OFFtCE OF THE AtTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Ceorg4 H. Shqqard Comptroller of Public Aooounts Austin, Texas Deer Sir: aJ JOtArletkr 1959, ~appLaa4nt- ed b;lyour8 of k ii the TituiJCoun- ty Balr and ml state for the prim or lwa r U ta x te o r no n~8 Anno ta ted &%bairy Shor is held 11, and runs ror s day8 QS9 fair wataSapt 16th no. For lQSS, date0 h. Uo doubt the bates e @ornowherearound thorn datots. ion fee or 10 wita r0r ohlltlren or adult4 ar4 ahargsd, exoept 01) mhloh is usually on Twmsdap they On Weduesday of the fair, oye ana girls are admitted irem, wh%oh inoludes 4ZiClub boys and girls and VoOatieaal boys. "~04, thme is a oarnlval playfug on tha grounda, a8 it wouldnt be a fair if you ditln*t have that in 44nm4tion, ride8 ror the ohlldren and thq youngm orowd and aide showa and oon- oeeslone that uruellp go with the oarniral, and I.46 Honorable George H. Sheppard, Fat?* Z for that privilege they give the Fair Asen 155 or the grow3 on show8 and rides. "This paet 1939 Fair, the Sohool children 0r the County had a programma In wont or the grand atand whloh wae~free to all that wished to Bee it, this waason Tuerday Night; On wed- nesday Might there was a double pub110 wedding put on by the 10081 paople of the town, whioh warnalso free; On Thumday &ight in front of the grand stand war e programma of band 4111414, by ZLt.Pleasant High School Emnd and Oilmer IiighSohool Band, this was alao free; On Friday Bight and on Saturday Eight the two automobiles were given away, free. There MII no horae raoer, saddle ahow, or danae in oonneotlon with the fair where a eeparato admisrion oharged. The only ahargo made to enter the rair ground6 wallthe above 10 eta aad 8% 4t8, and you were privilege to do a8 you please, 8eo the agrioultrrral 0x0 hlbita, wonmn*s exhlbitr, hop oluba exhibit8 the cattle exhibits and horserrand mule exhibit&, and the above that I have outllnad, without any further oharge or expanne. *The premlama listed in the Fair Gatalogue a&m&ted to $1,640,00 and hl.1taken ior 19S9 iOr the various lxhlbitora. The gate admiselon Too and the carnival o6noemrlons ie~where the Sair Aoaociation 8eoure8 the money to get the $1,000 offarad in premium8 and to pay the insurance on the bulldlags, to pay for labor and help in put- ting a rair on, and to make adtlitionallmprove- manta ae are nredod rroffi t&ma to time ror laoh annual talr . wo salaries am pai& to any 0rri- olsli so dividends are paid to stockholdera, but any earnings made over end above the expense of putting on a fair, if any, gose ba4k into the plant In addit%4nal premiums and new improvements r0r the nsxt year's tab. "The Soye Soout have their hut on the iair grounderwhioh they use free of cost; The Axiterloan Legion have thair building on the Brais groundr, where they have their meetinga.,tree of ooati The Rome Demonstration women of the Oounty have their building on the ground uee free of oorrtto them; iionareble04org4 H. Shepgw4, mite 8 Th4 Xount~Pl4asant _ - _have th?lr- - -. Ba?eball-Club granastana ana axsm4na on tne ram gxtouaasrmo 0r oost to th4m, aa th4 gmwa6 are Open t0 any other public 4nterprlse or organlssitionof a public nature. U44tlngs o? a pub110 nature are held qul4t 0?ten at thr Fair Park, ?re4.* For th4 purpoaee or oomputlng tax liabllitl48, Artiole 7047r-(a), V4rnon's Annotat4a Civl& Statut48, pro- vi408 a8 r0110rrst *(aI Xver~ wreon. rim. or oormmtlon oi something o? valu4~16 off4rra or glv4n to one or m0re patrons o? eaoh th4atr4, plaa4 0r amus4mnt, or businree enterprise, and not ginn to nil patron8 therw? palingthe mm4 oharge for any oertaln 64rvio4, 00erPoalty,or mater- talnm4nt, shall s&6 a vrriried monthly lvport on th4 twentp?iith dam of eaoh aontb to the Oamptrolletior Publio Aooeaate of the,StaC;eo? Texas, shoring th4 amount O? m0n4y 60 giv4n in priue, and t&a value of all prlsee or awards so given in o6nneotl6n with suoh btulnesrs dux- ing th4 next pzuoeding mnth.