Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable J . c. cowdy CountyAuditor. Fiohita County v;lohitaFalls, Texas Dear sir: Yourreqlletit$0, quostionsr oera' salar y thin Departmat. 3: Honorable J. C. OOwdY. Pa@ 2 and blankets sutiioient for the oclatortoi the prluoner,when there 18 no Jell in a county, the sherlrr Inayrent a suitable house and employ guarb8, the qqmna~ to be paId by the proper oounty.* Art.10106116, Retlaed Civil Statutes oi Texas, reads a8 r0umt -Eaoh sherIrr 38 the keeper or the Jail or’ his oouuty. Ha shall safely keep therein all jrisonars aommItted thereto by lawful authority, subjeot to the order of the proper oourts, aad a&all be reeponelblefor the safe keeping of such prlsonbrs. The aherirr may appoint a.jail- or to take'uaaraoi the jail, and 8oppl7 the wanta or thoao therein oonflned; but in all oaaettthe sheriff ~&all oxaroise a supervIslonand.cumtrol over the jaIli* Artlolle1040, Code of O.rImInalPmoedluy of Texas, mada an r0u0mtt nAllauattee to 8herISf for prisoners. Fo* the 8afo kmeplsg, empport and malntenan~ of prl- 8onmt oonflned b jail or qdsr guard,the tther- lff shall be aUwed the iolloring olmr@st "1. For the safekemp of eaoh prlscmr iOr eaoh day the SUIPor rirtn0n oente, not to erow4 the sum or two hundred dollars par mnth. -2; For support and mz&&enamm, ror maah ~lsoaer for eeoh da7 uuoh an mount a8 sprybe rlxed by th8 6omIssIaaers aoort, &qwIasd the 8om shall be FcrasO?Mbly6uffliSlant for suoh purpose,an6 lttttoet(bqt~sballit be lass than rorty osnt*~,par day nor lore thmu iavetttpflva " cents per aa7 for saoh prlnottar, The 'notpro- rlts shall aonstltutwfees oioffIo41 and shd3.l be aooounteb fo r b ythe lharZCi in his annW report as other rOes.?mu provided by law. The sherIft ahalL In suab report iamish an Sea- lzed verlried aOaOtW of all #xpandltnns made by hla for'fe*bEaga2t4~m2&mam+o of~prismots, aaooapattyltg au8$:pepa* tith~r0eelpt8and YOttOheX8 in IluppQrt or sue& ilieu Pr~..expend1tM,aIt6the Honorable J. C. Oowdy, Page 3 differmoe between euoh expendituresand the amount allowed by the oomnaiselonereaourt shell be deemed to constitutethe net profits for which said off:- aer shall aaoount es fees or offloe. "3. For .neoeeearymedlael bills anC reeson- able extra aompaneetlonfor attention to a prleonep during slokuese, suoh an amount as the o~emleeIon- ere .aourtof the county where the prisoner 18 oon- fined may determine to be just end proper. "4. For reeeonable runerel exneneee in aase of death." Art1016 1041, Gods or Criminal Probeduro or TBIBS, reeds as tollowet *Ouerde~end matrons. The she&M eha&l be allowed i0r eaoh guard or matron neoeeeerllgem- loyed In the sare-kee lug of prisoners Two Dol- Pare end Pltty Cents ('$ a.50) for seoh dayi 1po allowauoe &all be medo ror ths board or mob guard or matron, nor ehall any ell0uance be made ror jailer 0r tUrnkey, except in oountlee he~ittg a poptiatlon in oxoode or forty thousand (40,000) Inhebltentsaooording to the last prooodlng or any ruture Federal Cenaxs. In euoh ootmtIee ot Porty thousand (40,000) or more InhabItante, the.OommIselonere'Court may.allow eaoh Jail guard metron, jailer and turnkey Four Dollars end Fifty cent8 ($4.50) per day; provided that, in oounties having a poptiatlon in ofoeee of three hundred and fifty-five thousand (358,000) inhabitants,acaordlng to the last preoedlng or any future Federal Csnsu?, eeoh jail guard, matron, jailer aid turulceyshall be paid not less than One Hunbred and SnYenty-flpe ($175.00) Dollars per month.? IS or Artlole 39X%, Seotlon 3, Revised Qlvll Statute Texas, reads es iollowet "In all oases where the O0nimlssIotisre* Court shall have determined that the erty oifloere or preoiaot offloere in duoh oouutses shall be oom- peneated for their