- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oaup 0. MAWW - .ml- Honorable George Ii. Chhsppard Caqtrollm of iPublIc Xaoounts hustln, Tsxaa Dear Sir: , yau stats that extbooko it boomma ns84ssrry ror f&Ion ta lneur a osrtakia unolrnt snd that yea dosIr tha opinion of 0 qusation whether the state mra AvaSlab3a Sob cay be n48488ary 4 lnauxxed ftr th8 the Constitution, gmvidea be the duty of the Btets an ta set aaide a aurrioisat tha said tax to proviM Sr44 text- use or attendin$the pub ctliraren 1s of tbia stats; . . .* Rsvlsed C%~vil $tetutes, reads .a8fa&- "1ch8Stste BoJMI Ot Sdi~atlon to hereby authoriztsdand eapw6rQd. and it i8 nab4 ita duty to purohase boo&e rrosithe oentraotors OS textbooks oaad in publio ~XWJ eohoole or this Sate, dtndto dfstribibpte th;he~(fsowitbout other cost to the pu;;ilsottcndi~ &u&i school& .&i~thln ttfs Stclte in t.F.63 manner and upon the conditions he~elnafter set out.* In thb Car&r61Departmental Appropriation Bill of the Forty-sixth Laeislatureths La~lslaturs eoufht to mire definita provieion for items of expenditure to be made by the Textbook Divlsloriof the Department of Education, out of the Avallabls school Fund, for euah admlnlatrstire 4x- pen64 es Is Involved in the purohase snd distributionof free textbooks. In so doing the lmglslature did not nske any provision for traveling arpeneso to be iaourred Sn connaotloo therewith. There belug no other provision of the Ccmstltutlon lirnltin~tb4 power 0r th Board or Eduaation with refer- 4~04 to expmditures :~rau this fUAd to pur4h464 and dis- tdbute text books, suoh 66 traveling expeneer, the &rant of power to the Ststo Board of Eduastlon, under the term of tbs above-quoted ooustltut$oml provision *to set said4 4 6urfioi4nt smouut out 0r the said tax to provide free textbooks,” la but the grant of the power end the duty to appropriate 8ufflalent moneys out of the s &al fund r4r4rroa to ror travsling expenees. To *QTOY r ds= ime textbooka. to vurnSsh* or *supply* them. The power and the duty to detemilar how auah money nrapbe neoeeaary to Vurnisb- free textbooks carriea ulth it, ee a a40466ary inoldsnt, the power and the duty to .pro- vlda the funds neasssary to defray the travellrigexpaasst, lncldent to ths distribution ol auab textbook& Yihere,by the Conntltutlon, a gotierIs to be ever- bea by a psrticulnr orrioer or brsnoh of th4 state ~overnarent,the ex4roisa of that pawer Is dsnlsb, by lnpllcatlon, to all others. It Is to be areraised alone by, or unc?er the dlroction of, tbose to.whom the p4opl4, through their Constitution, have oonflded it. Elkat 'I. more, 67 Ter. 307; Ollleniv. mull, 58 Ter. 298; Wrks '0. %%58t,102 %3X. 11, 111 8-B. %?6. Our GUprtliIIe Cmrt, in the ass4 ti Aneriaan Book Compsny v. Marrs, SS3 S.W. 817, said, aoaoerninc:the above-quoted provisions Oi Artfole VII, Seotlon 3, of our Constitution,that %hls grmt of po=er 1s exclusiv4 sad leaves directly with ths Board the sole pawer and duty of determlnin(5how nruch uoney my bs neaessary.* The power and the.duty of d4te~ning and aettine aside iunds EUfrfChnt to -provide fraietextbook@ having Hon. George I?.Sheppard, i%ge 3. besn, by the Conctltutlon, exolusively vested in the Board of Xduoatlon, it may not b8 lmpalrod or defeated by le(:is- latlve or executive notion eeekin~ to limit lto ex8rols8 by pleoln~ restrictions on the amount to be expbnded Sor travetiw expennoo. In the Departmental Approprfat 8n Bill tha Lsgialature ha5 atteraptedto make an appropriat$- on.dT admlai8trative erpenoes neaeasary to prov%da rree'taxtbooka out ol the AVailable Sahool FUnd, whlah, by,redqon of.ltgrfa\lUre to provide travallnf expanaec for th% illstrlb&tin tjt taxtbooke, neoee8arilg lnvol+ed an unwarranted and unoon- stitutlonal invasion by the Leg.Mature or ths parer oon- fsrred upon the State Board of 'Zdu8atlonto provide s~f- tlolent m0neys for ths aocosnpliehmentor suoh purposes. This power having been denied to it by the Constitution, it8 attemptsd exeroiae is a nullity. You are therefo'readVi88d thst in OUT opinion the State Board oi Zduaation may set aside oUt of the ~vvoil- able School Fund euah mount 8s will he auifloient to da- fray the traveling expenses neoa5sary to be inOUrr8d in the pUrCbae8 and dlstrfbutlon~of free textbooks .to the sob001 ahlldrea of this State. Under the oonstltutional prorlsion referred to, it IS not only wlthln the prorlnoo or the State Board of Bdueatioa 80 to do, but the Conatitu- tion srpresely makes it ita duty to do 80. %'NX8 very tN1y A!lTOR!!SYCZRZZALOFTEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1356
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017