Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN U-8. Violet 3. Umonhill, Chief Mri~ion of Chtld Welfare State Bear6 of Central Atdlll, Texaa Dear yadplu aboar6iqhome able Fntereat in de4 in th6 lw.n&e hod or aithity ty to the ohlld or ohildren what de- an insurable ia the ohild? boer4e6 tiththm, uould it be a reasonable repletion of thlr oirioe, rondu the lloena- ing ZMotlons of the mtision an roari tzl Vernon*5 Texas Stataterr,Artlrle 69!5a,Sao- tton 6 and &M.ele 444i?a,to prohibit suoh foster pomnts from taking insuranoe on the ohlld or ohil6ren boardedwitlithamf BEerr the foster parents ue bantkflelula6? Where the68tate0ithe auldi8ma4eboaefialary?~ ,l&s. Violet s. OMenhill, CNef, Page 2 the faata 8.t out Ln yQur latterour armrex tlnnder to pour ?i.r8tqubstion la -no*. Qnthe ease of llre lnsuran8e, an ln4urabl4 interwt exUt# only if there be a reasonable groua4,foun4sd uponthe relatlonorthe partlo8, either ``~ouniar~OT or blood ur atiinity. to et- piat rob h4xi4i3t or abantag4 from the-Oontiitlp an44 oftb l.lX4ufth*n8s``* flrstXatian.al Bank vs. Liwmsay, 37 8. K. (Ed) 765. Pub110 polioy prohibit8 lnauranue in favor of oae fnmrable interest. wake w. Finn‘ 39 8. w. (eat . Our answer to your reeond qtlbstlonis thst a t oatem par4nt as 4efine4 in your httsr is gowrned by the 6am rules of.fnsurabi.litythat apply to people gemrally. TN8 balng tru4, youare idr~e4 that sosh Soster parents would have an In&arable intem8t ti the lifo of the ehll4 if relate8 within the degree aonsl4are4 neoemary to eustain suoh inrurable in- tersst. Equitable Life lmmranoe company vs. Hazelwood, lP. s. w. al. Im this state our oourts hew he14 that where the inaurabls fnterest met8 on relationship alons, a8 distinguish- ad fmm a reasonable erpeotation of a peaunlary banefit or ad- vantage from the continued life or the in8UTed, that this rela- tionship m&it be as oloss a8 the seoond degree. 7iiltonvs. Cew York Lire Insurance Colnpany,78 3. w. 403. Our amvmr to yrxr thM quertlon is that you are authorized under the provlalo~ or Artiole695 (a), sootion 6 In oonjuna;tionwith Artlole4448 (a), Vernon’8Annotated Civil Statute8 to presorlbe reasonable and unlfonn regulations re- qufoit4 40 b38~ lieefti?e8 t0 fOEt4r parent8 Of bOiWdiXQ3hOB48. In our o inion to prohibit the taking of lrururanoe on the Ufe or a og il4 by a fosterparent hsv& no ineurable interest either where the father parent or the estateof the ohU4 I8 mmed beneiioiary, mal4 be a reasonable regulation m. Yiolmt 8. UroenNll, CN4f, P4gr S 80ppoH44 by SOUIL~publle polloy and suah regulationesMl4 be made wlthla the eoun4 4isoretlonof the Divisionof 9hll4 Wel- iam of the State Board of Control. Trustingthattha abme satiafaotirflp 8mmertJ qtleatlon, we are V4rYtrulJJours B: ' AP?IC.'E:AUG18, 1939 L.- ATTOIU?EZ GUIERALOF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1074

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017