- OFFICE OF ME ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mn. oia B. VW mat, ohaw AaYisory solnt-Legl?JlJatiYr 0onuliitt.e Tioga, Tuae PproprlateBfrom ti8dal years of eaaary far the aq- not to e%aeed ~933provides In part: ets of abminister- this AOt shall be ed in thin Act, and the amounts antIa8 al DepartmentalAppropria- nt biennium a8 therein' ervhe, exoept aa 0theZwise hen rmwmclba to allooate out of ths appropriation e in Seation l1 for each year of the bieprrium, the followIngI Hon. Olan R. Van !Zandt,Page 3. the sum of $6.750.00 for the iohool Plants Dlvlslon of the Department of Eduoatlon;the mm of $10,000.00for the Census DIvlalon ln the Dapartmant of lkluoatlontobe ex- panded for seasonal labor ln'tlm ehecklng of the oensus rolle, ana the sum of )6,600.00 to be used by the State Audltor~s Dapartmant,ae fo~ower Aooountant in oharga of mUal aid applioatlons,~$3;000.00; Junior Aaoountant,$1,800.00; Junior Aooouutant,$1,800.00. Your rpaclflo attention la ulraotaa to tha language a8uoh expendituresshall be the Bnounta and as authorized br the General DepartmentalAppropriationBill for the currant biennium as therein itemike& and not otherwise,exoapt a8 otherwiseherein provIdefLu That the language aexoept as otherwise harain provided" ha8 dlraot reference to the approprlatlonsspac- fleally made both ae to purpoee and amount for the State Audltor~s Department Is olsar, and 1s made the more appar- ant by observing that the General DepartmentalApproprlatlon Blll raoognlzadthese epaelflo*ltemlzedapproprlatlonsto the state Auditor's Dapartmant,inthat no provisionwas made in the General DepartmentalAppropriationBill for fheee employees'in the State Audltor'a Department since they had already bean definitely provided for in f&use Bill 933. Saotlon 11 does not purport to make the allooatiom tharaln mantionad~avallablato the departmentas a lump sum appropriation,but apeoificallyprovidesthat the ex- pendlturaatherefrom ahall be *the amount6 as authorized by the General DepartmentalAppropriationBill for 2ha our- rant biennium atitherein Itemized anb not otharwlaa.* In the Ganarnl DepartmentalAppropriationBill, under thasa spaoifloheadings, the Legislature Itemized in detail expendituresto be made from these allooations, such Itemizationsoovarlng the full amount thereof. The Covernor, in the exercise of hIhis veto power, eliminated from the General DepartmentalAppropriationBill ear%& Items thereof. Such veto naoessarllywas oomplatalyeffao- tlva to allmlnata suuh expenditures. Under the tema of Saotlon 11, there oan be no eurplus subjeot to the jUrlsdlO- tlon 0r the Limitation of Payments Board, as aonstltuteain the Gauaral Rider tothe General DepartmentalAppropriation Hon. Ol.an R. Van Zandt, Page 3 Bill, for the reason that lxpandltuxasout of the dllooa- tions referred to ara expressly l.imitadby Saotion 11 of House Bill 033 to the amount6 authorizedand itamlzaa in the General DapartnantalAppropriationBill, and there Is a spaoiSlo provisionagainst any i'urthaxexpendituresby the use of the words aand not atharwlse.m You are therefore advised that there is, in this approprlatlon no surplus In a spaolal fua of tha aharaotar made subjeot to the jurlsdiotionof the Liaitationof Pay- ments Board in tha Rider to tba DapartmantalAppropriation Dill. Yours vary truly ATTORNEYG~ OFT'ELIS BY (B) R,.Vi.Fairahlld Aseistent RWFtPbP APPROVED SEP 12, 1939 (II)Gorald C. &WI ATTORNEYGRNFJULOF TEXAS APPROVED opinion ammittaa By BWD ahalrman
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1367
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017