THEATRTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS _. . HdncPable W. LetiO'Danlel GdErnor of-'Texas Austin, -. Texas Dear Sir: Opinlofi~Noio-1561 . Re: Vacancy in House of Representa- tives. By your Ietter.of October 10, 1939, you ask the 6ppiniofi izif this departmentupon the putistlon whether;.underthe f%icts-st&t@B,beIow,there is now a vacancy in Flotorial Dis- trict, Tarrant and Denton -. countles,~DFstrlctNo. 102-F. It seems that GbnJuly 5, 1939, W."~N.Carry; member of .theHouse of Representativesfrom Flotorltil Dlstrict'No'i 102LF, tendizired-'to you In wrlt~nghis~:reslgnatlon, which was uiicondltloiial, and pMvld-&d that 'Itwas to be effectiiie immea- lately; that you did ridtaccept same*,but Mr. Carry was not aavls,eaby you that yoiiobjected to his resignation,his retilg- tiatidhbHng retainba and filed In ybur ofTice without objec- tlon; that shortly-.'afterfiling hlslres‘ignat%onwith you, Mr. Coi~g'acceptedan appointmentas Assistant Dire&or of the Old Age AsaIstance Commlsfilon of this State from that body, and workea as such Assistant"DlrectoPuntil September 1, 1939, the time at which, by legislativeenactment,the a&nlnistPative- set- up of the Old Age Assistance Commissionwas bhanged; and U-i&it on October 11; 1939, Mr. Corry tendered'to ybu a letter withdrawing hLs resignation. An independentinvestigationconducted by"us in thi Comptroller'soffice and the office of the State Treasurer Indicates that for Mr’. Carry's services as AssistantDirectoF of the Old Age Assistance Comtnisslon for the ,monthsof,July and Au st 1939 the Comptrollerdrew a warrant for the sum of $2%;06 to &. Carry for his services durlng"the-'month of July, 1939, which was, being Warrant No. 107719, paid according to the records in the Treasur'tir'sofflce on August 2, 1939* The Comptrollerlikewise arew'~awarrant to Mr. Carry for the sum of $3OO'.OCfor his services as AssistantDirector of the Old Ag-e Assistaiice-.Commissfonfor the month of August, 1939, which was, being'Warrant No. 115041; paid tinSeptember 5, 1939, according to the records of the State Treasurer'soffice. It seems~"yourinquiry arises from your desire to kilow whether you should act lnplrsuance to the provisions of Article III, Section 13, of our ConstitutFon,whFch provides: Honorable W, Lee O'Danie;,page 1 ~-1561 Viierivacancies occur In either House, the Governor, or th6 peruor?exercisingthe power of the Goverrior,shell iYi3b.e writs of election ti,fill such vacaccles;and should the Governor fail tb Issue a writ of election~tofill ar_y such vacancy withir2twenty days after It occurs, the rettiming bfflcer of the district in tihich such vacancy m&g have happer.ed,shall be author- 1ze3 to order an slectior.for that purpose.* It is unnecessary; fi)rthe purposes of-this opiiilon, to determine whether In this State an unconditionalresignatloh to take effect lmmedlately,delivered to the prbper officer, Is effectual to create a vacancy without an ovetitacceptance there- of by such office?, It.Is llkewise'unnecessaryto determine whether the place of AssistantD,irectorof the Old Age Assis- tan& Commlssion Is an "office?of emolumentwithFn th'6meaning of Article XVI, Section 4.0,of our Constltutionbso t&t the acceptance and qtialfficatiofitherefor automaticallyvacated the offlctiof Legislator. .We have reached the conclusion that there exists a vacancy in Flotorlal District No. 102-F upon other grounds. It is well settled that a public bffice may be abandoned (34 Tex. Jur. 365; Stelngrubervs.~City of SafiAntonio, (Commis- sion of Appeals) 220 SUW. 77). Abandonment may, according to the huthorltles,be Inferred from the acts ana conduct of the bfficer, and, of course* an abandor,mentof a legislatlv,e office creates a vacancy therein requiring compliancewith Article III, Section 13, of our Constltutlon. Article II, Section 1, of CUP Constitution,provides: "The powers of the Government of the State of Texas shall be divided into three dfs- each of which shall be con- tlnct departmer,i;s? fided to a separate body of magistracy, to-wit: Those which are Legislativeto or,e;those which are Executive to