~ Art1014 7047?-(b), Vernoa~e AmeUteQ Q&vi1 Btat- ut46, levies t&e ?oLlting tax: a(b) Ther4 $6 hereby 14~248 8 tax aQUa te twenty per 04nt (80%) of the value o?.&ll luoh 0on4J, prbes, and awards giv4n In 0onneOtlen wlth the operation a? eaoh land all of *he ion- oln business en~rprf648,and at the~tlme~ nor kg the report to tb f%mptroUmr 0r mbllo ~gEp Ao44unt6, th6 owned-or &eXWiW of any suah business shell pay to the State Tmaeurm auoh tax upon the total amount 0r money, pr14~88,and awards so given during the next prooedhg aonth. . . ..” st is maniieat that the inol44noe O? this tax 14~7is lid46 to pro24401~awards 0rr4ma er glv4n in oeoneotlon with thi oppatlon or *a theatre, plaai or am&- emt, or any bueinese entergrl84= and does nOt r4aoh giving 1.48 - Eonorable George E. Sheppard, PSg4 4 0r prises or award6 under any other 4onditione or in eon- neotion with any other project8 or eituation8. tiehav4 her4 then no general prize or award tax levied upon the giving of prize4 or awards, a4 such, but only 4 restriOted tax or twenty psr cant (i!t$)o? the value o? money pcice6 or awards given in conneotlon wltt the operation of “‘a theStr4, ~140s or amuesment, or any business enterprise.* It r0n0w6 then, tbet ir the Titus County Fair and Dairy show does not tall within the above claeSlrloation, the twenty per cent (&O$) price or award tax upon the ~41~4 or the-automobile given away in oonneotion with auah fair does not aoorue. It 1s our conoluslon that the Titus County Fair end Dairy Show, organized and oouduoted as outlined in the r0r0g0ing raotual statement, tuxlcounty rafra as gen4rally organized and conduoted, oannot be phoed within the statu- tory olaeeirloation o? *a thoatre, plaoe of amueeaent, or any bueinese enterprise* without defeating the fnt4nt and purpos4 or the Lagielature, gathered troa the entire A4t. fn u8i.ngthe term Wthsatrem or Wplaoe of aQAu8ement"the ImgiSlStur4 or Texas aid not purposa to oreate Snather end alrrment olaasirlostlon or eubjeots.ror taxatlan, but merely to single out two type8 or 8peele6 of the all-•mbrSolng genus or olae8iiloatlon or wbu8in4s6 dlnterprise.* The reason ror this-aotlon r4fkailyappear6 rhan~we,ex6&Ae. 3h4 legie&tiv4 hlatory 0r this tax measure ana the aJ.leged~erilSsought to be rsaohed by this admittedly eshorbltan$tat. At and berore the p486Sg4 'Ofthin statute the *JkUlkRight" +Mil of aWal.6 ing prlr+es to the patron8 0r theatres and,mobn pioture hoU8eS was~in ruli ilower, not having yet been, 8trSeken a0*m by our Supreme Court. Out 0: abundant Oautlon;‘``ieot perohm this method or prize-giving should esoape the onus of this tax, the Leglelature advleedlp used the t4rm4 %heatre* and wpkice 0r simuSsment,*in Saaltl0n to the general 4]aSSifiOS- tion of "any buaineee 8nterpriee.a, But we aubmlt that if such ~th4etreW or"plaoe or amueementW fa not aonduoted 44 4 Wbu4ine4e eoterpriee,n prizes given in oonneotlon therewith are not taxable. WO are assletea in reaching thla oonoluelon by a glanas at other parts 0r this i&t. A reiarence to the caption of the so-oalled ormlbua Bill refers to the tax involved here as a tax on prizes given in oonneotlon with Ybueine4e enter- prieea .* Moreover, SubalvlSlon (b) or Artlole 7047?, Vernon18 Annotated civil statutes, leviee 4 tax 0r twenty per oent .- 449 - Honorable George I?.Lheppsrd, Page 6 (SW) or the value or money, prizes and awards aglven ln oonneotlon with the operation of saoh and all of the fore- 'going business enterprlses.w Rers the Legislature, In maklna the aotual tar levy. did not reueat the terms nthea
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1637
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017