- OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNN GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSllN Honorabl8 neomanSfroll& Eoaorablo Y. t. Sdlor Hoaorablo Marvin Leonard state Board ot Publfo wolfare Aurtsa, Texas @eatlam: 4um8 it8 aotiar 4 a lx e o ut ir e tha D4partmat 0 W4ltare. Sldaratlon to your eplaloa o? th8 lstlo a awhloh wa Zt la 4a8w4r to abort qnertion rou t it will br mo4844rf Sor the Stats to areuae 8Up4ni8iOn attar Au&ust =8t, 04a the prssaat 8pnaI48 ooatlau* to oporato Wring 8uOh p4riod ub4r the pr484at 84tUp (the 44Q1OT.48 Of th0 T48pOtiT4 4&42LOiO8 nO4iVill6 tha salarler provided ia .fhlppropriatloa e bill), without the eppolatmeat of aa Snoutlro Dlr4otor bf tlao Stat. Board?* Hon. Beeman Strong, Eon. X. L. Sadler, Hon. Xarrin Le0`` Page e- The State Department of Public Welfare $4 created by Senate bill Ho. 36 ot the.Reeular Seruloa of the Farty- sloth Leglelature, SootIon 364 of raid Aot whloh mu quoted in your letter r44d4 aa r0110w~t ‘Th e lrreotfro hat4 or this Act 8ha11 br 'Saptember 1 J939, Thereafter, the several orrloera 411d ,e@moles of the State whose autles are transferrob by this &oat to the State Depart- wat 8h4.11oontlnue to dlroh4rge the rerpeotite 4utles whloh they were dlroharglng at the the. 0r th4 taking dreot 0r thir hot, tdil the Stata Board 8hall rertifr ia wrItI8g, to the Seoretar~ or State and the kmptroller or Public Aaoouatr that the Stats Department or Pallo wo;lrere ‘$8 organized, 44 presorlbed in this Act 8zidIrrprepared to assume the duties loeI@ed to It by the p``Ti8iOn4 of thin Act.* The above-quoted prorlslon apparently ooate&$ea that tn? State-_ Board _~_of hbllo r;elfayeayr poa_tp+e the rsauaptlon or Its autles prescribed la Senate Bill No. 56 untIl.soae time after September 1, 1939, and that the T4riOU4 a,genoiesoodtted by this &Lotto the mperrl8Ioa or the 'newBoard rball ooatiaue to fuaotloa uader tha dormer 8etup, 1.8.. rudrr tha mperilslon of the Board of Qoatrol. we find, however, upon referr to the De- partmental proprlatlon Bill, belag senate3 ill 80.427, Ot the 46th 2 egislattue, that a0 appropriation ha8 born aade to the Board ot Control for the biennium beginning September 1, lE39, for the operation of several depart- ments traaeferred to the State Department of Pub110 %'eltareby Senate RI11 lo. S6.. Wo appropriation hab been made to the (1) Texas Old Age A8al8tance Oomnleslon (8) The Texas Relief Commission or (3) The Child Welfare Dep4rtment. we find only an appropriation to the State Department of Pub110 Welrere whioh 4 proprlatlon 18 eub- divided into three dIvis5.on8,being P1) the DIvIeion of Old Age Asslstanoe (R) the General Relief Dlviaion and (3) the Division of Child Welfare. fnthe rider to the appro- priation to'-theState Department of Publio Weliar we find the following languages *Provided further that aone of t&e rIght8, poppers and duties harein ereated and delegated Honorable B4e&u Strong, lfoa.Y.E. Sadler, Hon. Panin Leo&r& .Page S ah411 be lxerol8ed by tiny $epartmentor boar4 exoept by the State Deputmeat o? Pub110 Wel- tar4 and aoae of the 8pproprlatIoaa herein a1l4 shell be lxpended lxoept by 8416 Depertm4ut and the oon8ent 4ad approval of the State Bo4rd of Publlo Uelfsre 46 to poll$!y6hall be aeoaaaarr before any lxp8aditurea oaa be rede mder theae approprlatl~46~*, It la,‘.thereforo,4p rent that the old A@ haala- tan44 C%4&8aiO~ th4 Texas Bep" ier lX+mula6loa *ad the De- partmeat of Chili weir4m sannot oontluue to fuuotloa onbar the 8Upetii4fOn 0r the Board or Oontrol artar d-t 51, 1059; for the reaaon that a0 aoaey 18 prorided for the ipperationn of theae three igenoiea except a6 they hare be- come 4 p4ti oi tha State Departmat of Pub110 WeSfara under *he 88perviri-onor the state Do4rd of.Publlo Welrare. &zr answer to m flnt question muat therefore be that the 8ever41 agencies of the State rho44 duties 41% traaaierred to the State Department OS Pub110 Welfare oennot oontSnu4 to operate uuder the preaent srtup, Le., uuder the Board of control arter August 91 1939, ior the reason that 'the~glslature has xide no provision for the paymat of the 8~enaea 0r 8uoh operation. ConaIaerIng now your seoond question 46 to whethir the preaeat agenolea ray ooatlnue to operate after huguat Sl, 1939, under th4 8upervialoa or th4 Stat4 Weltara Board ulth- cut the 8ppoiatz6eatti UI ICxeoutlre.Dlmotor. 