aervlaee by the,payment,ofan annual salary, neither the 8tete of Texes or axq county shall be oherRed with or my to any of the otflaerti80 oom3mneated.any fee or oomdseion for the perfomieuo0Of any OS aU. Of ths dutiee Og Honorebla J. CI oardy, Page 4 their ofrloee, but tiuohottIoSr8 shall reoelvo eelh salary In lieu of all other ises, oommle- alone end oompeneatloneirhlohthey would other- wise be authorized to retain; provided, however, that the Aeeeeeor and Oollootor of taras Shall oontlnue to oollsot and retain for the benefit of the offloers seler fund all runde hereln- after rovlded for alf fees and oommlSelone whloh Ii S is authorlesd.underlaw to oollootJ end .lt shall be his duty to aooount for and to p8y all euoh moneys rtiaolvedby hirmInto the iuude created end provided for under the provisions of thle sot' provided further, that the provl- elons of th1s'aot shall not affeot the payment of ooste'ln ol~ll,oaeoe by the.Stete but all euah ooete 80 paid Shall be aooounted for by the aftloere oolleotlngthe aems, as they are rsqulred under the provision8 of this mot to aooount for 2888, oommieeloneed ooete ool- leoted Srom private pSrtles.W Artlalo 1659, BevIeod-Ol~llStatute8 oi Taxas, made as roiioret aBupplles of every kind road end bridge material, or any other mats&l, for the UPS or said oount~, or any or lte offloere, dopert- merits,or Inetitutlonemust be ptirohaeed on oompstltl.vSbide, the oontrnote to be awarded to .theparty who, ln the judgment of the Gem- mleelonere* Oourt, has submitted the lowest ena beet bid. The oounty auditor shall adver- tise for a period of two weeks ln at least one dally newspnper, publl8hed and OfroulatSd in the oounty, for suah eupplloe and materiel ao- cording to rpSoIrIoetionS,giving in detail what be neebed. &oh advertleemonttihhall stats whors the s Salrioetloneire to ba found and ehall give the time and pleoe for rooolv~ng euoh~bltle. All euoh oompstltlve bide ehall be kept on f'llo by the oounty auditor a8 n pert or the XSoorde of his offloe, and shall be eubjsot to lnepeo- tlon by anyone dealring to see them. Uoplee or all bide reoelved Shall bS furnished by the county auditor to the aounty judge and to the CommiselonSre*Court; end when the bids rsaelvo6 are not satlsfeotOryto the Seld judge or 0Wnty ~oommlelllonere,the auditor shell rejeot eeld bide and re-advSrtlsefor now bide. In 0aSoe of emergsnoy, purahaere.not in Sxeese of One Honorable J. C. Gowdy, Page 5 Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150~00)may ba made upon $bequlsltionto 36 approved by tha COIIUUIS- aloners* Court, without advertising ior oompetl- tlve bide." Thl6 department held on Yaroh 4, 1938, In en opinion written by Honorable J-es & lpsff,Assistant Attorney tinoral: that the sheriff:should buy'food used in feeding prisoners oonfined in county jail; that it walr the duty of tha Commls- sloners' Court:to furnlah the oounty jailer with mattresses and blankets and that auoh mattresses and blankets should be bought on ooiapetltivebids as provided by Artl.ole1559, Revised Civil Statutes of TBICII.. This departmentheld on December 3, 1937, in an opinion written by Honorable Jams H. Xafi, Aesirtant Attor- ney Mmral, that where a aherifi Is oompansatsdon a ralarp baa16the Commlssloners*Court la unauthorltedto allor a sheriff a apso'ifio mm for the boardlqg oi rlaoaere; that the rhsriff was not.entitled to fifteen oents perrday,for safe keeping of prisoners;that the eharlff rhonld ba al- lowed only the aotual expanse0 Lnourred by him in fss@ng prisoners in his oust&y; that it was the duty of tha ahe.ritf Do provide meals for the prleoaere oonflned in hi6 jatlJ that the C~mmfsslbnsre*Court was~wlthoutaanth~rltyto OOII- traot with a third party for feedin& prle&ners