686 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. Earlon %oGee county Auditor Hays County San Karooa, Texas Dear Sir: park.,,-,, - Thb will eoknowl 0r your 1eYtter of Meroh fM, 1940, in wbleh inion 0r thfa hparf- ment on the queetlons th wa doom it lie0488- ary to here set out the 0r YCW htt0r, rhloh ere aa rallowei ln*tpnlm yoarr 14m than cum hata suoh e levy b44n ty now lerlee e aixtern aeixt permen- tar aa authorlrtd by Artlol,e E3519, 8 or the Gonetitution. Ae county Auditor or Bays County, may I legally approve warrants authorieed by the Gommisefoner8 Court to be drawn on ea,id permanent improvement rund kn payment or lmprovom*nte on aafa aounty perkPw Hon. Earion MoQtle, Page 2 krtiole 6078, and Seotions 1 snd 2 of Article dOale, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas are pertinent to the instant inquiry. They are:, Art. 6078. Vach conaniaslonera court is authorized to levy and oolleot. e tax not to ex- osed rive cents on each glil0 of assessed valua- tion of the oouuty icr the Purohtse and lmprove- ment of lend8 ror use as county parka nhlah shall aonsIet ot not more than one hundred aores, ana shall not exceed more than four In any one county. Eo suoh tax shall be levied an8 oolleot- ed until the proposition is submitted to and rati- riea bpthe property tax-paying voters oft the county at a general or epeolel eleotion eelled ,$or that purpose, “provided, a two-third6 majority of the property texpaying’votere,oi suoh oounty, at an election ~hela ,for ,suah purpose &all deter- itine .Bn favor of 8ald tax. xi said oourt desire0 to establish two or more of such oounty parks they ,&all looate them in widely separated por- tions 0r the county. Said court shall have full power ana control over say end all, such ,parks and may levy , and,colleot aa asnual tax suf~faieut in their judg- sent to properly kaintefn suah perks and ‘build and oonstruot pavilions and suoh other balldjngu as they nap deem necessary, lay out had open driveways aad walks, pave the sane or any part thereor, set out treea and shrubbery, oonetruat ditohes or lakes, and make suoh other im~rovementr as they may deem proper. SUOh parks shall’, remain apen for .the rree use of the pub- lic uuder suah reaaonable~rulee and regulations as said court xay presaribs. Art. 6081% Sear 1. *That any oouaty or any lnaorporated~eity 0r thla State, either inaependent- lg cs in aooperation with eaoh other, OY with the Texae State PsrksBoard, may aaqulre by gift or purchase or by eondemuatioll prooeedings, lands to be uaed ror publio parks end playSrounds, suoh lands to be situated in any locality in this State and in any siaea traota deemed suitable by the governing body of the oity or oouaty acquiring same; provided, however, that lauds to be aoquired by enj suoh aity or oounty for eaid purposes may be, In the disor~etion 688. Hon. warion Ecme, Page 3 of the ~oremin~ body ther@of, situatedwithin the State, either within or without the boundary limits of such city, but withlh the boundary 15mita of said county and within the limits of seld county wherein said alty lice or is situst- ed. *Sec. 2. To pay for land6 for park purpo806, an inoorporeted city and/or Mmnty lhey issue bonds, and sap le9y a tax not exosedlng !Xfen (10) Cents on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation of taxable property in such olty and/or aounty to pay the interest and provide a sinking fund to . retire suoh bond6, the lssuanae or such bonde, and the oollectlon of tax86 in payment thereof to be in amordanae with the prorl6ione of Clzap- ter 1, Title 22, Revised Girl1 Statute6 of lRS$, uorerning the Iseuance of bond6 .by cities, town6, md/or oountie6 In this State; thi.6 Section .eholl be oosmtrued to authorire the lery%ng oi eaid tax 'not eXCW#ding Ten (10) Cent8 on the On8 Hun- dred Dollar6 ($100) of valuation notwithstanding ths provisIon af A?ticle 6080 of the Revised Civil Statute6 ot 1925.e T48 quote from Team ~urisprud8nc8, vol. 11, paS8 609, as tollover *The Cbmititution prc6Orib86 the maxim66 rate of taxes for general purpoeea, for road6 and pridg8w, ior juries, and for permanent im- provemento, l'88y8Oti9ely. The monies arising ircsetaxea levied and collectsd for each of the e6II68mt8d pUrpO6e8 are oon6titutional f1~1d6; and the OomIdB6iOn6r6’ OOUrt ha6 no power t0 transfer money from one’ fund to another or to expend, for one purpose, tax aaonep raised obsten- 6ibly ror another purpose. *The immediate purpose of the provision is' to limit the eaount oi tar86 that 663~ be rairred for these se9eral,purpo6es, re6pectively; but it is also deBigned to inhibit exaesaiva expenditure6 for any suoh purpose, and,to raguix-6 th8t any and all monies raised byltaxahon f;or any purpose ahall be applied to that partioular purpose and to no other.9 689 Eon. Marion KoGe6, Page 4 The ahOVa qimtation fmna Tens6 Jurfaprudenos is supported by the oaeea of' Commi66ioners* Court oi Renderson County va. Burke,
282 S.W. 948Ault va. Hill County,
112 S.W. 339; Seotion 9, Artiols 8 ot the State COu6titUtiOn) and Carroll va. Wllliama,
202 S.W. 504. It is a ~811 6ettl8d prineipl6 ,of l6w that a county 6Ukb it8 CO6Eii681O~r6' OOWt ha8 IlO parer8 Or duties 8Xl%8pt thoae whioh an 018early set forth 6nd defiolsd In the COn6ti- tution and pertinent rttituterr. Ifiu &xmtJ '16. RaPlilton, 278 8W 292; Edwards Countf v6. Jennings, 33 SI SBS, and oaser therein oit8d too numaroua ?or rbpetltlon herein. ‘Phe above quoted 6t6tutrs ptovid8'th8 lGCLan6raad method by whioh crountiee laoy s6tabli6h 6nd finan bounty parka, either indsp8ndently or in aooperatfon with the olti66. It ia 6 wall X-8OQ@Xed prinoiple of I6w tht~@&s6 the Iagtalature pFs66rib88 a definite, oertainwt&:$Sxaa mthod of prooedurctor a oltp or oot;ntrto folLow iu ths sr6oution crf its govsrnmmtal funotionr othsr mthod.6 6r8 by implioation of 16w 6rolud8d. Foat8r v6. City 6f Waoo,
2113 S.W. 1104(sup. ct. 1. ft IS, th6refor6, 01tr i3006iaer?a apbi~n th6t 6 Ooutt dO68 not ha+8 aizthotitj~S@ 0oluei:~lliO116T0* &kw expendi- tures rr06i ths p6raan6nt lntprovem8nt fund for the putpoe of improving oountp park6, tn the abawe of 6 ooap~lanss with one of the abovr quot6d artlolea. SiILOc,mith6T of thee8 statutes w8m eoa&li8d with, it nutux&ll~ iol~.ons th6t you o~annot legally approve th6 warrants 6uthorie6d by the ocwt- misBionarn* oourt to be drawn on 66td pemaaeut iAprom%risnt fund in paymmt ai th8 ooata of the eanteraplstcldiPproveaent8. BY Lf- 7& Lloyd Anastrowz k66i6tSUlt APPRCVECAPR 27, 1940 mJJ--++J ATTORNEY GKNERAL Ol?TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-2140
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017