ninths (S/S) of the net amunt of the State ad
    valoren taxes oolloctod upon the groporty and fron persons
    i&the County of San 3atrlci0, including the rolling stock
    belongingto railroad coqmnles for a prfod      of twenty (20)
    yeaxs beginning   Septe&@r 1, 1920, for construction of sea-
    w3lls, eta.
    R. a. 1~0,
    181, supra
    , provides for the &rent and
    donationby the State of Texas to the City of Arznscs 3ass
    of five-ninths (5/9) of the net mount of tha State ad va-
    lore% tases collected upon the property ahd fro3 persons
    in the county of San Fatrioio, including the rollln3 stock
    belongingto railroad com?anles for a period beginning
    Ceptember1, 1920, an6 ondi~ August 31, 1960.
    Construing ?I.%. Xo. 55, sups, with the caption
    amI body of R. 9. ho. 
    101, supra
    , It is evident that the
    puqose of enaotlng said 8. 3. Eo. l&l was to extend the
    provisionsof said B. B, 55 for an addltionsl tv:eaty(20)
    years and to anend same to provide, mong other thixs,
    th tthe Cit of hransas Pass would reca.ivefive-ninths
    (599) of saig taxes for and during the axtended period.
    Coo. H. Sheppard, pcge 4
    Wie aonolude that the Lo&lnture   lntonded for
    the City of Aransas r7assto receive elCht-ninths (S/9)
    of said tams    colleotad to end including Au@:3t 31, 1940
    as vms ori&mlly provided for in Ii.B. Ro. 
    55, supra
    It is equally apparent tFat tho Legislature intended that
    the City oi m3nsas Pnos roccive rive-ninths (5:/O)of
    Paid taxes collected fro-,Septezibbar 1, 1940 to and in-
    cluding Au&Ut 31, 1960.
    Vo y:lchto point out, hovmver, that the dona-
    tion to the Cfty o? r”rlr3nsas
    Pnss is subject to the Sollow-
    55, bupr3, and also in-
    ing provision four&din IT.3. !r'o.
    corporatedin ii.3. Xo. 181, suprn, which reads: nprovid-
    ed further that when the sinking fund created under the
    provisionsof this kct shall beoom sufficient to retire
    all bonds Issued hercundor, this kct shall ~3330 to be
    operativeand the donation herein aade shall cease."
    Ce trust that this opinior ``111satisfactorily
    answer the questionsraised by your letter.
    Yours very truly
    Glenn Ft.Levris
    %hLee Shoptaw

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1653

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017