Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Honorable I<.R. Bullock
    County Attorney
    Peoos county
    Fort Stockton, Texes
    Dear Sir:
    county purpose rund.
    e the r0uaning question:
    'Stat&es, provides for
    by the Commissioners
    d five cents on the
    on for the puzabase
    r county parks.
    that thia statute is subjeot to
    tion 9, of the Constl-
    fails to designatewhich of the
    oounty funds it shell be a part,
    it any, of the oonstitntionalcounty
    ie oent park levy should be ebarged.
    Peooa County whether the
    above meatitinedfive cent levy for oounty parks
    should be allooated to and charged as a pert of
    the oonstltutional'ooanty*permanentimprovement
    fusld,~and, if not, to what establishedfund, if
    any, the park fund should be ohargad?*
    fnsofar 5~3we have been able to asaertain, the questian
    has   never been passed upon by our oourts or this DepPrtarent.
    Bon. M. 2. Bullook, Pago #2.
    We must,   therefore,look to the Constitutionand statutes   for
    our answer.
    Sootion 9. Artiolo 8, limits the authority of any oounty
    to levy ad valorem tares to oortain purposesand proaoribea
    maximum rate for each purpoee. NO OouMq mey levy taxes in
    excess or (a) for general edminlatrationpurposes, twenty-five
    cents; (b) ror roadsand bridges, fifteen oents; (0) to pay
    JUIOTS, fifteen oonta; (d) for the creation of publio bulld-
    iuga ... and other porm4nont improvements,twenty-riveoonta
    on the one hundred dollars valuation.
    bionopraised by taxation for on4 of th8ao enwn4ratod
    purpoeosmay not be expended for another of said purposes.
    Williams v. Carroll, 
    182 S.W. 29
    202 S.W. 5M
    . The ques-
    tion is, ti!ereforo,an~lmportantone,
    Article 6078, Bovlaod Statutes, authorizoatho oomaia-
    aioners* OOUX% of any aouaty to levy and oolleot a tar sot
    to exoood rive cents on oeob one hundred dolla$a of assessed
    valuation or the oounty vror the purohoao and improvement af
    leads for use as oounty pork%,* after the propositfoubaa.
    been submitted to and ratlflod by the property tax-poyling
    voters 0r the oouuty. The roll power and aontrol wer auoh
    a pork la vested in said oourt and it Way levy and oolloot,
    an annual tax auffloiontla their judgment to properly main-
    tain auoh parks end build end oonstruot pavilionsend auah
    other buildings es they smy deem neoessary7 lay out and open
    driveweya end walks, 'pavethe same or any part thoreor, set
    out Woos end shrubbery, oonstruot ditohea or lakes; and
    make suoh other improvomontaas they may doom proper. 8UOh
    parka shall remain open for the Oreo us4 of the public under
    auoh reasonablerules and regulationsae said court nurypre-
    It Is obvious that the m4nep with whioh to p~rohoao 4
    park site and to lapro~o tho saplomust b4 paId S~OEItho
    general purpose or the ponaanant improvementfund of the
    county derived freonthe ad velorea tax levied and oollooted
    under the euthority.oonferredend limitationsImposed by
    Seotion 9, Article 8, aupra. The statute is &lent 4s to
    which 0r these funds is tho proper one to bear the expense.
    It is provided in Artiole 6079, Revised Civil Statutes,
    *All revenue from the sale of eu4h privilegesOr oonoeaal4na
    shall go into 4 fund forth4 maintenanoe Of said parks.4
    me Legis~turo has'authorieoQany 4otlntyof thia Stat4
    to establish and maintain publia ,parks. Suoh ,parks4ro
    Hon. E. R. Bullock, Page #S.
    establishedfor the.bsnevolentpurpoes of pmnotiag heelth,
    hepplnevs end general welfare of not only the citizens of the
    County, but or the people generally. The ohereotor or the
    Improvementssp4clfioellymentioned in the statute are design-
    ed to eooompliehthat purpose. Lewis vs. City cf Fort worth,
    (Sup. Ct.)89 S.W. (2d) 975.