another, arAdthose wtllchare Judicial to ar,oti;er; and r-opeyso?, or collec- tlon of p&rsons, being of one of r;hesedepart- ments, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the others, except in the instances herein expressly permitted." Article XVI, Seetlon 33, of our Constitutionprovldess "The accounting officers of this State shall nslther draw or pay a warrant upon the Tpeasury in favor of any person! for salary or Honorable W. Lee O'Daniel, page 3 o-1561 compensationas agent, officer or appointee,who holds at the same tlme any other office or posl- tlon of honor, trust or profit, under this State or the United States, except as prescribed in this Constltutlon. Frovlded, that this restrictionas to the drawing and paying of warrants upon the Treasury shall not apply-to officers of the Natlon- al Guardof Texas, the National Guard Reserve, the Officers Reserve Corps of the United States, nor to enlisted men of the National Guard, the Natlonal Guard Reserve, and the OrganlsedReserves of the United States, or to retired officers of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, and retired Warrant Officers and retired enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy,and Marine 33 Article XVI, adopted election ``F``er(``Ciy332~)" The acts and conduct of Mr. Corry evidence conclusive- ly an abandonment of his legislative office. He tendered to Your Excellency in writing an unconditionalresignationto take, effect lmmealately. Thereafter', although Article 1I;'Sectlon'1, of our Constltutlon,prohibits a person of the leglslatlvebranch of the government from exercising powers properly belonging to the executive branch, Mr. Carry accepted and exercised the power and authority of an AssistantDirector of the Old Age Assistance Commission,in the executive branoh'of our'government. By so doing he necessarilyrepresented that he was no longer a member of the leglslatlvebranch of our government. His acceptance of the appointmentas Assistant Director in the Old Age Assistance Commlsslonnecessarily involved a representationthat he no lo er held his office (Terre11 vs. King,
118 Tex. 237, 14 3.W. (23 786) as Legislator. Llkewlse, Mr. Carry's acceptance of salary or compen- sation as an appointee of the Old Age Assistance Commission in the aapac'ltyof AssistantDirector necessarily Involved the representationthat he was not disqualified,under Article XVI, Section 33, from accepting such salary or compensation,for Article XVI, Section 33, of our Constitution,would prevent pey- meritof salary or coinpensatlonfor his services as either Leg- islator or as AsslstantDirector of the Old Age Assistance Com- mlsslon so long as he held both places. (See opinion by the Honorable C. M. Cureton, Reports and Opinions of the Attorney General, 1912-1914,page 873.) Upon the faith of'the represen- tatlone necessarily involved In Mr. Carry's acts and conduct, the State was induced to compensate him for his services as Assls- tant Director of the Old Age Assistance Commission. Upon the plainest principles of equity and public policy, Mr. Cor``y'ls now estopped to a.ssertthat he had not vacated hls office as Honorable W. Lee O'Danlel, page 4 o-1561 LeglsltitoriIt follows, of course, that Mr. Carry's attempted withdrawal; on October 5, 1939, of his resignation,IS lneffec- t:iveto-resttjre'td-'him the title to the legislative office, for &iioffice once vacated may not be resumed titthe will or.plea- @tie of the officer-lo(46 C.J.,~p. 980; State vs. krph 30 NW. 409, 426,
97 P. 391, 720, 18 L.R.A. (N.S.) 1210.7' You arti,therefore,advised that, in our opinion, there .noQexlsts~a vacancg'in-'FlotorlalDistrict No. 102-F, and Denton Countles, and that you should'thetiefore Ta‘rraiit pro- ceed as required by the Constitution,Article III, Section 13. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/R. W. Falrchlld R1 W. Fairchild AssIstant RWF:FG:wc APPROfW) OCT 24, 1939 s/gerald C. Mann ATTORNBY GBURAL OF TILQIS Approved Opinion CommltteeBY s/BwB Chairman
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1561
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017