OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN / Eon. IfubertC. Wright AGGiStGnt COUlty Attorney w1llaog county RapndVill.8, ??eXtUI on onthe above statad questionhas be as follows: esloners* Court he is entitled to such additional n, Is the amount therpsofecetby d If 80 ad, whatsis suoh amount? "3. II not so set, how and by Worn is suuh OJeountdetsnnlnad'? Hon. Hubert CL Wright, Pegs 2 Article 38S3, n. c. S., reads In part es roi- lOPiS: "Exoept as otherwiseprovided in this Aot, the annual r8eS that may be retained by precinct,oounty end distriot offloors mentioned In this &rtlols sh&U. be es fol- - 1OWS: "1. In OOIUIti8SOOntaining hrsnty rive (23,000)thousend or less inhabitants:County. Judge, Distrlot or Cr5.dnel Dlstriot Attorney, Shsriff, County Clerk, County Attorney, Dis- triot Clerk, Tar Collaotor, W Assessor, or the Assessor and Collaotor of Taxss, TWsnty- four Hundred ($2400.00)DolLare eaohl Justloe or ths Paaoe end Constabla, delve Hundred ($l200.00)Dollera aaoh..,." , Section 3 of Article 3926, R. C. 8. as amended, made as rollare: Tot presiding over the Ccmm.lsslonsrs* Court, ordering sleotlona and making raturns thereof, heerlng and detsmPiulng01~11 (MUSOB, ii any, end trenaeotingall other 0rri0ial businsss not otherwIseprovided for, the county Judge the11 reosl~s mh salary from the Couety~Traasuryas the Ccawelssloners* Court may allow him by order, payable monthly from the Oenerel runds or the oountf, proxddad, that In oountieshaying ~290,ooo,wo.00 eesoaa- ed valuation,or more, end whioh ham estebllsh- sd therein institutloesfor the uare of both dependentand delinquent boys and girls, the County Judge shall receive as sx-offioio salary, not to be aocounted ror as i8tWt0r offloe, end in addition to ail auount8 allowed under the ~.:eximum FW ~iii, the r\dhor ``lll 0r $3.000.00 per ammu, payeble monthly out of the generel lunds or the oounty." Artiole 3893, 77. C. S. provfdes that: The Gomissioners* Court Is h8reby debarred rr0m allowIng compensationfor ax-officio services Hon. Hubert 0. Wright, Page 3 to county ofrlclelswhen the corn.pensatIon end excess fees whIoh they are allowed to retain shall reaah the xmximm provided ror In this ohapter. In oases where the oompensatIanaml excess fees whloh the officers are ellcmed to retain shell not reach the msxlmum provided . for In this ohapter, the Caum1sslon!rs*Court ; sha sum aaP.xnsationfor OX 0rri0i0' em- vices tien, in their judwnt, euoh oompensa- tlon Is neoessary,provided, suoh oompensatlon for ex officio services allowed shall not In- crease the oompensation~Oi~the%ffIoIalbeyond the m of OcmnpensatIonand tUOOSS fees alluwedtobs retainedby hla underthis ohap- ter. Provided, however, the ex offiolo herein authorizedshall be al&mad only after an oppor- tunlty for a publio hearing end only upon the aitinuetirevote of at least+&aeqmmbers of the Commissioners*CourLw Artiole 3891, R. C. S., reads In part as fol- lows: %aah ortloer named in this Chapter shall simt out ~0r the ouIT(tntrees or his orffoe pay or be peld theamountallouedhl.mun er thepro- visions of Artlole 3683. together tith the sal- aries or Ns assistants end deputies, and authorizedexpeneas under Artlole 3899, and the amount neresaery to oover costs or pramium on whqterer surety bond may be required by law. 3.f the eurrent tees or auoh office oollectedIn any year be more than the amount needed to pa)-the fmounts above 8pe6iried, Stme Shal.~be deemed fJXC0SSr88S, and shall be disposed of In the namer hereinafterprovided. . "In oountles containing-twenty-fivethousand (25,000)or less inhabitants,Dlstrlot and County ofrlaers named herein shall retain one-third of suoh 8``88~ fees until auoh One-third,together tith the aIIIOuIlt8 SP8Omed in Article 38f33,amOUnt Bon.Hubert c. wright,Plug8 4 '-toThree Thousand aOl.lem ($S,OOO). Pmolnot oitloere shell retain o--third until suoh one-third,togetherwlth the ammt spsoifled ia Artlole 9885, &mount6 to Foul-t&m Hundred Dollars ($1400).....~ Theonlystotute nouinfom3erorc4rrlngdtrwtlf to oompsnsatlondue a oounty judgs forpresiding over the oommisRionem~ oourt is aulml~TlsionS, Art1018 S925, aapn. Under ArtlolasSSSSand 5881, R. C. S.. the mrl- ~. ma ?em $or the oouaty Jude. of Wlllaoy County ls Thrm Thatlsaad(b,ocO) malam. Arttale SWti, supre provides r0r00mp~etl~r0rer00ffioio smlaesd&arr&allusumea thereof rhea thq acmpansation anll8x0(988rees maoh iho mul- mm pnntiad by laws. Tim CM Rundz;sdand3Unety-fire ($195.00)Dollars ex ofrio monthly salary allmadbythoComi``loner8' court oaapeaaeteethe aaunty#~&ge r0r presiding 0-r the oowl~slonem~ aourt or&mtng eleetloas end lvlkfnPreturns themaurbiandt-``inga~othstotfioialbus~annd othemlse pro*idod iOr. _~ You am respeet~ullfadrlsed that it la the opin- ion Q this departmsntthat the oounty Judga of Wllleoy County is not entitled to oddktional oolapensaiiontar pro- sldiag oter the aommf.seloners*ooart. Aswehavasmswamd your flret queaitlonin the aegetivo, it is not aeoessory that we answsr the questions Noa, 2 and 3. Trustlngthatthe tmegolngansworsyour inquiry, we rem&In Very truly your8 AT!iVRWEY-RAX OF ,mXAS APPROVES JUL 8, 1939
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1017
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017