OFFICE OF, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 6in art out the pertiaent parta UP an rpplioa- oorpomtion to naslwr1tsr.*, In- a ahartar ior the pur- le 1304b, 2. c.. 3.. . . Bon. Claudo A. William, Pago 8 “It io the oplnlon of thin _ofiioo - that should we grant thl8 ohartar and TholPaOS. Falvoy agrees to pay to the OOrpOratlOn a oroontago of hi8 oommi~sion that ho would Ppso iaoto forioit hio right to lot a8 the Agent ot anlnouranoo ocfapany and the Toxoa Stat. IA?. Insuranoo Company would bo oubjoot to having it8 right to do buoin080 forfoitod and if either one or both of thoro thing8 ooourrod, tho interest in the truot ootato horolnabaro roforrod t0 would br ronderod worthies.. Ylf Vhomos 8. Falroy agrees, by oontraot, to pay to tho proposed oorporation the diri- denda, whloh would othormloe go to tho unit holder8 In tho hurt Eatato, would owh aot ;;o& violution of Artiolo 8064, R. c. S., I Artiolo SO61, Rovired Oivll Statutes of Toxaa, 19E?5, roads t *No oorporetlon or stock oanponp ohall be lloansod or grontod a oortitloato o? au- thorlty 08 the agent or reproaantativo of any life in6uronoo company In mlloitlng, rolling or In any manuor plaolng llfo inauranoo poll- oirr or oontroots in tho State. No llfo ln- ouronoo aonpany shall bo granted 0 oortlfloato of authority to trandaot buolness in this Stats, which has or lo bound by any valid sub- sisting oontraot with any other oorporatlon, by virtue of whioh euoh other oorpontlon is sntitlod to roooivo, dlrootlr or lndireotly, any poroantago or portion of the premium or other inoomo BI ruoh life lnuur no8 oompan ori&{ No poroon shale be grantog a oort for Y t Poat8 of authority a8 the gent of any lif t’Mwa~ pa S~MtYB 8W’t iinto ““ii P@; on ml0 nouronoa oompaw, by virtue of whloh ouoh other OCRoration is ontitlod to rooelvo, dlroetly or lnd Prootly, arq ocsnponoation oarnod by him a8 agent ior ruoh llfr inmranoo ocmpany, or aunt poroontago or pcrtion thorooi for any period.9 95 Hon. Claude A. Wllliama, Pa@ 3 The above artlols was taken f-ran Senate El11 E91, Goneral Law8 of ?0Xf18 1909, pago 192, whloh bill was 6 let&hy moaeuro prov i ding for the lnoorporotlon, ra@atlon and su~ervVilon of life, aoolUon8 and health oag0niea. ft appears from lnto&atlon furnished this office thr:t the Texas State ?futual fife Insuranoe Company, after its organization, entered into a aontraot with Dr. Thou. 5. Falvop during the year 1934, by the term of whhioh Dr. Fslvey was &vm a twenty-pear general ngonoy oantraot: that Thereafter, tha Texas State Life Insuranoo Company was toned and tho lncurenoe of Texas State kutual life Insuranoo Cemmny was relnaured by suoh new company and by approprlato aatlon the Falv’oy oontraot beoame an obligation or ths Texaas Stats Life Xnsuranoe Company. fn the Interim, Dr. Palvep oreatsd a “trust aetate” and 8016 woe.rtlfloater or interest in and to Taxas State Life ~ndorzrrltors~. The certificate 80 sold had as their l;la~;i;;l basla a one-half interest in and to ths Falvey . ft 1s urged by tho sttoxney for the propsod oorporatlon, tbo "~4xas State Llro Underwriters, no.” that "at no time and under no oondltlon is the general agenoy oontraot to bs transferred or delivered to the n4w ooqoratlon, this being a ooatraot held independently by Dr. lalveyW. Eow OM it ba urg6d that auoh contract In being held lndepondontly by Dr. Falvop when he ha8 issued certiffoatce or Intereat baaed upon one-halt of thb lnoomo provided by suoh contraot to variow and sundry persona who now propose to ~44 suoh eertlilortes a? lntsr- sat in peymont of @hares of atook in a neu oorporatlon? Can It be urged that Oh4 now aorporatlon, by virtue of the ownership OS tho oertltloator of lntoreot In and antler ouoh Falvep oontraot will not be "rntltled to ra- oelve, dlrootly or lndirsotly, any oomynratlon earned by him es agent for euch lif4 ineuranoe oonpan;lR? It 1s the opinion oi thlr dopartmnnt that the now oorparatlon, If ohartorod, would be entitled lndlroot- ly to rooelvo a portion of the oomponeatlon provided br the Palvey oontraot In vloletion ot Artlolo 5064, aupra. !Prustlng that thlo satl8faotirilg answer8 your lnqulry, we are Very truly your8 LArAW
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1625
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017