oonflned la the aounty Jail. Ue.snoloseherewith a oopy of this opinion. Opinion Nor Q-339 of this department hold6 that the sheriff andnot the Cammlssloaers'Court should eIupervire the purahaee of~food and feeflingof prlaonera. With ixferanoeto your first quastlon, you are rea- peotfully advised ihst it 15 the opinion of $hiF dspartment that In your oounty the sheriff haa authority to feed and .purohasefood nsoes,sary for the amlnteuanoe of prisoners In the ootmty jail. You are further reepeotfullyadvised that It is the'opinionof this departmentthat In your oounty the ConmiselonerafCourt would have authottty to prrrohasaOr authorize the pwohame of other supplies neoeaeary far the malntenanoe of prisoners,!andsr the provisions of Art1018 1059, Revised CLvil Statutes of Texas, tauprar In answer to your easond quaetion, you are reepeot- fully advi?,~:J. that it is the opinion of thie department that Honorable J. C.'Gowdy,Page 6 in your oollnty,your ComIfIia8iOner8' Court would not be suthor- iced to ooatraot with the sheriff aa outllaad~byArti0le 1040 of the Code of CriminalProoedure and allow him a apeoiflad awn MI! the safekeeping,feeding and malntenanoe of prisoners. You are further respeotfullyadvised that it la the opinion of this departmentthat in your oounty the 8herltP.Gould only bd allowed his aotual expenaea lnourred in the feedlag of prlaonera, and that if there wera any profit in same, then the sheriff nhould deposit suoh profit, ii any, In tha Offl- oera' Salary Fund. With refaranoe to your third question regarding the oompeaaatlonof "baIlIffa*waiting upon the courta, we ras- paotfully advise you that the only oharaoter oS%alliffa~ provided for ln the Texsa atatutea.arethe walking and rld- lng grand jury balliffa~prooidedror In Axtlols 1058, Code of Crlmlnal Prooedure of Texas, and the balllrfa for the Oourt of Civil Appeal8 provided for in Art.1018LObSa, Code of Criminal Aooedure of Texas. However, the term Rballiffn ia oommonly and fre- quently applied to the aherltr or hia deputy who Fait8 upon the Dlatrlot or Couaty Court unbar Artlola 9955, Rovlaed Civil Statute8 of.Texaa, and we believe that you have thla in mind. rith referenoa to your question+ Artiole 39'99,Rdiided CIvilStatute of Taxaa, l.n part, read8 as follow8: Vor every day the Sheriff or his ~depu$y shall attend ,thedlatrlot or oounty o0urt, he ahall redeive four dollar8 a day to be paid by the oounty for eaoh day that.the sheriff by himself or a deputy shall attend said oourtP This de artment held on August S5, 1932 in an 0pin-r onorableA. B. Chapman, Pounty Attorney, ion addraaaed to ii Diokena,~@&l@, mitten by Honorable Soott Gaines, Aaaiatant Attornef&i&al, that.warrantaIssued to sheriff under Artlole 3933 in dttendanae on'dlstrlotor oounty oourt are payable out of the General Fund and not out of'the Jury Fund. You are reapeotfullyadvised that It la the opinion of this de 8rtment that the fee8 allowed to sheriffs under Artinla --- ----- 3, for uait.inaon the diatriot and 0Ounty oourta. 30 fs in oountlea %heii thi~ih&lrf la oomgeaaatedon a f&e basis, are payable out of the General Fund of the,oounty. Honorable J. 0. Gowdy, Page I You are rurther reapeatfullyadvised that in your county, wharo the sheriff 18 oompensatedon a salary basis, the,eherlff wpuld not be entitled to any feea from the county for hia aeryloea In waiting on the dlatriot and oounty courts under Artlole 5933, beoauae Seotlon 3 of Artlole 3918e, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, prohibits aame~ Truetlng that this aatiafaotorilyanswers your in- quiry, we are Very truly roux-8 ATTORWEY Gb’ERAL OF TEXAS BY et

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1228

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017