Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Honorable Baeoom Gl~ar
    Coxmlutloner, Geaerel Lsnd Gtrlos
    Austin, Texas
    13, 10S9v you request
    8ha abovs rererred to
    aquast es r0iiow6:
    t0r 0r sin01air  to this 0rrf00  dataa
    , they desire to know if a persiltoould
    9 t&s Mate authorizlne theisto eon-
    roadway eoroes 68B. whlah is an tbs aoast
    tholr wall loaatlon  on 688 thus giving
    thm'an outlst to their preprrty.    fn oux da
    letter 0r 3cqeiembar67, we enalosed copier of our
    aorrsapondenaawith sinalair in aoumotion with
    thin  3Jiatter.3sversl of our mineral laws oppsar
    to et least lmpl that every aeslntanoeposslbla
    shell  be renderei the owmma at Ststa leases fn
    developing tho ppopert     Bawwar, this 18 tha
    first instanob or whiatof sm edvSaed where 8ha
    State hma been aalled an tbogfaat suoh parzait0s
    Honorable 6asaom Gilee, Page 2
    req,ueatad by Slnalelr. Pill you kindly advise
    this d epartmeat if, in your opinion, we would
    be authorized in lsauing suoh permit to Ave
    Sinclair aocess to this Traot 088 aaross Trsot
    “This is to request that you disregard our
    letter of September 27, 1939, and to substitutethis
    request for an opinion in lieu thereof.”
    Your question cells for our opinion as to whether
    or not the ComMsaloner of the Land Wfioe, under the faots
    and olroumstanoesrelated in your letter, has the authority
    to Issue a permit to Ylnolalr Prairie 011 Company authorizing
    that oompany to areot’a roadway aoros6 State owned submerged
    tract No.666.
    Seotlon 23 of Artlale 4 of the Texas Constitution
    creates the offloe OS the DommlsslonerOS the General Land
    Orfloe, but presorlbesno spaoliio duties of suoh otilaer
    other than that he shall perform “Etaohduties as are or
    map be required of him by law”.
    Artlole 52151,R. C. S., 1925, presariber tha
    general duties of the Commlmelonor of the General Land
    Offlae in the rollowing lan@age:
    Vhe Commissionershall superintend,eon-
    trol and dfr8ot the official oonduot of all sub-
    ordlnata ofl’laeraof the General Land Offloe, and
    execute and perfo~rmall eots and things touching
    or respaotlne the publla land of this State or
    ri@ts of individualsIn relation thereto, as may
    be required by law, and make and enforoe suitable
    rul,esoonslstent therewith. He shall plve lnfor-
    mation to the Governor and ~egislaturs aona6rnlng
    the pus110 lands, or ths General Land OU’iae,
    when required.*
    The statutes In force at the time Sinolair Preirie
    Oil Company secured Its lease on submerfiedtraot 683 in
    Nueoee Bay did not speolfloallyempower the Land COnmissioner
    to issue a permit of the nature now requested by Sinolafr
    Prairie Oil Company. It Is a well settled prtnolple in
    this State that publia ofrlasrs possess only suoh pWerS
    as are 8Xpresdy   OOeiWr8d  UpOn them by IsW Or are x-
    Honorable Baaoom Glles, Page 3
    aesaaril lmplled from the powers 80 conferred. They
    d      ei3allYperform acts not authorizedby exlatlng
    laws. See 34 Tex. Jur., See. 67, 440; Galleghan v.
    MoCowan, 90 S. Vi.319 (Clv. App. Writ of Error Ref.);
    liarlingenIndependentSohool Diatrlot v. C. R. Page &
    Bra., 48 S. W. (2) 983 (Conan.App.).
    Section 8 of Chapter 271, Aota 1931, whlah
    was In efteot et the time of the leasing of tract 688,
    *AI1 Islands, salt water lakes, bays, in-
    lets, marshes and reera owned by the State
    within tide water limits, and that portion of'
    the Gulf of Mexico within the jurladlotlonof
    Texas, and all unsold publio free aahool land,
    both surveyed end unaurveyad,shall be aubjeat
    to leaee by the Commlaalonerto en9 person, firm
    or corporationfor the productionof the minerals
    except Gold, allver,'pletlnum,olnnabar and other
    mete&s, that may be therein or thereunder, ln
    aaoordanoewith the provlalone or thla Act and
    aubdlvlalon2, Chapter 4, Title 86, Eevlsed
    Statutes of 1925, relating to leasing public
    areas, Insofar as same la not in oonfliat here-
    Subdivision2 of Chapter 4, Title 86, R. C. s.
    1925,:.(Artlolea5353-5366, Inolualve,R. C. S. 1925), to-
    gether with Chapter 271, Acta 1931, whloh aonfer upon the
    Lend Oommlaalonerpr?YJerand authorityto lease the area
    in question and prescribe the prooedure to be followed
    In making leases do not, in our opinion, either expressly
    or by necessary lmplloatlon,authorize the Land Commissioner
    to issue a permit of the kind now requested by Slnolalr
    Prairie Of1 Company under the facts submitted by you.
    Accordingly,we answer your question by stat-
    lng that, in our opinion, under the hots   Submitted In
    our letter and the file aocompanyingthe asme, the
    E ornmlaslonerof the General Land Office has no authority
    to 1~5~0 a permit to Sinolalr Prairie Oil Oompany to
    construct a roadway aoroas submere.ed tract 685.
    In oonoluaion,we wish to make olaar that in
    this opinion we are not passing upon the question Of the
    Honorable Bssoom Glles, Page 4
    right of the SinolafrPrairie Cl1 Company to a ray o?
    neoeseity over tract 685. Oar opinion is confined to
    a holding that under existing statutes the Land Co+
    nissloner is not authorizedto Issue a permit of the
    kind requested.
    Yours very truly
    , -.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1512

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017