Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU%TlN Ron. ShsZburneR. @$wer county Attorn y ?rarionccunty Je~fermn, Terss lhar Slrt te, mquestin#jtha abev4 quistion,haa eaenb the asttllab 34W horfty of Cowslaaionere* T%' fh%ll'tS hlWe Only nueh the Con%tltutlan and the ah- Coizpsny VB. ~M.``~JMoo;~ Col%vli8a~onere' aourt oan exerciseonly %u& ``~424 the Crnotitutlonor the &#elatura apeoific3elly 44 aonf4rrugen tams. law -88.mat4, 97 I38ana 864. The CoaaPirtifoneoo' Court $8 4,ore8tureof the Constitution, and ite,pmava em liEltte4 by the Ccrast,itu- ttan an4 tfa laws. El &m County vs. Elani,104 SW IBnd 563. The r;omtnlpiossre~, Court ic not vested with gnera~ pol1;pe ‘Pow+. Cdarmi%B~OXdX’ ~’ ~oUrt”Oi fkd’i% unty OC. hleir~ &%-cm and 840. Icoor4lngl7, tho,+n%dr%lonqr%~.~ Court ot k!erlon County 0e.a rxprnd ooQnty.‘fudla Xtir~tho~qhrpo8eb deaorlb8d bp you in 7our l%t.tm ohl7. l$ the authority thsnfor la found in the Conatltutlanbr la tS’% d’dtutory @n``%nt% of the f%Q;lalat\trs. We hat% dlllg%ntly %%%roh- id..thr Conrtltutlon en4 thr statute%, an4 hew been un- lbla to find aa authgrltyti.mprefm oc implied, whioh wou1a fiuthok&e thir prop0pea %xp%ndltur% ot ooullty 3unar bp th8’ Bbepri~%~tmIJra~‘Eourtiot Orion County. ‘Fble~,he%been th% uoiforn holdlnCC of thi8 Department on similar questl6i.u. For example, it we8 held.b7thir lhportnant in O~lnlonRo. O-&514, to Ron. Truetttnith,DletrlotAttorney,T8haka, Torna,that the Commiesioaf~r8~ Court war without euthority to ex- pend aaunt fun40 Tar the employment of e spoolal otti- oer to work In four oounties for the p 088 of rrpprs- handingoattle thieveat It was kel4 by “f:t 1% Eqmrtmnt in Opinion No. O-591, to Ron. Charlea 8. Thoobald, County Attornsy, dnlveston Texe%, thet the Coml%%loner%~ Court oi delvraton Eaunty, Texaswas without authority to expend oouaty fun48 for the mmplo %nt of MT% guard% for the Cklverton Eb%oh; en4 in CpinPon No. O-1899,to Ron. Shelburno H. Olover, Peaa S lion. John R. ahook, Crlmlnal Mstrlot Attorney, Gan Mtonlo, Taxer, thet the Cocmlsslonsrr~ Courf of Fiexar County 00~14 not legal17 oxpem! mwy rrcmany of the Bexar County fun68 for fire poteotlrn iron the City of San Antonio for 4lrtrlotr outel4e of the oltp %a4 in the oounty. Your que8tlon 18, thereiore, rrspeotiully anand In the negatlvo. We rean:n, Very truly your8 Al’l’ORNEY G3ilSAL OF TEXAG ATTOFWEY GEiNmAi,OF Ti;[A$ COMMIHCC

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1085

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017