    The buildlnga.tobe ereoted on the sit4 are undoubtedly
    "public bulldingsW,endall cU the other named lmprovermsnts
    authorizedby the statute to be made thereon em wpermn4nt
    improvementsWwithin th4 meaning of those t4rms es used in
    that provisionof Section 9, Article 8, suprs, euthorieing'e
    oounty to levy e tax Vor the areotion of publio buildings
    ... and other psnmnent iaprovsments.*
    It appears to UB that the only appropriatetex tlmt
    could be levied end oolleoted for such purposes 1s the tax
    to whioh we have just refmrod. Thie la undoubtedlytrue es
    to the publio buildlags end other p4ermanent improvtienta
    made on-the park site; In order t&at it may not be thought
    that we have overlookedthe fact t&et the oonstitutioaalaed-
    tlon und4r 'revlew.prcvides vfor the ereotlcm of public bulld-
    1x3  .. ..e end not for the purchase of the sits upon rhiohq
    suoh building is to be emoted, we will brietly.diaausa
    that ph54 0s the s4otion.
    In the ease oikfoon va. Alred, 277 S.U. 787, error din-,
    missed, the court held that en aleotion authorizingthe
    issuenoe of bonds vror the purpose of the srootion and oquip-
    ping of the courthousednd'tho oouaty jail end the purohaslng
    of a site or sites therefor*w4s not void for we&,& euth-
    orlty to Include the propositionsfor the purohaas oi site
    end equipaent in t!.osleotion order. The statute involved
    ras Article 718, whioh in part, reeds:
    "After havLag been authorized es provided in
    Chapter One of this title, the oomlssiouers oourt
    of s county nmy lawfully issue bonds of said county
    for the following purposes:
    "To ereot the county oourthouae and jail, or
    q, are not here oonoeraod.
    With the othes purposea neiued,,~
    The court held tha%.whenever'ap&m   is given by atetute,
    everythingneoes4e~ to n&co it oif4otual or requisite to
    Hon.     ii.   R. Bullock, Egge #4.
    attain the end sought is implied. The eifect or the opinion
    is that notwithstandingthe statute provided for the 155uanc4
    of bond4 "to ereotv the oounty oourthouse end jail, or
    either, the court ~4s empowered to purohese sites ror eeoh
    end pay for same out of the proceeds received from the sale
    of the bonds.
    The opinion is importantfor the reason that the mousy
    obtained for the emotion of county courthousesend jells
    must aoms,from the taxes levied end oollectedunder that
    provision of Section 0, Article 0, supre, relating to the
    erection of pub110 buildings end other permanent imprwcmonts.
    Anderson vs. Parsley (Clv. App.), 37 S. W. (26) 358, error w-
    We believe the reasoning of the oourt in this base is
    equally eppliaebleto the constitutionalsection under rc-
    view.   In feat, suoh is the sfioot of the opinion, for both
    the'statute end said 'sectionuae'the term."to 4reot.e The
    Constitutioncontrols the statute,    When the erect term -to
    erect*, wed In both, Is COaStNOd.es used in the statute,
    it necessarilyfollcwa that tho,sam oonattruotion   la, by
    implioetlon,giv4a to that texvn4s used In the Constitution'
    to which the 4tatut4 relates. A public buIldIag &maot be
    erooted without a site ppon which to erect it, Arti~l4
    13078speoifIcallyauthoria45the oourt to purchase lead end
    improve the 84514by oonstruotI.ng buildlags thereon, eta.
    It   SOllOW      that   the gland for   perk purpoaea   may be tioquired
    end paid for out of the asme fund available for the emotion
    of pub110 build&e and other peinmnent ImproverPente.
    It ia our further opinien that ourrent operating expenses
    oS suoh parks mast be paid out of the genei purpose fund
    of the county.
    Yours very truly
    : pbp

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1082

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017