- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ortb6oeado- tit6a 6h6tud. Eonarable p%. Y. K'ieke, T'age B G~ss1onsrs* Court ant6red a5 or&r r680indW tb6lr farmer Mder &FQhrtng the reS?dt Uf the 616OtfO5. TtdS 800ond ilraer was eutured ti a t6r0 subseqwnt to tba tern 15 WhiOh tb Or86X' hdboenentsred Qaolarlm the road6 of the el~otloa, aridthe seostd order ruoitud Get tho Co6ml6&m6rs* cour6 in ik xix86 ,grUer had UZTJnWU61y dealered tb nrult of 6b o ll*etion aa that ._ the C0MiflslOBufs* -_ -- t+rt . _now-~ dealro8 _ to ~8d.ibd __ it8 ~- r0~r *0010n. ~J'56rearterWW Dlstrlot awg6 gnntud A.8 rot%oa to d%riUS tb. OORteSt OA the grOUBd that th0 ~t&iOll fti6d 60 sll6g6 tbe 665pletlen of tb6 l16etlon a55 that 8lw Distrlot amlrt VI08 dthout jurlsdlotioB. Afhrtb Dl8tr~tOaIx'tdls- almad .8’s oatsuet the County Jud o r 4 6r da mw lb6tLoa 6a hls 6ns rrotlon. sea m& -th is le r oti6aI)$b6mmhomly lluo t64 . T h eB a udo fTr tlst66asi&no th a ve u& ypa rtl.5 or& r* the lleotion or 66nv6sshg th6 n-&t oi thk 66666d lhotlon. The Cmmlsdo5ers* Dourtaravesseil the ro8ultot tba aooo6 ele8tlon a5d lssuad a oertlilo*ts or 6l6otion to 8, who took 6hs oath of ofriee uid Tibd Coutitq Buporfateadent. ThS qUOStiOB *lob you ask 18 tdmthur A or B %S th6 augalay 016Otud truste6. oiu anauur to par question is Q&At A lstlmle@ly 6l66tad eussoe. We assat from your st866meatof taut8 that the Xirst els6tlo5, at which d ~68 sloakd, was properly hslL This Dsper6Runt hue already consl4rrd ths qlwtion at uhotlnr tho BwrU of Trustues or tbu tWmlssicm6ra~ Qour6 should eanwma retamui 3.na5 eleetlon for a ~trurtra fn 0-n sohool clbtrlots 4t5a *6tb6r #n mar& 6rTmast&68o*tbs aan6%sslon6rs' c6iu-t should lams tke ooastesion to the trustae elmetea. fn opinion Ho. 0465, writtsn by Iheorable 016m I?, IsriB, ASsbtsn6 Attoraey Wnurd, to Honarablo C D. RaILI &maat]r rttarner, Rofugio. Teras, dated AprU m, 1939, it w6a kida 6hat nrtlolo e74t u? 6bo Ruvtred Clttl St.atu6e8, as tindub in lOb?, supmrs6ded Artfale 87466, so far as 0-n soWol bls6rtsta er6 ooaooraefl, *ad t&t %b.e ?aard or Truo6mes oi" 6hs OomuBn s6~ldistrlot1s t& pupor authority to utuzvtum tlawr6tyrae awl Quelare tb6 result ox an e1ootton for a trustee or ale oolmotl m&e31 dlstriet sJl4 to tssue the aomaie&on to thr Erus6e6 oleot68. For your OeB- tealsnab, we are enoloalryy Rar6ulLb a oopy of tht8 0 L&6& The IBum of Trustsss of t&e QOD``OB eohoc+l 4% striat, bar % g 6a5~8ssdi the mtuzws amd deolar6d tbe result mi oh6 firete10et16n;anb bating issued a ouomisshn 6o A, A 1s t&6 regal&.$ alooted tmast66, \mtl.l ,trhoaetioa of tbe Bard of Tmstoes M thu umiwn s6hool di6tfiot is set asida by a aoqrt6eat 6uthorltfr The Coma.le6loarre* Court had no eotlvrltf 80 eunasa the yuturn8 or deolnra ths result of the elaotlon, ~011 &id it hove wthority to ltmue a aertifisete of oleetton. All or the auta 0r the Cmissloners* court ln tt.lseonneotloa uem tbure- fore rotd. m aot or ths cuunty Jutlcp In anlerlng l spoalal ele,otlon was alao without statutory authority, and ths lleotlss ubfab was b618 undar tube ordur or t&s county Juuge was 02 am tome rm4 *treat. The rusalt at the mid oleotloa soul8 Bf uwrse hate no effect upon ths rigbt,Of A to hOId ths Otiiss 6r sabool trimtee. Capua Stubbs 1. Yourmaml, aA%! 9. 1D. 6SSi (writ of efrar ditiswd). tbe proeuoUlJag8 La Wbe 018trht Of uooree COwt W SRt ~&I4106 r%@t t0 hold tb aftice Of s&&W& A’S tlW8t68, si*e the wait 'la the Mstrist ct0a-twas dlwlssed. Yory trtt1yyaars ATFW?EZ -o?TB%aB
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1357
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017