1Fehereinafter quote 46rtaIn provl8ion6 from Seaate Bill Ho. 36 rhloh m bellate aontrol the question: %eotIon dia. The Eoard shall aeleot and lppoIut .wlth the adrloe and eonaent of two- third8 [e/s) of the membership or the Senate, an Exeoutlve Direotor of tha Department of Pub- 110 VieSfare,who ahall k the 4xeoutlre and 4dSliniatr4tiTe orrioer ei the &ate Department and 8h411 dIaoharg4 dll 4dmIni8tratlve and exe- cutive Innotions of the State Departlasnt.** +S wSeotIoa 3.0. The Board ii8 ageata .rep- z'484ut4tiveaand emplooyrea ah& 4oonatltute'th4 Hon. Beaman Strom, Boa. Y. 1. S46lu, Xon. M4nin L44mird, Page 4 State Dapartme& o? Pobllo Welf4ti 84dwden- ever, by q 0r the ptoTi8iOa8 or. thf8 Act, u of any et&r Aot, 4ay right, peer 4r (hit7 l8 Impoaed.or oonfemd oa the Shte Departm4at of Pub110 weliare, the rl@t, power or autr 80 Imposed or eontenoa ah431 be poarea~ed and ex- lr c lmed.b y the LreoutITe Dlreotor on]. auoh rif@t, power or duty 14 spedflo````~le- gate6 to the 4ulr lp p o lnted agent.4or lmplo~oea or 8wh bpa*ent, OF cay at tber by th18 AOLat 4a:;4pproprl4t4pale, regulation or 4rdar State B44rLa wSaotIoa 4. %a Xxaoutlre Dlnotor 8h411 be #4 lfeoutlte am! 44mial4tr4tlre ofrloar of the Stata Department. The lkmout1~4 DIreotor, with the eoaaeat aad approval o? a majorltl or themeaberr of the Board rh4llr 8 4 4 b. Fix ob~eotlrr ittiard8 for mll position8 inalu6ea tithe o144aItIeatlon8.w %80t10a &a. * ? +%a Exeoutl~e Dlnotor 8h411 hare the pewer~. . + to Ialeot, 8ppoint, and dlaoharge m4h 48618t4nt8, olerk4, 8tenogra- pherr, lualtor8, booYlteeper8, raa elerlo4l 888f8- taat8 44 may be oeoesaery I4 the lQnInl8tratIoa or the but148 'Impore UQoa the State DepartrOt or Publio welr 4 r e l * ,.O We wirh to 0411 partiouht 8ttentioa to 8eotion S?b : "All 48614t4n04 knefIta prOTfa46 for ua¶er the term OS this Aat 8hall be paid by TOu4h4r4 or rrarraatrdrawn by the State Oosrgtrollu on the (State Departwnt oi Publlo Waltan- rundo ?or the purpose Or permitting the State damp- troller to properly draw end iaaue ruoh TOUOhbr8 or warrant4 the 8tete Departrsnt Ot Pub114 Iel- fax-4 8h4ll hrnlah the Qomptrollu with 4 l.iat or roll or those entltlea to 46816t4a00 rrca time to tire, together with the amount to which laoh reolpleat la latltled. When 8uOh TOUObsrS 4r Wafiantl hawk been drawn thaw rh4ll be ae- uTOr46 to the ~xe4atlr4 DIreot0r of the State Dsppartmant0r m In turn ah811 Hon. Baaman 8trongr Eon. Y. f. 84dler, Hoa. Xanla Laoaard, Page 5 lp a r via e the aollren of 8ame to the mmoam eatltl86 thereto.w We ti80 drh to Oa tour 4tteatlo4 to Seoilon 3 or tha Aot, whIoh read8 lu p4rta The State Deputmnt 8h4l.lk aharged with th4 4dml4l8tr4tloa of fbr w6lfare lotlrltlea of th4 Stata es &reIaatter prOTid46. The btete Depart- mnt 8h811: eeLI %rtabQ8h 4nd poTlde 8u4h method or looal 4drinl8tr4tIon 48 l8 deaed 4bln18tmt144 46r144b14, 4ad deaed 46r144b14, 4ad pro- vlde moh meraonnel as say ba found neoeaauy for out In aa 44onomloal ray the 4drPiei atra- We.belleTe .tbt the lbova quota& pcOTf8iNA8 tram 8enate Bill lo.,W olearly wldeaoe an Intention on the part Of tb +iti4tUl% t4 PI408 ti 4ddUf8tl’4tiTO <fOS FO- Tided In’thi Aot in the hand8 of the Lreeutlra Dlreotor, the Boar& of Pub110 VNfsr4 kihg Suteaded mrely 46 4 8up4r- ti8O~ bodr. Ia a6 muoh 48 tha Aot clearly plaoea the re- 8pouaIbIllt~ ?or the 4drinlMiration.or tha multir4rio~ duties otthe 8tate Dep8rta8nt of Rlbllo Wolfare In the hands of th8 XxeoutIre Dlreotor, it 18 our opinion th4t 8eladep4rWent oannot funotion *it&tat th e lppolntm~ o r the ExeoutlreDIreotor. Ue thordora n8peot?ully driw @u that ‘k&or the Act the first dot7 of the Bo4~ 8poa qmllfylug cad after &ot* 4 ohairman 8h411 be to 4eleot ana appoint 4n ExeoutlTe Direotor 88 proTla*a in saotIoa aa. TouraTery tllaly A!rwmm~RALtiTrxAs &pprwedt Auga Sl, 1939. (8&lL& co. XaUU O?TtxAs
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1350
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017